R-.-+. JEWl'S1 ! f! 1-STOO I CAL ASSOC . u 209 A:1G ELL . ST. PROV. b. ~. I. 0290b · Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTH EAST MASS. VOL. LIV. NO, 31 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1970 !Sc PER.COPY 24 PAGES JFRI Campaign Total Ford Foundation Awards Grant Reaches s1 ,362,466 To Ease Black-Jewish Tens ions The total of the 1970 cam­ NEW YORK - A program to Interests as well as diverse paign of the Jewish Federation ease tension and conflict between Interests. That differences exist ( of Rhode bland was an­ blacks and Jews In urban areas Is no cause for alarm as long as nounced al $1,362,466 by Al­ bas been awarded nearly we retain the ability to discuss ( bert I. Gordon, general cam­ $ 1,000,000 by the Ford them with one another and to paign chairman, at a meeting Foundation, Rabbi Solomon J. work towards compromises which of the board of directort on Sha r fm an, president of the do not deny the .flmdamental Monday night. Synagogue Council of America aspirations of our respective I>- Mr. Gordon said this repoe­ which sponsors the project, has c om mun It I es , ' ' Rabbi Henry Mnh an increaM of $253,000 announced. Slegmen, executive vice president over what the tGne persons Started In 1969 during the New of the Synagogue Council, gave last ye..- on a card to York City public schools teachers observed. card basis. He urged quick cov­ strike, the program seeks to During the past year the ' erage of all ou1tanding cards. bring together Jewish and black council's program In black­ ' leaders In local neighborhoods to ,,' Of this total the Women's J ewish concerns has resulted In deal with problems that result In Division has received $225,413 the "adoption" by local racial and religious tension and synagogues of run-down In pledgff and contributions polarization. It grew out of a with many cards still remaining tenaments and the restoration In i, r ea II z at Ion that Inner city to be solicited. Mrs . Max Alpe­ them of essential services, the residents are reached most rin, ,:,resident of the Women's s pon so rs h Ip of high · school effectively by the synagogue and Division, said this figure repre­ equlvalency programs for adults sents a substantial increase the church, which serve as their and the sponsorship of low and over last year. central Institutional afflllatlon. middle Income housing. "Jews In the Inner city see ::SS! themselves waging a desperate The council Is the central struggle for the survival of their coordinating agency for the six Finkle Named To Head communities and the viability of national synagogal and rabbinic th eir religious and social or g a·n I z at lo ns of Orthodox, ' Manfred Hohenemser Agency Com~ittee Institutions." Rabbi Sharfman conservative and Reform Jewry. ' ' Joseph M. Finkle, .member of said, "We have an obligation to They a re : th e Rabbinical the Providence Human Relations assist them In this struggle. The Assembly, Rabbinical Council of Com mission, has been elected dlslntegrattonofthese America, Central Conference of Remembers Visits Of Cousin, chairman of the P olice comm unit le s represents an Am er le an Rabbis , United Community Relations Com/lllttee appalllr,e and Irretrievable loss Synagogue of Am erica, Union of Albert Eiristein,Jo His Home of the agency. Episcopal Bishop of human and spiritual resources, Orthodox Jewish Congregatloos of a loss we can Ill afford." America, Union of American .~.· Most Reverend Jobn Seville Blacks and Jews have shared Hebrew Congregations. By CELIA ZUCKERBERG suits, and measurements had to Higgins, another mP.mber of the (1 be made by eye. Commission, has been named co­ The picture and story of the Mr. Hohenemser•s mother· had ch a Irma n. 'lbe committee's Albert Einsteins which recently visited' the United States · from membership Is comprised of two appeared In the Herald brought to 1900 to 1906 with the Steiner members of the Commission and Rabbi Kahane To e, First Speaker light a cousin of Mr. · Einstein's family. The Steiners remained representatives of other city .d who had been living In Providence here, but his mother returned to community groups. At Emanu-El's Institute Of Studies ' for many years, but who has Halgerloch. She died In 1923 as The purpose of the Committee 1 never made particular mention of the result of an accident, and his Is to bring greater depth and Rabb I Meir Kahane, starting on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at It. father died In I 937 In a German s cope to the Comm1s11ton's spokesman -and founder of the 8 p,m. Rabbi Kabane will speak Actually the picture In the · concentration camp. Involvement In police community Jewish