US 20110271554A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0271554 A1 J azdanian (43) Pub. Date: NOV. 10, 201 1 (54) INSOLE HAVING A VIBRATING DEVICE (30) Foreign Application Priority Data (75) Inventor: Jean_Franc0is Jazdanian’ Us (FR) Jan. 9, 2009 (FR) ..................................... .. 0950113 Publication Classi?cation (73) Assignee: QUO VADIS, Sevres (FR) (51) Int. Cl. A43B 13/38 (2006.01) (21) App1.No.: 13/143,641 A61H 1/0” (2006-01) (52) US. Cl. ............................................. .. 36/43; 601/46 (22) PCT Filed: Jan. 8, 2010 (57) ABSTRACT Insole (1) intended to be placed removably in a shoe (8), said (86) PCT No.: PCT/EP2010/050135 insole comprising a long and thin body (2) and a Vibrating device (4) embedded in said body (2), said Vibrating device § 371 (c)(1), (4) comprising an electric accumulator (12), a control system (2), (4) Date: Jul. 7, 2011 (14) and a Vibration generator (16). -4 “f I Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2011 Sheet 1 0f 2 US 2011/0271554 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2011 Sheet 2 0f 2 US 2011/0271554 A1 11/77 US 2011/0271554 A1 Nov. 10, 2011 INSOLE HAVING A VIBRATING DEVICE [0016] The vibrating device is thus easily held in the cavity of the body. FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE [0017] Alternatively, the vibrating device is preferably [0001] The invention relates to an insole having a vibrating entirely incorporated in the body. device and intended to be placed removably in a shoe to be in [0018] The term “incorporated” should be understood to contact With the foot of a user in order to improve his Well mean that the vibrating device is entirely covered by the body, being or even his state of health. This user may be either an for example by overmoulding With the material of Which the adult (male or female) or a child, or even a baby. body is made. It is thus held and protected perfectly in the [0002] In the ?eld of shoes, the expression “insole” is body. understood to be a thin piece of leather located inside the shoe [0019] According to another feature of the invention, pref and above the sole in order to improve the appearance of the erably the vibrating device further comprises a magnetic shoe. Wave receiver connected to the control system and is designed [0003] The invention deals With insoles intended to be to transmit to the control system commands transmitted via placed shoes that can be either a slipper, a smart shoe or a magnetic Waves. specialist shoe (a Work shoe, a motorcycle boot, a sports shoe, [0020] The magnetic Waves require no contact and are an athletics shoe, an auto racing shoe, a golf shoe, a horse transmitted through the body; the control system can thus riding boot or a ski boot). easily receive commands despite being entirely incorporated [0004] The insole may be used to stimulate the foot in order in the body. to prevent the accumulation of blood in the loWer part of the [0021] According to another complementary feature, the body, in particular When in a hotel or aeroplane, but also to electric accumulator is preferably able to be recharged by Warm up the foot, in particular When the insole is placed in a electromagnetic induction. ski boot or slipper. The insole may also be used for therapeutic [0022] By Way of this solution, the electric accumulator can purposes, in particular in cardiology. be easily recharged contactlessly. BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE [0023] According to an alternative feature of the invention, the electric accumulator is preferably of the rechargeable type [0005] An insole is already knoWn, in particular from docu and is connected to an electrical connector for recharging. ment US 2008/005936, said sole comprises a long and thin [0024] The service life of the vibrating device is thus body and a vibrating device embedded in said body, said increased and the siZe of the accumulator can be reduced. vibrating device comprising an electric accumulator, a con [0025] According to yet another feature of the invention, trol system and a vibration generator the control system selectively commands the vibration gen [0006] The term “embedded” should be understood to erator to generate vibrations at least in a ?rst frequency range mean that the vibrating device does not protrude from the betWeen 35 and 50 hertZ and in a second frequency range body. betWeen 50 and 65 hertZ. [0007] Integrating the vibrating device into the insole ?rstly makes it possible to concentrate the vibrations as close [0026] It has been found that vibrations may have therapeu as possible to the foot of the user, thereby improving the tic effects and that the effects differ depending on the fre sensation felt. quency. Being able to generate vibrations at different fre quencies makes it easier to set the desired effect. In particular, SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE