HUGHENDEN PARISH COUNCIL Remote Full Council Meeting Held on Tuesday 14th July 2020 at 7.00 pm Via Zoom Video Communications Unconfirmed Minutes Participating Cllr P Nicholls (Chairman) Cllr P Gieler, Cllr R Gould, Cllr S Kearey, Cllr C Waterton Candidates for co-option re. casual vacancies James Air, Andrew Capey, Peggy Ewart, Mary Hilder, Daniel Glasheen, Marianne Tyler, Carol Sammut, Peter Williams Officers Shona Hadwen (Clerk); Jill Armshaw (Deputy Clerk) Public Participation The Chairman welcomed members of the public to the meeting and explained the procedure for public participation. Members of the public are permitted to speak once in respect of business itemised on the agenda for no more than 2 minutes. The period for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes. Eight members of the public were logged on via Zoom Communications at the start of the meeting. i. A member of the public addressed the Council concerning the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/2020. The member of the public stated that they had raised concerns with Council but had not received a satisfactory response and so she had written to the External Auditor raising two objections to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. The objections concern 1) filling casual vacancies and poor corporate governance 2) allotments and poor corporate governance. Copies of the objections have been sent to the Clerk to the Council, Buckinghamshire Council Monitoring Officer and Council’s Internal Auditor. Copies of the objection may be obtained from the Clerk. The Chairman responded that Council had sought and followed legal advice concerning the co-option process. ii. A member of the public addressed the Council concerning a proposal to operate a mobile business selling food and drink at Great Kingshill Common (agenda item 13). Buckinghamshire Council (Cllr Steve Broadbent) iii. Apologies were received from Cllr David Carroll. iv. The first meeting of the new Community Board was held last week chaired by Cllr Gary Hall. Future Community Board meetings will be held in public. The purpose of the Community Board is a formal point of commination between Buckinghamshire Council, parish councils and community groups. The next meeting will be held in early September 2020. v. There is concern about the parking of lorries associated with Country Supplies on Warrendene Road, Hughenden Valley. This matter has been raised with the new Community Board and the matter is under investigation to find solutions. vi. Cllr Broadbent had attended a meeting of the England Economic Heartland Strategy Transport Forum and suggested visiting their website to find out above future developments. vii. The first full meeting of Buckinghamshire Council will be broadcast live at 4pm on Wednesday 15th July 2020. 1. Apologies for absence 20174 There were no apologies. The meeting was quorate with 5 members present (1/3 of full complement of 15). Page 1 of 5 Initials…….. www.hughendenparishcouncil.org.uk [email protected] 2. Declarations of interest Members were asked to declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest and confirm any relevant dispensations. 20175 There were no declarations of interest. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting (Appendix 1) RESOLVED 20176 That the minutes of the remote Full Council meeting held on 9th June 2020 be approved as a true record. The minutes will be filed in the Minute Book and signed by the Chairman at the first face to face Full Council meeting. 4. Co-option to the Council re. casual vacancies (Appendix 2) On 20th May 2020 Council served formal Notice of Vacancy by posting notices on parish council notice boards and on the parish council website. On 11th June 2020 Wycombe Electoral Office confirmed that no-one had come forward in any of the four wards to call a by- election. Further notices were issued on 12th June 2020 inviting candidates to apply for co- option to the Council until the postponed Parish & Town Council elections in May 2021. The Chairman invited each candidate to give a brief summary of why they wish to join the Council and explain what skills and experience they bring to the role. The Clerk confirmed that all candidates had completed the Eligibility Form and satisfy eligibility criteria and thus qualify for co-option to the wards listed below. The following is a list of casual vacancies and candidates: Great Kingshill Ward – 1 vacancy candidate – Carol Sammut Hughenden Valley – 2 vacancies candidates – Andrew Capey & Mary Hilder Naphill & Walters Ash – 3 vacancies candidates – Peggy Ewart & Peter Williams Widmer End – 4 vacancies candidates – James Air, Daniel Glasheen, Marianne Tyler A vote took place for each candidate individually and it was: RESOLVED 20177 That the above listed candidates be co-opted to Hughenden Parish Council. The Clerk explained that under normal circumstances at this point in the co-option process the Declaration of Acceptance of Office document would be signed however this is not possible given the remote nature of