Memorabilia Collection Rare 1984 Orlando Aerospace directory 1985 Orlando Aerospace phone book contributed by Ben Drexler depicting new ESC plant Fred Dittmaier donated several Pershing VCR tapes and manuals Fred Dittmaier donated PII firing photo and standing models of P1a (left) & PII (right) Bullpup marketing brochure illustrates application to various Free World military aircraft A child’s coloring book illustrating WWII Ubiquitous Maintenance “Just Painted” sign so era Martin Company planes common around the plant Ward Giddick donated WWII edition of Lockheed-Vega enterprise newslet- ter Pictorial Panorama Fred Dittmaier provided many Pershing and TADS framed photos The famous SCUD Busters poster so Silhouette profiles chart identifying Martin common at the SLRC plant during Desert Company aircraft thru 1955 Storm Rendering of TADPOLE in the field by re- nowned company artist C.B. Prichett, do- nated by Marv Colvert Playing card deck showing SPRINT test firing from Kwajalein atoll TITEN SCRIPT initiated by Harvey Titen Harry Rodgers donated valuable machin- ist’s tool box w/tools Rodger Beckner donated this pair of prototype communication devices created by the com- a 1974 Workmanship Standards manual con- tributed by Ken Meyers pany th 465 ADATS Missile 1976 Martin Marietta Appointments calendar Lockheed F-117A airplane model from Walt Waldo Three heritage Martin Company air- plane models donated by Walt Waldo th 3000 PATRIOT Missile Lockheed P-3C Orion airplane model from Walt Waldo Photo of acceptance of 1st installation of Missile Master Facility Parade Magazine Special Edition – USAF B-61 Martin Matador missile Walleye missile camera lens and dust cap Innovations With Electro-Optics bro- chure, 1970 A 1950’s era feature article on the at- tributes and specifications of the new Orlando plant Sheung S. Chin, Orlando MMC developed and Division Chief Aerody- produced the 1st com- namics Engineer in 1961 mercial pocket pager at the Ocala Plant in the 1970’s MMC “History of Tactical Communications” time line chart illustrates all significant ad- vancements from Stone Age thru development of Command Nodular Communications Sys- tem (CNCE) military command system in Martin-Orlando distributed this helpful 1983 booklet to assist new employees ad- justing to Florida’s unique lifestyle in the 1960’s The Pershing Black Jack award medal Orlando Sentinel article Martin Or- lando Division building the first Walt Disney World monorail cars REALM’s Company Models col- REALM’s Company Models collec- lection: Martin B-57B Intruder jet tion: Lockheed SR-71 spy plane plane REALM’s Company Models col- A lapel pin signifying the INF lection: Martin Lacrosse Missile & treaty with USSR Launcher Initial RAMM organizational meeting – first board of officers: (l-r) Clay Johnson (director), Lee Schaidt (director), Jim Dunlop (president), Bob Woods (vice president), Ed Schaffer (director), Lavinia Ruth A rare copy of the first edition of (secretary) and Russ Brown the Martin Star (treasurer) Orlando Sand Lake plant Information Initial RAMM organizational Center staff in 80’s/90’s: (l-r) Ann Rob- meeting – Buzz Showalter erts, Mary Harris, Agnes Smith, Mona (chairman of the board, Don Griffith, Mort Meltzer (library manager), Byrnes (VP Human Resources) Richard Mellon, Shelby Van Meter, and Ed Schaffer (director) Mary Hess and Richard Steinmetz Martin China Clipper seaplane sea trials performing full circle turn at 60 mph to demonstrate ability to avoid underwater Commemorative medal reflecting obstacles during takeoff or landing the dedication of a new building at Gene Foster (pilot) and Louis Chevrolet in 1930 with Doyle airplane using a four TADS/PNVS employees gather on front lawn of Sand Lake Plant in ceremony to celebrate delivery -cylinder engine loaned by Chevrolet to Foster for flight testing Martin PBM2 Flying Boat photo at Middle River plant, from Bob Woods Martin Pens photo cap- tion: Martin Company pens English-German Missile System from Fran & Walt Bates Dictionary from Hans Henson Tom Willey Commemorative Tom Willey Commemorative Official pennant of the German Coin – Face side Coin – Reverse side military unit associated with fielded Pershing II battalion, given by Martin Koshar A binder of humorous retirement caricatures of our former co-workers, given by Carolyn Pershing albums donated by Don Hickman tell Kotar story of this historic program Laser goggles and case Copperhead missile shape charge Poster of MLRS TGW in flight, from Phil Morrison liner by artist C.B. Pritchett A large painting of the early Baltimore plant, sent in by Jack Hillsland of the Ocala Plant One of only 2000 mementoes of the 1987 MMC/RAMM Open House ceremony of the completion of the full scale model of Glenn L. Martin’s 1st plane, the M109, donated by Anne Hurlock- Kelly Wallet