■ s - t •• PAitn FotmnraN TUESDAY, JULY 1)6, 1967 . A m c fi Oaiijr N«t P n n Rin Hiatur^rjtor Stt^nins IfeiraUi For t o ' Week Ended. , The Weather t o y s , 1967 Mostly Cloudy toittgM wWh patchy ground fog deveiopding H eard Hospital Notes 14,945 during early monring hours- O bituary House Aide to Dean Council Still Favors Low 06 to 70. Fair tomorrow. In Andover Lake Case M anthetUth^A City o f Villoige .Chttrm High in the mid 80a. M hatlee f i M sta i I M o m r n a o rasmaxAT: Testimony w m acfae«hiled to g«Bdaaiti<m. I wanted n olM it Maurice J. IConn, W. at Via- At Fletcher School Harry Asvaffah W 0ohailer y<ML. ^ x ra v i, NO. 245 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—PLUS TABLOID) MAKCHEBTER, CONN., WliDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1967 end today as counsel' for the cCagroup of that nature.” (Glossifled Advertising on Page 28) PR ICE S E V E N CEN TS llmantic, brollnr of Dri ArtMv Axt3mr..H. Uome h«s been named asaistant to the ** A. ' Rev. l^Wam M. PhUpot of ■She testified that she svas Mbran of Mbnchaatar, dlad___ >es- 'md TMriLwnaw Montauk Dr., Vamon; Mrs.' ^ New 'Haven and the Andover t«* l by an iAU>OlA officer teiday a t-a pfhmia hoMitid in <Jr Hrtan Barhar, US Woodland mty College adviw^ council last ■1 Lhke Management Association, when she Joined that the asso- ifaM fuio ISO oi r?" *®"»- •Antoinetta Bahnore, support^ the of going »h ^ re^anou of (ALMA) gave closing argU' dation did not discriminate Survivors also Include ilda •*}“ a rt. Cwarm S. iloUM OX loO WearUana at. He Otaatonfeuiy; Mary Benson, A4 the coflege’s Nike site campus off Keeney St., ^ u a rd Qujells Violence ments, before Judge Samuel against AJLFOA appttoants. wife, a son, ttiTM slstafs, tab y®*** PeBearch and study in. Mebo Pt; Mrs. ACsM Blstr, Members voted the reafflrma- ^ ' Ooogel in Hartford County Su­ AXfOA’a treasurer, Mrs. grandchildren and three gret^- ** ‘ ^TJ*™** untmmy, B el- --------------------------------------------- lake fit., Rooindlle; Ronald Son of ttielr original recom- $180,000 of t o $700,000 Amds al­ perior Court. Patten said, told her her dues grandcUldren. ____ As a Tuft’a undemaduate ®P*«. Hast Hartford; Robert mendati<m oii a site for t o c<d- located for t o reilovaitoa at* Before arguments, the last would not be refunded and Remain Free The funeral win he held to^ M14 aUAgton Rd., lege after President F'l^erlck In federal granto and to t both rebuttal witness for the Rev., - a that hw children coidd not use moTOw at 8:80 a.m. to V’ Africa, where he was a leader W. Lowe asked tom for “guid­ that money and to •$. acrea ^Race Trouble Mr. Philpot Mrs. Elinor Patten the lake anymore. Potter Funeral Home, 488 Jack- dhident aflhliB and admlsslana. of a youth apoits program car- ***•• Ooventry; Francis ance.” would_____ be lost If the proJect warn of Manchester testified that ‘VDld he deny the association son St, unnUbanttc, ‘ with a He M oohniaUng Ms doctoral In bringing the subJect of canceled, she and her husband resigned rled out by seven Tufts atn- ®Wloramo, 38 Buttenntt Rd.; discriminates against Negroes Mi«a of requiem at St JoeeiSi dlaserkaitlon at tleteber dents and three representatives Beatrice Ocidette, Shoddy t o site, Lowe said he sougkit q<|Jc deed to t o l«k a land from the Andover Lake Prop­ andAM sg Jews”Ti^m rci** Atty..A<fg«v TXAawwwMBerman cude- Church,_______ a . .WlUimantlo,* * • < « • • ___ ^ at 8. ^Bim- summer------------ --- ^ end -■ ■■■ — erty Owners Association (AL- from t o university^ Jackson l<iU Rd., Andover; MM. iBhrelyn t o opinion of the council be- Btipulatsd t o t it could be used ed. ial wiU be in W lnA dfo Center new post Oepk 1. Hedburg, 77 Ridge St. cauM "my commitment to the only tor educational - -putpoass or.' ' In Illinois POAX a year after they Joined Oillsgs.' for Women. In 1983, Atty. fiuUlvan Jumped to his Cem etery.. A m w H. Heose Also, Mrs. Donna Hodge, Bast Nike Site may be only an emo- would revert to t o fedm l Britaihr Rusk he worked wMh a eonstructiOh t: CAEEK), Bl. (AP) — Police exchanged shots with when they learned of dlscrlm- feet fmd obJected. Xt was sos- Friends may call at to fu­ His dtu4y M e ressHvh ••- team which built a schoolhouse Hartford; Shlriey Hunt, 802 W. tlonal one.” government If not utUiaed as In- y i ipere early today and a series of fires blazed in Cairo, ination in ALPOA. The minis- Gained by )udge Googel. a »oM » «tt Lousnlam HWveral- neral home toidi^t from 7 to 9. in northern Senegal. Center St; Robert Jerry, Olas- The vote #as In reaction to a tended. ^•purring. <3ov. ()tto 'Kemer to order the National Guard ter is a Negro. Rephrasing