^ , PRICE TEN CENTS. VOL. V.. NO. 618 ^ " JUNEAU, ALASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1915. EIRE DEVASTATES VAlDg BUSINESS CENTER TODAY GERMANY ADMITS HER IU. S. WILL GERMANS TEUTONS fIRE SWEEPS VALDEZ RESPONSIBILITY FOR DOMINATE START BIG j CAPTURE AND BURNS $750,000 NEBRASKAN ATTACK THEWORLD OFFENSIVE PRZASYNSZ! IN PROPERTY VALUES 15..A Berlin dia- four o'clock this CHICAGO. July 15. Edward N. LONDON, July 15..A terrific Ger¬ LONDON, July VALDEZ, July 15..Fire which started at that Is was officially an¬ loss ? + SHRINERS GO TO Hurley, vice-chairman of the Federal man offensive movement all along patch says morning destroyed the business section of Valdez and the KICKING + the line in the western theatre of war nounced this afternoon that Przaysz, insurance on the + AUSTRIA Trade Commission and formerly pres¬ 50 miles is estimated to be $750,000. There is little * ON WAR SUPPLIES + continued today. The attacks in a town in Rueiau Poland, BUFFALO NEXT ident of the Illinois Manufacturers' north of Warsaw, has been burned area. ? .. + the West Flanders and the Argonne dis¬ occupied; 15..Aus- + Association, predicted that violent by the Germans. The statement con¬ the big stores of Sam + Washington, .July SEATTLE. 15..Selecting Buf¬ trict have been particularly fs The flames completely destroyed * trla has made diplomatic repre- * July wealth of the United States will grow tinues that severo lighting pro¬ Tony's Sa¬ conven¬ today. the East Prussian! Ilium, the First Bank of Valdez, William Blackwell's, * mentations that the American + falo as the city for the next in enormous proportions within tho The French and British acounts of gressing along Treat the Valdez Dock * of war and am- + tion of the Council, and el¬ Immediate future. He said that it the German accounts front in North Poland. loon, the Empress Theatre, the Buildings, exports supplies Imperial the fighting and that <. munition have attained such + J. Putnam Stevens, of Lew- is now making tremendous strides, While the Germans Dispatches from Petrograd say the Panama Hotel, the Valdez Daily Pros¬ evating are conflicting. in South Company's building, + dimensions that they are en- + istou. Me to the lofty position of im- and that if tho war continue for six to have made important gains there were no engagements with the maps and claim or this- the Alaska Road Commission offices, * the .of the perial potentate, the Shrlners today months the United States will control a of two miles in extent, Poland yesterday morning.] pector, dangcrlng neutrality along front that the Valdez Telephone Ex¬ * United States. ? closed the most important conven¬ lite trade and banking and Industries the Allies assert that all of the ground The 'dispatches also say there; records of ten years' accumulation, been no. ????????+???*?*?? tion the order has ever held "in this of the world. that was the forces of hna important engagements,, the Crawford Mills, the Copper River Lbr. Company's captrued by Russians are still wait¬ change, country. The convention lasted three Other members of the trade com¬ Crown Prince Frederick William yes¬ and that the the J. C. Martin homes, the a Gorman offensive move- offices, the J. C. Dieringer bams, WASHINGTON, July 15..Germany, days, while heretofore two have suf¬ mission will join Mr. Hurley Monday terday at Argonne were recaptured ing for and small¬ transaction of its busi¬ a West. ment that is expected to develop at States the government warehouses, in an official memorandum transmit¬ ficed for the for tour of the Central today. United postoflice, ness. an early date. ted from Berlin American The fighting along the west front er structures. today by James E. Chandler, of Ararat CHAMP CLARK TO DELIVER an¬ Tem-ji began yesterday, according to was used in vain to stop the ames. Troops were Ambassador James W. Gerard, admits Kansas City. Mo., was elected im¬ LIBERTY BELL ADDRESS from Dynamite pie, nouncements received last night two miles to aid the local that the American steamship Nebras¬ perial outer guard. The present mem¬ Berlin, when they claimed an "im¬ ordered out from Fort Liscum, away, ka was torpedoed by a German sub¬ bers of the imperial divan were all SAN FRANCISCO, July 15..Speak- portant gain" In their "terrific thrust GERMANSPREPARE lire department. The fire was under control by 9 o'clock this marine. The memorandum express¬ elevated. !, or Champ Clark arrived -here today, at Verdun." es Germany's regret and her readi¬ and will deliver the Liberty are morning. principal The attacks in West Flanders fOR LOSSOfTHE ! which was un¬ ness to make reparation, and assures Grant Several Charters. Bell address In this city. admitted at "both Berlin and Paris to The fire started in the Frye-Bruhn buildirig, the United States that the attack