Index Abstraction, in Walker’s art, 164, 167-68 Agents, for Walker paintings. See Bland, Harry; Blessing’s; Courtenay’s Bookstore; Galería C. D. Fredericks y Davis; Green, Robert Stanley; Lannau’s Art Store; Quimby and Co.; Rowlinski, Robert; Schlaus, William; Young, Henry Aiken, Mary Elizabeth (mother of W. A. Walker), 41-44 Aiken, S.C., 76 Alabama, plantation wage systems in, 152-53 Allen, James, plantation of, 55 Antoine’s Restaurant, New Orleans, 90 Arden, N.C., 57, 76, 81, 89, 96, 125, 128-30 Arsenecker Key, Fla., 86 Artist’s Association of New Orleans, 101 Asheville, N.C., 123-24 Ashley River, 54, 134 Astor Library, N.Y., 143 Atlantic Savings Bank, Charleston, 138 Atmosphere, in Walker paintings, 164 Augusta, Ga., 68, 70 Bahia Honda Bridge, Fla., 84 Baltimore: discussed, 56-57; Walker in, as a child, 41; mentioned, 36 Bamboo, 70, 78 Barbizon painters, 157 Baruch, Bernard, 153 Baton Rouge, La., 120 Battery, at Charleston, 32, 53 Baxter, Hiram, 81 Bayou boats, 176 Beale, Charles, 81, 125 Beale, Maria, 125 Beaucatcher Knob, N.C., 124 Beauregard, General P. G. T., 48-49 Bell, Alexander Graham, 70 Bemiss, Amy, 142 Works Consulted 209 WAW New Save.indd 209 9/17/2007 10:02:45 AM Bierstadt, Albert, 156 Biloxi, Miss., 121, 186 Bingham, George, 39 Blanchard, Blanche, 96, 98, 143 Blanchard, Mrs. James Gallier, 98 Blanchard, Miss Virginia, 98 Bland Gallery, 153 Bland, Harry, 40 Bleak House, 59 Blessing’s Art Gallery, Baltimore, 90 Blythe, David C., 141 Bogen, Reverend Joseph, 121 Bond, Colonel, 137 Bonner, Sherwood, 144, 148 Boston Athenaeum, 49 Boudin, E., 168 Boyce & Company, cotton factories in Charleston, 41 Boyle, Charles Wellington, 98, 142 Boyle, Virginia Frazer, 148 Bradfield, John Jenkins, 120 Bradfield, John Orr, 120 Bradley, Horace, 146 Brickell’s trading store, Fla., 84 Buchser, Frank, 141 Buck, William, 92, 142, 156 Bufford, J. H., 146 Bull Run, First, battle of, 48 Burton, Mrs. E. Milby, 54 Cabin scenes, 34, 39, 63, 70, 72, 88, 92, 129 Cable, George Washington, 100, 148, 157 Café Oriental, Havana, 61 Calhoun, John, 55 Camden, S.C., 76 Camera, 170, 185 See also Photograph Camera Club of Hampton Institute, 150 Cameron, John, 143 Camp Hampton, S.C., 48 Cards, playing, painted by Walker, 48 Cards Sound, Arsenecker Key, Fla., 86 Carolina Art Association, 50, 98 Carrere, John M., 76 Carrollton, La., 96 Catlin, George, 39 Champlin Press, Columbus, Ohio, 151 Chandler, Miss Emma, 88 Charleston Market, 53 Charleston, S.C., 41-55, passim; 129 Chicago Fair, 1893, 150. See also Columbian Exposition Chromolithography, 160 210 WILLIAM AIKEN WALKER WAW New Save.indd 210 9/17/2007 10:02:45 AM Church, Frederick Edwin, 155 Churches: Episcopal, Pensacola, 88; St. Paul’s Episcopal, Baltimore, 56; First Presbyterian, Augusta, 70; Presbyterian, Miami, 86; St. Patrick’s Catholic, Augusta, 70 Church Street, Charleston, 41 Citadel, The, military academy, 134 Civil War, 39, 68, 88, 120 Clague, Richard, 96, 156 Clark’s Photograph Shop, 92, 96 Clements, George H., 65 Clemens, Samuel, visit of, to New Orleans, 148 Clemson, S.C., 55 Cleveland, Grover, 123 Clients, for Walker paintings, 34, 39, 57, 68, 72, 123, 125 Clonney, James Goodwyn, 141 Cocoanut Grove, Fla., 84 Collins, W. B., 61 Color, as treated by Walker, 130, 146, 164 Columbian Exposition, 53, 