the meeting re. Covid-19 restrictions. Candidates will sign the Declaration of Office document and send the signed document to the Clerk. The Clerk suggested that this change in process be resolved by Council and noted in the minutes of the meeting. RESOLVED 20178 That given restrictions due to Covid-19 resulting in the holding of remote council meetings that the Declaration of Acceptance of Office document be signed by new councillors and returned to the Clerk by 22nd July 2020. Page 2 of 5 Initials…….. www.hughendenparishcouncil.org.uk [email protected] The Chairman welcomed new councillors to the Council, informed them that they were now councillors, eligible to participate and vote in the meeting and outlined how the induction process will take place during July and August 2020 given changes to office staff. 5. Correspondence report (Appendix 3) 20179 The report was received. 6. Financial reports (June 2020) a) Financial Report (Appendix 4) 20180 The report was received. b) Budget YTD (Appendix 5) 20181 The report was received. c) Bank Reconciliation Statements (Appendix 6) RESOLVED 20182 That the Bank Reconciliations Statements be approved as a true record. 7. Authorisation of payments (June 2020) (Appendix 7) RESOLVED 20183 That the payments listed in Appendix 7 be approved. RESOLVED 20184 That authority be delegated to the Clerk to make payments in accordance with Financial Regulations during August 2020 when there are no scheduled Council meetings. 8. Clerk’s report (Appendix 8) 20185 The report was received. The Clerk is leaving the employment of Council on 23rd July 2020. The Clerk thanked Councillors present and past, the Deputy Clerk and council contractors and wished the new Clerk well on her appointment. The Clerk informed members that the Warden/grounds person will commence employment on Monday 27th July 2020 working 9am – 2pm Monday to Friday. The Clerk gave an update on playgrounds with respect to Covid-19 restrictions and equipment repairs. No date has been agreed for the re-opening of playgrounds. The Chairman thanked the Clerk for her service to both Council and the Parish and wished her and her husband well in the future. 9. Proposal to waive lease rent for community sports groups re. Covid-19 (Appendix 9) The proposal was considered, and it was agreed that waiving rent for the current financial year may assist community sports groups given the impact of Covid-19 restrictions and any resulting financial burden. Page 3 of 5 Initials…….. www.hughendenparishcouncil.org.uk [email protected] RESOLVED 20186 That rent due for land leases held by Great Kingshill Cricket Club, Hughenden Valley Football Club and Widmer End Football Club be waived during financial year 2020/2021. 10. Application for financial grant re. Speen & North Dean News (Appendix 10) The application was considered, and Cllr Gieler expressed concern that the magazine is largely distributed within an area outside Hughenden Parish. RESOLVED 20187 That the financial grant be approved but that the applicant be reminded that they should also seek financial support from other parish councils within the circulation area of this publication. 11. Planning delegated comments report (Appendix 11) 20188 The report was received. Cllr Kearey raised a question concerning the application for the redevelopment of Uplands and the footpath proposed for Four Ashes Road. Cllr Gould responded that to date he had no information about this footpath. AGREED 20189 That the Clerk write to Buckinghamshire Council enquiring about the status of the proposed footpath on Four Ashes Road re. Uplands Planning Application. 12. Proposal to review allotment rent (Appendix 12) The Chairman thanked the Deputy Clerk for her report. There was discussion about rent comparisons and the relevance of revising rent during the Covid-19 pandemic. RESOLVED 20190 That written notice be given to allotment tenants that on 29th September 2021: a) rent will increase to £52/whole plot and £26/half plot b) an administration charge of £15 will be made for any change to the Allotment Tenancy Agreement or application to erect a temporary structure c) concessionary rent may be granted at the discretion of the Clerk 13. Application from food & drink vendors to operate on Great Kingshill Common (Appendix 13) The Chairman summarised the applications and shared feedback received from Great Kingshill Residents Association and other residents. There was concern about possible anti- social behaviour, litter and lack of provision of toilet facilities. RESOLVED 20191 That both applications from food & drink vendors to operate on Great Kingshill Common be declined. 14. Proposal to delegate authority to resolve Walters Ash Lease with HCST (Appendix 14) The Chairman summarised background information concerning the proposal. The lease between the parish council and the Hughenden Community Support Trust (HCST) has not been agreed because of an issue concerning the access road to Ann’s Cottage which runs through Walters Ash Allotment.
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