1 ■ * / r ' ■■ii ■ ........... AVBEAOB BAILT CSBOULATION THE WBATBni far the Meath of Febroary, 1914 B ’l B I B -A A A ^ M A . ^ A ^ ^ ^ ^ M M 1 Parent of U. B. Waatbar Sanaa, ■artforfl 5,402 • Monber el Iba Aoait Fair and wannet toalgbt aad Fri- Borsaa af OUeolatlOBS. day. VOL. U ll., NO. 128. (OUm UM Advtrttiinf on Pnfo 8.) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1984. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CIM18 0 — ■' ----------- p PRESIDENT TO TALK NRA Chief Lends An Ear To His Severest Critic 1 JOHNKAMINSia MONETARY METHODS BROODED OVER AT NRA CONFERENCE HISTRUTMENTWILL BE CONTINUED To Ditcloto Hit Plaot for WOMAN TAUNTS HIM New Britain Yonth Who FOR YEAR AT LEAST Forther Recovery Work SO HE KILLS HER Dropped Bomb in Spring- Sec. Morgenthan Tells Con- OD Monday in Speech Over TOQDIZUWYER I field Conrt Room Felt Po­ Radio; Cornea aa Snrpriae. gress Boshess Is Getting Canght in Bridgeport Where lice Held Him Unjnatly. ON PROMISED FEE He Planned to Flee to Italy Better Day by Day and WMhlnfton, March 1,—(AP)— PrenldMit RooMvalt will dlicloie bin Springfleld, Mass., March 1.— Was to Have Recrived $54,- Present Plans Are Work­ plaxif for NRA In a parional appear* — Telle Police Hie Story. (AP)—John Kaminski of New Brit­ anoe Monday before the f roup meet* ain, Conn., who created a bombing 000 When Army Contract ing Ont as Expected. iDfs called by adminletrator John* scare in Superior Court yesterday •on to bear cotnplalnU. Bridgeport, March 1,—(AP)— afternoon, where his brother, Alex­ Giuseppe D1 Marco, who had planned Tbii waa made known today aa ander, and Paul Wargo, both of Was Awarded. Washington, March 1.—(AP) — crltlclam waa received from a larffe to begin his flight io Italy today, Connecticut, are on trial for mur­ 'The Eulmlnistratlon’s desire to try number of peraona who came here waived extradition in city court and at the Invitatloi of Johnaon to air der, was arraigned in district court present monetary plans for at least started back to New York in cus­ WMhington, March 1.— (A P )—A their vlewa. today on four charges growing out the remainder of this fiscal year The PrealdentV addreaa at 11:00 tody of detectives Instead, to face of the affair, namely—assault with contract under which a prominent before a fixed policy is determined a. m. (eaatem ntandard time) will trial for the killing of Ella Nugent, a dangerous weapon with intent to lawyer-lobbyist was to have receiv­ murder; having a revolver; possess­ upon was conveyed to Congress to­ be broadcaat to the Nation. Sigmifl- former "taxi-dancer,'' ed 354,000 and further "commis­ eance waa attached by obaervera to ing explosives, and attempting to day by Secretary Morgenthau. The woman bled him for money, aid a prisoner to escape. sions” If he obtained large motor the audden decision to addreaa the Testifying to a House banking conference. mocked his club foot with inebriate Ball of $75,000 truck contracts from the War De­ On the first charge he pleaded subcommittee on a bill to establish Some believed the President would dances before him to illustrate his partment WM under investigation a central Federal authority with give bis ideas for the future of the own helplessness, and finally threat- not guilty and on waiving examina­ today as the Grand Jury prepared tion was bound over the grsind jury. sole currency issuing powers, Mor­ National Recove*y Act as well as ented him with a revolver, Di Marco to call new witnesses next week. genthau said: ts-kf up some of he complaints pre­ told Cjaptain John Regan, and Lieu­ Bonds were set at 375,000, the larg- Investigators are said' to have tenant James Bray at police head- “I think this study the commit­ sented at the Invitation of Johnson. been informed that the $54,000 fee tee is making is very worthwhile A demand by be American Fed­ qiuuters here. was to have rewarded the lawyer So he sent six bullets into her and important. The country h u eration of Labor for establishment for having an associate lobbyist, ac­ just come through one of the most of the 30-hour wek in manufactur­ body on Febniary 12 In his drab Critics of the NRA had a "field day” in Washington when, in five simultaneous open hearings, spokes­ men for labor, consumer and the small business man voiced their :iojectlons before National Recovery tive in the Amorican Legion, seek difficult financial crises it ever had, ing industries vas presented to little apartment at 427 East 19th a department contract for a Chica­ street, Manhattan's east side. Administrator Hugh S. Johnson. The only critic who stood in "basic riisagreement with the N. R. A.” was Eind we are