THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, .ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932. VOL. XL—No. 16 2.00 A YEAR Mr. Lemuel D. Oalhurst Dominion Government to stamp Warns Against Fashionable Wedding i. Duncan A. IcDae Cornwall and District Many Mourn Passing of Dies at Glen Robertson Assist in Direct Relief Setfisli Attituile AI Edmontnn, Altn. Interred at Edmoninn, Alla. Dax Lacrosse League Eslimable Ottawa Lady After many years of indifferent ^ (Ottawa Citizen) NOTED BRITISH ECONOMIST (Edmonton Review) The funeral of the late Mr. Duncan (Cornwall Freeholder) Following a lengthy illness the death * health and latterly a victim of much Eepresentatives of the Dominion and GIVES SOUND ADVICE IN RE- St. Joseph’s Cathedral, and Easter Alexander MaeRae, 9344 Rowland Ed., Cornwall and District Box Lacrosse occurred on April 7th, of Annie Dow, suffering, Mr. Lemuel D. Bathurst nine provincial governments concluded LATION TO APPROACH OF IN- sanctuary breathing the fragrance of •Edmonton, Alta., who passed away on League has been granted affiliation widow of the late George Grant, at v.passed away at his residence in Glen their conference, at Ottawa, on Sat- TER-EMPIEE RELATIONS. many lily blossoms,^ and its altars April 2nd, aged 64, was held Monday vrith the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse As- her residence, 88 Powell Avenue, Ottà- A’Bh.bertson^ 'on Thursday, the 7th AprU. urday efvening. At the close of deli- Yv’hite with the beauty of the flowers, afternoon, at 3.30 o’clock at Howard sociation and the team winning the wa. (Toronto Globe) Deceased who was in his 73rd year berations Prime Minister E. B. Ben- was the setting for a lovely wedding & McBride’s Chapel. Dr. Roxburgh championship of the local group will Mrs. Grant was born in Fitzroy Har- -at the time of his death, was a son of nett declared: ^^We have had a full Never put the Empire to a purely this Easter Monday morning. officiated and interment took place bo privileged to enter the Ontario and bour in 1854. In 1880 she married the late William/Bathurst and Sarah discussion of our problems with very mercenary test, councelled Sir Josiah At nine o’clock Florence Mary, iu- the Edmonton Cemetery. Dominion playdowns. George Grant of Bristol, Que., later Stamp, British economist, in an ad- Thare and was horn at Dalhousie Mills, satisfactory results.” daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Esch, The pallbearers were Messrs. John John Keenan, secretary of the lea- moving to Arnprior^ and to Ottawa Ont. He was educated at Eigaud Col- An official statement on the subject dress to the assembled parliamentar- became the bride - of John Joseph Lidstone, E. MaeRae, J. A. Fraser, J. gue, received a letter On Monday from twenty-five years ago where her hus- ians at luncheon Friday. Arrangements B. McLennan, D. A. Morrison, and J. lege and Ottawa and at one time of relief, it is learned, will be mad© O’Shea, son of the late Joseph and E. J. Dopp, secretary of the associa- band predeceased her in 1928. which are made at the coming econo- D. McDonald. Members of city police taught in the Glen Eobertson Public in Parliament the latter part of this Mrs. O’Shea, of Cornwall, Ont. With tion, stating that the O. A. L. A. would Rev. Dr. T. J. Thompson, Minister mic conference should be with a view attended. School. "vreek or the beginning of next. Sev- the lovely nuptial Mass, Rev. Leo- Nei be pleased to accept the affiliation of of the Glebe United Church, Ottawa, to the judgment of posterity , ‘ ‘ our For a number of years, Mr. Bath eral phases will be considered by cab- ligan, performed the ceremony. Ver- Beautiful floral tributes were receiv- the Cornwall and District group. In this conducted a largely attended funeral children and our children’s children.” urst resided in Montreal, subsequently inet cpuncil before the issue of the dun MacDonald, and Hubert Esch ser- ed from the following; Annie and Fred, letter, Mr. Dopp offered every assis- service at the home at 2 p.m., on April Canadians^ the dominions and Mother Joy and Willie; Bella, Christopher and returning to the village of his adop- statement. ved at the altar. tance in the formation of the league 9th. Following the service the cortege Country ought not to enter the confer- Janet; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lidstone, Mrs- tion. With a brief intermission for lunch, The tall and graceful bride was and stated that the association would proceeded to Beechwood Cemetery, Speer, Louise and Harold; Mr. and He is survived by his widow, Annie the session lasted from ten o’clock iu ence with an idea of making the best lovely in her ankle length go-wn of be willing to assist, to the extent of 30 where interment was made. Mrs. H. Speer; Mr. and Mrs. A. Greig; McDonald, and of a family of