July 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7823 this sad episode has left a permanent impres- to as ‘‘Phish-heads’’—follow the band COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT sion on Shigeru. Fortunately, Shigeru has from concert to concert living off HOMEOWNERSHIP TAX CREDIT overcome this tragedy and has maintained a veggie burritos, grilled cheese sand- ACT standard for other young people to follow. wiches and the charity of others. Shigeru has proven to me that life is too im- ∑ Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, portant to waste and to enjoy every moment Through it all, Phish has always con- President Bush officially declared the by being an active member of society, not sidered Vermont home. In a tribute to month of June as ‘‘National Homeown- just a spectator. their Burlington roots, the band’s first ership Month,’’ and with this annual Sincerely, album produced with a major record tradition, America’s attention was JOHN INUMERABLE. company was titled A Picture of Nec- again drawn to the importance of f tar. And the band’s share of proceeds homeownership and the stability it can TRIBUTE TO PHISH from sales of the popular ‘‘Phish Food’’ bring to families and neighborhoods. It Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavor goes is often homeownership that finan- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, on Au- directly toward environmental projects cially anchors American families and gust 15 in Coventry, VT, a beloved in Vermont’s Lake Champlain Water- civically anchors our communities. But chapter in American music history will shed. Now, as they prepare for their I believe our focus on homeownership come to a close as the jam band Phish final show in Vermont, it is appro- also returns our attention to the basic holds its final concert for legions of de- priate that they finish where they ideals of the American Dream. Ensur- voted ‘‘phans’’ and ‘‘Phish-heads.’’ We started. ing access to homeownership, and in Vermont are well known for our su- Though Phish has sold millions of al- through it access to the American perb maple syrup, our wonderful ice bums and become a huge success, in Dream, is among the most significant cream, our award-winning cheese and spirit they remain a group that is un- ways we can empower our citizens to our beautiful scenery, but after 21 re- pretentious and unfailingly loyal to achieve the happy, productive and sta- markable years, the jam band Phish their fans. Their admirable generosity ble lifestyle everyone desires. has certainly become one of our most has fostered a sense of community Having a house of one’s own that pro- famous exports. among those who follow the group. The vides security and comfort to one’s The four musicians of Phish—Trey band’s break-up is a source of sadness family and that gives families an ac- Anastasio, Mike Gordon, Page to all of us who know and love them. tive, vested interest in the quality of O’Connell, and Jon Fishman—met and I congratulate Trey Anastasio, Mike life their community provides is cen- started playing together as under- Gordon, Jon Fishman and Page tral to our collective ideas about free- graduates at the University of O’Connell on their remarkable success. dom and self-determination. As a na- Vermont in the early 1980s. The band I am grateful for all they have done for tion, we know that homeownership quickly moved beyond its humble be- Vermont, for American music, and for helps the emotional and intellectual growth and development of children. ginnings in a dormitory basement to their fans. Most importantly, we sin- We know that homeowners show great- playing a small nightclub in Bur- cerely appreciate their authenticity, er interest and more frequent partici- lington called Nectar’s. While they their enthusiasm and their generosity. pation in civic organizations and toured for 5 years before releasing any While no one wants to see Phish stop commercial albums, the buzz around neighborhood issues. We know that playing after this summer, we can all when people own homes, they are more the band spread as their striking melo- take some solace that their music will dies and lively jam sessions endeared likely to accumulate wealth and assets live on, in these words from their song, and to prepare themselves financially them to a growing legion of fans. ‘‘Down With Disease.’’ Phish released its first commercial for such things as their children’s edu- Waiting for the time when I can finally say album, Junta, in 1989. Since then, the cation and retirement. That this has all been wonderful, but now In America today, homeownership is band has put out more than 35 studio I’m on my way. and live albums that have sold millions at a record high. Unfortunately, how- But when I think it’s time to leave it all be- ever, there remains a significant gap of copies. They have more than 200 hind, between minority and non-minority original songs, and many of the songs I try to find a way, but there’s nothing I can populations, leaving homeownership an die-hards love most were never re- say to make it stop. elusive financial prospect for many. corded in the studio. f The homeownership rate for the na- But the magic of Phish is not as tion’s African American and Hispanic much in its studio recordings as it is in ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS households lags more than 25 percent- its live performances. In an era when age points below White households. slick marketing techniques often over- LAUREN AMBER COOK In Congress, we have the responsi- shadow the musical accomplishments bility of ensuring that the dream of of the artists themselves, this talented Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I pay homeownership is possible for more of band from Vermont has provided a re- tribute and congratulate Lauren our citizens. Last year, Senator JOHN freshing contrast by promoting free Amber Cook of Princeton, KY on being KERRY and I drafted and sponsored S. spiritedness and individuality in their awarded the William R. Sprague Schol- 875, the ‘‘Community Development music. arship from the Kentucky Farm Bu- Homeownership Tax Credit Act,’’ a bill The band has always been uncon- reau Education Foundation. This aca- that enjoys strong bipartisan support cerned about releasing catchy singles demic scholarship will provide Lauren in the Senate. This legislation would and making millions of dollars from with $4,000 toward her education. give developers and investors an incen- record sales. Instead they play long Lauren has proven to be a very able tive to participate in the rehabilitation jams—oftentimes with songs lasting 30 and competent student by winning this and construction of homes for low- and minutes or longer—and tour year- prestigious award. She will represent moderate-income buyers. This measure round. Bucking a trend in the industry, the graduates of Caldwell County High is aimed at reaching President Bush’s they even encouraged people to tape School very well when she enrolls at goal of increasing American minority their shows for free and trade them on Vanderbilt University in the autumn. homeownership by 5.5 million families, the Internet. For the members of There she plans to study chemical en- thus making 5.5 million new dreams Phish, it really is all about their music gineering with a focus on agriculture. come true. and their fans. The citizens of Caldwell County Owning a home is an integral part of Every night on stage is a new and dif- should be proud to have a young attaining the security, continuity, and ferent showcase for the talents of the woman like Lauren Amber Cook in comfort of living the American Dream. versatile and endlessly creative band their community. Her example of dedi- I will continue to advocate policies members. Whether they are playing cation and hard work should be an in- that help make this dream become a electric guitars, keyboards, drums, or spiration to the entire Commonwealth. reality for our Nation’s families. I ask vacuum cleaners, Phish’s She has my most sincere apprecia- my colleagues to join me in support- improvisational talent has never dis- tion for this work, and I look forward ing homeownership by cosponsoring appointed. Many fans—often referred to her continued service to Kentucky. S. 875.∑ VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:49 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S08JY4.REC S08JY4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S7824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 8, 2004 TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT For the past 3 years, ADM Jim Ellis the staff of the commander in chief, GENERAL ROBERT B. FLOWERS has demonstrated his leadership as U.S. Atlantic Fleet. He assumed duties ∑ Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I want commander of United States Strategic as deputy chief of Naval Operations— to take a few moments today to pub- Command. During his time at Offutt Plans, Policy and Operations—in No- licly thank Lieutenant General Robert AFB, in Nebraska, Jim Ellis personi- vember 1996. Flowers, who left his post as com- fied the Navy’s core values of integrity, Admiral Ellis became commander in mander and chief of engineers of the selfless service, and excellence in all chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on July things. I join the many Members and headquartered in London, England, and 1. General Flowers is one of the finest staff who enjoyed the opportunity to commander in chief, Allied Forces, individuals I have worked with as a meet with him on a variety of strategic Southern Europe headquartered in U.S.
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