MAY 2016 AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION VOLUME XXV NO. 3 In this issue: From the President's Desk 2-8 Editorial 9 As I See It 10 The Vice President's Corner 11 Money Matters: The National Treasurer's Report 12-13 The Philippine Medical Association headed by its President Dr. Maria Minerva P. Calimag, meeting with the Vantage Point 14-16 Department of Health Secretary Hon. Jannette Loreto-Garin, M.D. for the reinstatement of the PMA Certificate of Good Standing as a requirement for Philhealth Accreditation of Healthcare Practitioner. Also in attendance is the One PMA, One Love president of Philippine Hospital Association Dr. Ruben C. Flores. Sharing Love 16 PhilHealth reinstates PMA Certificate of Convention Updates 24-25 Good Standing Requirement From the desk of your Chair of the CME Commission 26 The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation has reinstated the updated Certificate of Good Standing (CGS) from the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) a requirement for One PMA, One Online accreditation for all physicians effective January 8, 2016. This ruling is contained in the Community 27 PhilHealth Circular #2015-037 dated December 8, 2015. On the part of PMA, an updated CGS from the component society is required for securing the PMA CGS. Specialty Divisions & Specialty Societies News & Events 28-30 The CGS was removed as a requirement for accreditation in 2013 as stated in section 61 of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 7875 as amended by RA 9241 Unraveling the Exotica: and RA 10606. However, the PhilHealth recognized that membership in good standing in the The Zika Virus 31-32 PMA and in the Philippine Hospital Association (PHA), its two partners in the implementation of the National Health Insurance Program, would increase the likelihood of compliance of the Philhealth Circular on health care providers to the Code of Ethics of their respective organization. PMA Certificate of Good Standing 33-35 For medical specialist applying for accreditation (initial, continuous or re-accreditation due to lapse in accreditation), an updated CGS from their specialty society is required aside from the PMA CGS. Physicians whose accreditation is still valid would be required to submit the necessary certificate(s) on their next application for accreditation. ••• Page 2 The Physician FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Maria Minerva P. Calimag, MD, MsCE, PhD, FPSA Leading at the PMA: A Legacy of Good Governance and Strategic Management fostering an environment that encour- (3) from activity-based work to a results ages quantum leaps in the improve- orientation; (4) from scorekeeping to ment of critical, contemporary measures leading and teaching so that people of performance, such as cost, quality, measure their own results; (5) from service, and speed. The intent of en- functional (vertical) to process This year, TEAM PMA 2015-2016 gaging in process reengineering is to (horizontal or cross functional) orienta- chose to refocus our efforts on sustain- make the PMA significantly more flexi- tion; (6) from serial to concurrent op- able and tangible change at the PMA. ble, responsive, efficient, and effective erations; (7) from complex to simple, for our physician-members, employees streamlined processes; (8) from empire Through the years, many things and other stakeholders. building and guarding the status quo to needed rethinking at the PMA. The phy- inventing new systems and processes sicians‟ psyche, our culture at the PMA As in all other organizations, if and looking toward the future (i.e., from (the Component, Specialty and Affiliate process reengineering is to work for the the caretaker mentality to visionary Societies, included), our business pro- PMA, our organizational priorities must leadership). As organizational priorities cesses (our daily workflow processes, change in the following ways: (1) from change, the culture will change as the our fund management processes), our boss to customer focus; (2) from con- members begin to understand the vi- employer-employee relationships, our trolled workers to empowered, involved sion for a better culture with better ca- buildings and grounds. process owners and decision makers; pabilities and results. Members tend to have short-term memories and we easily forget. Often- Our Strategic Imperatives and The Balanced Scorecard times, changes at the PMA are as short- lived as the one or two-year term of the At the Leadership and Strategic Planning President. Many changes end up as Workshop, several strategic imperatives band-aid solutions. emerged: 1. Institutionalize the mission, vision In the last two years, our goal at and values of the PMA; the PMA has always been to institution- alize changes and make changes tangi- 2. Strengthen the PMA as an ble and palpable for our members‟ sat- organization; isfaction so that long-term solutions 3. Enhance the relevance of the PMA can happen. We all need to assume a among its members; growth mindset for sustainable change 4. Build capacities and empower the to take place. physicians; The