LIST OF PUBLICATIONS NA = NOT AVAILABLE THOMAS EISNER PAGE - 1 Eisner, T. and J. Meinwald (eds). 1995. CHEMICAL ECOLOGY: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY CHEMISTRY OF BIOTIC INTERACTION, National Academy Press 214 pp. Eisner. T 2000. Chromatic Fantasy: Leaves in the Midst of Change. Sinauer THOMAS EISNER Associaes, Inc. Sunderland, MA, Schurman Professor of Chemical Ecology Cornell University Eisner, T. 2003. For Love of Insects. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Ithaca, NY 14853 MA. 607-255-4464 (phone) Eisner, T., M. Eisner, M. Siegler. 2005. Secret Weapons. Harvard University 607-255-6186 (fax) Press, Cambridge, MA. e-mail: [email protected] OTHER PUBLICATIONS LIST OF BOOKS 1. Eisner, T. and E.O. Wilson. 1952. The morphology of the Eisner, T. (ed.). 1960. Proc. Symposium, CHEMICAL DEFENSE proventriculus of a formicine ant. Psyche 59 , 47-60. MECHANISMS IN ARTHROPODS. Verhandl. XI. Internat. Kongress Entomol. vol. III, pp. 247-293 (Inst. Entomol. Agraria dell'Univ. Pavia). 2. Eisner, T. 1953. The histology of a sense organ in the labial palps of Neuroptera. J. Morph. 93 , 109-122. Burnett, A.L. and T. Eisner. 1964. ANIMAL ADAPTATION. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York. vii + 136 pp. 3. Wilson, E.O., T. Eisner, and B.D. Valentine. 1954. The beetle genus Paralimulodes Bruch in North America, with notes on morphology Wilson, E.O., T. Eisner, W.R. Briggs, R.E. Dickerson, R.L. Metzenberg, R.D. and behavior (Coleoptera: Limulodidae). Psyche 61 , 154-161. O'Brien, M. Susman, W.E. Boggs. 1973. LIFE ON EARTH. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Stamford, CT. xi + 1033 pp. Second Edition 1978. 846 pp. 4. Eisner, T. 1955. The digestion and absorption of fats in the foregut of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.). J. Exp. Zool. 130 , Eisner, T. and E.O. Wilson. 1975. ANIMAL BEHAVIOR. Readings from 159-182. Scientific American. W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco. 339 pp. 5. Wilson, E.O., T. Eisner, G.C. Wheeler, and J. Wheeler. 1956. Eisner, T. and E.O. Wilson. 1977. THE INSECTS. Readings from Scientific Aneuretus simoni Emery, a major link in ant evolution. Bull. Mus. American. W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco. 334 pp. Comp. Zool. Harvard 115 , 81-107. Wilson, E.O., T. Eisner, W.R. Briggs, R.E. Dickerson, R.L. Metzenberg, R.D. 6. Wilson, E.O. and T. Eisner. 1957. Quantitative studies of liquid O'Brien, M. Susman, W.E. Boggs. 1977. LIFE: CELLS, ORGANISMS, food transmission in ants. Insectes Sociaux 4 , 157-166. POPULATIONS. SinauerAssociates, Inc., Sunderland, MA. viii + 546 pp. 7. Eisner, T. 1957. A comparative morphological study of the Eisner, T., B. Hölldober, and M. Lindauer. 1986. CHEMISCHE ÖKOLOGIE: proventriculus of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bull. Mus. TERRITORIALITÄT, GEGENSEITIGE VERSTÄNDIGUNG. Gustav Fischer Comp. Zool. Harvard 116 , 439-490. Verlag, Stuttgart/New York. 92 pp. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS NA = NOT AVAILABLE THOMAS EISNER PAGE - 2 8. Eisner, T. 1958. The protective role of the spray mechanism of the 19. Eisner, T. 1961. Demonstration of simple reflex behavior in bombardier beetle, Brachynus ballistarius Lec. J. Ins. Physiol. 2 , decapitated cockroaches. Turtox News 39 , 196-197. 215-220. REPRINTED IN: I Van der Kloot, W., C. Walcott, and B. Dane (eds. ). 1974. READINGS IN BEHAVIOR. Holt, Rinehart, & 20. Happ, G. and T. Eisner. 1961. Hemorrhage in a coccinellid beetle Winston, Inc., New York. pp 683-690. and its repellent effect on ants. Science 134, 329-331. 9. Eisner, T. 1958. Spray mechanism of the cockroach Diploptera 21. Eisner, T., J. Meinwald, A. Monro, and R. Ghent. 1961. Defense punctata. Science 128 , 148-149. mechanisms of arthropods. I. The composition and function of the spray of the whipscorpion, Mastigoproctus giganteus (Lucas) 10. Eisner, T. and W.L. Brown, Jr. 1958. The evolution and social (Arachnida, Pedipalpida). J. Ins. Physiol. 6 , 272-298. significance of the ant proventriculus. Proc. Tenth Int'l. Congr. Ent. 2 , 503-508. 22. Chadha, M.S., T. Eisner, and J. Meinwald. 1961. Defense mechanisms of arthropods. III. Secretion of 2-hexenal by adults of 11. Eisner, T. and E.O. Wilson. 