1 CATALOGUE OF CROWLEYANA IN THE POSSESSION OF G. J. YORKE (January 1951) and FRANCIS KING COLLECTION INDEX Note 1: Works are by A.C. unless otherwise indicated Note 2: The spelling of some names may be incorrect due to difficulties in reading handwriting - please correct OS = old series NS = new series 666 OS EE2 (131), NS91 `7 Hokku' OS N1 (8) 777 OS 23 (f), EE1 (128), F1 (11) `777 Revised' OS G6 (5), G9b, NS16 (a, b, 2), NS45 (6) `777 Revisited' NS41 IV° Lodge of Perfection, The Mystical Lecture OS 30 (d) `VI° The Ceremony of illustrious Knights Templar of the Order of Kadosch, and of Dame Companions of the Order of the Holy Grail' OS 30 (f) VII° NS17 (c) `VII° The Perfect Ceremony of Grand Inquisitor Commander, 31° Prince of the Royal Secret, 32° Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33° and last degree of Freemasonry' OS 30 (g) `IX° Emblems and Mode of Use' OS NS3 (10) `IX° Secrets in Agape' OS NS3 (5) A∴A∴ OS 35a (e), EE1 (318-19), EE2 (87, 211-12), NS74, NS91 `"A" The problem during this Aeon of the government and guidance of mankind' OS D10 (2-32) A & P Rite OS 3 (b) Abano, Pierre d' NS98 (9) Abbe Tricthemius NS70 (2) Abbot, Sheny (Kimmel) NS52 (a) Abbot, Sherry NS74 Aberconway, Lady Cristabel OS E21 Aberconway, Lord OS E21 `"Absinthe" by Jeanne La Goulue' OS N1 (3) Acland OS 29 (e), NS4 (I.1.3) `Across the Gulf' OS L12 `Ad Spiritum Sanctum' OS N1 (11) Adam, J. NS43 (13) Addresses OS 43 (a) Addwords NS12 (b) `Affidavit. Memorandum of my political attitude since August 1914' OS F2 (17) `Agape, Azoth, Sal Philosophorum: the book of the Unveiling of the Sangraal wherein it is spoken of the Wine of the Sabbath of The Adepts' OS 26 (b), F1 (1), NS3 (6) Agate, James OS E21 2 Agatha NS92 (8) Agence George Sand OS E7 (2) Agrippa, Cornelius NS98 (1, 9) Ahmed, Mos NS96 Aitken, Dr (Sola Cruce Salas) NS73 `AL Book of the Law' OS EE2 (207) Alber, Louis J. OS EE2 (243) Albertus Magnus NS98 (7) `The Alchemist's Hymn' OS N1 (11) Alchemy NS32 (13), NS57 (VII), NS70 Chinese Alchemy NS32 (10) Alcoholics Anonymous OS EE2 (264-66) `Aleister Explains Everything' NS45 (12), NS93 (22) Alexander, A. L. OS D4 `Alexandra' NS35 (b) Alice NS74 `Alice, An adultery' OS C4 (3) `All Hail Ye Glaciers Splendid' OS C4 (5), N1 (18) Allan, W. H. (publishers) NS96 (41) Allied Newspapers OS E21 (2) Alma (Leah Hirsig's sister) OS D1 (66) Almadel of Solomon NS98 (5) Alostrael see Leah Hirsig Althea OS NS4 (I.1.6) `Amalantrah Working, The' OS F5a Ambielli, Ernesto Juan OS D12 (m) American Academy of Astrologians, Yearbook of NS42 (2, 4), NS43 (25) American artists NS5 (2) American disciples NS52 American Express Company Inc. OS D4, E8 (1), EE1 (258), NS13 (a) American Federation of Astrologers NS96 American Friends OS D1 (144), NS15 Ameth OS EE2 (360) AMORC OS EE2 (149, 158) `Amoun' OS F5b (7) `A.M.R.I.T.A.' OS NS3 (12) Anand, Mulk Raj OS E21 `And like a serpent's mouth is cold' OS C4 (3) Anger, Kenneth NS18 (37d), NS34 (d), NS45 (20), NS46, NS52 (d), NS53 (2), NS74, NS80, NS85, NS92 (2, 3), NS113 (1) Anglo-American