310 East Forty-Fourth Street. New York _For your files 1 a .J. oma 442 Summit Avenue. Saint Paul _ Read and Destroy 421 ew Jersey Avenue. S.E .. W ashington _ Return to ___________with your comments Date: September 7, 1968 _ Return to Martin Ryan Haley for file From: Martin R. Haley D New York D St. Paul To: Robert J. Fisher, Esq. D Roma D Washington Comments: _Other action:----------------- Dear Bob: Enclosed is my companion memorandum to Tedd Joseph's of the third. I imagine that you will know the appropriate officials at the USDA who should be included in the Washington category. With best personal wishes, I remain Sincerely, 310 East Forty-Fourth Street. New York Via Nizza 63 , Roma 442 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul 421 ew Jersey A venue, S.E., W ashington New York 10017 September 7, 19 68 MEMORANDUM 12/68 TO: Robert J. Fisher, Esq. FROM: Martin R. Haley RE: The Goodland Program This memorandum will supplement Mr. Joseph's memorandum of September third. 1. Possible officials to be invited. I understand that the state, legislative, and county lists a re well in hand. I am sure that you already have the following on your list but they are indicated here simply for double checking: / The Honorable Frank Carlson United States Senate Room 322 7, New Senate Office Building Washington, D . C . / The Honorable James B. Pearson M~ United States Senate Room 4327, New Senate Office Building Washington, D . C . / The Honorable Robert Dole Member of Congress for the First District of Kansas Room 243, Cannon House Office Building Washington , D . C . he Honorable Chester L. Mize Member of Congress for the Second District of Kansas Room 1109, Longworth House Office Building Washington, D. C. he Honorable Larry Winn, Jr. Member of Congress for the Third District of Kansas Room 352, Cannon House Office Building Washington, D . C. / The Honorable Gamer E. Shriver Member of Congress for the Fourth District of Kansas Room 1511, Longworth House Office Building Washington, D. C. / The Honorable Joe Skubitz Member of Congress for the Fifth District of Kansas Room 233, Cannon House Office Building Washington, D. C. - 2 - .~ ~,~ )rt9-~W'J To these I would add any United States Department of AgriculturY,~~ [ ~ officials who are particularly concerned with sugar programs. ,v I assume there would be two or three such persons. It would be appropriate to suggest that air transportation would be provided for the two United States senators and for Congress­ man Dole. This need not be mentioned to the other Congressmen or the USDA officials. As to the mode of inviting them, I would suggest personal letters from Mr. Owen with blind copies to our office in New York. Miss Margaret Ann Christopher of our New York office will be the project coordinator for our part of the grand opening activities. She will follow up the invitations by telephone conversations with the administrative assistants of the invitees and will then telephone you with the resulting information . 2. After the grand opening, we will distribute the special-label souvenir packages of sugar and Mr. Owen's accompanying - 3 - letter in Washington. We would recommend that this distri­ bution be carried out with all senatorial and congressional offices for the states in which Great Western sugar is marketed as well as with all members of the Sena~ se Agricultural // Committees. In each office we would distribute the souvenir packages to the office-holder and his administrative assistant. Miss Christopher will be determining this number after a conversation with you. At that point we would request that the total number of packages be reserved and sent to our Washington office when they become available. We would envision this distri­ bution to be made during October. We suggest further that an additional number of packages be added to the shipment to provide coverage of the staffs of the House and Senate Agricultural Committees. Even though Congress will probably not be in session, there will be members in and out of Washington and sugar will certainly keep . - 4 - ,. 3. We heartily applaud your plan for the luncheon with the Governor. There is no better way to make an impression of the importance of this plant on the entire political establishment, all at one time. We hope that Mr. White's schedule will permit him to attend and we would suggest your considering inviting the congressional delegation to the luncheon, through the Governor's office, even though they will already have been invited to the opening earlier. MRH/pc cc: Robert R. Owen, Esq. Tedd Joseph, Esq. (Dictated but not read by Mr. Haley) - 5 -.
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