November 2010, Volume 6, Issue 11, www.manhattan.org A publication of the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce Attention: WE WANT YOU… …to be a part of thriving leadership develop- local community affairs by matching ment program dedicated “to ensuring the skills and interests to existing needs vitality of our community by providing a con- tinuous source of motivated leaders who Benefits are educated about the community, its chal- • An increasing source of quality leaders lenges and opportunities, as well as trained for the Manhattan area and inspired to assume leadership roles in • Access to a quality leadership training Contact us: the Manhattan community at all levels.” program that benefits the participants, 501 Poyntz Avenue their employers, and the community or work in Manhattan. A selection commit- Manhattan, KS, 66502-6005 Leadership Manhattan Details… • Assistance to potential leaders in their tee will review the information received and 785-776-8829 phone development, matching their skills and select 16 individuals to participate based on 785-776-0679 fax Goals in te re s ts with the needs of the community past and present community involvement [email protected] • To identify and motivate potential • An improved communications network and willingness to serve in future leadership www.manhattan.org business and community leaders among civic, business, social and educa- roles. The participants will represent a cross TDD Kansas Relay Center: • To provide these potential leaders with tional leaders in the Manhattan area section of the community. Attendance at all 800-766-3777 an awareness of the issues and • A leadership base with a broadened per- sessions is required by all participants. opportunities facing the community spective to more effectively guide the • To expand and sharpen their leadership community into its future Applications skills and techniques Application forms for the 2011 Leadership • To develop a forum for ongoing commu- Candidates Manhattan program may be obtained from nication among emerging and Each individual interested in participating in the Manhattan Area Chamber of established leaders Leadership Manhattan must submit an Commerce, 501 Poyntz Avenue, • To encourage these trained and informed application with the approval of the organi- Manhattan, Kansas 66502–6005, leaders to increase their involvement in zation they represent. Candidates must live Continued on page 2 86th Annual Meeting Little Apple Express February 4, 2011 K-State Student Union Calling all Chamber retailers and restaurants! Ballroom If your business would like to receive a lot of adver- Platinum Sponsor: tising and increased traffic for a minimal expense, you need to be a part of the Little ★ Apple Express! The promotion encourages shopping The Annual Meeting serves to bring locally during the together the leadership and membership holiday season and will run from December 3-5. of the Manhattan Chamber to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year and Manhattan will be divided into shopping regions on a special map showing all participating launch new Chamber initiatives. At the businesses. On the bottom of the map, there will be a “train ticket” showing each of the dinner, we will also honor the Chamber of shopping regions. Customers will have three days to visit at least one business in each of Commerce Board of Directors, inaugurate the regions to get a stamp/sticker/punch on their “ticket”. Once they have their “ticket” the new Board Chairman and recognize filled, they will turn it in for a chance to win a shopping spree valued at a minimum of many of our outstanding and dedicated $2,000 (made up of gift certificates from participating businesses). committee members and volunteers for their time and efforts in support of our ALL PARTICIPATING BUSINESS WILL RECEIVE: mission. The highlight of the evening will • Recognition as a stop on the Express on at least 1,200 specially designed maps of be the surprise announcements of the Manhattan marking your location and listing your business, address, phone number Place your business in the spotlight! 2010 Volunteer of the Year and Lud Fiser and sale/special offer Sponsorship opportunities are available at Citizen of the Year. • Extensive radio advertising beginning two weeks prior to the event on Power Hits 97.5, various levels for the Chamber’s Annual KQLA 103.5, 1420 KJCK, Manhattan 24/7 and Chamber websites • Increased traffic and visibility during the height of the Holiday Shopping Season Meeting. Sponsoring this event will garner signifi- cant exposure for your business. As the Manhattan Area Chamber of THE COST TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LITTLE APPLE EXPRESS IS MINIMAL! Commerce's most popular event, the The $100 entry fee (made payable to the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce) and a $50 gift certificate MUST be received