RC CAR 2013 & TRUCK BEARING CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR THE MOST UPDATED LIST KYOSHO • TRINITY • MUGEN SEIKI • MRC • FUTABA • DURATRAX TAMIYA • HPI RACING • TRAXXAS YOKOMO • SCHUMACHER • CEN TEAMLOSI • BMT• OFNA SEPENT • THUNDER TIGER DEALER ASSOCIATED •PROGRAMS COX AVAILABLE call, email or fax for details. Tel: 1-800-332-3256 • Fax: 1-800-409-9191 • www.bocabearings.com RC CAR & TRUCK BEARING PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS Econo Seal: Ceramic Lightning Econo: Intended to be the most affordable way to re- Specially designed for on-road or relatively clean place stock bearings. These bearings have chrome driving environments. These bearings have stain- steel races, balls, retainers and shields. All Econo less steel races, balls, retainers and shields. All bearings are packed in grease and will require a Econo bearings are packed in grease and will re- short break in period to loosen up. quire a short break in period to loosen up. (example part #00-000) (example part #00-000C-YZ) Ultra Seal: Ceramic Lightning Ultra Seal: Specially designed for on-road or relatively clean Specially designed for on-road or relatively clean driving environments. These bearings are main- driving environments. These bearings are main- tenance free and lubed for life. The non-contact tenance free and lubed for life. The non-contact seal eliminates any drag typically associated with seal eliminates any drag typically associated with a rubber sealed bearings and still provides extra a rubber sealed bearings and still provides extra protection against external elements. All Ultra protection against external elements, the ceramic Seal bearings are packed in grease and will re- ball provides lower friction and increased dura- quire a short break in period to loosen up. bility. All sealed bearings are packed in grease and (example part #00-000US) will require a short break in period to loosen up. (example part #00-000C-YU) Green Seal: Ceramic Lightning Yellow Seal: Specially designed for off-road or excessively dirty Specially designed for off-road or excessively dirty driving environments. These bearings are main- driving environments. These bearings are main- tenance free and lubed for life. The heavy duty tenance free and lubed for life. The heavy duty rubber seal provides extra protection against the rubber seal provides extra protection against harshest elements. All Green Seal bearings are the harshest elements, the ceramic ball provides packed in grease and will require a short break in lower friction and increased durability. All sealed period to loosen up. bearings are packed in grease and will require a (example part #00-000GS) short break in period to loosen up. (example part #00-000C-YS) CATALOG SECTIONS SECTION 1: Common Sizes SECTION 2: Cross Reference Guide SECTION 3: Lubrication & Services Tel: (800) 332-3256 • Fax: (800) 409-9191 • www.bocabearings.com RC Bearing Common Sizes Dimension Part Number Price Inch 0.0781 x 0.2500 x 0.0937 SR1-4 #3 $9.95 0.0781 x 0.2500 x 0.1406 SR1-4ZZ $8.99 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 R133-ZZ $6.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133-ZZ $7.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133-ZZ #3 $8.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 R133-2GS $8.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133-ZZ #7 $10.80 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133-UU#3 $10.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133C-YZZ AF2 $11.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133C-2YS NB2 $13.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133C-YUU NB2 $13.95 0.0937 x 0.1875 x 0.0937 SR133C-ZZ #3 L55 $17.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.0937 R144-ZN $5.25 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 R144-ZZ $5.25 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144-ZZ $6.25 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 FR144-ZZ $6.25 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144-ZZ $6.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144-UU $7.25 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144-ZZ #3 $7.25 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144-UU $7.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144-ZZ #3 $7.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 R144-2GS $7.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144-UU #3 $8.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144-ZZ #7 $10.80 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 FR144-2GS $10.80 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144-UU #3 $10.80 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144C-YZZ AF2 $11.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144-ZZ #7 $12.50 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144-UU #7 $12.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144C-2YS NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144C-YUU NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144C-YZZ NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144-UU #7 $14.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144C-2YS NB2 $15.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144C-YUU NB2 $15.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144C-ZZ #3 L55 $17.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144C-ZZ #5 L55 $19.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SFR144C-ZZ #5 $24.95 0.1250 x 0.2500 x 0.1094 SR144C-2OS #7 AF2 $24.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 FR2-5ZZ AF2 $5.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 FR2-5ZZ #1LG $5.95 If you do not see a specific size please contact us directly. RC Bearing Common Sizes Dimension Part Number Price Inch 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 R2-5ZZ $5.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5ZZ $6.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 FR2-5UU $6.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 R2-52GS $6.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5UU $7.25 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5ZZ #3 $7.25 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 FR2-52GS $7.25 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5ZZ #3 $7.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5UU #3 $8.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5UU #3 $10.80 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5C-YZZ AF2 $11.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5ZZ #7 $12.50 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5ZZ #7 $12.50 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5UU #7 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5C-2YS NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5C-YUU NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5C-YZZ AF2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5UU #7 $14.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5C-2YS NB2 $15.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5C-YUU NB2 $15.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5CUU #3 $24.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5C-2OS #7 AF2 $24.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SR2-5C-2OS #7 NB2 $24.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5CZZ #5 $27.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5C-2OS #7 AF2 $27.95 0.1250 x 0.3125 x 0.1406 SFR2-5C-2OS #7 NB2 $27.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1406 SFR2-5UU $7.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 R2-ZZ $5.25 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2-ZZ $5.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 R2-UU $6.25 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2-ZZ #3 $6.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 R2-2GS $6.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2-UU $7.25 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2-UU #3 $8.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2-ZZ #7 $9.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2-UU #7 $10.80 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-YZZ AF2 $11.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-2YS NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-YUU NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-YZZ #5 NB2 $13.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-ZZ #3 $17.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-ZZ #5 $19.95 If you do not see a specific size please contact us directly. RC Bearing Common Sizes Dimension Part Number Price Inch 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-ZZ/C2 SRL $19.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-2OS #7 AF2 $24.95 0.1250 x 0.3750 x 0.1562 SR2C-2OS #7 NB2 $24.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 R155-ZZ $6.25 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155-ZZ $6.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 R155-UU $6.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155-UU $7.25 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155-ZZ #3 $7.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 R155-2GS $7.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155-ZZ #7 $10.80 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155-UU #3 $10.80 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155C-YZZ AF2 $11.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155C-2YS NB2 $13.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155C-YUU NB2 $13.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155C-ZZ #5 $19.95 0.1562 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR155C-2OS #7 AF2 $24.95 0.1562 x 0.3120 x 0.1250 SR155C-2OS #7 NB2 $24.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1094 SR156 #3 $6.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 FR156-ZZ $5.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 R156-ZZ $5.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 R156-UU $6.25 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156-ZZ $6.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 FR156-UU $6.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 R156-2GS $6.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156-UU $7.25 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 FR156-2GS $7.25 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156-UU $7.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156-ZZ #3LO1 $7.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156-ZZ #3LG $7.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156-ZZ #3 $7.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156-UU #3 $8.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156-UU #3 $9.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156-ZZ #7 $10.80 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156C-YZZ AF2 $11.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156-ZZ #7 $12.50 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156-UU #7 $12.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156C-2YS NB2 $13.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SR156C-YUU NB2 $13.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156C-YZZ AF2 $13.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156-UU #7 $14.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156C-2YS NB2 $15.95 0.1875 x 0.3125 x 0.1250 SFR156C-YUU NB2 $15.95 If you do not see a specific size please contact us directly.
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