thirteen, the morning until well after dinner individual bargain, for declared Sir dream blue crepe de chene and app"*)- percent, of the affiliation fees, in de- The pallbearers were Messrs. D. G. Josiah, such arrangements so made are Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDonald; Mr. and five sons and four daughters are left hour. Meeting in the East Block of qued lace sleeves. Her deeper shade fraying expenses incurred in the or- Stewart of Dunvegan, Hugh Baird, of built upon shifting sands. Mrs. D. A. Morrison; Mr. and Mrs. to mourn his loss, Joseph Alexander. the- Parliament Buildings uiider the organdie hat was trimmed with velvet giinization of the group. Mr, Dopp Fitzrofy Harbour, William Grant lof Sam Kennedy; Mr. and Mr.s Soper; -John Angus, William, lEdgar Earl, all chairmanship of Premier Bennett, con- Sir Jjosiah was presented with a flowrs in soft springtime tones, and pointed out that leagues affiliated Campbell’s Bay, William Smellie, E. A. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Little and sous; -of Montreal; Archie, at honfe, Mrs. ditions in every province of the Dom- handsome candelabra by Premier Ben- she carried a shower bouquet of Ophe- with the 0. A. L. A. must decide, a win Thornton, T. G. Lindsay, of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Steele, Charlie and Mary Showers, Mrs. C. A. .Farnum, inion were considered. The entire situ- nett on behalf of Canada for his work lia roses and valley lillies. ner by October 15, when the Ontario The large number of messages of Montreal; Mrs. P. Sussdorff, Port ation dealing with labor conditions, Elsie; Glengarry friends in Edmonton as chairman of the Commission O’l The bride was attended by her sis- play-offs will begin. sympathy and beautiful floral offerings Kent, N.Y., and Mrs. John D. McDon- agriculture and other mattery were The hymns, “Nearer My God to Grain Futures a year ago. Sir Josiah ter, Miss Kathleen Esch, -who wore a bespoke the wide-spread sorrow oc- ald, Glen Eobertson, also by two bro- openly discussed with Eastern govern- Thee” and ^'0 God Our Help in Ages Secretary Keenan has written to of- refused to take anÿ fee for his ser-vices quaint frock of chartreuse romaine ficers of Nationals, Cornwall Island. casioned by the death of Mrs. Grant. thers, James of Montreal, Duncan J., ment representatives, Western govern- at the time, and the candelabra was a Past ’ ’ were sung and Mrs. D. McKeek- crepe, made in long^ lines and St. Andrews, Alexandria, Courtauld Among the floral pieces wçre a pillow Dalhousie Mills, one sister, Mrs. Mac- ment representatives and the Dominion slight token of the country’s apprecia- nie sang as a solo, Mr. MacEae’s fav- with tiny puff sleeves. Her small hat and Maxville clubs, asking them to re- from the family, baskets from The ■pherson, Dundee, Que. and thirty-four all participating. tion. It is made of Canadian silver, orite hymn, “Lead Kindly Light.” Young Women’s Committee of Ottawa was of cream with chartreuse flowers mit the required affiliation fee as grandchildren. Although no official statement was executed by Canadian workmen in a The late Mr. MaeRae is survived by and she carried an armful of Easter quickly as possible. When these fees Presbyterial of the W.M.S. and from The last tribute was paid by a large made, it is learned that the Dominion very fine design. one brother Christopher MacEae of the Session of Glebe United Church; lilies. have been received, a meeting of th© C. family Oircle and many old friends and government is prepared to render suci> Sir Josiah’s address while dealing- Lancaster and three sisters, Mrs; Isa- and D.B.L.A. will be called for the sprays from the Women’s As- associates throughout Glengarry and assistance to the provinces as may be with a rather involved economic ques- Mr. William Little, of Peace River bel Lidstone of Montreal; Mrs. F. W. drawing up of schedules making of ar- sociation, the Men’s Association, •district at his funeral which took place necessary to continue ^‘direct relief” tion, -Was a lucid outline of the world was the best man, and Mr. Jack Speer of Edmonton, Alta, and Janet the Young Women’s Guild, - and the rangements for the season’s sport. Saturday morning, 9th inst-, to St. after May 1. Provincial representa- solution. Tatham, Mr. Eddie Shiels and Mr. John of Lancaster. choir of Glebe United Church and from Howard were the, ushers. Miss Alber 0 Up to date, four teams, Nationals, Martin of Tours Church and Cemetery, tives state that unemployment relief In United States a .department of the Metropolitan Life of Cornwall; Cornwall Island, St. An -Glen Eobertson, Eev. C. ' D. McEae, works by way of indirect relief will be Having just come from the United tine Lessards, sang beautifully during Insurance Co.
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