EXECUTIVE BOARD 21ST SEPTEMBER 2005 PRESENT: Councillor Harris in the Chair Councillors D Blackburn, A Carter, J L Carter, Harker, Harrand, Jennings, Smith, Procter and Wakefield Councillor Blake – Non voting advisory member 49 Exclusion of the Public RESOLVED – That the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the appendices to the reports referred to in minutes 62 and 86 on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information or confidential information, defined in Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 as indicated in the minute. 50 Declarations of Interest Councillors Wakefield and Smith declared personal interests in the item relating to Independence Wellbeing and Choice (minute 78) as non-executive members of the South Leeds Primary Care Trust. Councillor Harker declared a personal interest in the item relating to the North West Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre (minute 70) as a governor at the Centre. Councillor Harrand declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the item relating to small industrial units (minute 57) being an unpaid director of a company managing a group of small industrial units. 51 Minutes RESOLVED- That the minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2005 be approved subject to a correction to minute 24 to show that the personal and prejudicial interest declared by Councillor A Carter was as a Director of a company engaged in business with the parent company of ASDA. DEVELOPMENT 52 Deputation to Council, 22nd June 2005 – Public Transport in Scholes The Director of Development submitted a report in respect to the points made by the above Deputation to Council. RESOLVED – That the report and the actions taken to address the issues raised by the deputation be noted, including the intention of the Scrutiny Board (Transforming Services) to consider these concerns. Draft minutes for approval at the meeting to be held on 21st October 2005 CHILDREN’S SERVICES 53 Implementing the Children Act 2004 in Leeds – Update The Director of Learning and Leisure, Director of Social Services and Chief Executive of Education Leeds submitted a joint report giving an update on developments nationally and locally on the Children Act 2004 since the last report on 6th July 2005. Ms J Wilson, the Regional Change Adviser for Yorkshire and the Humber gave an overview of progress in the region and, with reference to Leeds, reported that the approach to the change for children programme was robust, comprehensive and considered, with exemplary consultation and engagement arrangements to secure sustainable changes. RESOLVED – That the report be noted and Ms Wilson be thanked for her presentation to the Board 54 Appointment of Director of Children’s Services Further to minute 45 of the meeting held on 6th July 2005 the Chief Executive submitted a report on accountability arrangements for the post of Director of Children’s Services, proposed job description, personal specification and pay and reward proposals for the post, the proposed recruitment process and timetable for the appointment and interim secondment arrangements for the Change and Performance Management Team. RESOLVED – (a) That the basis for the appointment of a Director of Children’s Services as outlined in the report be noted. (b) That the outline job description and personal specification, attached as appendix 1 to the report, be noted. (c) That the proposed remuneration package, as detailed in paragraph 6.03 of the report, be noted. (d) That the proposed timetable and process for the appointment, as outlined in paragraph 7.01 of the report, be noted. (e) That the proposals for establishing an interim core team to support the Director of Children’s Services be noted. (f) That a report on the future of the Connexions Service be brought to the next meeting of the Board. (Councillor Harker declared a personal interest as a Director of Connexions) LEARNING 55 Primary Review – Proposals for Meanwood Primary Planning Area The Chief Executive of Education Leeds submitted a report on consultation undertaken on the closure of Potternewton and Miles Hill Primary Schools and the establishment of a one and a half form entry primary school on the Potternewton site in September 2006. RESOLVED – That Education Leeds be requested to further investigate the option of retaining provision on the existing sites by establishing a federation of the two schools and to report back to this Board. Draft minutes for approval at the meeting to be held on 21st October 2005 DEVELOPMENT 56 Newton Hill House, Chapeltown – New Horizons School The Director of Development submitted a report on proposals following discussions in relation to the New Horizons School’s interest in acquiring the Council owned property, Newton Hill House, Chapeltown. The report presented the options of: (a) Withdrawing from discussions with the New Horizons School, allowing the lease to expire and disposal of the site on the open market (b) Continuation of the current lease with a phased introduction to full market rent. (c) Marketing the site with the New Horizons School declared as the tenant. (d) Disposal of the site to the New Horizons School with a covenant restricting future use of the site to be educational and community use. RESOLVED – That, under the provisions of Local Government Act 1972 General Disposal Consent (England) 2003, approval be given to the disposal of the freehold interest in Newton Hill House to the Trustees of the New Horizons School with a positive covenant restricting the future use of the site to educational and community use, subject to the Director of Development approving the detailed terms of sale. 57 The Future Ownership and Management of the Council’s Small Industrial Unit Portfolio The Director of Development submitted a report on the current status of the Small Industrial Units Portfolio and on options for the long term future use of the portfolio. The report presented the options of: (a) Disposal of the portfolio. (b) Maintenance of the existing service. (c) Entering into a form of partnership agreement. (d) Increasing the existing service. RESOLVED – That the proposal to enter into a form of partnership agreement be progressed in accordance with the proposal contained in the report and that a further report be brought to the Board containing more detailed information following the marketing exercise. (Councillor Harrand having declared a personal and prejudicial interest left the meeting during the consideration of this item) 58 A65 Abbey Road Integrated Transport Corridor RESOLVED – That consideration of this matter be deferred. 59 Leeds Inner Ring Road Stage 7 The Director of Development submitted a report on the current position with the Leeds Inner Ring Road Stage 7 project. Draft minutes for approval at the meeting to be held on 21st October 2005 RESOLVED – (a) That the current position with regard to the Leeds Inner Ring Road Stage 7 project be noted. (b) That expenditure of £1,322,000 be authorised in respect of staff costs for the continuation and completion of the design of the project which will represent the completion of stage 1 of the Early Contractor Involvement Contract. (c) That expenditure of £100,000 be authorised in respect of fees for the Highways Agency to conclude negotiations and the necessary arrangements for the interface with the M621 Motorway. (d) That expenditure of £465,000 be authorised in respect of fees for Network Rail to conclude negotiations and the necessary Works Agreements for the three crossings of the Leeds-Derby railway line. (e) That expenditure of £1,345,000 be authorised for the implementation of the following advance enabling measures: (i) placing orders for advanced statutory undertakers service diversions (ii) site clearance to clear trees and vegetation in advance of the bird nesting season staring in Spring 2006 (iii) demolition of the disused premises at the former location of AA Bramall (iv) securing the lease of an area of disused private land to accommodate the site compound/offices as a base for supervision of other advance enabling works and for the duration of the main construction works. 60 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes The Director of Development submitted a report outlining a review into the scope for introducing more High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes in the City and detailing a proposal to convert the present bus lane on Roundhay Road to High Occupancy Vehicle use. RESOLVED – That the work being undertaken to investigate the potential for the wider use of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes be noted. 61 Eastgate and Harewood Quarter Supplementary Planning Document RESOLVED – That consideration of this matter be deferred. 62 Land at Copley Lane / Matty Lane, Robin Hood, Leeds The Director of Development submitted a report on the background to a request to purchase land at Copley Lane, Robin Hood. The appendix to the report containing land valuations and legal advice was designated as exempt under Council Procedure Rule 10.4(9) and (12). The report presented the options of entering into negotiations to sell land shown as option A or option B on plans attached to the report, of the Council retaining the land as presently used or of retaining the land and reviewing its development potential and suitability for disposal at a later date. RESOLVED – That the respective parts of the land continue to be held for their current uses as allotments and grazing and that the development Draft minutes for approval at the meeting to be held on 21st October 2005 potential and suitability for disposal of the land be reviewed at a later date when the planning and highways issues referred to in the report have been resolved.
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