Volume 12, Number 1 VISUAL MATERIALS SECTION 1 VIEWS: The Newsletter of the Visual Materials Section Society of American Archivists Volume 12, Number 1 December 1997 JAZZIN’ IN CHICAGO by the Library of Congress for use, and LC will update and maintain the document. It is available on the Library of Minutes of Visual Materials Section Meeting. Society Congress’s (LC) “Cataloger’s Desktop,” which can be of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Chicago. Saturday, ordered on the World Wide Web through LC’s Cataloging August 30, 1997. 8:30 AM. Distribution Service. I. Meeting opened with welcome to the assembled Mark E. Martin (Temple Memorial Library) of the group by Chair, Judi Hoffman (Library of Congress). Advanced Workshop Committee reported that there have Introduction of incoming Chair, Catherine Johnson (Dance been no workshops in the last two years and that he is Heritage Coalition). Laurie A. Baty (National Historical retiring from his position. Publications and Records Commission) announced the sale of Section tee shirts made possible by Diane Ryan of John Slate (Texas Afro-American Photographic the Chicago Historical Society. All shirts were sold at the Archives) from Bibliography Committee reported that the conclusion of the meeting. bibliography is located on Richard Pearce-Moses’ (Heard Museum) website and submissions and/or suggestions are II. Elizabeth Atkins (Ford Motor Company) from the welcome. It is hoped that the bibliography will be SAA Program Committee made an announcement incorporated into the Visual Materials website. concerning next year’s meeting in Orlando, Florida, and encouraged section members to submit session proposals. Laurie A. Baty, Editor of Views, reported on the A “Call for Papers” was distributed reiterating next year’s publication’s current status noting that font size and page theme as “Entertainment” and suggesting possible topics length have increased and that it now has the appearance for sessions. Changes in next year’s program will include: of a “real” newsletter. Budget constraints were mentioned a) shorter traditional sessions (down from two hours to 1 which may impact length. Bruce Johnson (Indiana 1/2 hours or the equivalent of 15 minute presentations). b) Historical Society) has been invaluable as proof reader Casual dress for conference attendees. In addition, there and secondary editor. Suggestions for book reviews are will be directed discussion sessions with break-out groups. welcome. It was suggested that Views could possibly be mounted on the website. E-mail was received from III. Committee and Roundtable Reports Nicholas Burckle (Marquette University), outgoing SAA Beth Bilderback (University of South Carolina) of the president in response to the August edition praising Views Architectural Archives Roundtable announced that Waverly as the best section newsletter. Lowell (National Archives and Records Administration), is IV. Peter Hirtle (Cornell University), SAA Council outgoing roundtable chair. Announcement of completion Liaison to Visual Materials Section, reported on Council of the Michigan COPAR project. A flip chart depicting the issues. He praised the VM Section leadership for their level various types of architectural drawings is available from of commitment and their impressive follow-up on important Michigan. ICA is creating a Section for those interested in issues such as the CONFU Guidelines. He reported on architectural records. Tony Wrenn of the American Institute of Architects retiring as archivist. Nancy Loe from California State Polytechnic, Pomona, is new Chair. Marcy Flynn (Silver Image) of VMCAR reported on this year’s roundtable meeting which included standard introductions, a discussion of the Task Force on Organizational Effectiveness (TFOE), and the cataloging of images with derogatory titles. The second edition of Graphic Materials is out with revisions, as is the edition of examples with MARC tagging. Kate Bowers, Assistant Curator for Bibliographic Control and Special Media at Harvard University Archives, was introduced as incoming Chair for 1997-1998 term. Judi Hoffman reported on the activities of the Association of Moving Image Archivists and announced this year’s annual meeting in Bethesda, Maryland, November 17-22. A Cataloging and Documentation Committee is working on a compendium of practice. Twenty-seven surveys were submitted for consideration Section members enjoy the annual food fest in Chicago. and participation is still possible. The Genre/Form Guide Photo courtesy of Margaret Compton, Austin, TX. for the cataloging of moving images has been approved 2 VIEWS December 1997 VISUAL MATERIALS SECTION LEADERSHIP ROSTER Officers Publications Jennifer Watts Chair 1151 Oxford Road Catherine J. Johnson San Marino, CA 91108 Dance Heritage Coalition (626) 