---· 2l>46 FAR SUSSEX. LKELLY'S :FARMERS continued. Cherryman Ml"S. Joseph, Thorn dean, Cooper Brothers, Peasmarsh, Rye R.S.U Cane W.Lit.Buckland hill, Wadhurst, S.O Cuckfield, Hayward's Heath Cooper Albert, Peasmarsh, Rye R.S.O Canfield George, Cold harbour, Warn- ChesterJohn,Boar's head,Crowborough, ICooper A. Place, Icklesham, Rye R.S.O inglid, Hayward's Heath Tunbridge Wells Cooper Allan, Hishopstone, Lewes Caplin Thomas, Greenland, Lurgashall, ChesterS.(exors.of),Northiam,RyeR.8.0 Cooper Edward, Sparwood, Plaistow, Petworth Child Frederick James, Hailsham S.O Billingshurst Capon Willia.m, Chilgrove, Chichester Child Jas. Loxwood, Billingsburst R.S.O CooperG.Bealhouse,Ballscross,Petworth Card Mrs. Ann,Crowboro', Tunbdg. Wells Childs John, Cooks bridge & Bridgeland, Cooper George, Kirdford, Billings burst Carey Geo. Broyle side, Ringmer, Lewes Fernhurst 8.0 Cooper H. Maidlands, Brede, Rye R.S.O Ca.rey Hy. Hurtmonceux, Hailsham S.O Childs Mrs. John, Todhurst, Plaistow, Cooper James, High street, Petworth CareyJohn,Potter'sgreen,Buxted,Uckfld Billingshurst Cooper James, Iden, Rye R.S.O Carey Thos. Crow link, Friston, Eastbrne Chilton James, Buxted, Uckfield Cooper Jn. The Firs, Fairlig-ht, Hastings CarpenterChs.Chalvington,HellinglyS.O Chitty G. Mill, South Harting,Petersfield Cooper Thomas, Beckley, Rye R.S.O Carpenter Francis, Rapley's & Skinner's, Chitty H. W. North Mundham, Chichestr Cooper Mrs. Thomas, Chilsfo!d, Plais- West Chiltington, Pulborough R.S.O Chitty William, Itchingfield, Horsham tow, Billingshmst Carpenter James, Lodsworth, Petworth Chrismas G.Holme st.PulboroughR.S.O Cooper Thomas, Willingdon, Eastbourne Carpenter Mrs. Lucy, Chalvington, Christer Edward, Mayfield S.O Cooper Wm. Hy. South Bersted, Bognor Hellingly 8.0 ChristmasJas. Verdley,Easebrn.Midhurst Coote Charles, Henfield R.S.O Carpenter Mrs. R. Amberley, Arundel Churcher Edwd. Westbourne, Emsworth Coote Geo. Cosens, Tortington, Arundel CarrMrs. C. Stonemead,Nutl~y,Uckfield Churcher Wm. Westbourne, Emsworth CooteMrs. Mary,Climping, Littlehmptn Ca.rr Harry, Lindfield, Hayward's Heath Churchman ChaR. Wick, Littlehampton CoppardChas.Perryman's,BrightlingS.O Carr Harry, Old Hall, High Burst Churchman Edward, Naldred house, Coppard Edwin, Old mill, Mayfield S.O wood, Buxted, Uckfield Rudgwick, Horsham Coppard John,Burwash,EtchinghamS.O Carr Robert B. Jefferies farm, Horsted ChurchmanJ.Rdgwck.Bllngshrst.R.S.O Coppard John (exors. ofl, The Green, Keynes, East Grinstead Clapson Geo. Funnell's, Heathfield S.O Wivelsfield, Burgess Hill R.S.O Carr W.jnn.Gate ho.Maresfield, Uckfield Clapson J.Stockwood,Ewhurst,Hwkhrst Coppard William, Chelwood common, CarrickThos. Wedds,Ticehurst,Hawkhrst Clark G. Salmon's bdg. Tillington, Ptwrth Dane hill, Uckfield Carter Charles, Lower Willingdon, Clark Henry, Heathfield S.O Coppard Wm. Smith barn, Horsham Willingdon, Eastbourne Clark Isaac, Black barn, Chiddingly S.O CopperW.Rye grn.Brwsh.Etchnghm.S.O Carter D.Hor~tedKeynes,East Grinstead Clark J. J. Upper Goldstone road & 24 Corfe W. N.Eridge grn. Tunbridge Wells Carter George, Stedham, Midhurst North street, Hove, Brighton CorkeA.Howbourne,Hadlow