with Martin Marietta Corporation insignia, do- nated by Anne Hurlock-Kelly Part of a set of six Pershing 1-A Photo montage of 1st SPRINT silo coasters, donated by Anne Hurlock- Kelly (newsletter item) installation in North Dakota, given by Tom Barnes Pershing tie donated by Anne Hur- lock-Kelly Martin Company medallion featuring various com- pany products, donated by Anne Hurlock-Kelly Martin Company medallion (reverse), donated by Anne Hurlock-Kelly AAWS-M, original brochure, pre- selection, given by Steve Marce- reau YAH-64 Hughes helicopter, Apache prototype, given by Steve Marcereau AAWS-M, original brochure post selection, given by Steve Marce- reau Inert Blue Ball bomblet, given by Tom Barnes Apache Longbow wooden model with TADS/PNVS, given to Steve Marcereau by Phil Gregory Orlando Aerospace NEWS, CNCE article, 8/87, given by Tom Barnes Hellfire FY84 production contract proposal, Executive Summary, Javelin 1st night-time firing at Redstone Arsenal, given by Steve Marcereau Javelin medallion from Army commemorating First Unit Equipped ceremony at Ft Ben- ning, given by Steve Marcereau Javelin medallion from Army com- memorating First Unit Equipped cere- mony at Ft Benning, given by Steve Marcereau Javelin model on stand award presented to Steve Marcereau LMC POST, Javelin article re Ocala & Pike Co, 12/98, given by Steve Marce- reau LLAD Winner, Product Support Offsite award plaque presented to Tom Barnes VISION, Ethics campaign article, March 1998, given by Tom Barnes Orlando Aerospace NEWS, CNCE article, 8/87, given by Tom Barnes MMOA "Santa Claus" badge worn by Tom Barnes during Christmas season SPRINT Site Installation and Test His- tory report, given by Tom Barnes VISION, Ethics campaign article, March 1998, given by Tom Barnes TADS Team Tracker, TADS/ PNVS articles, 7/96, given by Tom Barnes YAH-64 Hughes helicopter, Apache prototype, given by Steve Marcereau Assault Breaker product logo decal, given by Bob Hurring 1957 Martin Company Annual Report, first one following opening of Orlando plant, given by Bob Hurring ATARS (Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System) product logo decal, given by Bob Hurring B-57B Night Intruder jet bomber POST (Product Operations Shop Talk) model, given by Bob Hurring newsletter issue of Feb 1992, given by Bob Hurring Joint Air-to-surface Missile Copperhead product logo decal, given by Bob Hurring Lacrosse missile & launch vehicle model, given by Bob Hurring MLRS/ TGW (Multiple-launch Rocket System, Terminally Guided Weapon) product logo decal, given by Bob Hurring P6M Seamaster jet Stingray product logo seaplane model, decal, given by Bob PATRIOT product logo decal, given by given by Bob Hurring Hurring Bob Hurring TSIP TOW Sight Im- provement Program product logo decal, given by Bob Hurring Martin Aircraft Silhouettes sketch illustrating all the various airplanes made by the Martin Company thru 1955, given by Bob Hurring Martin Orlando Elec- trical and Electronic Assemblers Data handbook, May 1958 edition, given by Bob Hurring Martin Marietta Electrical and Elec- tronic Assemblers Data handbook, featuring Crimping and Harnessing, February 1965 edition, given by Bob Hurring A newspaper clipping of a photo showing Glenn L. Martin with other aviation pioneers who once worked for him…Lawrence Bell, Donald Douglas, and William Boe- ing, given by Bob Hurring Orlando Aerospace Edition NEWS newsletter 25th Anni- versary Commemorative issue, given by Bob Hurring 1960 Employee Identification Card show- 1960 Employee Identification Card with ing Charge Card metallic imprinter attach- Charge Card metallic imprinter attachment ment (rear side), given by Bob Hurring (front side), given by Bob Hurring A Copperhead commemora- tive paperweight, donated by Clarice Drexler in Ben Drexler’s memory TGSM/TGW (Terminally Guided Submuni- tion, Military/Terminal Guided Warhead) sketch of proposed fully automated product final assembly line, which was never imple- mented, given by Bob Hurring Brochure describing the newly opened Electronic Systems Center plant, do- nated by Clarice Drexler in LANTIRN program patch w/Latin motto, donated by Clarice Drexler in Ben Drexler’s memory A draft document outlining The Martin Company history from be- ginning to just before the merger with American Marietta, donated Canaveral Division Test and Launch by Clarice Drexler in Ben Drex- Operations marketing brochure, donated ler’s memory by Clarice Drexler in Ben Drexler’s memory A company issued metric conversion slide rule for various technical measure- ments, donated by Clarice Drexler Ben Drexler’s memory A 1963 marketing brochure describing the Orlando Divi- sion products, capabilities and A plastic scale model of the statistics; donated by Clarice early Pershing P-1A
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