AUGUST NUMBER CONTENTS, AUGUST, 1~01 PAGE SUMMER BREEZES F E. Monteverde, Frontispiece THAT ESSENTIAL FACTOR-BRAINS f{endrick Pen-ie 127 UTILIZING HOME-MADE APPLIANCES AND ORDINARY ROOMS FOR DARKROOM WORK Fayette J Clute 131 HIS FIRST APPEARA CE Dr. Charles H . Parker I32 Our mail order bus­ TABLE OF ExPOSU ~ ES FOR PINHOLE EGATIVES 136 THE WORK OF FO R EIGN PHOTOG RAPHE;RS 137 Iness has increased PROFESSOR }OSE;PH LECONTE Geo. L. Wilcox 138 "PROFESSOR J 0 g" 0. V. Lange 139 forty per cent in the THE ELEMEN'I'S OF PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPOSURE F. M. Steadman 14 I In Three Papers-Second Paper two years, and 0 QUIE:T SEAS 144 past OLD PICTURES ON TH E CAMERA CLUB WALLS IV. B . Webster 145 OLD BEN Gambier Bolton 146 It IS still ToNING BRoMmE P RI Ts 1~. E. Monteverde 148 THE RITTER GROUP Theo . S. Solomons 15I Prompt attention, SUMMER A'£ SHASTA Illustrated by Lee Roy Lee IS3 EDITORIAL - 156 careful packing and A PH0'£0GRAPH1C COMME N'fARY 158 WITH THE AMATEUR I6o the right prices are THE PROFESSIONAL 163 CURREN'£ AFFAIRS IN CHICAGO I6s doing it; catalog free B USINESS N OTES 166 NEWS OF CLUBDOM 168 Send us a trial order fOREION AOENTS EASTE R._N REPRESENTATIVES Hawaii - King Bros., Honolulu N ew York W. C. R oraback, 156 Fifth Ave. J apan T. Mont Scribner, Kobe Chicago G eo. K. Hazlitt & Co. ew Zealand A.]. Watkins, Auckland St. Louis H. A. Hyatt Kempthone, Pro. er & Co. Ltd., 'Velli ngton Hartford The Bonner-Preston Co. Australia - Harrington & Co. Ltd., Sydney Baker & Rouse Proprietary Ltd., Bnsbau e NOTE:-Subscribers who do not r eceive CAMERA CRAFT promptly will coufer a favor by ~e ndin g a postal card to this o ffi ce. The omission will be supJ?Iied a nd an investigation made. The editors will, at all times, be ready to carefully constder ma nuscript and photo­ graphs. When possible, all manuscript should be typewritten. All photo s upply dealers and news dealers are a uthorized to receipt for subscriptions in our n a m e. PI"ice per year $r.so; Foreign $2.oo. Back numbers can be obtained direct from the publishers at 15 cents each. Advertising rates are low and to be had on application. M SS. solicited upon photographic subjects. HIRSCH & KAISER 7 Kearny St., San Francisco . Camera Craft Ln Bound Form A limited number of bound Volumes I. and II. of CAMERA CRAFT, consisting of twelve numbers, from May, 1900, to April, 1 901, are now offered to those who wish to preserve the magazine. The binding is in brown cloth, strong and sub­ stantial, yet neat. Price, $z. so. Special Edition de Luxe, bound in full wine Morocco, w ith any name stamped in gold on the cover. Price, $5 . oo. A charge of $I .oo will be made for binding copies already in possession of the amateur. CAMERA CRAFT PUBLISHING CO., ZZO Sutter St, S. F. PLEASE M ENTION CA M ERA CR AFT PLEASE M ENTION CA M ERA {':RAFT HAVE YOU The lngento form Holder L VLR STLPPLD ON A TACK? Then you know what irritation is. HAVE YOU ever looked for a print that wasn't there? Then you know what aggravation is. Pictures that are worth making are worth T HE I GENTO FORM HOLDER is an indispensable keeping. accessory to the perfect cutting of oval prints. It is uperior to any of the form holders on the market for the Put them in --- following r asons: It is made entirely of metal, which makes its lasting q ualiti s perfect and also guarantees it against warping. Badger Albums There are no useless levers or springs in the way during the operation of cutting. Then they are always there. The form being held securely in the clamping lever, retains its same position, which facilitates the quick and accurate cutting of the prints. \Vhen this form holder is used, prints are cut in the Made of shortest possible space of time. ohe 13est Materials The cutting plate is made of zinc and is reversible, so that by either side can be used. ohe Most Highlg S1(illed Labor The complete device is handsomely nickel-plated and is mechanically perfect. under Made in two sizes, either of which will take any ize form ohe Closest SupertJision from the laraest size for which they are made down to the smallest size form on the market. after T e n Y e a r s, Ex p e r i e n c e. Si ze o f Culling Bed P r ice No. 1. - Yz x X( 1.00 No. 2. x 10 1.50 Ask us or your dealer for our Booklet, it tell all about 1000 'Different Stgles and Sizes. BURK[ & JAM[S Manufacturers of Photographic Apparatus and Supplies THL HLINN SPLCIALTY CO., . 