JOPLIN GLOBE, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945. Allen Has Antidote for Riotous Tactics He Says Are Ruining Basketball: Berry and Kashey, Two Rough Boys, aminations to ascertain his physio^: CARD JUNIOR LEAGUE NEW RULE SUGGESTED STREET TO AIR BALL IRISH BASKET COACH al fitness for military service. COOPER IN HOSPITAL Captain Kenneth Ray, public re­ Clash in Main Event Here Tonight lations officer, said probably thres CLUBS MEET SUNDAY BY K.U. CAGE HEAD GAMESjTST. LOUIS VIEWS lOWAGRIB JOB FOR REMINATION days will be required to complete Red Berry, who twirled Pat comer by the intriguing name of the examinations. Beorgranization and Expansion Phog Would Do Away With Pell- O'Dowdy around something like a Dizzy (Orchid) Davis of Los An­ Gabby Will Be Annoimcer for Clem Crowe at Iowa City and Pre­ Star Righthander of Cards, Classi­ Cooper has been classified +-S,ft' Plans lor 1945 to Come Up at geles, who will wear a reported $500 The adjutant's office in Washing^/ Mell Antics After Trial From rag doll last week before he tired Browns' and Cards' Contests sumably Is Interested in Post fied 4-F, to Undergo An- Session in JopUn. Free-Throw Line. of playing around and smacked his robe into the ring, toss a gardenia ton ordered re-examinations afte;t'- or corsage to some ringside woman at Sportsman's Park. at Hawkeye School. otlier Diagnosis. rival in the eye, will have a tougher the pitcher was rejected a second v The Cardinal Junior Baseball Kansas City, March 14.—Cff>) spectator and who is reputed to be time for military service recentlyiu. package to open in tonight's main Charles El, (Gabby) Street, with Iowa City la.. March 14.—(;P>— Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Mlarch League will meet Sunday after­ quite a wrestler in spite of it all. Hell for leather basketball, inten­ event at Memorial hall. He' will go against Stan Hackney 28 years as active player behind E. G. (Dad) Schroeder, University 14.—(j'P)—Mort Cooper, ace right­ Production of military vehicle*' noon at 2:30 at the Joplin Chamber tional fouling and bunjping are Abe (King Kong) Kashey of San of Texas, who will be back in the him and several others as mana­ of Iowa athletic director, said today hander of the St. Louis Cardinal and parts by the automotive IndiisP ^ of Commerce offices ^or reorgani­ giving basketball a bad name and Francisco, mean enough to be dis­ Memorial hall ring for the first Glem Crowe, Notre Dame basket­ pitching staff, entered the post hos­ try amounted to $2,500,000,000'in''•^ ger, can't get away from the game ball coach and football line coach, pital here today for a series of ex­ zation and perhaps expansion into spectators and players bad hearts, qualified in his first Joplin appear­ time in more than a month. They 1944. will go for the best two falls out —or maybe the game can't get was Interested In the Iowa foot­ an eight-club circuit in 1945, accord- says Phog Allen, who has Just •what ance, and tough enough to get ball coaching post for next fall. away with it, will square off of three with a 45-minute time away from Gabby. ' ing to a call issued yesterday by the doctor ordered to quell the riot. limit. Next month he heads for St. Crowe was on the campus today against the Kansan for the best reportedly a guest of Lawrence President Joe Becker. Phog—Dr. P. C. Allen, basketball two falls out of three to a finish Louis, home of his greatest tri­ rWHAT A DIFFERENCE! O'Dowdy will be back for the (Pops) Harrison, Hawkeye cage Webb City, last year's champions; coach at Kansas university—said topping a program built entirely curtainraiser. His left eye cer­ umphs 15 years ago, next month Alba, the runner-up team; Carl aa commentator and play-by-play mentor. today the race-horse trend started around men. tainly looked the worse for wear Nearest thing to confirmation of Junction and Joplin Sunny Jims of Kashey has the size of Berry, after Berry split it open last week, announcer of all games to played last year's lineup are ready to go, with elimination of t'iie center at Sportsman's park by the Card­ the possibility of Crowe's coming appears just as unorthodox so far but he will not be up against the here was the word from Schroeder and. inquiries, or applications, have jump. as wrestling rules and form go red-header in tonight's 30-minute inals and Browns. been received from Baxter Springs, that Crowe was Interested In the Would Stop Intentional Fouling. these days, and certainly is as curtainraiser. John Swenskl of Managed Both Clubs. job. Crowe couldn't be reached for