was SEATTLE. July 15..The solemn In an Interview Speaker Clark pre¬ be progressing, but without Important dergoing repairs, and spread rapidly. Fifty buildings were de¬ not meant as one on the American conclave of the Nobles of the Mystic dicts the re-nomination and re-elec¬ results thus far, beyond the state¬ DARDANELLES! the Blum store buildings, the largest in the flag, but that it must be considered Shrine yesterday evening granted tion of President Woodrow Wilson. ment that the los of life will be heavy. stroyed, including as an unfortunate and ac¬ for to Port Worth .streams of water were inadequate. regrettable charters temples 15. city. Two cident. Tex.. Knoxvllle. tonn., LONDON, July Dispatches was and Houston. Champ Clark Talks Prosperity. from say that German en¬ There had been no rain for two weeks, and everything MEMORANDUM ENCOURAGES and 111. In this afternoon Mytelcnc Springfield, his speech Speak¬ gineers are working with great ener¬ AMERICANS. Houston and Knoxvllle wore grant- er Clark said that the United States LABORTROUBLES on the defenses of Constantinople. ui.../.orriofi tVip flnmps ranid- admission of her re¬ gy VYU3 nmvu v..~ , Germany's ed charters without requiring peti- Is beginning a long era ot-prosperity. It is said that the defonses aro being J\ Strong W1I1U UiUning sponsibility for the German attack on tioners. It was the first time In the He said that every man who wants district. | '.reeled on a gigantic scale, and that ly, but probably saved all north of the burned the Nebraska was taken as encour¬ history of the order when such action work at good wages can get it. SHAKE BRITIAN; to hold all of was arc was in no small to the are re¬ they being prepared The Prospector -plant Burned btft enough type aging degree hopes was taken. Usually petitions the Turkish armies that aro engaged for a final satisfactory agreement be¬ quired and then a year must elapse saved to its issuance today on wrapping paper. and Berlin STRIKE In the operations against the Allies permit United States arc tween the before the dispensations granted. 150,000 on' and Mrs. Glen Edgerton escaped in their night over the Lusitania and other phases action was without a COMING Gallipoll peninsula. Capt. Yesterrlny's pre-' BROOKS The here account for the effects. Mrs. Blackwell, of the submarine war iare. cedent In Shrine annals. LONDON, July 15. -Various mani¬ experts clothes, and lost all of their personal whose busi¬ unrest in the British la¬ German activity in hurriedly con¬ manner. It is stated by officials festations of for her sister and niece escaped in the same that IS STILL ! are The unrest structing defenses Constantinople ness it has been to investigate Shriners to Tour Alaska. NORTH, bor field, apparent. the and lost Joe Plant. involved in the Nebras¬ of the: is than it has been since tho on the theory that they expect The Hotel Archibald its guests heavily. the principle SEATTLE, July 15..Many greater Dardanelles to succumb to the at¬ ka case was not not unlike that In> members of the Nobles of the beginning of the war, and there de¬ lost a new consignments $2,000 worth of jewelry. Mystic ALASKABOOSTER tacks of the enemy. volved in" the case of the Lusitania, Shrine who are attending the Imper-I veloped today a movement which Alice Coles sustained a broken leg while assisting to save and is is predicted today in various ial Council in this city have slgnlfled might prove to be the most serious la¬ mail 15. Dr. Alfred the mail and other in the postoffice. All the quarters that if the United States their Intention of making a trip to Al¬ SEATTLE, July bor strike Great Britain has witness¬ BERLIN SAYS property firm in the note after the council shall have con¬ Brooks, head of the geological sur¬ ed in her history. As a result of the ROUMANIA WONT was saved. .: stands forthcoming aska will' for Al¬ | of President Wilson that Germany cluded its labprs. vey work in Alaska, sail movement today more than 150,000 JOIN THE ALLIES the Cliff House to the Valdez Mercantile Company's aska tonight on the Jefferson. He will From will-admit the soundness of the Amer¬ men laid, down their tools, thereby is to the beach. A score of launches ican* contention that the lives of neu¬ go directly to Iditarod, and la'.er to shutting down virtually all of tho The building everything cltiar In a BERLIN, July 15.. .Overseas must not be in sub¬ Fairbanks ,Valdez and Juneau. mines in the -Welsh coal fields which have been were to away from the waterfront and were destroyed. trals imperiled PEOPLE APPLAUD this Dr. News Agency says reports unable get marine attacks unless full warning is statement made morning supply th» steaming coal for the Brit¬ received in Berlin -fconflrming the Judge Charles E.
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