118-132 W. JACKSON BOULEVARD, CHICAGO MILWAUKE-E. WISCONSIN I ' PLEASE M E NTION CA M ER A CA A F'T PLEASE M E NTION C AM E RA CRArT Nehring's Dollar Ampliscopes CRAMER~J A complete se t of Lenses IJOCHR.._OMA TIC ONE DOLLAR PLATEJ Are the most perfect THIS SET CO TAl S 0 ne Copy Enlarging Lens color sensitive plates in the market One Portrait "Wide Angle " One Tele-Photo Lens 0 ne R ay Screen MADE IN THREE GRADES OF SPEED 0 ne Duplicator Slow, Medium and Instantaneous One Adjustable Lens Mount FOR SALE BY ALL PHOTO SUPPLY DEALERS to fit over the hood of the camera lens 2 M an ufact u red b y Ray Screens to fit Nos. and 3 Folding G. CRAMER DRY PLATE CO. Pocket Kodaks, price, each, 2 5 c. ST. LOUIS, MO. Offices in Violet Portrait Ampliscopes to fit Nos. 2 and New York, 32 E.IOrh Sr. Chicago, room 705, Cable Bldg. San Francisco, room 38,819 Marker 3 Pocket Folding Kodaks, price, each, 5 oc. Use Mallinckrodt's Sodium Sulphite, Anhydrous Absolutely pure for photographic purposes U. NEHRIN G I 6 East Forty-Second Street New York City, N. Y. PLEASE MENTION CAMERA CRAFT PLEASE MENTION CAMERA CAAF"T THE TRIUMPH IN ....... THE •• VIVE PHOTOGRAPHY CYCLONE 1 MAGAZINE 9 CAMERA .... 0 Twelve Press the Pictures in Bulb and Twelve Turn a Seconds Key­ 1 Th at's all THE VIVE Focu siNG MAGAZINE CAMERA M z ine Focusrng. Camera having. da The only Mechanical ~ga which Copying, Enlargt~g an CARRIES TWELVE GLASS PLATES Universal Focus Lens wtth be erfectly done supenor to a Large Bust Portrait Wor\~•;1 Vi~es are elegantly f i n is~~~ Folding at on ly $12.50.1 b ted $5 00 Vive to our $ 7 .. II And each plate, as expose d ' may bbe removedpictures for thande- and range from the ce e. ra All fully· guarantee d . ..you wt I t Glass Plates produce etter Magazine Long Focus Foldm_gth. out first carefully examm tn gF our ve opmen . film, and at half the cost. regret buytng. any cameral wt and Illustrated B roc hure ree . 1 Art Cata ogue elegant 190 d hoto 5 cents extra. An embossed mounte p ' $6.00 TO $10.00 , INCLUD~~·~E-i~ ~ ·L~~, ; :ETA L CAR RIERS Vive Camera Company 190 I Catalogue Sent on App Manufacturers Northwest d Washington Streets, Ch.tcag 0 ' Ill . ROCH[SUR OPTICAL AND CAM[RA COMPANY Corner of State an St eet W London Regent House, Regent r ' ., ROCH ESTER, N · y · PLE A SE M E NTION C AM E RA CR AFT PLE A S E M E N TION C AM ERA CAA ' I W H E R E .Hre you keeping up with the procession? Weight is Considered Have you seen the latest mounts for up:to:date USE photographers? If not, ask your dealer to show you samples of the following new and SEED'S Negative Films stunning numbers: We supply our 26 x, Gilt Edge and O rthochromatic emulsions coated on celluloid and cut to any size desired. The film s are the sam e in quality as the plates of the same brands, and being very light they are much used by tourists . The manipulation and 8 70 -"Special " Daguerre Cards. A beautiful development are the sa me as for the dry plates. mount for light prints. Wide margins and heavily I f weight is a consideration obtain our negative films for your plate embossed for ovals and squares. Made to order in camera. Order through your dealer. various shades, but is especially effective in light cream. We have just published a new manual. Send for a copy . Free. 955 - Rector Cards. The ivory finish of this card M . A. E D DRY PLATE CO. with the harmonious shade of the embossing makes it desirable where light and fancy effects are sought. Ew YoRK, N.Y., 57 EAsT 9TH ST. ST. Lours, Mo., zoos L ucAs PL ACE 477- Magnolia Panels. A new and odd shape. Will be very popular this summer. Ivy green, cotch gray and carbon black shades. 216- Linen Platinum Panels. Has our famous linen finish with enameled bevel edges. The latest thing for platinum prints. Comes in Scotch gray and Willis (]). Clements Pla­ carbon black. tinotype Paper 596- Acme Cards. A new line in white for small Aristo Collodio-Carbon ovals. Finished with dark bevel edges. Paper Fullest Cramer's Isochromatic Line of Plates Professional Seed's New Ortho Plates Mallinck.rodt' s re-crystal­ Goods in lized Sulphite of Soda the West Packard Bros.
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