THE KEWANITE THE KEWANITE THE YEAR BOOK OF THE KEWANEE HIGH SCHOOL PUBLISHED BY THE SENIOR CLASS OF 1912 TO MISS CAROLINA MAUL Who has been our firm friend and faithful advisor for over three years of high school life, WE AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATE THIS BOOK MISS CAROLINA MAUL Board of Education. WARREN T. HEAPS, M. D, Pres. MISS CLARA THIELEN, Sec'y. ALEXANDER LAME PATRICK KEATLNG J. ADAM HINKLE CHARLES WESEBAUM CHARLES WILSON ERNEST F. LINDEECK Phi Mips Brooks. Roy F. Healy Joke Literary. Harold J. Szold Editor Mildred E. Wheelwright Marie Farr. Art. Alumni LeRoy Demerath Clarence Wiley Spears. B usiness Manager. Athletics. In order to secure the unqualified approbation of the entire community, we are publishing this year an an- nual, which should contain the news- ' iest reading, the most illustrations and on the best paper ever a high school yearb"ool? was printed on. We are charging the smallest price and believe we are putting out the best annual. We trust you will receive the following with all due grace and Forbearance. Paul Arlington Hankins Clarence O. Granlund Asst. Business Manager. Asst. Business Manager Post Graduate of Columbia, Graduate of Yale, A. B. M. A. Principal of High Post graduate at Yale and School, Gibson City. For six- University of Chicago. Mas- teen years Superintendent of ter in Classics. The Choate Schools at Gibson City, L-ex- School, Conn., and The Harv- Ington, Harvard and Kewa- ard School, Chicago. Director nee. of Matunuck Summer School, R. I. Mr. R. G. Jones, Mr. Wendell S. Brooks, Superintendent Principal Graduate of Iowa State Teachers College, B. D. Stu- dent at Perm College, la., and Student at University oi University of Chicago. At- Chicago; personal tutelage tended lectures at University with Fran Eorpatt, Rev. Mr. of Leipzig, in Germany. In Nierderhofer, and Dr. Jonas structor at Oskaloosa, la., and of Brown University. In- Kewanee. structor of German at K. H. S. since 1905. Miss Minnie B. Trask, Miss Anna L. Beadle, Mathematics German Graduate of \V. Illinois Graduate of Northern Illi- Normal School and Central nois State Normal School. Commercial College. Student Student at University of Chi- at Brown's Business College. cago, and in New England, Instructor at Central com- Teacher of English in the mercial College and Princi- High Schools at De Kalb and pal of Commercial Dept. K. H. Kewanee. S. since 1908. Miss Alice Crosby, Mr. Oscar L. Champion, English Commercial Graduate of Western Col- lege, A. B. Post graduate at Graduate of Indiana Uni- Columbia University. Science versity, A. B. Indiana State teacher in the High School at Normal and Kentland High at Hobart. Indiana. Science School. Instructor in Mathe- Genoa, Ill.; German and Latin matics in the High Schools at and Coach of K. H. S. Girls Pockville, Ind., and Harvard, Basket Ball. 111. Miss Bessey K. Gish, Miss Madge McKee, Physiography Mathematics Graduate of Kewanee High Graduate of Northwestern School, Winner of 1st. gold University, B. S. and North- medal Shorthand and Type- western Academy. Varsity writing Military Tract, 1907. Foot Ball and Track, four Assistant in K. H. S. Com'l. years. Head of Science Dept. Dept. and Coach K. H. S. since 1909. Mr. R. J. Hamilton, Miss Marcia Martin. Physical Science. Commercial. Graduate of Teachers Col- lege, Columbia University, R. S.. and Trenton, N. J., State Graduate of W. Illinois Normal. Post graduate at State Normal and Sterling University of Chicago. In- High School. Student at structor in Trade School of Rockford College. Honorary New York City, assistant in Diploma from W. [. S. N. S. Shop Work at Teachers Col- Summer of 1910 in England lege. and Scotland. Mr. J. Scott Wiseman, Miss Laura V. D. Hanson, Manual Training. Domestic Science. Graduate of DePauw Uni- versity, A. B. Teacher in Graduate of University of Public Schools, Fulton Coun- Chicago, Ph B., Ed. B. Grad- ty, Ind., and Principal of New- uate of Chicago Normal Col- castle Township High School, lege; Instructor in Chicago Ind. Head of English Dept. and Kewanee. Coach of Dram- K. H. S. atics and Debate. Mr. Roy Love. Miss Mary F. Swan, English. Expression and English. Graduate of University of Graduate of Wabash Col- Chicago, S. B. Post graduate lege, A. B. and Winona Agri- at University of Chicago, S. cultural and Technical insti- M. Teacher of Natural Science tute. Indiana record in shot- and Free Hand Drawing at put and discus. Instructor and Kewanee High since 1910. coach at Shawnee, Okla., and Kempeer Military School, Mo. Miss Florence L. Manning, Mr. Edgar O. Brown, Natural Science. History and Civics. Graduate of Macomb High Graduate of Villa de Chan- School and W. Illinois State tal: Student at Northwestern Normal. Student at Columbia University and at Illinois con- College of Expression, Chica- servatory of Music, Peoria. go. Pedagogy and Practice Supervisor of Music at