GENEVA MEDICAL COLLEGE* Geneva Medical College was chartered in 1834 and gave its first course of instruction in 1835. Its first faculty were Edward Cutbush, WilJard Parker, Thomas Spencer, John George Morgan, Charles B. Coventry and Anson Colman. Its faculty at a later period, including several years, were James Hadley, John Delamater, Thomas Spencer, James Webster, Charles B. Cov­ entry, Frank H. Hamilton and Charles A. Lee. After the Buffalo Medical School was opened the Geneva faculty was re-organized, cOnsisting at dif­ ferent times of the following members: John Towler, A. P. Bowen, Fred­ erick Hyde, William Sweetzer, Joel Hardy, Caleb Green, George Burr, James H. Jerome, Alfred Butler, Nelson Nivison, Hiram N. Eastman; Ezra T. Allen and Charles E. Ryder, some of whom continued in their places, laboring in the school until it closed in 1872. When the Geneva Medical School was merged into the Medical Department of Syracuse University, the following members of its faculty, Towler, Hyde, Nivison, Eastman and Ryder, ac­ cepted professorships in the latter new institution.-Medical Register of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, r881, p. 205. Geneva Medical College as such had an existence of thirty-seven years, from 1835 to 1872. The period of its greatest prosperity being from 1840 to 1850. The largest class being that of 1844, with 196 matriculating students and 47 graduates. The smallest graduating class being four, in 1856. Dur­ ing these thirty-seven years the degree of M.D. was conferred on 701 students. -Dr. Alfred Mercer. FACULTY OF MEDICINE, 1834-72 1834 *EDWARD CUTBUSH. 1839 Chern. and Pharm. and Dean. M.D. *THOMAS SPENCER. 1848 Inst. and Pract. Med. Dean. M.D. Prof. Med. Coli. Chicago, Buffalo and Philadelphia; Srtrg .. U. S. A. Prest. N.Y. Med. Soc. Author in Med. B. Great Barrington, Mass., 1793, d. Philadelphia, 30 May 1857. *JoHN G. MoRGAN. 1836 Surgery. M.D. N.Y. Med. Soc. '33. B. 1798, d. St. Louis, Mo., 4 Oct. 1878. *CHARLES BRODHEAD COVENTRY. 1853 Obstet. and Mat. Med. Med. Jurisp. '40. M.D. Prest. N. Y. Med. Soc. B. 1801, d. Utica 23 Feb. 1875. *The faculty list is reprinted from the General Catalogue of Hobart College. GENEVA MEDICAL COLLEGE *WILLARD PARKER, 1836 Anat. and Physiol. Harv. 1826, M.D. 1830, LL.D. Coil. N.J., 1870. Prof. Berksh. Med. Coil., 1830-3, Cincinnati, 1836-7. Coil. Phys. and Surg. N.Y., 1837-67; Surg. Bellevue and N. Y. Hosp., 1846-56; N. Y. Med. Soc., 1847; Prest. N.Y. !neb. Asylum, .1865, and N. Y. Acad. Med. Author in Med. and Surg. B. Hillsboro, N.H., 2 Sept. 1800, d. New York, 25 Apr. 1884. ANSON COLEMAN, Med. Jurisp. and Bot. M.D. 1836 *]AMES WEBSTER, Anat. and Physiol. M.D. 1838 DAVID L. RoGERs, Prine. and Pract. Surgery. (HoN. 1840.) 1840 *}AMES HADLEY, 1869 Chern. and Pharm.; Emer. 1853. M.D. Fairfield Med. Coli. Chern. and Pharm., 1812-39. Hon. Memb. N. Y. Med. Soc. B. 1785, died Buffalo, 17 Oct. 1869. *]OHN DE LA MATER, 1843 Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. M.D. Prof. Berksh. Med. Coli., 1823-7. Fairfield, 1827-35, Willoughby, 0., 1835-41, Clevelani, 1842-6o. Hon. Memb. N. Y. Med. Soc. 1850. B. Chatham, 18 Apr. 1787, died Cleveland 28 March 1867. *FRANK HASTINGS HAMILTON, 1848 Prine. and Pract. Surg. Union, 1830, M.D. Univ. Pa., 1835, LL.D. Union, 1869.