LIST OF ECOLOGY GROUP THESES YEAR NAME DEGREE MAJOR TITLE OF THESIS Masters Degree by year 2010 Clark, M E MApplSci Natural Resource Management A new methodology for determining the impact of point-source discharges on freshwater 2002 Lemke, D MPhil Ecology The influence of hydrology and landscape on stream invertebrate communities of the Whanganui Catchment, New Zealand 1971 Cox, R G MSc - The population dynamics of Porcellio scaber , Latr. (Crustacea: Isopoda ) in waste grassland in New Zealand 1972 Parkes, J P MSc Zoology Some aspects of the ecology of the hedgehog (Erinaceus Europaeus L. ) in the Manawatu New Zealand 1974 Cameron, M C MSc Zoology Aspects of the osmotic and water balance of the New Zealand native frog Leiopelma hochstetteri Fitzinger, and the Australian whistling frog Litoria ewingi Dumeril and Bibron 1976 Butcher, M R MSc Zoology Some aspects of the ecology of the intertidal benthic biota of the Manawatu River estuary 1976 Powlesland, R G MSc Zoology A study of the relationship between the straling Sturnus vulgaris and the Haematophagus mite Ornithonyssus bursa 1977 Gray, R S MSc Zoology The Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus , Gray, 1847) its food, feeding and habitat in Fiordland and Maud Island 1977 Henderson, N MSc Biology Aspects of the biology and ecology of Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji (Homoptera: Aphididae ) 1977 Holdom, D G MSc Zoology Studies of the reproductive biology and of the structure, composition and physiology of the egg of Graphognathus leucoloma Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae ) 1977 Innes, J MSc Zoology Biology and Ecology of the ship rat Rattus rattus rattus (L) in Manawatu (N.Z.) forests 1978 Baker-Gabb, D J MSc Zoology Aspects of the biology of the Australian harrier (Circus aeruginosus approximans PEALE 1848) 1978 Millar, I R MSc Zoology Ecology of the common snail helix aspersa műller in a disturbed dune environment 1979 Horne, R S C MSc Zoology Seasonal and altitudinal variations in diet and abundance of the European Hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas ) in Tongariro National Park, New 1980 Van Der Gulik, J MSc Zoology Some aspects on the biology of deroceras panormitanum and deroceras reticulatum with special emphasis on effects caused by some common agricultural chemicals 1981 Kelton, S D MSc Zoology Biology of Sambar deer in New Zealand with particular reference to diet in a Manawatu flax swamp 1981 Lees, C M MSc Geography Some aranuian (postglacial) organic deposits in the South Eastern Ruahine Range, North Island, New Zealand, investigated by palynological 1981 Moffat, M MSc Zoology Aspects of the biology of the spur-winged plover (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae Stephens 1819) 1982 Haack, N A MSc Zoology The development of insecticidal baits for the control of Porina (Wiseana spp.) 1982 Lo, P L MSc Zoology Ecological studies on the white-faced heron (Ardea novaehollandiae novaehollandiae Latham 1790) in the Manawatu 1982 Seden, M MSc Zoology Island biogeography: A study of habitat islands of mountain beech forest (Nothofagus solandri , var. cliffortioides ) in Tongariro National Park 1983 Stephenson, M C MSc Plant Science A study of population growth of Sitophilus Oryzae L. and Sitophilus Granarius L. in single and mixed culture in wheat and rice 1984 Lusk, C H MSc Botany Structure and dynamics of alluvial forest in the Pohangina Valley 1984 Matthews, C W MSc Zoology Aspects of the biology of the Little Shag (Phalacrocorax melanoleucos brevirostris Veillot 1817) 1984 Rodway, M A MSc Zoology The relative abundance, movement, and growth of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri ) and brown trout (Salmo trutta ) in the Rangitikei River New 1985 Ballance, A P MSc Zoology Aspects of the biology of Campbell Island feral sheep (Ovis aries L.) 1985 Dick, A M P MSc Zoology Rats on Kapiti Island, New Zealand: Coexistence and diet of Rattus norvegicu s Berkenhout and Rattus exulans Peale 1985 Mitchell, R J MSc Zoology The diet of feral goats (Capra hircus L. ) in the Rimu - Rata - Kamahi forest of Mount Egmont 1986 Tod, C MSc Zoology Socio-economic effects on colony size in the bumble bee bombus terrestris, (hymenoptera: apidae ) 1987 Pilkington, S MSc Zoology The behavioural biology of Argentine stem weevil in relation to host plant characters 1988 Brassington, R J MSc Zoology Distribution and abundance of goat lice (PHTHIRAPTERA: Bovicola spp and Linognathus stenopsis ) on their host 1988 Forlong, R G MSc Zoology Focal point characteristics and habitat use curves of underyearling Brown Trout (Salmo trutta ) in the Kahuterawa stream 1988 Sturmer, A T MSc Zoology Diet and coexistence of Rattus Rattus Rattus (Linnaeus), Rattus Exulans (Peale) and Rattus Norvegicus (Berkenhout) on Stewart Island, New 1991 Alley, J C MSc Ecology Aspects of behavioural ecology of captive feral goats (Capra Hircus L ) with emphasis on the