Pharmacy OS E9 (1) Annales Initiatiques (journal) NS8 (35, 36), NS99 (35, 36) Annersley, Maude OS 2 (b) Anon writings NS27 `The Antecedents of Thelema' NS94 (7) Antha de Marguerie OS E7 (3) Anubis NS8 (32), NS99 (32) `The Aphorisms of Ma Ki Nan upon the Trigrams of the Holy Kwan being the 3 mutations of the Tao with the Yin and the Yang' OS 37 (b) Apocalypse Bookshop OS EE2 (159) `The Apple' NS95 (7) `Après-Après' OS N1 (18) Aquarian Metaphysical Society NS53 (1), NS74 Archer, Ethel OS D9 (5), DD17a, DD17b, E21, F1 (12), NS4 (I.1.3), NS74 `Are You a Mason?' OS G8 Arlington Galleries OS E8 (1) Arquire, Count Charles Edward d' NS74 Art and Literature NS43 (52) `The Art of Lord Dunsany' OS G8 (8) `De Arte Magica' OS NS3 (1), NS38 (e) `Artemis Iota' NS110 (e) Arthurians Fellowship and Guilds of Service OS E8 (1) Arundal, Miss H. NS33 (4) `As You Were! A tale of the nineties' OS F2 (4) `Ascent unto Death' OS (323) Ashmole, Elias NS57 Asta OS 12 (b), NS5 (1b) Astral diagrams OS E2 (3) Astral Journeys OS D1 (89) Astral Visions OS EE1 (139-40) `Astrid, 9 Visions of' OS F5b (5) Astrology NS89 Astronomy NS25 (3) `At Hammam Meskoutine' OS D3 `At Sousse' OS N1 (11), NS25 (2) `At Tozeur' (`The Soul of the Desert') OS 4 (a) `Athanasius contra decanum' OS 2 (e) Athenaeum Club OS EE2 (165-79) Atherton, J. L. (Semper Fidelis) NS73 Atkins, John NS113 (1) `Atlantis' OS L12 Atlantis Bookshop NS96 Attree, Mrs NS96 (4-8) Atu XX NS93 (19) The Atu: Mnemonics NS16 (6g), NS93 (2) Atwood, M. A. NS32 (4, b7) Aumont, Gérard OS D2, D3, D10 (2-80), D12 (g), E4, E14, EE1 (202), EE2 (17, 31), F1 (6), NS5 (1a), NS13 (a), NS18 (37e), NS91 (12), NS94 (4, 5, 24) `Au Bord des Palmiers' OS N1 (12) `Au Rat Mort' OS C1 (B), NS95 (32) `Austerity' OS N1 (8) Austin, Hugh F. OS EE2 (165-79) `Avant-Après' OS N1 (11) Averill, Edward NS43 (42) `L'Avertisseur' OS N1 (14) `The Awakening of the Sleepers' OS 25 (g) 4 `Axe the Axis' OS EE2 (138) Axtell OS EE2 (165-79) Ayton, Willaim Alexander NS56 Azoth (journal) NS42 Bach, Ivor OS E21 Bagh i Muattar NS18 (2a) Bailey OS D10 (2-82,-91), E21, EE2 (165-79) Baker, Julian L. (Causa Sciantiae) NS73 Baker & Nairne OS D12 (h) `The Ballad of Kitty Binetti' NS25 (3) Balt, Dr M. D. (alias A. C.) OS EE2 (120) Bankrupcy OS EE2 (126, 127) The Banyon Press OS EE2 (159) Bar OS EE2 (131) Barkas, M. A. NS96 (52) Barker, Clive NS46 (4) Barker, Elsa NS42 (8) Barron, W. G. OS 12 (b), (p), EE1 (277-81), NS74 Barrucaud, Pierre OS G8 (1), NS3 (21), NS113 (1) Barry, Gerald OS E21 Barry, Dr Henry Pullen (Frater Anima Pura Sit) NS32 (3b), NS57, NS73 Barton Cross OS EE2 (247) `The Bartzabel Working' NS25 (1a) Bass, Kasimira OS 14 (d), D2, D3, D5, E4, EE2 (6) Bathurst, L. NS92 (8) Baudelaire OS N1 (3) `Baudelaire' OS N1 (14) Baugh, Mrs Rosa (Nova) NS73 Bauristhene, A. OS D12 (s), E14 Bax, Clifford OS D6, E21, EE2 (260), NS4 (I.1.3), NS96 (49) Baxter, Beverley OS E21 (2) Bayley, J. G. (Frater L. O. V.) OS D10 (2-68,-77,-86), E17, EE1 (301), NS96 (37) Bayreuth NS52 (e) Beaton, Cecil NS37 (c), NS46 (5) Beaufort, Mrs