THE WESTFIELD LEADER •r I* rive LEADING AMD MOST WIDELY OMCULATED WEEKLY NEWSFAKK IM UNION COUMTY fpETY-THIED YEAR—No. 1« WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1932 SCHOOL EMPLOYEES^ MR. MOTORIST, GET APPEAL YOUR '33 PLATES NOW LIONS CHARITY ASKED TO TAKE Mt Chrittaaa Diaura Wasted One Killed; 3 Arrested The Motor Vehicle License BALL HOLIDAY . Through this medium we ap- CU1SJN SALARY Agency at 329 South avenue peal to our fellow townsmen in was opened daily on Saturday WEEK FEATURE behalf of the needy families in for the convenience of motor- Westfleld. ists to obtain their 1933 regis- Will you help us to distrib- In Attempted Robbery C* At tration plates and driver's li- T* It GitM Deceaber ute Christmas cheer to the censes. The agency will be open 27 At EcU Lake CM.- needy by offering: a Christmas Yeeterd.- from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. and dinner? will continue those hours until trrCh* The above can b« easily ac- January 7. A large number of of Meat Market Here Facts and ngur«i relative to the complished with a little lets on mooted curtailment of expenditures 1833 plates have already been One of the big social events of the the Christmas table, a little less explained by members of the secured by local residents and holiday season wil] be the Charity heaped upon the family tree, YmA Fata* W««U By of Edaeation to all employees may be seen attached to their Ball sponsored by the Lions Club and which little would never be SCHOOL PRESENTS HOLD-UP MEN ROB *f the school •»*•» »t a meeting cars. to be given at the Echo Lake Coun- missed in most homes. The sat- PatrctMM Um Whm H. yesterday afternoon in the Roo- Saturdays the office will be try Club, Tuesday night. isfaction to be able and willing PLAY TOMORROW ^v«lt School. A. H. Lamberton, open from 9-11:30 and from One of the major activities of the to give to those who hrfve not SERVICE STATION OrtW.OtinrT.Tktw •nrident of th* board, explained con- 12:30 to 6. club has b«en some public event in should it. itself bring Christmas Jitions and introduced Allan H. Cart- The agency urges all motor- the interest of local charities. In cheer and happinesB to every in- Public britc*! T. Can-tut $130 Taken Fr»G..SUtiM tor vice president and chairman of ists to get their next year's I previous years there have been min- dividual making these dinner thi' administration committee, who in plates at an early date in order strel shows, musical shows and plays gifts possible. Pagcut la Sewor High to avuid the congestion and long and in each case a substantial sum We call fervently for your co- At Nertb And Sects. Ywrtibt'Tw.GMa tarn lave in detail the conclusions waits that usually occur when was turned over t" one of the organ- operation in preparing these At 8:30 P.M. Avene niched by the board. belated iiutoists rush in on the izations which aids the needy of contributions for families rang- IWi By factftW Null last day of December. Much Westfielcl. ing from two to ten. Mr. Cartter presented to the gath- confusion and straining of pa- "The Nativity of the Manger," Hold-up men visited the Standard F«Cn*JJw, ering the request that they accept a Two weeks ago, the club voted $600 It is our suggestion to those High School Christmas pageant, will Oil Service Station at North and tience can be avoided if motor- to Westfleld charity. The District who give dinners that they per- bo given for the public at 8:30 to- lit 10% reduction in their salaries ists will co-operate in this re- sonally deliver same. We will Euclid avenucB Sunday night and ac- Carl Ranae, arM 20, ef Koeajl* tu the coming school year in order Nursing Association received $300, morrow night. As Buch has been re- cording to Thomas Forrester, the spect. the Children's Country Home $100 be anxiously awaiting your quested, the performance 1B to be of Park, waa fatally miitri Sunday tkit this deduction may be taken in- and Winfleld C. Brower, administra- phone call for names and ad- manager, obtained $130 in cash. For- night by Patretaaaa Ernest Laag, to consideration when compiling the the same typo as that given last year. rester, who lives in Plalnfleld, told tor of the Emergency Relief, $100. dresses. Phone Weslficld 2- The four tableaux will have vocal and wail* be and Patrtafc Hy*a, at* M, Hit year's budget. It was explained The entire proceeds of the Charity 2996. the police that while checking the of Kenilworth, wen in the act of toit the limpleit method of pro- ALTHOUSE WILL instrumental music of carefully se- day'a receipts, shortly before 9:80 Ball are to be turned over to local Emergency Relief Adminis- lected European carols. .nteriag Clark'i Meat Market, l»t adure in order that tenure and pen- charity. The public is invited to aid tration. 