mother-offspring relationship 1991 Beban, W G MSc Zoology Aspects of the ecology of Tyria jacobaeae (L). A defoliator of Ragwort in New Zealand 1991 Gill, G S C MSc Zoology Regulatory and disturbing factors in the population dynamics of the blue-green lucerne aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji (Homoptera: 1993 Appleton, C MSc Ecology Habitat and seasonal effects on blowfly ecology in possum carcass in the Manawatu 1993 Peterson, P G MSc Ecology The potential ability of Stethorus bifidus (Kapur) to regulate populations of Tetranychus lintearius (Dufour) 1993 Sanders, K H MSc Ecology The ecology of the Kakerori (Rarotonga Flycatcher) Pomarea dimidiata , with special reference to fledged young 1993 Stronge, D C MSc Ecology Aspects of the ecology of feral goats (Capra Hircus. L) in the Mahoenui Giant Weta Reserve 1994 Bramley, G N MSc Ecology The Autecology and Conservation of the North Island Weka (Gallirallus australis greyi ) 1994 Laurence, R R MSc - Aspects of visitation to Egmont National Park 1995 Godfrey, P L MSc Ecology/Zoology Comparative seasonality and diets of German (Vespula germanica ) and common (V. vulgaris ) wasp colonies in Manawatu, New Zealand 1995 Miles, J R G MSc - Comparative ecology of northern brow kiwi (Apteryx australis mantelli ) in Tongariro National Park and Tongariro Forest Park, Central North 1995 Munro, V M W MSc Ecology TerrestrialIl d invertebrate communities: The effects of successional age, habitat structure and seasonality 1995 Townsend, J A MSc Ecology Distribution and ecology of the Banks Peninsula tree weta, hemideina ricta 1996 Bassett S M MSc - Production and incubation in farmed Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae ) 1996 Domett, E MSc Ecology Reproduction and behaviour of the Mahoenui Weta, Deinacrida n.sp 1996 Gillingham, N J MSc - The behaviour and ecology of long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus Gray) in the central North Island 1996 Murphy, C L MSc Ecology The impact of honey bees on montane ecosystems within Tongariro National Park 1997 McBreen, K S MSc Ecology Kamahi decline in Tongariro National Park 1997 Sutherland, R D MSc Ecology An investigation of factors influencing the grazing of ragwort (Senecio jacobaea L.) by sheep (Ovis aries L.) on a hill country farm 1998 Barrett, D P MSc Ecology Aspects of the Ecology of Trachymela catenata Chapuis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae ) in New Zealand 1998 Berry, R J MSc Reintroducing juvenile kaka to Mount Bruce Reserve 1998 Broadley, R A MSc Zoology Behavioural ecology and prey attraction of the New Zealand glowworm Arachnocampa luminosa (Skuse) (Diptera: Mycetophilidae ) in bush and cave habitats 1998 Eggers, K E MSc Ecology Morphology, ecology and development of Leiopelmatid frogs (Leiopelma spp.), in Whareorino Forest, New Zealand 1998 Ewen, J G MSc Zoology A genetic and behavioural investigation of extra-pair copulation in stitchbirds (Notiomystis cincta ) breeding on Tiritiri Matangi Island 1998 Stephenson, B M MSc Zoology The ecology and breeding biology of morepork, Ninox novaeseelandiae , and their risk from secondary poisoning in New Zealand 1998 Vertongen, B A MSc Ecology/Zoology The use of the conservation estate in the settlement of Treaty of Waitangi claims 1998 Wright, S MSc - The efficacy of organic insecticides and synergists 1999 Davidson, R S MSc Ecology Population dynamics of the saddleback population on Mokoia Island and implications for reintroduction to the Mainland 2000 Adams, D C MSc Zoology Corticosterone responses of captive and wild northern brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli ) 2000 Flannagan, H J MSc Ecology Conservation biology of the Goldstripe Gecko (Hoplodactylus chrysosireticus ) and interactions with Duvaucel's Gecko (Hoplodactylus duvaucelii ) on Mana Island, Cook Strait, New Zealand 2000 Godfrey, J N MSc Ecology Beetles (Coleoptera: Insecta) as biological indicators of ecosystem integrity 2000 Hanna, J E MSc Zoology The effect of shearing ewes at mid-gestation on reproduction and performance 2000 Hesterman, H MSc Zoology Reproductive behaviour, endocrinology and captive breeding of the Malayan Sun bear (Ursus malayanus ) 2000 McKinnon, H L MSc Zoology Aspects of the breeding biology of the black shag (Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae ) at Pencarrow, Wellington, with special reference to 2000 Wells, A G MSc - Effects of land use and point source discharges on macroinvertebrate and periphyton communities of the Taranaki ring plain 2001 Bennett, S J MSc Ecology The effects of introduced predators and the invasive weed Tradescantia fluminensis (Vell.) (Commelinaceae) on the land snail Powelliphanta traversi traversi (Powell) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Rhytididae) 2001 Dimond W, J MSc Zoology The effect of a translocation on a source population using North Island robins as
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