just beginning to see a NRA’s public foum by John P. go motor truck firm. Uttle Ught. Frey, secretary d the organiza­ Met a Year Ago. Robert Minor, representative of the Communist party, who is shovra (right) telling General Johnson why. A high official of the motor firm “What the future monetary policy tion’s metal trade department. He met her a year ago, he said is said to have explained to govern­ Without it, he aid, the coimtry in his statement, when he moved of our country should be I don’t ment investigators that the lawyer, think anybody is sufficiently wise to always would hare a huge per­ there from Brooklyn, N. Y. Orig­ having offices here and in smother manent amount oi imemployrment. inally, he said, she had come from tell you, because we haven’t had SPANISH CABINET city, had been “recommended” to enough experience.” He insisted radical changes must be Waterbury, Conn., where a sister PU Y1 IS ENTHRONED him by a friend as “one who knows Need More Experience made in the codes ' re-employment who later clsdmed her body now his way around in Washington.” objectives are to materialize in lives, but she had been in New York Recounting steps that have been All Awards Stopped substantial fashion. for a considerable time. She had RESIGNS SUDDENLY taken by the administration, he Overtinn Pay been reduced to the status of jani- AS MANCHU EMPEROR Sometime later bids for the mo­ added; tor trucks were considered and an The labor spokesnn asked for a tress of the east side tenement "It is impossible to tell what the strict requirement ir payment of where he took rooms and where she award w et is prospect to the Chi­ cago firm, when the President . nd future will be. I believe that we overtime on all worl done in excess lived in another apartment. She need more experience and time to of the average wor. week estab­ had a nine year old son. Entire Goyemment of Pre­ other administration officials inter­ Guarded by 50,000 Soldiers CARNERA'LOUGHRAN vened and stopped all awards under tell us what Is the best way to han­ lished by codes, conmding that by They became friendly and she dle monetary problems l>efore we various devices the itent of the took care of bis rooms and cooked mier Lerrooi Walks Out; the Army’s 310,000,000 motorization get into anything specific or de*inlte codes was miscarriec for him. But her demands for During Rites Which Cost|(;LAS|| TQNIGHT program. as is contemplated, perhaps, in this Frey also opposed he establish­ money for liquor increased. He Discovery of new documentary bUl. ment by codes of a Ifferential for eiddence of an undisclosed nature, grew tired of it be said, and resent­ Move Complete Surprise. “We hope that Congress will give the southern states, oointing out ed her taunts at bis crippled foot. Government Million Dol­ but apparently of great 'mportance that no policy had bei adopted to to the Grand Jury inquiry, haw re­ us at least the balance of thi« year Februsiry 12 he gave her a dollar to work on our present plan. 'Then define the territory t<be included. and when she had spent it for liquor, sulted 'n an Intmaificatlon of the He was one of a larg number of lars— Few Spectators. Title Boot Is D^nitely Set Madrid, March 1.— (A P )— The search for Frank B. Speicher, tire we will know a little more about persons to exprea^ grievances his story continued, she return^ at entire government of Premier Ale*- It.” 1 p. m. to 4oinand more. John Kaooinskl agent, who disappeared from a local a g a l ^ hTRA, in respcae to aa in­ jandro Lerroux reidgned suddenly to­ hotel on the eve of the Grand Jury “I take it," asked Representative BrahdMiahwl- Revolver fe^This Eyfuo^.as the Hancock (D., N. C.), "that your vitation by Hug;h Johjon, the ad­ By JhiBM A. Mills day. * e^t etier asked In a case before this hearings. ministrator. This was le third day When he refused to give it to position is that the present mone­ her, be asserts, she produced a re­ Hslnklng, (Changchun), Manchu- feourt. A plea of guilty was «n- There were reports today that complaints had been bird. Reorganization of the ministry tored t( the other thr„e charges. tary policy is ihore or leas aa volver and brandished it threaten­ kuo, March 1.— (A P )—A new Weather Clears Up. had been considered last night by Speicher has l^ n traced to Califor­ Frey cited one souiem plant Kaminski, just as the cdbrt ses­ nia. periment Find it is not your faeom- ingly while renewing her demands. dynasty was bom today imder the Premier Lerroux after it was an­ working imder four sejrate codes, sion WEIS ending for the day and aft­ Leslie C.
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