DOCUMENT RESUME ED 224 078 ,CS 504 062 TITLE Exhibit Volume I. , INSTITUTION Mathematica, Princeton, N.J. SPONS AGENCY National Endowment for,the Arts, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE [77] NOTE . 144p.; For related documentsseIC 219 815-816 and CS 504 061-060. Parts of this docuiibqay be marginally legible. t PUB TYPE Reports ReseaOch/Technical (143) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Acting;"*F#cility Requirements; Fund Raising; *Needs Aiessmaptf; *Professional Associations; Professioeal Pe sonnel; Professional Recognitioff; Public Opinion; Research; Tax Allocation; *Theater Arts; *Theaters ABSTRACT As part of the s'econd phase of a tWo-phase study of the condition and needs ot the live professional theatre in America since the mid-4140's, this volume contains statements of the problems and solutions identified by the following-theatre organizations: (1) Actors' Equity Association, (2) Off0f.4 Broadway Allianced. (3) Alliance for American Street Theatre, (4) TraMatists' GuVid, (5) The . League of Resident Theatxes, (6) American Theatre Association, (7) League of New York Theatres and Producers,(8) American Community Theatre Association, (9) Performing Arts Repertory Theatre Foundation, (10) Theatre Development Fund,(11) Theatre Communications Group, and (12) Black Theatre Alliance. Two tables at the beginning of the volume summarize the problems and solutions identified by the various groups. (HOD) 4,& a a 1 *********************************************************************** Reproductiions supplied by EDRS are-the best,that can be made from the original document.. ************************************************:*****I************* USDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION IDULAtedNAL FIESOUHCES CEPtitEN ukRiCt its dut.nhomtlthas beet,tehtudunved as 'et-';'n,e0 ttne hetsho, to ettlathiatkon utigitiatilia 4 nvttathjes have bee. nhade tu untnatovve two...tot:h.,. Cf-.10*, Lir{4.1ills stated q.6 hev_ t.t eptesem utie.lan NOE phintth nvt eve. A$1cort4:1;11110 EXHIBIT VOLUME sk. -MATHTECH . The IeChnical Research \ and Consulting Division of, 7, .Mathematica, Inc. L : I. EXHIBIT VOLUME I CONTENTS A. Summary of Statements B. Statements: 1. Actors' Equity Association 7 Off-Off Broadway Alliance 3. Alliance for American Street Theatre 4. Dramatists' Guild 5. The League of Resident Theatres . American Theatre Aisociation 7. League of New York Theatres and Producers 8. American Community Theatre Association 9. Performing Arts Repertory Theatre Foundation 10. Theatre Development Fund 1 1. Theatre Communications Group 12. Black Theatre Alliance A. SUMMARY OF STATEMZNTS For easy reference, we. have' summarized the problems and solutions identified by various theatre organizations In Tables 1 and 2. -2- ON MI MS NM MI MI -IMMO -1111111111M Table Selected Problems Facing the American Theatre (1) (2) 43) (4) (5) 7 k, .. 