at the Chamber office, 501 Poyntz Ave, NO LATER Annual Meeting and Banquet regularly Continued on page 2 attracts close to 500 of the area's top than November 3rd. Contact Kristin Holt at [email protected] or 776-8829 to sign up or for additional information. business and community leaders. Page 2 Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce Little Apple® Business Review November 2010 The mission of the Man h a ttan Area Cha m b er of Com m e r ce is to fos t er a changing envi ro n m e n t for business success that enhances the quality of life in our reg i o n . We market the re g i o n ,a dvocate for bu s i n e s s ,and provide servi c es to our members and custom e r s . Are you intere s t ed in being a member of the Man h a ttan Area Cha m b er of Com m e r ce? Giv e Kim a call at 776-8829 for more in fo rm at i o n . Thursday, November 19 Speakers include: This fast-paced, informative • Dr. Robert Edleston, gathering is well attended so This is a publication of the Man h a ttan Area Cha m b er of Com m e r ce – 7:15 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. President, Manhattan Area reservations are required and can all adver tising is the res po n s i b i l i t y of The Man h a ttan Merc u r y. Manhattan Country Club To place an ad or for more inform at i o n , cont a c t Regina Stat t on at Technical College be made online at www.manhat- • Dick Carter, Chamber tanchamber.org or by calling 77 6 - 2 2 0 0 , ext. 231 or classdisplay@ t h e m e rc u r y.co m . Start your day off with breakfast lobbyist 776-8829. The cost is $15 and some early morning network- • Dale Houdeshell, Director of per member or $30 for non- ing. Coffee and a buffet breakfast Public Works members. will be served, followed by four • Stormy Lee Kennedy, Little speakers that will share informa- Apple Express holiday Sponsored by: tion about local topics of interests promotion to the community. Thank you to the following members of the Chamber Champions and Chamber Diplomats for volunteering to help with registration at the October Business After Hours: Dustin Furrey with Keating & Associates★, Jackie Patton with Al Langton Insurance and Alice Wagner with UMB Bank★. Tuition Due: November 29 Session IV (full day): Attention: WE Class Announcement: March 23, 2011 (this is during December 8 the week of spring break) WANT YOU… Theme: Quality of Life Participants MUST ATTEND Leadership Topic: Adaptive each class session to graduate Leadership continued from page 1 Session I (half day): Session V (full day): phone 785–776–8829, fax January 12, 2011 April 20, 2011 785–776–0679 or you may Theme: Orientation and Goals of Theme: Economic Development apply online at Leadership Manhattan Leadership Topic: Setting Goals in www.manhattaned.org/leader- Leadership Topic: Team Develop- Motion: Coaching Skills for shipmanhattan ment/Understanding Personality Executives Type and Leadership Effec t i ve n e s s Tuition *Subject to change. Tuition for Leadership Manhattan Session II (full day): is $475 for each participant. January 13, 2011 Special thanks to our Tuition is non-refundable, non- Theme: Political Awareness and ADVANTAGE MANHATTAN transferable and is due November Local Issues investors for their support 29th, 2010. Checks should be Leadership Topic: Change with this program. made payable to Leadership Leadership and Transition Manhattan. For more information e-mail Session III (overnight trip): Myranda Kimble at The Program Year February 16-17, 2011 [email protected]. Application Deadline: Theme: State and Local November 3 Government Notification of Selection: Leadership Topic: The Art and November 15 Practice of Leadership 86th Annual Meeting Continued from page 1 Sponsorship opportunities are available at the following levels: • Entertainment Sponsor - $1,500 – (two available) • Cocktail Hour Sponsor - $1,000 – (three available) • Gold Level Table Sponsor - $795 (includes eight seats) • Silver Level Table Sponsor - $495 (includes four seats) Table sponsorships may be reserved through January 7, 2011. Please reserve your table immediately – tables and seats are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Chamber will furnish all table decorations again this year. Contact Kristin Holt at [email protected] or call the Chamber at 776-8829 for more information. November 2010 Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce Little Apple® Business Review Page 3 Please join us for Business After Hours in November Wednesday, November 10 5:30 – 7:00 pm Holiday Inn at the Campus 1641 Anderson Avenue Hosted by Our newly relaunched Manhattan, Kansas hotel with new sig- nage and awesome lighting, landscaping and design features that create an ener- gized and branded sense of welcome is located directly across the street from Kansas State Univer- sity and just down the block from Manhattan Christian College.
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