Defense League, wlll be on "A New Approach to Anti­ Herald, which came from the Has he ever returned to relations, to bring greater the nrst speaker In a series of semitism." archives of a museum, was Germany? He did go back during commission-community Involve­ five lectures to be presented by Professor Irving Greenberg, almost the same as the one World War I when he served for ment and to lessen the com­ the Institute of Jewish Studies ior associate professor of History at ,Manfred Hohenemser has In his four years with the Ar.my Counter m unlcatlons gap between the Adults at Temple Emanu-EI. Yeshiva University; wlll speak on album Inscribed by Mr. Einstein. Intelllgence Corps. (His wife said general public and the Police Entitled "Jewish Responses," the "A Response to the Holocaust • The clothes look exactly the same that he received nve Bronze· Department. lecture will be held at the temple Is God Dead?" on Wednesday, but the location Is different. Stars, a Presidential Citation and Nov . 11. His mother, who maiden name a Distinguished Unit Citation, as "A Response to Revolt" will was Einstein, was Albert well as other medals, and added JFRI Approves Recommendation be the title of Professor David Einstein's first cousin (through that she had to tell about them Sldorsky's lecture on Wednesday, _ their fathers). Mr. Hohenemser Nov. 18. Prof. Sldorsky ts a remembers quite clearly when (C ontlnued on page 22) To Conduct Education Survey professor of Philosophy at the Einsteins came to visit them Columbia University. In their home In Halgerlocb, Dr. George Pollak, consultant Dr. Arthur Gilbert and Rabbi Germany. His mother, he says, for the Department of Community Issac Swift wm give "A Debate opened the room· then which was Service and Studies of the on the New Sexuar Morality" on called "The Bledermeler Room/' American Association for Jewish Thursday, Dec. 3. Dr. Gilbert ts and which was reserved Education, will be director of the Dean of the R econstructlonlst exclusively for their visits. He comprehensive statewide survey Rabbinical College and Rabbi also · remembers peeking In the of J ewlsl) Education which has Swift Is at Congregation Ahavath door to see the 18th century been recommended by the Torah In Englewood, N,J, furniture, made of gold and hand recently appointed Jewish "Sarah and the Sax" will be carved, with which the room "?Vas Education Study Com mlttee and featured on Wednesday, Dec. 9. decorated. This, he says, was approved by the board of The one-act play will be followed when times were better for the directors of the Jewish by a question and answer period Einsteins. Before that, Federation o(Rhode Island. conducted- by the two actors who Immediately after World War I, The J ewlsh Education Study are from New York and have his mother used to send food to Committee Is headed by Louis I. appeared In "The Great White them In Munich. Krami)r, Providence educator. Hope" and "Fiddler on the Mr. and Mrs. Einstein to him · Max Alperin, president of the Roof.0 now, he says, are a "faded JFRI, said the aim of the survey· Julius Michaelson and Mrs. memory" since he was only a 1 s to assess our present Andrew Blazar are co-chairmen child when they visited his family programs and determine of the Institute. Other chalrm gn In Germany. ·1n the United States, directions for planning In this Include Mrs. David Horvitz, he never saw them. He · has field over the next decade. The sponsors and patrons; Mr. and several letters which Mr. study will be conducted by the Mrs. Samuel Kestenman, tickets; Einstein sent him In answer to MOTHER MATHILDE EINSTEIN: She American Association for Jewish Mrs. Julius Michaelson and Mrs. his lettefS In one, he , ame fram laupheim, South Ger­ Education. D,. Geo,ge Pollak Donald Robbins, printing; Mrs. remarks that he Is happy that the many. All the Einsteins came origi­ A special meeting will be held Ontario, and received his M.A. Ralph Levitt, publicity; Dr. and Hohenemser name Is still In naly fram Buchau on the fae. on Monday evening, Nov. 2, at degree from Teachers College of Mrs. Eliot Barron, treasurer. existence. He also remembers denee. Albert'• parenll moved J FRI headquarters. Dr. Pollak Columbia University and his · Rabbi Ell A, Bohnen, Cantor Ivan that Mr. Einstein never wanted io tram laupheim to Uhn <ind then Is a graduate of the University of M.H.L, degree from the Jewish E, Perlman and Rabbi ~ Joel go to a tailor to be fitted for to Munich. West er n Ont a r lo, London, Theological Seminary of Amerlcir Zalman will act as advisors. Give For Ongoing Needs - Give Again For Israel Emergency Fund ,• t '.
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