37 Elm atreet. Sunday night he heard a car pull up. Cumberland atnet. Ruane lied ia lioas would not be affected, would be A processional, "Come All Ye Faith- He SAW a man enter the service sta- GIVE RECITAL HERE in this work by attending the dance. ful" by a vested choir of mixed voices the Muhlenbwf H«*piUl aa hear fir every person on the school pay- No tickets are being sold, the ad- tion and noticed his companion re- later, and Ma eeaspaaion was arrest- nil to sign an agreement to the ef- mittance charge being collected at will open the program. Two narra- mained in the car. The man ap- J«M> A.F.O'DONNELLNEW tors will tell the Christmas story aa ed by th* patrolman. Two girls. ftct that the board would be allowed Takes Place Of AlUn the door. proached Forrester and demanded Mary Buleaa, 81, of Kaska, Pa., ana U deduct 10'/o from their salaries Music for the occasion wil) be fur- the tableaux are presented. Tho voice all the money in the place. He held «• each pay day throughout the com- In Musical Club Concert nished by "Butch" Harris and his class, a group of girls receiving in- hl» hand in his overcoat pocket and Alice Hansen, 17, *f ReaslU, w*r* itf rear. The agreement aa present- Brunswick Five. ST. PAUL'S RECTOR dividual voice instruction, will ling the manarer believed he had a gun also taken into eattody. The trie ed is one approved by the State De- Next Month The committee consists of G. an Alsatian carol, "Sleep Little Love." concealed there. Forrester opened were held wtthoat bail for th« Graad partment of Education and U the sira- Franklin Windfeldt, Dr. William L. Elected By Vettry To FiH Richard Van den Bergh, baritone, the safe and handed over $130. The Jury by Recorder A. O. Nash befor* ilett in administrating and carrying Paul Althouse, one of the outstand- Patterson, Edward I). Floyd and Wai- will sing "The Birthday of the King" bandit forced him into a small cloiet whom they were amffMd oa MOB- out the deduction. ing American operatic tenors, will ap- ter J. Lee. Place ef Rev. Janes A. by Neidlinger. AfUr the Recessional, and rejoined his companion, who wan day, and are new in ta* County Jail Mr. Lamberton made it clear that pear here in recital on January 6 in Among the patrons and patronesses "Joy to the World" by the choir, he keeping watch. Forrester hesrd the tat board's proposal did not come as place of Allan Jones, noted tenor, are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holcomb, Mr. Smith, Reiified will sing the Benediction, "Peace I car pull away and he broke down the At 9:48 o"cloek Uudey aifht, I mult of outaid* influences but hid who was originally scheduled lor that and Mrs. Haskell McCowatt, Mr. and Leave With You." door. He saw the car, which he de- Sergt. Edward Miller, en desk duty, been reached as a result of intensive evening. Announcement to this ef- Mrs. Harry Montgomery, Mr. and The Rev. Arthur F. O'Donnell of Those taking part in the pageant scribed as a black sedan, speeding rocetvod a call watt* Ja afect stataa mnrey of «chcol costs which have fect was made by Mrs. John J. High, Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Arlington avenue, curate of St. Paul's re: toward Garwood but It was too far that the market had beta ratoroa been in progress since May. He add- concert director of the Musical Club Charles Worth, Mr. and Mrs. William Episcopal Church, wag elected rector Kathryn Yarnall, Lawrence Beck- away for him to »ee its number, by wmeoiM. Later, it was reported, ed that the board has found it possi- of Westfleld, under whose auspices Troeber, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rule, of the church by the vestry at its man, Jewell Bunnell, Carl Klemmer, that a passerby saw the men eats* ble to make considerable reductions Jr., Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Mettlacb, Mr. meeting Wednesday night. The Rev, He called police headquarters and the rear of the store aad called the the recital is to be held . Mr. O'Donnell succeeds the Rev, Jan, Robert Baird, James Abel, Tony de the signal lights were flashed, Pa- in supplies and other items of main- and Mrs. Harry Crlchton, Mr. and Sanetls, James Mannino, Leonard trolman August Bcnnlngcr stopped police. Patrolman Long had just tenance and operation, which covers Paul Althouse first came into Mrs.
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