BANE REGISTER (••t»d Wetllr, EDt«rt4 a! 8«OODI1-OUM IUUW •« U» Port. VOLUME LII, NO. 15. ofllce >t Bad Dink. M. J, nndn U» Aat of Murob I, l»1». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 16. ON GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE, story Mr. LorlUard demanded a MOCK TRIAL AT SCHOOL, METHODISTS MAY SEL YANKO BUSINESS SOLD. THREE BIG FARMS SOLD condition of the salo that he receive Citizens to Draw Resolutions fo: immediate, possession. Both farms NINETY-FOUR YEARS OLD. THE NEW SEWAGE PUNT. Electric Light Anniversary, had tonants at the time. It waa !m- •'WIND. VS. WATEB" AT THETHE. CONGREGATION V/W- NEW YORK FIRM NOW IN POS- UPPER. MONTCLAIR MAN BUY* Thomas N. McCartor of Rumson, possiblo to make satisfactory ar- THE BIRTHDAY OF FORMAN KED BANK'S NEW DISPOSAL; RIVER STREET SCHOOL. HOLD TWO MEETINGS. SESSION OF THE STORE. president of the Public Service cor- 437 HOLMDEL ACRES. rangements for them to vacate and STRYKER OF MARLBORO. SYSTEM ABOUT COMPLETED. poration, Is chairman of a commit tho sale did not take place. Assembly Program Given Thursday One Mooting Wilt be Held Tonight tc Martin M. Mnndel and Fred Llcht- too of 100 prominent cUlicno •> Tho Roberts Farm on Longstiect The Roberts farm is often referred Ho Is tho Father of Franklin Pierce It Will BB Put In Operation Within by Pupils of the ft-B Grata, Which Discuss Belling the Church Prop- man Woro the Purchasers—Mr. Road and tho Two Herbert Farms to as the "Molly Rtllwell place." It erty—A Vote to be Taken Frldaj pointed by Governor Morgan F. Lar- Stryker and Randolph Strylror of a Few Days—It Was Started In Has Been Organized an a Town and son to draw resolutions in connec- Yanko Bought Storo and Business on Mugce Lane Bought by William Is In a pleasant valley and It has boon is Known M Loadoravlllo. Night. Eight Yeors Ago. Rod Bank and of Mrs. Forman Cos- Soptembor of Last Year ond It tion with the celebration of the fif- B. Wallace for $80,500. owned by various prominent Holmde' saboom of Marlboro. Cost $112,000. tieth anniversary of tho Invention township residents. ThB assembly program of the Itlve Congregational meetings of th< Jacob Yanko, "who eight years ago' Three largo adjoining farms In of tho electric light by Thomas A. The Molly Stllwell farm, together Forman Stryker of Marlboro was Tho new oewa(jo sowage disposal Street school last Thursday morning Mothodlst church of Red Bank wl bought the building and business of Holmdcl township wero bought last tedlson. Uzal H. McCartcr of Re with tho ndjoining farm owned by 94 years old Tuesday o( last week. A plitnt at Red Bank Is virtually com. was In charge of tho 0-B grade. Till bo held tonight and Friday nlgli Adlom and Co., which at that timo week by William B. Wallaco of Upper Bank, Mayor W. Warren Harbour of Frederick Noble, was for a long time family gathering and dinner party pletnd nnd It will probably bo jut In grada has boon organized as a town with rcferenco to selling tho churc was operated by tho late Isaac H. Montclair, who will consolidate them Rumaon, Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson In tho Longstroet .fnmily. A short took placo.nt -night. ..Tho colobrant (ism late this wenk or early next week. known as Leadoravlllc. Tho entire proporty at tho cornor of Monmout Adlom and by Gcorgo Button of into a stock farm and cotintry nutato. of Llncroft, Attorney General Wl llm«"lV6f(jM! tho civil war Obadiah v/us} tho recipient of many birthday II. in on the river bank, on Bridget class of 27 pupils was on tho stago, and Broad streets. At tonight's Broad street, was aqldjast week to All three saletf were mado by''Joseph Mam A. Stevens or Xonjr -Brand Stllwell married tho daughter of Ilen- enrdfl, flowers and gifts. avenue, a ahort distance east of Coop- The opening address was wado by meeting tho question will be dlfl Martin M. Mahdcl and Frod Llcht- McCue of Rumson and together they and T. R. Crumley of Asbury Parh drick Lnngstrect and purchased the Mr. Stryker Is truly remarknble cr's bridge. Part of thn plant con- Gasper DeMalo, mayor of Leadcrs- cussed ami,each church member will man, both of New York, who took nmounted to $80,500, Tho sales aro of vlllo. "Woaro going to try to pleast receive an opportunity to express hit aro among tho members of the com- possession of the storo last Friday. present Roberta farm from his wife's for a person of his age. If everyone sists of a huge