VOLUME TEN, NO. 18—August 28, 1997-September 10, 1997—Issue 238 Give the People Light and they willfind their own way. The Wisconsin Light 9~ This gssae Psychologists Denounce Attempts A Pull out and Save Section to Change Gays and Lesbians The Wisconsin fight Overwhelming Majority Attack "Reparative" Therapy Jine Arts Season Washington, DC-- On August 14, 1997,The American Psychological Asso- Preview guide ciation (APA) passed a resolution that represents a serious setback to proponents of so-called "reparative" or "conversion" Pages 13 to 22 therapy, according to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The APA is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. According to a statement issued by the APA, the resolution "affirmed four basic Police See Nothing principles: • Homosexuality is not a mental dis- Puzzling in Kevin order and the APA opposes all por- trayals of Lesbian, Gay and Bisex- Rotar's Death St. ual people as mentally ill and in need of treatment due to their sex- Francis Chief Says ual orientation; • Psychologists do not knowingly Milwaukee—In an update to our story participate in or condone discrimi- on the death of Kevin Rotar, the Milwau- natory practices with Lesbian, Gay kee Journal reported that authorities and Bisexual clients; identified a body found on the beach at • Psychologists respect the rights of Vinnond Park as being that of Rotar, individuals, including Lesbian, Gay missing in Lake Michigan since August 9. and Bisexual clients, to privacy, The beach is about 15 miles north of St. confidentiality, self-detennination Francis where Rotar was reported to have ;„. and autonomy; dived off a boat in pursuit of a hat • Psychologists obtain appropriate in- According to Matthew Brooks, a formed consent to therapy in their spokesman for the Coast Guard, Rotar and work with Lesbian, Gay and Bisex- up of friends were aboard a 30 foot ual clients. cabin cruiser, the "Just Right" owned by The resolution thither states that the Club 219 manager Chuck Cicarello. APA - urges all mental health profession- According to a front page story in the als to take the lead in removing the stigma Journal on Tuesday, August 26, bylined of mental illness that has long been asso- to Tom Vanden Brook, authorities are ciated with homosexual orientation." continuing to raise questions about Ro- According to the APA, the resolution tar's death. passed "by an overwhelming majority." St. Francis Police Chief Jim Burgess, "These conversion therapies amount to however, downplayed any inferences that Coining to the Party-- Men Out Loud, the openly Gay, men's a °spell* group from Los Angeles will oe nothing more than psychological terrorism could be concluded about the situation. among the featured entertainers at the Decade of Light party on Sunday, November 94' at the Milwaukee and are usually performed by practitioners He said that a "complete autopsy" had Hilton Hotel. The party celebrates the tenth anniversary of The Wisconsin Light. The group's repertoire who harbor intense bias against Gay peo- been done on Rotar's body and that "no includes pop, dance music, classic, R & B and Doo-Wop. Their debut album on Mensuy records was ple," said David M. Smith, HRC's senior evidence of trauma" had been found. released in June to critical acclaim. strategist. "These practitioners usually are Burgess emphasized several times that affiliated with extremist religious groups there was "no suspicion of foul play"; that Medical College Receives $4 Million Grant that promote the illusion that sexual ori- no one was under investigation. He entation can be changed to further their thought that any implication as to that ef- for Inner City Teen HIV Prevention Study political aims." fect and any rumors were "injurious to So-called reparative therapy seeks to Rotar's family." Milwaukee—The Medical College of families, so development of the preven- convert Gay people to heterosexuality, Contrary to other reports, Burgess said Wisconsin has received a $4,166,000 tion education program will be preceded which many mental health professionals that there was no conflict in the stories of three-year grant to develop and evaluate by six months of meetings with teenagers agree cannot be done. Some have com- those present on the boat. The only ex- the effectiveness of HIV prevention pro- and their parents to gather their input," pared these techniques to efforts to make ception, he said, was in the differing grams for teenagers living in inner city Kelly said. Parental advisory committees some left-handed people right-handed; judgements as to the position of the boat and public housing developments. The will also be formed to participate in pro- they may learn to use their right hands but at the time. giant was awarded to the Center for AIDS gram planning. they still are innately left-handed. Burgess, who said that he had "exten- Intervention Research (CAIR) at the The new study with adolescents follows