4 l72:::ii7;i1-3,7,71 rhst I. Ina4 etqualle Administrations. Adverse Level tit Rising .,Custs of Ahence ut lnadsquat Recognition of and Detriorating Tax 'Rules Funding and P rode. lion Lila .. k Theat re Cfrganizations National lila. li Theatre Cundition of and ,..... Allocation Recluce{pppur- Repreentalive tit Funding - Recognition IA Mainstream Central Cities Regulations Critria do nuttunities fttr New uf Theat re' ot Asiterli-an A ftect Theatre Meet Existing Plays anti Ideasbeciion Making Level hyspurtair,,e Cirinittli S, tiit Ailmithns a Hccda A. to 1 i' leeptity X X X X Assucialliun4 Off-Olt hr..adway X X X X Alliam Alliats. e tut AMe fican 44. X Steet Theatre ' X Dramatists' rk111.1 ,,, , 'he League of X Reident Theatres Ame ri,k AU *Cheat s e X X Asa.... Wools ( k X League ul New. York X X . r Theatre I. Pmclucer Ame ri i. all Community 'Cheat re A sem: la li.us , ----- I'e t.a filistg arts X X kepe Flory Thee i r -- Vutuniailun , , -- Theatre bevelopment . 1"ufni , Meat re Cumin...Mentions X X (itu.11. , Xo, , A XT' ). Thealre Alliance X* , - 4v.,A. Communietion. , . Table 1 (Continued) Selected Problems :Facing the American Theatre 8) 9 10 11 12 11 Theatre Union- ArttetiL. Gu4./ &Adequate &AdequateNeed fur A Mute .. ions Inhibit', Starla ids may Le CW161)011114 nun Sy aittiis %rf Cuaipcelscasolve Prubl esti athillavulAblo tit gaii24111...m. SI11111111 Theatre'. Jeopardized by And Eiripluy. Training Syllein ut AiieuaingPremis Cu./cr- . ' tke*ellupationt Pesent SyMeni Iiiviii 9ppurtuii- A flirt. Di stributiun and (duality age' ol Black ut Funding IL Ecu-We. bar Marketing ut ,Theatie The. i re skimski: PrusauLte. Alliit 'icicle A. turs' Equity- X. A usucialiusi till-litt Broadway X Ants tic e .. Aillaw,e fur AistricAn St sive* rheal re '* . .. ' brainalloir' ii:Lilld Arhe 1.eague ut X 4. .... fte.ident Theal roil .4 -' Aulcoik-dii Ti.e.dtr. A i....iiiii,,ai -.... k 11,ttAgise. a new York Xe Tlieilil CO IL l'ruJu.er Ain., ri. ais Cu ttttt ninny X i X X Theatre Ai, auk ialiun PellInsing A I. --e Itt4it.:1 lot y Ttea i re $11..UillfiLi i it,11 Al locals e 11.4lo1,seisl .. ViaiiJ -n"..t.. c,.....,,,..i,n.... x. ( sf tlilis Bid k ''Irl4 t i u Alli.si,e X0 ., I C.taiuoilcat MI MIMNMI MN IIIII\ MN Ma MN MN 101 .11111 Num rim as ima. Table 2 Solutions Suggested by Theatre Organizations 8 2 4 6 flevelult Systeutath Create Revile Til X . P I'VIII4iiC tirLaii SCAiisli*..-A I Subsidize Cent ritl Gusernment Systeisi ttd krugstition ut Surveys ut Create a lluusting Tituirtre Sbduld have Lural Guyern- Renewal the Theatrelituisd-hdawdFasilliiiusAJsur.-acy tits Primary tstentit' ituirs 1.Progiaqi I. Orii.acillAiiiirs Ttiestre Cu iiiiii unity A s a Natiunal by the Dept. National fur At:surly/lterpunsibilitylbegaatiutts Resuurre of Labor anJ Tileitro A rti st a Otastas-fur SupportingAtte; ling Om Supireirt" liCst lisn, TPseatre. ThcAls.c C iii %we rve . ...___, 6 ActurI Equity X X X X X As aus..ilioss - -. 4 Ulf-LAI bruaJwa y X4 X. X. AM.. sip,: c ., A M.. 0 .. c tur AtturriLreu street Titetr Oa Assr.ilile Casild 'The Lesgti ut A )04 ItAtsblorit Theatres Astrtitic Thstr A X Aautilation , X lbeigue ut thr* Yurk X X c Theate es L Pri,,Jutzer A siteiIi tuoisctiCciat y X Tlic4 I cc 'A aoc.ci.i:sli.ca Pc i b.sming A t t X itcpc vita cy `IIoa I ire rcuisclalium ... Ilicai cc licycluissamoil k X X if mind . Theali s c Cuscsoiuoicliul Cciociii , (*. - --- - liliaiit TiiCal rc Allienzs 4 XS X,', X4 V ;... I 64 IVC:411111sstall.latiuss. Table 2 (Continued) Solutions Suggested by Theatre Organizations (11) (1'4 