Carthage, Columbus, Galena, rich­ "I propose a rule that after all strong. Whether he possesses Lynn, Mass., will take on the rowdy Street managed the Cardinals in THE "OLD JOE UOSS" • A MODERN FIRE ENGINE er and one other Joplin team for a comment. personal fouls the ball be given out Berry's ringcraft probably makes O'Dowdy, substituting for Les 1930, '31, '32 and '33, and had Edward P. (Slip) Madlgan, Hawk It place in the league. Pittsburg and of bounds to the free-throwing no difference. Wolfe, still on the sidelines with charge of the Browns In 1938, his Jasper of last year's league have grid mentor for the last two sea­ team at mid-court, whether the As a side attraction, Matchmaker a dislocated knee suffered two last active Reason on the field. sons. Is not returning next fall. fallen by the wayside—Pittsburg shot is made or missed," said Al­ Karl Applegate brings in a new­ weeks ago. He returned to Joplin yesterday through expulsion and Jasper for len, whose ideas about basketball after a conference with radio of­ Eleven Senators in Gamp. lack of material. run from 12-foot high goals to a na­ ficials at St Louis, and plans to Washington, March 14.—C5^-- May Cliange Name. tion-wide czar td rule the game. CAPT. FEE OF JOPLIN PAUL DERRINGER, 38, leave early next month to assume Five more players — Outfielder Regulations for governing eligi­ This new rule would provide a ON WINNING PISTOL TEAM REPORTS TO THE CUBS his duties, the first two weeks of George Case and Infielders Charles 'ORninAT?lJBl.ADB PAi HOLLOW GROUND bility of players, limitations of lull in the now pell-mell game, ex­ which will be visits at spring Belhl, Hillis Layne, George Myatt RlQlDmEA'ZOR territory, the umpiring problems plained the J'ayhawker coach. An Eighth Air Force Liberator training camps of the St. Louis and Fred Vaughn—reported to the Flexible In Reaor^^ and perhaps change of name more French Lick, Ind., March 14—(JP) teams. Washington Senators today, mak- Not only would the 'rigamarole of Station, England—The Second air —Pitcher Paul Derringer, 38 years indicative of the locality of the lining up for free throws be elimi­ ing 11 In camp. Who! <) cliFF«r«i^» b«tw««n thU ot4 iteam fire •flglne and <(» division command pistol team, com­ old, joined the Chicago Cubs today, Radio announcing is nothing tearns also • are on the program. nated, but intentional fouling would new to the versatile Gabby who fir* «ng!n* of tenia/.„and b«hv««n on ordinory jafeJy foxor Last year's age limitation was that posed of crack shots picked from increasing the number of players blade and the ne>y Pql Hollow Ground->a different, medem go by the boards. There would be in camp to 13. Manager Charley was on the air at St. Louis in for four or five innings. Street the player had not arrived at his no point in it because the offend­ five units in Major General Wil­ will spend 30 minutes 'on the field blode for o different, fnodem shave. Pal Is flexibi^ In )h* razor, eighteenth birthday prior to the Grimm is confident the big right­ 1940 and 1941 and at Kansas City ing team couldn't gamble on re­ liam E. Kepner's command, won hander is primeil to give the Cubs In 1943. In addition to giving play- for pre-game features. foljow* foelol contours, whisking owoy whfikers with (ust o opening of the season. A change trieving the ball after a missed discussed but not adopted refers to the Eighth air force championship a lot 0/ service. Infielder Roy by-play .account^ of each game "FeqtherTouch". No "bearing down" «o no irritaileo to tendw free throw, Allen said. Neither Hughes, whose performance In 128 ainnnaHiinHHiiniiiiiiiriiiaiiiiHiiiiiiaiiie skins, Deticote blade edges last longer, toou^Tiy o pock lodqK. the eligibility of. any player not would there be the skyscraper play­ recently by scoring an average of /oVer 21 with an honorable dis- games last season did much to keep er waiting under the basket to re­ 95.55 per cent to defeat f^ur com­ the Cubs in the first division, is ex­ Last Time Tonite ^ charge'from the armed services. trieve a missed foul shot and dunk 46c Any Time! Any players within that eligibility peting teams. pected any day. He has been with it in for a two-point field goal. requirement can contact the man­ Among the four captains and the his father. 111 In Cincinnati. 4foTlO^ agers of the respective cluba for a Fiery Phog said coaches and ath­ corporal on the Second division PERFECTED AN9 letic directors should use present The Screen'! .No. 1 St»r I0for25f possible tryout.
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