dwn. Uckfld Carter George, Wiston, Steyning Clark James, West st. Heathfield 8.0 Corke Alfred Wm. Buxted, Uckfield Carter Hy. .Ardingly, Hayward's Heath Clark Wm. W. Riseden, Tidebrook 8.0 Corke B. B. Hempstead, Framfield 8.0 Carter Hy. Buncton, Wiston, Steyning Clarke George, Cross-in-Hand S. 0 Corke Tilden Smith, Brede, Rye R.S.U Carter Robt.Ardingly, Hayward's Heath Clayton Jas. High ho. Selsey, Chichester Cornford Amos, Mayfield 8.0 Carter William, Willingdou, Eastbourne Clayton James, Sidlesham, Chichester Cornford David, :Five Ashes, Hawkhurst -Carter William Evershed, Newfields, ClearMchl.Washingtn.PulboroughR.S.O Cornford David, Mayfield S.O Wisborough green, BillingshurstR. S. 0 Clement Arth. Ireland, PulboroughR. S. 0 Corn ford J n. W oolbridge, Mayfield S.O .Carver Fredk. C. Bolney,Hayward's Hth Coad Rt. Eridgegreen, Tunbridge Wells Cornford Nicholas J. Wartling, Hastings Catt Chas. Hurstmonceux,Hailsham S.O Coad William, Redgate mill, Eridge Cornford Peter, Heathfield S.O Catt Charles, Warbleton S.O green, Tunbridge \Veils Cornford Samuel, Boar's head, Crow· Catt Charles, Wartling, Hastings CoatesF.Maplehurst,Nuthurst,Horsham borough, Tunbridge Wells Datt Edwin, Terwick, Petersfield Coates Hy. Pondtail, Shipley, Horsham Cornford Sl. Eridge grn.TunbridgeWells Catt George, Piccadilly, Mayfield S.O Colbran Mrs.N.Swineshl.Polegatelt.S.O Cornford Samuel, Hailsham S.O Catt Henry, Clay hill, Ringmer, Lewes Cole Charles, Boar's head, Crow- CornwallSaml.G.Street,Hassocks R.S.O Catt John, Sedlescombe, Battle S.O borough, Tunbridge Wells Cornwall George, Blackboys,Hawkhurst tCatt Thomas James, Lower Lankhurst, Colebrook James, Tillington, Petworth CornwellJ. Chamberlaines,Ringmr.Lews Westfield, Battle S.O Colegate Jn. Toke, lcklesbam,RyeR.S.O Corn well Richard, Copwood, Uckfield Cave John, Fletching, Uckfield Coleman C. Chitcomb, Brede, Rye R.S.O Cortis Wm. Peters, Ferring, Worthing ChafferSl.Highleigh,Sidlesham, Chichstr Colemau Chas. South com.Chailey,Lewes Cosens Mrs. A. B.N orthMundhm.Hun.stn Chalcraft Jaspar, Boxalland, Kirdford, Coleman John, Cold Harbour farm, Cosens Henry, Little Bepton, Midhurst Billingshurst Crowborough, 'funbridge Wells CoshamMrs.E.Eason's gn.FramfieldS.O ChallenJ.F.&C.Crypt,Cockiog,Midhnrst Collins Caleb, Punnetts Town ~.0 Cosham John, Short gate,Laughton S.O Challen Charles, Malham, Wisborough +Collins Chas. Highlands, Heathfield 8.0 Coltingham Amos,Hadluw dwn. Uckfield green, Billingshurst R.S.O CollinsChas.Lagness,Pagham,Chichester Cottingham William,'fheNursery R.S.O · Cha.llen Henry, Tye oak, East Harting, Collins Edmund, Byworth, Petworth Cottington CTeorge, Framfield S.O South Harting, Petersfield Collins Edmund, South Bersted, Bognor CousinsC.Northwood,Stansted,Emswrth ' Challen J ames, Singleton, Chichester Co llins Geo. New Pond, Cross-in-HandS. 