405-2180 P.O. Box 479 < [email protected]> Pelham, NY 10803-0479 (914) 738-0531; fax 738-7271 Three-Year Plan e-mail: [email protected] Tim Hawkins Chair-Elect Liaisons Tim Hawkins Archives Consulting Services Academy of Certified Archivists 2337 E. 12th Avenue Laurie A. Baty Denver, CO 80206 (303) 322-8957 Architectural Records Roundtable [email protected] Beth Bilderback Assistant Manuscripts Librarian Committe Chairs South Caroliniana Library University of South Carolina Advanced Workshop Columbia, SC 29208 Contact Catherine Johnson 803-777-5183; fax at 803-777-5747, e-mail at [email protected] Bibliography John H. Slate Photo Archivist Association of Moving Image Archivists Documentary Arts Judi Hoffman P.O. Box 140244 Dallas, TX 75214 AMIA Cataloging and Documentation Committee (214) 823-8824 (direct); 824-3377 (messages); Barbara Humphrys fax 824-3378 Library of Congress M/B/RS Division [email protected] Washington, DC 20540-4690 (202) 707-0162; fax 707-2371 e-mail: [email protected] Elections/Nominating Judi Hoffman SAA Council Liaison Library of Congress Peter Hirtle M/B/RS Division Digital Access Coalition Washington, DC 20540-4690 2B Kroch Library (202) 707-5903; fax 707-2371 Cornell University e-mail: [email protected] Ithaca, NY 14853-5302 (607) 255-3530; fax 255-9524 Newsletter e-mail: [email protected] Laurie A. Baty NHPRC Visual Materials Cataloging & Access National Archives & Records Administration Roundtable (VMCART) 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Kate Bowers Room 106 Bibliographic Control and Special Media Washington, DC 20408-0001 Harvard University Archives (202) 501-5610 x252; FAX (202) 501-5601 Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected] (617) 495-2461; fax (617) 495-8011 [email protected] Volume 12, Number 1 VISUAL MATERIALS SECTION 3 the results of the TFOE which is available on the worldwide meeting was attended by over 60 individuals, almost all of web. One aspect of the report mandates that Council them Section members. I realize that many of you can’t cannot act without first consulting the SAA sections and always attend the annual meeting and when you do, you roundtables. There was some discussion on the desire for might not even be able to make it to the section meeting. moving-image people to have their own section, and it Thanks to Views and the hard work of its editor Laurie was suggested that they instead become a committee Baty we’re able to convey at least some of the meeting within the section. Section by-laws were printed in the news to all of our members. August issue of “Views” and review was requested. This past meeting, in addition to V. Other Business Announcements. accomplishing the usual business, we Laurie Baty announced a position open at the Walter were treated to a special presentation Reuther Library in Detroit. She had a draft position from one of our past section chairs description available for folks to read during the break or Sarah Rouse of the Library of Congress. after the meeting. Kate Bowers announced that VMCAR Sarah gave a lively slide presentation will be looking for a Chair-Elect at the Orlando meeting. on her Fulbright Fellowship to Ireland where she worked Bonnie Wilson (Minnesota Historical Society) was filling with the National Library of Ireland’s photo collection. Our in for Stephen Fletcher (Indiana Historical Society) for the thanks to Sarah for giving us a look at all those beautiful Nominating Committee. images. The SAA program committee did a great job of VI. Election of Incoming Chair for Visual Materials including visual materials issues in Chicago’s annual Section. meeting programs, which featured issues regarding digitizing, rights and permissions, photo morgues, the use Nomination speeches were made by Richard Pearce- of photographs by researchers, and more. The VM Section Moses (Heard Museums) and Tim Hawkins (Playboy sold another annual meeting t-shirt and the executive Enterprises). Tim Hawkins was elected Chair-Elect. Judi committee determined that we should make the t-shirt an Hoffman will chair the nominating committee for next year. annual product. We will have one for sale for Orlando VII. Sarah Rouse (Library of Congress) gave an (advance design work is already taking place)—so keep a interesting slide lecture on her year as a Fulbright recipient special eye out for the pre-annual meeting Views and place to the National Library of Ireland where she authored a your order in advance. The annual section dinner was great guide to the Library’s photograph collections. fun—a trip to very little Italy in Chicago. VIII. Catherine Johnson assumed the Section Despite some rumblings, there have been no actual leadership. One aspect of SAA’s three-year plan includes changes made as yet by council
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