vibrations betWeen 35 and 50 hertZ, preferably betWeen 40 and 45 hertZ, are particularly effective for treating osteoporo [0008] The invention aims to still improve the insole, in sis, While frequencies betWeen 50 and 65 hertz, preferably particular to reduce its cost, improve the satisfaction of the betWeen 55 and 60 hertZ, are particularly effective for treating user and encourage its development. diabetes. [0009] According to the invention, the vibrating device [0027] According to another feature of the invention, the comprises a ?exible ?lm electrically connecting the electric insole preferably has a heel area and a plantar area, and the accumulator to the vibration generator. electric accumulator is thin and ?at and located in the heel [0010] The implantation of the vibrating device in the body area and the vibration generator is located in the plantar area. of the insole is thus made easier thereby, the thickness of the [0028] This distribution enables the vibrations to be trans insole can be reduced and the robustness of the insole is mitted Well into the foot and enables a thin insole to be improved. obtained. [0011] According to another feature of the invention, the ?exible ?lm preferably forms a substrate to Which the other [0029] Preferably, the vibrating device has a thickness less elements of the vibrating device are fastened and has electri than 4 millimetres and very preferably less than 2 millimetres. cally conductive tracks. [0030] Thus, the insole can be slid inside a shoe Without [0012] The implantation of the vibrating device in the body thereby substantially reducing the volume available for the is thus again made easier thereby. foot, While ensuring good robustness. Therefore, the insole [0013] According to a complementary feature of the inven can be placed in existing models of shoe that has not been tion, the insole preferably has a direction of elongation and designed for receiving an insole With a vibrating device. the vibration generator is fastened to tWo electrically conduc Therefore the need to manufacture a special complete shoe is tive tracks extending in parallel in the direction of elongation. avoided, thereby encouraging its development. The insole [0014] Thus, the position of the vibration generator on the could, hoWever, be de?nitively ?xed inside a shoe. ?exible ?lm can easily be adjusted depending on the siZe of [0031] According to another feature of the invention, the the insole. insole has at least one pre-cut line at the periphery for adap [0015] According to another feature of the invention, the tation to different shoe siZes. body has a cavity in Which the vibrating device is located and [0032] The invention also relates to an assembly compris the ?exible ?lm is covered With an adhesive that holds it at the ing, in addition to the insole, a remote control. In accordance far end of the cavity. With the invention, the vibrating device also comprises a Wave US 2011/0271554 A1 Nov. 10, 2011 receiver connected to the control system and designed to [0046] The Wave transceiver 22 receives the Waves trans transmit to the control system commands transmitted by the mitted by the remote control 24 by infrared, radiofrequency, remote control. Wi?, Bluetooth or the like. A passage 26 is advantageously [0033] Thus, even When it is entirely covered by the foot of made through the body 2 to enhance the transmission of the user Which is in the shoe, the vibrations can be controlled. Waves betWeen the Wave transceiver 22 and the remote con [0034] According to another feature of the invention, pref trol 24. The Wave transceiver is also able to transmit to the erably the Wave receiver is further able to transmit informa remote control 24 information, such as the state of charge of tion to the remote control. the electric accumulator 12, Working times, pressure of the [0035] According to another feature of the invention, pref foot on separate areas of the insole 1 (sensed by the vibration erably the electric accumulator is able to be recharged by generator 16 or separate sensors) and the like. The informa electromagnetic induction through the receiver. tion may be displayed on the remote control 24 or transmitted to a computer connected to the remote control 24, for example BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS by a USB port, Wi? Waves or the like. [0047] The vibration generator 16 is able to generate alter [0036] Further features and advantages of the present natively at least tWo vibration frequencies. In order to reduce invention Will become apparent from the folloWing detailed its thickness, it is preferably of the planar type, having elec description With reference to the appended draWings, in tromagnets or pieZoelectric, but could also be of the coil type Which: or consist of a counterWeight motor, eccentric motor, or the [0037] FIG.
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