glas3-enc!oa«l build- the flame character as many others was as healthy aa ho has been ing, rnsemhllng o. greenhome, »n4 you for a while," Jio Bald, "firat with or her vlaw about tho matter, Ai mittee. Both Mr. Handel and Mr. Licht- father. The largo house known a3 which havo been made at Holmde throughout his life thero would bo many persons unfamiliar wl{n tho u mock trial, a BCience project. This Friday night's meeting a voto wll man are experienced rcta.ll men in the mansion house was built at during the past two years to wealthy little need for doctors or medicine. facts have mistaken thla building foe Includes what wo study In 0-B andbe takon on the question and then dry good, ladles' furnishings and that time. men. He enjoys tho use of all his faculties one put up by a florist. i)-A nclenco and then wo will havo will bo noTdlscuasloh/ ladles' ready-to-wear apparel and Tho young nouple started farming One of the farms bought by Mr. and he takes walks dally when the a comical play for tho Juniors. Wo About a year and a half ago a votr they como to Red Bank with tjho tho place nnd they built spacious The plant la reputed to bo the most GOOD TO THEIR TOWN. Wallace Is the Roberts placo of 132 weather is fair. Up until this year are all proud of tho Rlvor streo was - taken of selling tho churct highest of recommendations as to barns and many outbuildings. The up-to-date and sanitary In tho United acres on Longstrcet road', about two he had the largest and finest vege- school and wo want tho River stroe proporty and It was decided not tl their business ability and business Stilwells had two children, John and Stains. There Is said to be no other; FAIR HAVEN FIREMEN BUY nnd a half miles northeast of Holm- .table garden at Marlboro and ho took school to be proud of us, IC we wll sell. It Is said that since that (Inn methods. Mary. John died shortly after making plant exactly like It anywhere. Thei dcl village. Mr. Wallaco paid care of it alone. Ho has no garden only plant which resembles It In nt be careful of our epcoch, and how wo circumstances have ensued whlc THEIR OWN EQUIPMENT. The business will bo conducted p. trip to TCurnpp. Upon the death of S28.O00 for thin property. It waa thla year, but lie tends to a Hock of Atiillgo, Wisconsin, and the Red Banl« net, and play tho gumo fairly and would maka tho sale of tho ptopoHj along the same lines as that estab- her parents, Mary or Molly Stilwell owned by two brothers, Howard W. chickens. sowage system has many features} squarely every day, 1929 will bo re-moro advantageous. It Is on accoun' They Havo Just Spent $1,000 on Thol: lished over a half a century ago by as she was called by her friends, be- and Thomas S. Roberta of New Mon- not embraced in Iho plant at Andlgo. membered as tho bannor year at thla of these now conditions that tfe( Patrol Truck—Altogether Thej the late Isaac H. Adlem and William came the sole -heir of tho property. Mr. .Stryker was born at Marlboro mouth. Thomas Roberts haa been F.xpnrt.-i on sewage disposal Bay that school." Ho concluded his talk with church ofllcials decided to again'sub- Have Expended $10,000 for Equip- A. Cole, later by Mr. Adjem and Mr She married Dr. D. Edgar Robert! nnd he ha.'j always lived thorn. For operating tho farm. (he now plant will provide; for th» mit tho matter to tho congregation, ment—Other Forms of Generosity. Sutton and of lato by Mr. Yanko. who waa at that time a young prac- many, years he engaged in farming. a poem. r.nedn of Ked Bank for many years. Mayor DoMalo's address Schenck S. Thompson, ono of the Tho.samo corps of salesfolks at the The,other two farms are on a road ticing physician at Keyport. He retired from active work three After Tho Fair llavcn lire company's pa- known. a:i Magec's lane northeast of years ago and he lias since lived with It wan built by H. L. Harrison & Sons there waa a Blblo reading by Rus3el church ofllclals, states that an offe: store will be maintained by Mr. Later in life Dr. Roberts moved tiol truck, with Its now chassis am Holmdel village, and together tho two his daughter, Mrs. Forman Cos.sa- of Newark at a cost of $142,000. Glona Jordan and one by the entire echool. of $258,000 has beon mado for the Yanko's successors, the only change from Keyport to the farm, at which coat of paint, is back In tho firehous places comprise 305 acres, which with boom of Marlboro.
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