A HANDLIST OF THE Arabic Manuscripts THE CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY A HANDLIST OF THE Arabic Manuscripts Volume /711. MSS. 5001-5500 BY ARTHUR J. ARBERRY LITT.D., F.B.A. Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge With 22. plates DUBLIN HODGES, FIGGIS & CO., LTD. 1964 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD BY VIVIAN RIDLER PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY FOREWORD It is no light task to catalogue a collection of manuscripts as exten­ sive as that contained in the Arabic section of the Chester Beatty Library. As I look back on the years of work involved in preparing even the short descriptions which make up this and the preceding six volumes, I cannot conceal a sense of satisfaction, even of a certain relief, at having finally accomplished so heavy a labour. Yet this emotion, surely pardonable enough, is overwhelmed by the con­ tinuing and always sustaining feelings of wonder and excitement experienced in exploring a treasury so rich in rarities, so abundant in beauty, so various in interest. The two hundred plates included in these volumes are a substan­ tial indication of the wealth of autograph copies, of transcriptions by famous authors and scholars, and of masterpieces of calligraphy which go to make this collection unique. For all that, the Chester Beatty Library houses very many more Arabic manuscripts, not selected for illustration, of equal importance to those represented by the plates. Even so, these plates furnish materials for the study of Arabic handwriting, and for the identification of particular scripts, on a larger and wider scale than any assen1blage hitherto printed. It is intended to complete this Handlist with an eighth volume" now being compiled, which will contain comprehensive indexes of all the titles and authors of the manuscripts, as well as a repertory of the dated codices, and a list of the plates. I cannot conclude this work and these words without expressing, in phrases all too inadequate, my profound gratitude to Sir Chester Beatty for having entrusted this task to me, and having thereby furnished me with so much instruction and so much pleasure. A. J. ARBERRY DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 5001 AL-'JAMI5:1.T AL-KHAFIYA FI 'L-'JAFR [Anon.]. [ A treatise on the magical attributes of the letters of the alphabet, allegedly edited by the Shrite Imam Ja'far b. Mul,iammad al-f;,adiq ( d. 148/763).] . Foll. 49. 26·7x 18 cm. Elegant naskh. Dated 851 (1447). Brockelmann, Sup pl. i. r 04. 5002 ( 1) AL-'JUMAL, attr. to JA.BIR (d. r 60/776 ). [ A summary account of alchemy; foll. 1-3 I.] Any other copy? Foll. 3 2-44a contain alchemical extracts attributed to JA.BIR. (2) SHARif MA§AB]If AL-lf.IKMA [Anon.]. [ A commentary on passages from the Ma1ab"i!i al-!iikma, a treatise on alchemy by AL-TUGHRki (d. 515/1121); foll. 44b-64.] See Brockelmann i. 248, Suppl. i. 440. (3) TARAKlB AL-ANWAR, by AL-TUGHRki(d.515/1121). [ A treatise on alchemy, imperfect at the beginning; foll. 6 5-93.] Brockelmann, Suppl. iii. r 208. (4) SHAR]J. QA$1DAT AL-GHURAR [Anon.]. [A commentary on the Qa1"idat al-ghurar, a metrical tract on the philosopher's stone by Abu '1-I~ba• ':Abd al-':Aziz b. Tammam AL-•IRAQI; foll. 94-109.] See Brockelmann, Suppl. i. 432. (5) RISA.LAT AL-DURAR (Anon.]. (A tract on alchemy; foll. 110-15a.] O~ B 2 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS Any other copy? Foll. r 15b-1 r 8 contain extracts from Abu '1-Qasim al-'IraqI and Zosimus. Foll. 1 r 9-24a contain a tract attributed to Agathodaemon. Foll. 1246-34 contain a tract by O,stanes. Foll. r 3 5-4 3 contain various extracts. Foll. r 4 3. 17· 5 X r 3·7 cm. Good scholar's naskh. Undated, 9/ 15th century. 5003 GHAT.AT AL-MATLUB. FI MAHABBAT. AL-MAHBUB,. by 'Abd al-GhanI AL-NABULUSi (d. r 143/1735). [ A treatise on mystical love for the Prophet Mul;i:ammad.] Foll. r 3 1. 24· 4 X 14·7 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Copyist, al-Saiyid Al;i:mad b. al-Saiyid Mugafa. Dated Dhu '1-Qa'da 1206 (July 1792). Brockelmann ii. 347, Suppl. ii. 474. 5004 AL-DHULL WA' L-INKISAR LIL-Ll.ZIZ AL-'JABB.AR, by IBN RAJAB (d. 795/1393). [A tract on humility towards God.] Foll. 21. 2ox 14·6 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, 12/18th century. No other copy appears to be recorded. 