113) (14) ht)-_-____r_. Itevise Funding Tie up Om 111CII a Oeveiup Pu lielee ku Ciipassil :Aust. In. tease pil-,-iii, 1te.ughi.te Motur1. iu Ea lablials 4 with the Intuitu.iisoi, Cuusdinaled Te tsii 1."6111 Allti Utilii ut Syriluisi ot C1 lic4, Funding SnLeItlizaliun '56PINO, TO'. hni. cAl Ad iiiIks,- C Punk y tut Ptogoiski by Iti.. rtdiuna ry Laputl411y 11.1iinpuwei3usira:ii ut OPer'iliungl Cis-utip and LAI- all levels utTor &CCF will. Vomits tut Gouda I. Kcal L Creele Needs L tu Free Piugrasu Orgnl..iliune A ilieil.:- keeuureee Ltlectalized Funding In Aid fur Lui-01 L Letitia buittd Own Activitie Mack State Ciuvl'a lu Develuputeni .Peciaiusie knduwineni'tired tur Ititleiig Bleck Times' e in til:ail Theatre Fund's Tlieeiro . A..lutr1 Etoully A ai.clliihss A. 0.11-011 11..i,...1w4y X-:- Alll .. Alliance, tug( A:untie-4n Stteel Tboilie - _ . 01...m.ifirli, Gall., Thu" Coigne ut , It..A.ideld Tlioitre I . ,--- , . Allliell it Au rheIte - X4 .....----------..A ostrCiisiiiii4 Lcalitioi 61 ticw York Tim:Alger L Piutlut4r . Anie I kcal,. Cutsiass'usailly X4 . I,calt.: A La thUlt, tliun X Ve, II th suing As la .2, Hcp.Itl.;ry Tim:Jiro I liwt.lidals...4 Tlical e 1...A4..posiessl lesitsa auP-. 4 ..' X4" Vit X4. Xr . 41 X4' TI...,Al i I litislikiiiitili . Iit- x X lii4dik Theakt. Alli-inc X4' ,*I - V. i bal Co1o416,11 it anew. MI `. OM INSNIB OM MI MI INN MI 1111111 allMI NM MINI NMI OM 11111. MINIONION MI Table 2 (Continued) SolutionsSuggested by Theatre Organizations (21 (U) (lb) ( IX) tiY) IZOLL_ Develop Adi'quale arid Elitooissaa all Systematise P lit, ipelicos cot osions Should ilea all rrississii kere Their Ussituross Derriere to lloe Repreomisletives Perforassoiroit tit the SteosJerds Ci trulatic4roort Awl A rtiets5 Unions"' flukes )u Assist A rtistic u( black Thalre lisow4o ul Soliell/ Tisesilit tu col A aliele I. StouulJ Serve usi lir the Polk y- Cuupe rate Cussopeuestios Artistic Wuak Usselity lirgeolizlion Ler1 I Naticosal11Aklog Pico. elm lEspeo losountal for A rtirts Tioruulitsuut the Crlivila . out I. "Theatrer & loopsove C (tides ((lure Cu $$$$$ Whit. U11111 neat t e Nolo-Goverrouleol) Ator' Asourieitoos Xor 011-011 lirueolowy X. Al lien' Al lienes fur Assorricn Street Thelir. lioalueltsia' Guth( The Lorgue col Rideut Theetre " X Aeolic rt:orto Throat Asi.o ielions Imegue cot Ncrt Yost), TIoelse & Pruollut sore Aroma ic COslisslUllatiy e A,is.lialiost Poo fonsoluei o.i Repast to y re i`outooletiorao The.1 iL lb I oposeast ruoscl Tla Ur o Cunsolousottelirom til oup lileCk Tlocetre Allianc A. At- X4 V e tLsl Coseitipso(4u1s Table 2'(Continued) Solutions Suggested by Theatre Organizations (24) (Z4) (2S) (26) (27) ILA Ssohidize the Develop a Cres- t CAI 114 lot "1"Iseatrc. live Link wills !Brett Grant Subsidize in urder to snake the Cusiosse i r tat Make Irevelup , Unite all Theatre Vas Stifles Corsissionfty fur Wrflera& Hope rturie Sparc uss Broadway Theatre; Lists 11. Acceilde to her yds Tlseatre/ Nw Plays; (a way to Avilable: lor TryingNol=for-Prolit to Sr cowry, Allinc ol Provide Uppur Develop Play- Ont New Plys, Theatre More o rginizlion Youth Costunies, SI reel tunnies fur wrights and and tor Cosisputer- Liles lively In Ilk el,.
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