Supporters of reparative therapy de- sive" experience in ocean diving, denied Medical College by the National Institute three years of HIV prevention work al- manded that the APA make a statement that police have concerns or questions of Mental Health. ready undertaken by CAIR investigators on these therapies because they have been about the distance the body traveled while "Recent statistics show that Americans with adult women in 18 U.S. inner-city under intensive debate within the profes- in the Lake. are contracting HIV at a much younger housing developments. In the now- sion and in the larger society. According to Burgess, at the point age than in the past," said Jeffrey A. concluding study, it was shown that "This resolution reaffirms the fact that where Rotar was, the break wall had a low Kelly, Ph.D., director of CAIR, professor women who are liked and well-respected since there is nothing wrong with homo- point. The Lake was choppy that day. In of psychiatry and behavioral medicine, by their neighbors in housing develop- sexuality, there is no reason that Gay, those circumstances, Burgess said, the and principal investigator of the study. "It ments can take on roles as effective and Lesbian or Bisexual people should try to waves pound against the break wall and is clear that we need to develop large- credible AIDS prevention advocates to change their orientations," said Kim Mills, over the low section. A strong suction is scale prevention programs for adolescents other women. another HRC spokesperson. "We stand set up. Based on his years of experience, because they are at high potential risk for "We found it is possible to mobilize with the APA in calling for an end to dis- Burgess said that he believes Rotar got contracting the disease." women to talk with their neighbors about crimination against people based on their caught in the suction and was pulled down The three-year study will focus on AIDS, and that this approach results in sexual orientation." and swept out. youths, ages 12 to 17, living in 15 low- substantial reductions in HIV risk behav- The resolution strongly reaffirms that Burgess said that the St. Francis Police income housing developments in the ior among women throughout the housing homosexuality is not a mental illness and had received a call "about 4:00 p.m." The metro areas of five U.S. cities: Milwau- development neighborhood," said Kath- that psychologists must not "participate in Coast Guard and rescue units had been kee, Seattle, Cleveland, Roanoke (Vir- leen J. Sikkema, Ph.D., associate profes- or condone discriminatory practices with called first, "which is the way it should ginia), and Atlanta. While many past HIV sor of psychiatry and behavioral medicine sexual minority clients." be," he said. prevention programs have provided one- and co-principal investigator of the new In addition, the APA resolution calls on In succeeding days, stormy conditions on-one and small group counseling, this adolescent study. Similar community psychologists to "respect the rights of in- obtained on the Lake. Burgess said that he project will seek to mobilize teens on a methods will be conducted in the new dividuals, including sexual minority cli- believed that Rotar's body would have community-wide level to take on roles as project, which seeks to strengthen young ents, to privacy, confidentiality, self- been swept along by wave action. This AIDS prevention advocates to their peers. adolescents' intentions to abstain from sex determination and autonomy." And it di- explains the distance, he said. The youths will not only learn how to or, if already sexually active, to use con- rects psychologists to obtain appropriate Burgess said that now police await the protect themselves from HIV, but will doms during sex. informed consent to therapy when work- toxicology report, but it will do "nothing" also learn how to talk effectively to other "It is exciting that the plan for the new ing with sexual minority clients, including to rhange police ideas that there was "no teens about the benefits of avoiding AIDS project came from women in the con- minors. foul play." risk, creating a peer environment that cluding study who asked that CAIR in- Services were held for Kevin Rotar by supports the decisions of adolescents to vestigators extend their work to young his family on Sunday, August 24, 1997. protect themselves from HIV. people, Sildcema said. He was 41. "For the project to be successful, it needs to be responsive to the values of the Please Turn to Medical College Page 6 August 28, 1997—September 10, 1997—WISCONSIN LIGHT-2 A Focus on the Family Founder Apologizes Colorado Springs, CO-AP- A man who calls himself a co-founder of Focus on the Family, a Far Right Wing group, publicly apologized to women, ethnic minorities, News From Gays and Lesbians, religious groups and the media during a blitz Friday to promote his book.
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