0 Covell Fredk. Horsebridge, Hellingly S. 0 Challen John, Heyshott, Midhurst Collins George, Wartling, Hastings tCoventryDvd.Gt. Worge,BrightlingS.O challen Stephen, Chithurst, Petersfield Collins Horace, Warbleton S.O CoventryRobert,Little beach,Battle S.O challen Stephen, Trotton, Petersfield Collins Richard, Barnham, llognor Cowley Charles, Black Rock farm, Rot- • Challen Stephen, jun. Fyning, Rogate, Collins R. Fittleworth,PulboroughR.S.O tingdean, Brighton Petersfield Collins William, Tangmere, Chichester CowleyH. TheGrange,Ovingdean,Brghtn Challen Wm. Hoyle, Heyshott, Midhurst Collins William Davis, Leigh manor, Cowley Thomas,Hammond's place, Bur- . -ChambersMrs.Rutll,West st.Seaford S.O Cuckfield, Hayward's Heath gess Hill R.S.O ChandlerG.Redlands,Lodswrth.Petwrth Comber John Tulley, Cockhaise, Lind- CowleyW.Rectory cot.Ovingdean,Brigtn · Chandler Thos. Common, HeathfieldS. 0 field, Hayward's Heath Cox Arthur, 11 High street, Bognor · Chapman John, Little Cans iron, Ham- ComberJ.Stringers,Rud~wick,Horsham Cox James, Hartfield, Tunbridge Wells merwood, Hartfield ComberWm. Lindfield,Hayward'sHeath Cox Jesse, Chailey, Lewes S.O · Chappell Cephas Clinton, Dumpford Combes ConradeC.Sidlesham,Cbichester Cox John, Scaynes hill, Lindfield, Hay· park, Trotton, Petersfield Combes Mrs. Maria, Rookwood, West ward's Heath Charman Charles, Clay's, West Chilting- Wittering, Chichester Cox Mrs. Lucy, Nutley, Uckfield ton, Pulborough R.S.O Comper Charles, Whale's, West Chilt- CoxThoi.Hambrook,Chidham,Emswrth Charman Clement, Pulborough R.S.O ington, Pulborough R.8.0 Cramp Albert,Chittlebirch,Sedlescombe, Charman Frederick William, Great Compton .Alfred Hall, Shulbrede priory, Battle S.O house, Southwat.er, Horsham Shotter mill, Haslemere CrampE.Ellen hali,Ewhnrst,Hawkhurst ·Charman Geo. Green, Pulborough R. S. 0 Compton Edwd. Southwater, Horsham Cramp Fredk. Burwash, EtchinghamS.O ·Charman John, Oak house & Pickhurst, Compton W. G. Rotherfld.Tunbrdg.Wlls CresswellJ.Cobdens,Lodsworth,Petwrth • Pulborough R_S.O Connor Hy. Sut.ton, Pulborough R.8.0 CresswellWilloughby,Lodswrth.Petwrth -channan Michael, Warnham, Horsham Connor James, Duncton, Petworth Crew Wm South com.Chailey,LewesS.O oChart Richd. Street end, Heathfield S. 0 ConstableA. J arvis brook, Tunbrdg. Wells Cripps Philip, Cra wley Down S. 0 {Jhatfield George, Stroods, Cuckfield, Constable E. Spithurst, Barcombe,Lewes Crisford Fredk. Ninfield, Battle S.O Hayward's Heath Constable F. Balcombe, Hayward's Hth CrispeW.A.Bardown,Stonegte.Hawkhrst 1 Chatfield Rd. Mare hl."Pulborough R. S. 0 Cook Alfred, Winchelsea, Rye R.S. 0 ~ Crittall Alfred, Stonehouse, Town row, Chatfield Thomas, Dane hill, Uckfield Cook Alvan, East Chiltington, Lewes I Tunbridge Wells Cheale Walter, Little Bnckham hill, CookJsph. BlackBrook, GuestM.ng ,Hstngs! Crittenden Brothers, Udimore,RyeR.S. 0 lsfield, Uckfield Cook Leonard, Ifield, Crawley Crittenden Benj. Udimore, Rye R.S.O CheesemanF.W.Sedlescombe,BattleS.O Cook Mrs. Richard, Little Haywards, CrittendenEdwin, Udimore, RyeR.S.O Cheesmere Mrs. Joseph, Andrew's hill, Hayward's Heath Crittenden Joseph, Udimore, Rye R.S.O Billingshurst R.S.O Cook William, Hayward's Heath R.8.0 CronkTho!!l. Wood's corner,Dallingtn.S.O Cheesmore Wili1am, jun. Little Tiddles- Cooke William, Chailey, Plumpton S.O tCrossley George Richard, Great Butts, fold, Rudgwi~k, Billingshurst R.S.O Coombs Wm. Bryer, Baxted, Uckfield Wadhurst 8.0 .
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