· Prof. Auburn Med. Sch., 1835. Western Coil. Phys. a nd Surg., 1839, Buffalo, 1846, and Dean, L. I. Coli. Med., 1859, Surg.-in-Chief of Hosp.; Prof. Milit. Surg. and Brigade Surg. and Lt. Col. U. S. A., 1861-3; Prest. N. Y. Med. Soc. Author in Med. and Surg. B. Wilmington, Vt., 10 Sept. 1813, d. New York, II Aug. 1886. 1840 *SUMNER RHOADES, Anat: Demonst. (M.D. 1840.) 1842 *THOMAS RusH SPENCER, 1845 Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. Adj.; Mat. Med. and Gen. Path., 1853-4. (ALUMNUS 1838). *CORYDON LA FoRD, Anat. Demonst. (M.D. 1842.) 1844 *CHARLES ALFRED LEE, 1853 Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. Williams, 1822, M.A., M.D. Berksh. Med. Coli., 1826. Prof. Mat. Med. Univ. N. Y., and Buffalo; Phys.-in-Chief N. Dispens. N.Y.; N.Y. Med. Soc., 1854. Author in Mecl., Geol., and Physiol. B. Salisbury, Conn., 3 March I80I, cli ed Peekskill, 14 Feb. 1872. FACULTY 1653 1849 *WILLIAM SWEETSER, 1855 Theory and Pract. Med.; Inst. and Pract. Med., 1853-5. M.D. jAMES BRYAN, 1853 Prine. and Pract. Surg. M.D. *GEORGE WHITE FIELD, 1853 Anat. Demonst. (STUDENT 1846.) 1853 *joHN TowLER, 1868 Chern. and Phar. (HoN. 1855.) *JOEL EDWIN HAWLEY, 1854 Prine. and Pract. Surg. M.D. N.Y. Med. Soc. 1848. B. 18o2, d. Ithaca, 1 Aug. 1859. CHARLES AP ARTHUR BOWEN, 1855 Anat. and Physiol. M.D. 1854 *FREDERICK HYDE , 1872 Obstet. and Med. Jurisp.; Surgery, 1855. M.D. Fairfield, 1836, Dean and Prof. Surg. Univ. Syrac., 1872. Prest. N.Y. Med. Soc., 1865. Author in Med. and Surg. B. Whitney's Point, 27 Jan. I80<), d. Cortland, 15 Oct. 1887. *AUGUSTINE BOYER HAWLEY, 1855 Anat. Demonst. (ALUMNUS 1852.) 1855 GEoRGE BuRR, 1869 Obstet. and Med. Jurisp.; Gen. and Spec. Anat., 1859. M.D. CALEB GREEN, 1862 Mat. Med .. and Gen. Path.; Path. and Physiol., 1859. (M.D. 1844.) *jAMES Hli;NRY jEROME, 1859 Anat. and Physiol. (HoN. 1855·) Phys. Trumansburg, N. Y., 1837--{)5; Saginaw, Mich., r865-83. B. Coshocton, Pa., 28 Sept. 1812, d. Saginaw, Mich., 8 Aug. 1883. CHARLES NATHANIEL HEWITT, 1856 Anat. Demonst. (ALUMNUS 1856.) 1856 *ALFRED BOLTER, 1858 Theory and Pract. Med. (M.D. 1838.) *ELIAS DE LoNG CoNE, !857 Anat. Demonst. (M.D. 1849.) 1859 *HIRAM NEWTON EASTMAN, 1872 Mat. Med. and Pract. Med.; Theory and Pract. Med. 1865. M.D. Vt. Acad. Med., 1844. Lect. Buff. Med. Coli., 187<r-3, Prof. Mat. Med. Univ. Syrac., 1872-3; N. Y. Med. Soc., :1868; Phys., Author in Med .. Teacher. B. Fairfield, 16 Aug. 1810, d . Owego, 14 Oct. 1879. *jOSEPH BEATTIE, 1862 Obstet. and Med. Juris. (HoN. r8sg.) *LyMAN WARREN Buss, Anat. Dell)onst. Uv.LD. r857.) !862 *NELSON NIVISQN, Physiol. and Path. (HoN. 1859.) GENEVA MEDICAL COLLEGE 1864 EZRA PASCAL ALLEN, Obstet. and Mat. Med. M.D. 1867 *ORIN W. SMITH, Anat. Demonst. (M.D. 1866.) 