beginning of immediate, dra- 5. Promote quality Medical Education; matic change and the application of 6. Improve physicians' access to Con- supporting technical and behavioural tinuing Professional Development; concepts and tools that are necessary to 7. Play a pivotal role in crafting implement process reengineering at the policies and laws for the country; PMA requires answering the ultimate and question: "Why are we doing this at 8. Elevate the status of the PMA in all?" To accomplish this, the PMA Figure 1. Adapted from Robert S. Kaplan and the local and international scene. must throw out existing systems and David P. Norton, "Using the Balanced Scorecard processes and create new ones, thus as a Strategic Management System," Harvard fostering Business Review (January-February 1996):76 continued on page 3... Volume XXV, No. 3 Page 3 from the Presidents Desk, from page 2... The Financial/Stewardship Perspective “Financial Performance” Timely and accurate funding data is always a priority at the PMA, and the Officers and Members of the Board of Governors will do whatever is necessary to provide it. In fact, often there is more than enough handling and processing of financial data. Year-to- date funds are increasing monthly. With the implementation of a batteries are full are now in use which via the OWL@PMA after achieving the corporate database in the OWL@PMA, resulted in 60-80% savings in electrical required number of CPD points. Physi- the goal is that more of the information consumption. cian-members who lack the required and financial processing can be centra- CPD points may avail of CPD points lized and automated. Soon physician- The Business Process Perspective online through webinars, podcasts and members can pay Annual Dues online; online modules provided by CPD Part- avail of an automatic debit arrangement “Efficiency” ners such as MSD/Johns Hopkins Clinical, with participating banks and credit cards; UMED, Asia eHealth Information Net- and secure the Unified Certificate of Metrics based on our internal business work, MDPie, Johnson and Johnson, UP- Good Standing via the OWL@PMA after processes allow the Officers and Mem- Med, etc. achieving the required number of Con- bers of the Board of Governors to know tinuing Professional Development (CPD) how well our daily workflow processes We hired an Executive Director who points. are running, and whether our products is knowledgeable in human resource and and services conform to physician- process flow management. We also hired The current emphasis on financials, member requirements (the mission). a Certified Public Accountant who is however does not lead to an These metrics have been carefully de- knowledgeable in accounting processes, "unbalanced" situation with regard to signed by those who know these proc- and Internal, as well as, External Auditors. other perspectives. An audit system has esses most intimately; with our unique Almost immediately, the Internal Auditor also been adopted. Policies have been missions these are not something that was able to note irregularities in some of set in place to plug all financial leaks. All can be developed by outside consult- our internal processes that were immedi- transactions are made through credit ants. Soon physician-members‟ Continu- ately remedied. The Association has now cards and payments through cheques for ing Professional Development (CPD) set policies for all processes that involve greater transparency and accountability. activities can be automatically credited transactions within and outside the All suppliers of goods and services to their to their portfolio and the Socie- Association. undergo canvassing and bidding. LED ties‟ portfolio; physician-members who lights, air conditioners with inverters and paid their Annual Dues online can secure laptops that can be unplugged when the Unified Certificate of Good Standing continued on page 4... Page 4 The Physician From the President’s Desk, from page 3... The Customer/Stakeholder Perspective “Satisfaction” Recent management philosophy has shown an increasing realization of the importance of customer focus and customer satis- faction in any undertaking. Physician-members have renewed trust and confidence in the organization. 6,061 members have either reactivated and/or have newly applied for membership. The physician-members have likewise responded positively to the ONE PMA Movement and it has become a by-word among members. It has likewise improved the image and relevance of the PMA as an organization. We launched the ONE PMA MOVEMENT to unite all doctors in the country, under the PMA, the umbrella organization of all medical organizations in the country. The employees are likewise experiencing a second wind as a new Executive Director/Human Resource Manager instituted changes in the way the office is run. This is the first time in 112 years that the employees got Service/Loyalty Awards, thus recognizing their roles in the successes of the Association. One employee, Ms. Cathy Sal- cedo has been with the Associa- tion for 38 years since 1978.
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