Prince- Teaching at Kewanee. ville and Kewanee. Miss Louise Hainline, Miss Marianne Miller, Education. Music. Graduate of DePauw Uni- Graduate of Grinnell Col- versity, A. B. Post graduate lege, A. B. and Ft. Madison in German and English, De- High School. Instructor of Pauw. Instructor in High Latin in the High Schools of Schools at Worthington, ind., Ft. Madison and Clinion, la. and Kewanee. f Mr. Harry McD. Hays, Miss Nelle Kennedy. English and History. S e n i o r Nina Gunhild Anderson. Glee Club. Delphi. Second in Typewriting contest. Ruth Selinda Anderson. "And in her air There was something, which be- spoke command, as one who was a lady in the land." Ellen Marie Beck. "How sweet are looks that ladies bend on whom their favors fall." Will W. Berg. Property man of "A Night Off". LaFollette Debating Club. Louise M. Young. Delphi. "A rosy-cheeked lassie is she As mild and meek as can be." Mildred Adaline Cable. "A Night off." Glee Club. Basketball two years. Class Secretary, '08-'09. Vice President, '11-'12. Delphi. Esther A. Celander. President of Glee Club, '11-'12. Secretary of Delphi, 1911. Rank three in scholarship honors. Anne Beatrice Chisnall. Delphi. Glee Club. Basketball two years. LeRoy Demerath. Business Manager The Kewanitt Track Team. Debating Team, '12. LaFollette Debating Club. Lela G. Dickey. Glee Club. Delphi. Nina Marie Farr. "A Night Off." Secretary of Delphi, '11. Alumni Editor of "Kewanite." Alice Leota Good. "A Night Off." Delphi. Clarence 0. Granlund. President Class, '11-'12. Head Reporter of "Tiger." Asst. Business Mgr. "Kewanite' . Glee Club manager. Debating Team, 1911-1912. Declamatory. Delphi. LaFollette Debating Club. Paul Arlington Hankins. Editor of "The Tiger". Member '11 and '12 of Winning Debating teams. President Delphi, '11. K. H. S. Declamatory Representa- Roy F. Healy. tive, three year.*. Cheer Leader, 1911-1912. LaFollette Debating Club. Scout Master, Kewanee Y. M. C. A. "A Night Off". Sec'y LaFollette Debating Club. Asst. Bus. Mgr. "The Kewanite" Basket Ball, 1911. "The Flower of the Family." Bowling, 1905-1912. Nelle Frances Graham. Pres. Class '09-'10. Joke Editor of "The Kewanite". Delphi. Valedictorian. "The Flower in the Family." Sec'y. of Class, '09, '10, '11 Delphi. Verne Berton Heaps. "The Flower of the Family.' Track Team 1911. Delphi. Wilhelraina Heick. Delphi. K. H. S. course interrupted, but en- riched by tour in Europe. Beldon Hill. Football four seasons. LaFollette Debating Club. Captain of Baseball, 1912. Track one year. L. Cullen Hunt. Joke Editor of "The Tiger". President LaFollette Debating Club Member winning Debate team '12. Treasurer of Delphi, 1911. "A Night Off". Nellie Vera Ingram. Delphi. Elected scholar at Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. Nellie C. Janes. "The Flower of the Family". Delphi. Margaret Keating. Delphi. Basketball three years. "Class Will" 1912. Clarence E. Kennish. Charter member LaFollette Debat- ing Club. Kewanec Business Men's Assn. Olga Alberta Lindburg. Delphi. "None knew thee but to love thee. Hayden L. Lyle. That which ordinary men are fit for, I am qualified in; and the best of me is diligence. Tom E. McDermott. "The Flower of the Family" . "A Night Off". Delphi. -Glee Club." Clarence Wiley Spears. Football four seasons, Capt. '10-'ll. Track. Athletic Editor "The Kewanite. ' Delphi. "Collector of innumerable track med- als and other rare trophies." Ellen M. Nelson. Delphi. "A kind and gentle heart she had To comfort friends and foes." Emanuel Nelson. Glee Club. LaFollette Debating Club. Delphi. Marie Constance O'Brien. Salutatorian. Delphi. "The Flower of the Family." "A Night Off". Willard Raymond Olson. "K" in Basketball 1912. Baseball. Delphi. Walter Harold Powers. Treas. of Class 1911-1912. Sec'y-Treas. Lafollette Debating Club. Vice President Delphi, '11. "A Night Off," Business Manager. Stuart L. Priestman. Manager of Basketball '11-'12. Designer of Aeroplane. Asst. Art Editor "The Kewanite." Delphi. Helen Naoma Robbins. Winner silver medal shorthand and typewriting. "Big 8" 1912. "A Night Off". Delphi. Basketball 1911. Class Treasurer 19O9-'1O. Annie Rule. "Her waist ye weel nicht span, and she has a rolling eye, And for bonnie Annie Laurie, I'll lay me down and die." Roy F. Smith. Football four seasons. "I am as I am and so I will be; liut how that I am none knoweth truly." Formerly a member of the Class of 1910, has added glory to our class and school by his strength at guard in Foot Hall. Rockford will long remember him. May he meet suc- cess in his engineering pursuits. Harold A. Mott. Athletic Editor "Tiger" '11-'12. Debating team. Manager of Basketball team '12 Treas. Delphi, '10. Vice President Delphi, '11. LaFollette Debating Club. Catherine C. Stebbins. "And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all she knew." Esther S. Swanson. Delphi.
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