5005 MAN:?UM ·ugtJD QALA0 ID AL-DURR AL-NAFIS F1 TAIJQ[Q SIRR MA"NA 'L-TATHL[TH lf7A'L-TAKHMIS, by Abu '1-Fat}.i Sir}.ian al-SamarjI AL-SHARNUBI al-DimyatI. [ A r:netrical an1plification of al-5!.l.iniya, a famous mystical poem by Qu\b al-Din ':Abd al-Karim b. Ibrahim AL-JILI (d. 832/1428).] DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 3 Foll. 52. 19•8 X 14·3 cm. Good scholar's naskh. Copyist, "Abd al-Baqi b. Mu}:iammad al-J::Ianafi al-Man~urI. Dated Monday, 17 Sha'ban 1040 (21 March 1631). Brockelmann, Suppl. iiL 1271. 5006 KITAB AL-IJAYAWAN. [ A treatise on the properties of the parts of animals; perhaps to be identified with the Manafi° a0 rja' al-bayawiin of Sharaf al-Din 'Ali b. "Isa AL-KAJ::IJ::IAL (d. ea. 400/1010).] Foll. I 3 5. 20·3 x 14·7 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Dated 12 $afar 1057 (19 March 1647). See Brockelmann, Sup pl. i. 8 8 5. 5007 YANABI" AL-AHKAM Fl BA.YAN AL-IJALAL WA'L­ IJARAM, by Abu 'Abd Allah Mu}:iammad b. Mu}:iammad b. Zanki AL-ISFARA'INI al-"Iraqi al-Shu'aibi (d. 747/ 1346). [ A treatise on Islamic law according to the four Sunni schools cf jurisprudence.] Foll. 280. 23·5x 16·2 cn1. Clearscholar'snaskh. Undated, 9/ r 5th century. Brockelmann ii. 163, Suppl. ii. 25. 5008 ..1L-TALKH1§ Fl 'ILl!vf AL-J?.,,1R.-.1."ll), by Abu I,iakrn1 "Abd Allah b. Ibrahim b. '"Abd Allah AL-KHABRi (d. 476/1083). [ A disordered part of a treatise on the Shafi<i laws of inheritance.] Foll. r 30. 17·2x 13 cm. Good scholar's naskh. lJndated, 6/ 12th century. Brockelmann i. 388, Suppl. i. 671. 4 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 5009 0 UQUD AL-'JUMAN Fl MUKHTA$AR AKHBAR AL­ ZAMAN, by Mul).ammad b. 'Ali AL-SHATIBI al-Maghribi (ft. 870/ 146 5). [A compendium of the history of the world.] Foll. 13 5. 26 X 20 cm. Clear scholar's maghribi. Dated II Rajah 1003 (22 March 1595). Brockelmann ii. 263, Suppl. ii. 373. 5010 (1) AL-TAB$IRA WA'L-I0 LAM Fl BAY.AN AL-THALATH WA' L-SAB'iN FIRQA, by Abu '1-Muz;affar Muz;affar al-Din b. Shah AL-KURD! al-Irbili. [A treatise on the sects of Islam; foll. r-84.] No other copy appears to be recorded. ( 2) AL-JJAWADITH WA' L-BIDA', by Abu Bakr Mul).ammad b. al-Walid AL-TURTUSHI al-Fihri (d.520/1126). [A treatise on innovations in Islam; foll. 8 5- I 24.] Brockelmann, Suppl. i. 83 o. (3) TAJJRlM AL-SAMA', by AL-TURT-OSHI. [On the unlawfulness of listening to music; foll. r 2 5-4 3.] No other copy appears to be recorded. (4) BIRR AL-WALIDAIN, by AL-TURTUSHI. [On filial duty; foll. 144-66.] Brockelmann, Suppl. ii. 942. Foll. 166. 27x 20·3 cm. Good scholar's maghribi. Dated Rabi" I 1013 (August 1604). 5011 ljL.lSHITA }1.L44 SHARJJ AL-ISHARAT, by Na~ir al-Din ~li al-Kashani AL-l:IILLI (ft. 7 50/ 1 349). DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 5 [The second part of a gloss on the Sharb a!-Ishiiriit, a commentary by Na~ir al-Din AL-TOSI (d. 672/1274), on a!-Ishiiriit wa'!-tan­ bzhiit, the well-known treatise on philosophy by IBN SINA ( d. 428/ 1037).] Foll. 189. 21 ·2 X 12·4 cm. Clear scholar's ta'liq. Dated Thursday, 28 Shauwal 756 (5 November 1355). No other copy appears to be recorded. 5012 AL-JAMI' AL-§AIJIIJ, by AL-BUKHARI (d. 256/870). [ A volume of the famous Traditions of Mul;iarnmad.] Foll. 8 I. 20·3 x 14·8 cm. Fine scholar's naskh. Copyist, Al;irnad b. 'Abd Allah al-Maqdisi. Dated 863 ( 1459). 5013 AL-TURUQ AL-IJIKMlYA FI' L-SIYASAT AL-SHAR'lYA, by IBN QAIYIM AL-JAUZlYA (d. 751/1350). [Rules of guidance for governors.] Foll. 1 5 I. I 8 · 7 x 1 4 •3 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Dated r9 Dhu '1-I;Iijja 850 (7 March 1447). Brockelrnann ii. r 06, Suppl. ii. I 26. 5014 TAFSlR AL-QUR':dll AL-IPLlJlZ, by AL-\VA.I;IIDI (d. 468/ 1075). [Part of a short con1mentary on the Quean.] Foll. 177. 19·8 x 13·3 cn1. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, 6 / 1 2th century. Brockelmann i. 412, Suppl. i. 730. 6 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 5015 (r) SHARI/ AL-!SAGHUJI, by Khair al-Din AL-BITLISI (ft. 855/1451). [ A comn1entary on al-lsiighil}i, the famous handbook of logic by AL-ABHARI (d. 663/ 1265); foll. 1-3 r.] Undated, 9 / 1 5th century. Brockelmann i. 46 5, Suppl. i. 842. (2) IfASHIYA LI.LA SHARI/ AL-lSAGHUJI, by Mu];iyI al-Din AL-TALIJI. [Glosses on the comn1entary of I:Iusam al-Din al-I:Iasan AL- KATI (d. 760/1359) on the san1e work; foll.
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