1870 CHARLES EVERTS RIDER, I872 Opthalmology. A.M. Roch. I866, M.D. Univ. Vt. 1863, Stud. Oberlin, Middlebury, Giessen and Paris Sch. Med. Prof. Opthalin. Univ. Syrac., I872-<J. Rochester. DANIEL SWIFT BURR, 1870 Anat. Demonst. (M.D. I868.) MILES GOODYEAR HYDE, Anat. Demonst (M.D. 1868.) ALUMNI OF GENEVA MEDICAL COLLEGE CLASS OF 1835 4955· LUCIUS CLARK 4956. *PHILO CLARK Student from Auburn, N.Y. Physician and druggist at King's Ferry, N. Y. 4957· *HORACE GREEN Member Mass. Med. Soc. 4958. EXPERIENCE JOHNSON 4959· *JOHN McCALL, hon. Curator Coll. Med. Member Mass. Med. Soc. President New York Med. Soc. Died I867. 496o. ONESIMUS MEAD, hon. Curator Coll. Med. *The list of graduates of Geneva Medical College published in the edition of 1887 contained 695 names. Dr. Mercer (see Historical Sketch, College of Medicine) says that "during these thirty-seven years (1835-72) the degree of M.D., was conferred on 701 students." The follow­ ing list gives 721 names and follows in the main the General Catalogue of Hobart College. Rev. Dr. Hayes, of Phelps, N.Y., who did most of the work in preparing the General Catal'?jr~te referred to states that his list is compiled from the Records of the College, with· the Medical Register and the Syracuse Record (r887) at hand for reference, and that there are. many errors in the Record. We have given most weight to the Hobart Catalogue because it is nearest the sources, but have obtained by correspondence with the graduates many additional facts. Dr. Hayes has been very kind and obliging in furnishing information. A more determined effort than we have been able to make would throw' much more light on these records. We have added the abbreviation, hon. (honorary) for such degrees as were conferred thus, and not in course. However, these were conferred on their recipients Pro merito and they are not to be ranked in any sense as inferior to the degrees in course. ALUMNI WITH RECORDS 1655 4961. ADDISON NILES 4962. JOSHUA TUCKER 4963. *DANIEL DAYTON A.M. (Union) 1831. Died 1889 at South Bend, Ind. 4964. *DAVID DUNHAM Born 12 Oct. 1813 (?) at Bridgeport, N. Y. Student from Bridgeport, 1835-6. Physician at Bridgeport during life-time. Father-in-law of No. 421. Died June 1889. 4¢5. JOSEPH H. FOSTER 4¢6. HORATIO S. GATES 4967. *OLIVER P. GEER Died at Wayne Co. Alms House, 1895. 4968. CYRENIUS HALL 4969. *HAYS McKINLEY Died 188o. 4970. SAMUEL NIND CLASS OF I83 7 4971. ANDREW BAKER, JR. 4972. HORACE M. CONGER 4973· SUMNER ELY Curator Col!. Med. 4974· JOHN D. HIGGINS Curator Coll. Med. 4975· *ADOLPHE LACOMBE, hon. 4976. *HORACE NIMS Born 5 July I8I,'i at Manlius, N.Y. Student from Manlius, ?-1837. M.D. Physician at Manlius, N. Y., 1835-84. Retired from practice because of ill health. Opened a drug store in I843· Surgeon in the army, 1862-3. I6S(i GENEVA MEDICAL COLLEGE Member Syracuse Med. So<'. more than forty years. Read many papers before Med. Societies. Married IS May I848, Frances Johnson of Manlius, N.Y. Children-FRANK HoRACE, born II Mar. I849 (Druggist, Manlius, N. Y.) HERBERT JoHNSON, born II July I8SI; died 28 Aug. I896. (No. 628.) BERTRAND NICHOLS, born 24 Sept. I859· (Druggist.) EvA M., --.------ (Knight). 4977- LEMUEL B. PARKER 4978. *WILLIAM TAYLOR, hon.
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