E. (Caritas) NS73 Beausoleil, Bobby NS46 (5) Beaverbrooke, Lord OS D10 (2-96), D11 (a.130), DD8, DD9, EE1 (82, 209) Beck, Frederick NS113 (1) Beck, Ivor NS96 (35, 48) `The Bed' OS N1 (6) Begbie, Harold OS 9 (b) `The Beginning of the New World' NS94 (10) Belgasem OS EE1 (169, 170), NS5 (2) `Beneath the cruel splendid Σ' OS C4 (14) Benedicatur, Benedicte NS12 (b) Bennett, Allan (Awnada Mattays/Frater Iehi Aour) OS 28 (a), 42 (c), D10 (2-78), EE1 (325), F5b (7), NS9 (2, 3), NS10, NS26, NS71, NS74, NS96 (3, 54), NS103, NS104 Bennett, Frank (Frater Progadior) OS DD14, DD15 (1a), EE1 (47-56, 324), EE2 5 (260), NS4 (I.1.5, I.1.6), NS5, NS17 (e), NS74, NS92 (8) Bentelli OS D1 (115) Beresford, J. D. OS E21 Bergendahl NS12 (b) `Beri-Beri' OS N1 (8) Berlin NS43 (54) Bern, Chris van OS D12 (s), E17, EE1 (284-89) Bernard of Treves NS32 (5) Berridge, E. W. NS42 (6) Berridge, Dr (V. H. Fra Resurgam) NS57, NS73 Besant, Annie OS EE1 (314-16) Bettiscombe Gunn NS12 (a) Biberstein NS12 (b) bibliography NS50 (e, f, g), NS90 Bickers, Sheridan OS 29 (e), NS12 (b) Bickers, Mrs Sheridan OS NS4 (I.1.3) `Bien Loin d'Ici' OS N1 (14) Bills OS E10 `Billy Sunday' OS F2 (13) Bindett, Margery OS EE2 (113-14) Binetti, Margaret NS25 (3) Bingham, Miss OS D1 (157) `Biography of Israel Regudy' OS EE2 (28) Bird, Timothy OS 2 (f) Birken, E. H. NS18 (37c) Biron NS18 (29) Birmingham, Bishop of OS E21 Birven, Dr Henri OS D5, D12 (c), NS24, NS113 (1), NS116 (3) `The Black Guard and the Sage' OS A12 (b) Blackden, M. W. (Wa Muhanu Thesi) NS73 Blackwell, Miss Anna (Esse Quam Videri) NS73 Blackwells Ltd OS D12 (s) Blake OS 12 (b) Blake, Georgia NS74 Blake, Peter NS46 (4) Blake, Vera NS113 (1) Blakemore, Trevor OS E21 Blau, Joel NS94 (8) Blavatsky, Mme NS33 (15, 18) Bleugh, James OS D3 Bliss, Alma (Leah Hirsig's sister) OS D10 (2-101), EE1 (79) Block, Grey & Block NS74 Blue Lodge NS17 (2) `Boer Commando's Song' OS N1 (18) Bois & Bois NS12 (a) Boleskine NS18 (1) Boleskine House NS18 (37d), NS51, NS74 Bond, Bligh NS12 (b) 6 `Book M' OS (6, 7) `The Book of the Eagle' OS EE2 (237) `Book of Henoch-Taro' NS70 (1) `Book of the Law' OS 16 (c), G6 (4), K3 (3), NS18 (8) Book of the Month Club NS43 (33) `Book of Oaths' OS A12 (b), D3, N2, N3, N4, N5 `The Book of Power' NS98 (2) `The Book of Results' OS 27 (e) `The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage' OS EE1 (7-11), NS73, NS91 (16) `Book of Thoth OS C3 (2), EE2 (203), F1 (14), L11, NS93 (1, 25) `The Book of Trigrams' OS EE1 (320) `The Book of Wisdom or Folly' OS 30 (e) The Book of `The Cephaloedium Working' OS A1 (b) Books OS E1 (9), E2 (7), EE1 (234, 258, 259, 264-66), NS25 (3), NS45 (28) Books and Bookmen (journal) NS43 (38) Booth, Martin NS36 (a), NS43 (1) Booth-Clibborn (?) OS D10 (2-93) Boshier, Derek NS46 (4) Bothwell OS 29 (b) `La Bouche de l'enfer, la vulve de ma mère' OS N1 (18) Boucher, Jules NS8 (33), NS99 (33) Bourkoum, Tamara NS113 (1) `Boy discovered in an Inn' NS95 (23) `Boy leaves inn for U.S.A.' OS F3 (9) Brackenbury, E.
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