113 Commissions, for major paintings, 39, 176 Cotton, brown seed, 54 Cotton factory, Augusta, 68 Cotton mills, 68 Cotton plantations. See Plantations Coulon, George D., 100-101, 142, 156 Courbet, Gustave, 168 Courtenay’s Book Store, 46, 53 Covington, La., 96 “Cowboys in the Borderlands,” painting by Thomas Eakins, 39 Cox, Walter, 100, 148 Crane, Stephen, 157 Cranford Library, 70 Cre-Mo-Sage Shop, 72 Cruikshank, George, 60 Crustaceans, paintings of, 36 Cuba, 61-65 Cuisine: Antoine’s Restaurant, New Orleans, 90; at Poydras Market, 92; at Jacksonville, 78 Cumberland Island, 78 Cummings Road, Augusta, 68 Cup and Saucer Club, New Orleans, 100 Currier and Ives, 39, 117, 143-44, 156, 160 Darktown Comics, 144 Davis, Jefferson, 49 Davis, Theodore Russel, 146 Daytona, Fla., 79 De Bow, James, 50 Deep South, 34, 123, 157 Index 211 WAW New Save.indd 211 9/17/2007 10:02:45 AM De Lesseps, Charles, 142 Delta, Miss., 31, 120, 157 Dickens, Charles, 59-60, 148 Diehl, Miss Katie, 121 Diehl, C. Louis, 81 Dixie, 31. See also Old South Dooley, Mrs. James H., 144 Drown, W. Staples, 76 Dumaine Street, New Orleans, 39 Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 150 Dusseldorf “School,” 36, 65, 141 Eagle, ship to Cuba, 61 Eakins, Thomas, 39 École des Beaux Arts, 157 Edisto Island, S.C., 53, 113, 129, 152, 171 English, Charleston, influenced by the, 44 Europe, Walker’s trip to, 65 Everglades, 86 Fagan, Dickens character, 60 Fanti (tribal name), 170 Ferguson, General Samuel W., 36, 120 Ferguson, “Miss Percy,” 36, 120, 123 Ferguson Plantation, 120 Fish, paintings of, 36, 81-82, 186 Fithian, F. L., 144 Flagler, Henry M., 76, 84 Flat Rock, N.C., 124 Fletcher’s Stop, N.C., 124 Flint, Jane, 41 Florence, compared to Charleston by Thomas Sully, 42 Florida, East Coast, 70, 78, 82, 84, 86, 88 Florida, West Coast, 86 Flower studies, 154 Forbes, Edwin, 141 Fort Fisher, N.C., 49 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., 86 Fort Macomb, La., 100 Fort Pickens, Fla., 88 Fort Sumter, Charleston: Battle of, 49; drawing of, 156 Fort Walton, Fla., 186 Foster, Stephen Collins, 139 Frazer, Charles, 42 Fremaux, Leon J., 142 French Broad River, N.C., 123 Frenzeny, P., 142 Frost, A. B., 144 Galería C. D. Fredericks y Davis, Havana, 61 212 WILLIAM AIKEN WALKER WAW New Save.indd 212 9/17/2007 10:02:45 AM Gamble, James Newton, of Proctor and Gamble, 81 Gamotis, Alphonse, 101 Genin, John, 156 Genre paintings, 34, 36, 39-40, 49, 57, 63, 100, 169 Georgia Historical Society, 72 Georgian city, Charleston as a, 44 German, Robert S., 76 Gerónimo, the Chiricahua Apache, 88 Ghost of Guir House, The, 125 Gibbes Art Gallery, Charleston, 150 (now Gibbes Museum of Art) Gilbert’s Bar, Fla., 82 Girault, L. C., 101 Giroux, Claudius, 98 Glen, Wilkens, at Baltimore, 56 Gleyre, in Paris, 156 Gottschalk, Edward Moreau, 139 Grady, Henry, 57 “The Grandissimes,” 148 Grant’s Canal, 120 Grapefruit trees, 72 “Grasshopper on a Sweet Potato Vine, The,” cantata by Inness Randolf, 59 Great Britain, in cotton industry, 41 Green, Robert Stanley, 36, 92, 117, 129; art collection, 46, 169 Greenville, Miss., 36, 120 Gregg, C. C., 81 Grey, Thomas, 152 Groves, W. E., art collection, 142 Gulf Coast, 128 Gulla (also Gullah, tribal name), 65, 170 Gutherz, Suzanne, 144 Halifax River, Fla., 81 Hampton