his question, Atty. ty’s Tiwtltitts o f Koonaade end tonbury; Mrs. NaiUe Kenefick, recent request by the Higher Before to vote reaffttmlag Mrs. Patten told the court Bennan asked, “Was there House is a native of Manches­ TO rratore quiet in the river town hit by racial violence Georgisan DeOaUdln Social Rasearch was igsmsored ter end attended Loomis Sidmd Oreen Lodge Convalescent Education Commission that col- council’s oMniOfi, Dr. Don- that she and hrt" husband leak- any comment about dlscrlmina- by n Sbett IBVw k MI or grant He 3Tor the second 'time in three nights. \ ed a cottage on Andover Lake tlon?” COVENTRY—Oeorglana De- in Windsor before enfterlng Heme; Mrs. Patricia Kramer, l«8e officials “reconsider” plana Morrison, its chairmen, -- PoUee reported that a fire --------------— --------------------------- Can dla, Infant . (laughter of received hie It A degree cum Warns Reds in 1967 and shortly afterwards Tutts. Petsr. Oreen Rd., Tolland; Paul renovate to 88-acre deacti- the feeling well tok e out at 10:20 p.m. Tuesday *„ Mrs. Patten replied, “He said George and Kathleen Haynes kiude from Tufie In 1984. He The Fletoher School is t o lABlfed, RFD 3, Rockville; John vated mlssle base, now; owned aHU be using toose tmildings In were invited by ALPOA’s treas­ they had to have some rules, DeCandla of Arlington Rd. died maJored in govewmient, wee first exclusively graduate Maaiefauk, Reed Rd., RockvlUe; »y t o wUege and recommend- jq years.” urer to Join ALPOA .jrw -‘o ..rs«rjsr s -- »• ™ British Bow otherwise they would have all ^taas prealdent, lettered m a She testified that she and Satiuday morning at Manches­ school of International relations David AOUer, 2880 Ellington r A., ^ college council as to JJJ (Jther discussion at tfas sas- fired several ahote at persons he 1, kinds of people at the beach.” ter Memorial Hospital. She was vantty fonItaR end, and was a to be established in the United Wapplng; J<*n Morrison, 42K “ *• to a permanent campus. president Lowe her husband Joined ALPOA in She added discrimination was Sion, President Lowe reported iuspected were Involved with said the watchman bom Friday night at the hos-" member o f Xlelta. Tau D elta States. It was founded li\ IBU. Bluefleld. Dr.; Steven Munsoh, No Disaster May of 1957 and paid dues. She “ common knowledge and every­ The CHE, along with Its re- that t o state board has sgresd ‘the blase. } thought he had wounded one of pital. IrateniMy. H e mam to redpleitt About haU of tts. graduates Riga Lone,^ Bolton; Walter Na­ quest tor reconsideration, had on a proJected 1987-88 enroQ- he fired at, but said she paid again for the fol­ one knew it.” : Shortty after, af fire bomb was I?® P«rsons WASHINGTON (AP)— lowing year but shortly after­ Survivors, besides hw parsnts, of t o cov^ded Oeorge S. Miller have entered government and deau, 01 Colony Rd, South seconded a June vote of the m«nt tor t o college equivalent into the/home of John “ ®”’ gunshot Mrs. Patten was preceded to Secretary of State Dean wards asked that the dues be the stand by David Yeomans, a include her maternal grw(lpai> IMr. Tbftsi” asrard In Ms senior forelpi aervlce. Othera have Windsor; Mrs. Margaret CNeU, State Board for Regional Com- to 1,160 full-time students toid _____ toneman of the lumber ^o'^^s at local hospitals. refunded. former ALPOA member, and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie year. He ebroed Me inasterk gone into businesa abroad, 43 Murray R«L, W epping; Mrs. munlty CoUeges deslgnatihg a has established its budget to- pompany, and a third blaze waa members of the 1st Bat- Rusk said today the Unit­ Over strenuous obJbetdon by Harry Daggett, a civil engineer Haynes of Coventry, and her dqgree from Flstolier School in banking. Journalism and teach- LUUas Paul, Bosex; Mrs. Shlr- 100-acre tract bounded by Hills- taiing $i m«u«n -nported at a warehoiue filled talion, ISOth infantry, surround- t ed States regretted Brit­ AiLMA counsel, Atty. Peter who subdivided the Andover paternal grandparents, Mrs. 1986. ing. lay Pointer, 109 Bnckland St. town Rd., Wetherell and Bid- of the total, he said. $888.- ,'With cotton bales. ^8 the Pyramid Court public ain’s decision to cut its de­ SuUivaid, Mrs. Patten was_____________ al- Lake_____ area______ many_ years_____ Mildred ago. DeOandta.of Coventry, ABeo, JbmMB. IkNt, ilCait- well Sts:; and future Rt. 6 as qsq tg yt state general funds -------- ------- ^-----— -----------------------housing proJect, a 260-imit resi­ fense commitments in the lowed to answer a question put Both testified for the Rev.
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