Institute, 150 Hampton, Wade, 46, 169 Harris, Joel Chandler, 57, 144 Hart’s South Carolina battery, 48 Hausa (tribal name), 170 Havana, Cuba, 61-65 Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 41, 50 Heade, Martin J., 76, 154, 165 Hearn, Lafcadio, 148, 157 Hebel, Ianthe Bond, 81 Hendersonville, N.C., 124 Henry, Edward Lamson, 141, 143 Herring, J. F., 46, 67, 92, 169 Heyward, Dubose, 65 Highlanders, 130 Index 213 WAW New Save.indd 213 9/17/2007 10:02:45 AM Hillsboro Inlet, Fla., 84 Hillsboro River, Fla., 83 Homer, Winslow, 142, 154 Hominy Creek, 124 Hopkins, Aristide, 92, 121 Horatio Alger, 36 Hotels: Arden Park Lodge, Arden, N.C., 125; Barcelona, St. Augus- tine, 76; Battery Park, Asheville, N.C., 123; Biltmore House, N.C., 123; Bonnie Crest Inn, N.C., 123; Charleston Hotel, 48; City at Pensacola, 88; DeSoto, Savannah, 72; Duval, Jacksonville, 78; Ea- gle, Asheville, N.C., 70; Escambia, Pensacola, 88; Florida House, 76, 88; Fort George, near Jacksonville, 78; Fort Pierce, Fla., 84; Haywood White Sulphur Springs, N.C., 123; Hotel Royal, New Orleans, 90, 150; Kyser, Pensacola, 88; Magnolia, Biloxi, 121, 128; Magnolia, St. Augustine, 76; Mills House, Charleston, 48; Pulaski House, Savannah, 72; Royal Palm, Miami, 84; San Sebastian, Fla., 84; Santa Rosa, Pensacola, 88; Valencia, St. Augustine, 76 Hovendon, Thomas, 141 Howe, Edgar Watson, 157 Hunting dogs, 36 Implements, agricultural, 34, 171 Indian, American, 39. See also Gerónimo, Seminole Indians Indian River, Fla., 82, 84, 86 Isle of Palms, S.C., 129 Jack O’Doone, 125 Jackson, Stonewall, 49 Jacksonville, Fla., 76 Johnson, Eastman, 141 Johnson and Johnson, Surgical Supplies, lithograph published for, 161 Julien, studio of, in Paris, 156-57 Julio, Everett D. B., 92, 96, 142, 156-57 Jupiter Inlet, Fla., 83 Kemble, E. W., 144 Key, Lieutenant John R., 49 Key West, Fla., 84 King, C. H., 152-53 King, Edward, 123 Kingston, Ga., 96 King Street, in Charleston, 53 Knight’s Key Bridge, Fla., 84 Lake Pontchartrain, La., 96 Lake Worth, Fla., 83 Lake Wyman, Fla., 86 Langtry, George, 92 214 WILLIAM AIKEN WALKER WAW New Save.indd 214 9/17/2007 10:02:45 AM Lanneau’s Art Store, 53 Lantana, Fla., 84 Lanterns on the Levee, 121 Lee, Robert E., 48-49 Le Sassier, Charles, 141 Levees, at New Orleans, 117 Lighthouses: Alligator Reef, 86; Cape Florida Old Light, 86; Fowey Rock Light, 86; Jupiter’s, 86; Mosquito Inlet, 86; Ponce Light- house, 86 Linquist, Mr., 138 Lithograph, 161 Literature, Southern, 32, 39, 57, 88, 100, 144, 148, 157 Livingston, Edward, 98, 101 Louisville College of Pharmacy, 81 Louisville, Ky., 129 McClelland, General, 48 McKinley, President William, 70 Magnolia Gardens, S.C., 54 Malchus, J., 141 Mandeville, La., 96 Mandingo, 170 Market, for Walker paintings, 31; See also Agents, Clients Mark Twain, 144 Masonic Temple Hall, Baltimore, 56 Matthews, Essie Collins, 151 Maurer, Louis, 143 Meeker, Joseph Rusling, 156 Merrill, F. T., 141 Mes Pensires, 49 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 150 Miami, Fla., 81, 86 Mifflin, Lloyd, 146 Millet, Jean François, 32, 34 Mitchel, Lottie, 90 Moise, J., 101 Molinary, Andres, 96, 98, 100, 142, 156 Monkey Dance, 128 Monroe, Commodore Ralph, 84 Montgomery Advertiser, 153 Moore, Mrs.
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