1958. Radioactive tracer studies of food the cockroach Cutilia soror (Brunner). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 54 , 642- transmission in ants. Proc. Tenth Int'l. Congr. Ent. 2 , 509-514. 643. 12. Eisner, T. and D. Blumberg. 1959. Quinone secretion: a widespread 23. McKittrick, F.A., T. Eisner, and H.E. Evans. 1961. Mechanics of defensive mechanism of arthropods. Anat. Rec. 134 , 558-559. species survival. Nat. History 70 , 46-51. 13. Eisner, T., F. McKittrick, and R. Payne. 1959. Defense sprays of 24 Chadha, M.S., T. Eisner, and J. Meinwald. 1961. Defense roaches. Pest Control 27 , 9, 11-12, 44-45. mechanisms of arthropods. IV. Para-benzoquinones in the secretion of Eleodes longicollis. Lec. Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). J. Ins. 14. Neff, S.E. and T. Eisner. 1960. Note on two tachinid parasites of Physiol. 7 , 46-50. the walking stick, Anisomorpha buprestoides (Stoll). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 55 , 101-103. 25. Roth, L.M. and T. Eisner. 1962. Chemical defenses of arthropods. Ann. Rev. Ent. 7 , 107-136. 15. Linsley, E.G., T. Eisner, and A.B. Klots. 1961. Mimetic assemblages of sibling species of lycid beetles. Evolution 15 , 15-29. REPRINTED 26 Monro, A., M.S. Chadha, J. Meinwald, and T. Eisner. 1962. Defense IN: Barbosa, P., and T.M. Peters (eds.). 1972. READINGS IN mechanisms of arthropods. VI. Para-benzoquinones in the secretion ENTOMOLOGY. W.B. Saunders Company, pp 297-311. of five species of millipedes. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 55 , 261-262. 16. Eisner, T. 1960. Defense mechanisms of arthropods. II. The 27. Chadha, M.S., T. Eisner, A. Monro, and J. Meinwald. 1962. Defense chemical and mechanical weapons of an earwig. Psyche 67 , 62-70. mechanisms of arthropods. VII. Citronellal and citral in the madibular gland secretion of the ant Acanthomyops claviger 17. Eisner, T. 1960. The effectiveness of arthropod defensive (Roger). J. Ins. Physiol. 8 , 175-179. secretions. Verhandl. XI. Int'l. Kongr. Ent. 3, 264-268. 28. Meinwald, J., M.S. Chadha, J.J. Hurst, and T. Eisner. 1962. Defense 18. Eisner, T., J. Meinwald, A. Monro, and R. Ghent. 1960. The mechanisms of arthropods. IX. Anisomorphal, the secretion of a defensive spray of whipscorpion. Verhandl. XI. Int'l. Kongr. Ent. 3, phasmid insect. Tetrahedron Letters 1962. (1), 29-33. 110-114. 29 Eisner, T. 1962. Survival by acid defense. Nat. History 71 , 10-19. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS NA = NOT AVAILABLE THOMAS EISNER PAGE - 3 30 Eisner, T. and F.C. Kafatos. 1962. Defense mechanisms of 41 Wheeler, J.W., J. Meinwald, J.J. Hurst, and T. Eisner. 1964. Trans- arthropods. X. A pheromone promoting aggregation in an 2-dodecenal and 2-methyl-l,4-quinone produced by a millipede. aposematic distasteful insect. Psyche 69 , 53-61 Science 144 , 540-541. 31 Eisner, T. 1962. Demonstration of muscle birefringence in mosquito 42 Meinwald, Y.C. and T. Eisner. 1964. Defense mechanisms of larvae. Turtox News 40 , 290-292. arthropods. XIV. Caprylic acid: an accessory component of thesecretion of Eleodes longicollis. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 57 , 513- 32 Eisner, T. and G.M. Happ. 1962. The infrabuccal pocket of a 514. formicine ant: a social filtration device. Psyche 69 , 107-116. 43 Eisner, T. and R. Alsop. 1964. A demonstration of insect flight. 33 Eisner, T., F.C. Kafatos, and E.G. Linsley. 1962. Lycid predation by Turtox News 42 , 255. mimetic adult Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Evolution 16 , 316-324. 44 Eisner, T., R. Alsop, and G. Ettershank. 1964. Adhesiveness of 34 Eisner, T., C. Swithenbank, and J. Meinwald. 1963. Defense spider silk. Science 146 , 1058-1061. mechanisms of arthropods. VIII. Secretion of salicylaldehyde by a carabid beetle. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 56 , 37-41. 45 Eisner, T., F. McHenry, and M.M. Salpeter. 1964. Defense producing glands of a tenebrionid beetle (Eleodes longicollis Lec.). J. Morph. 35 Eisner, H.E., T. Eisner, and J.J. Hurst. 1963. Hydrogen cyanide and 115 , 355-400. benzaldehyde produced by millipedes. Chem. and Indust. 1963 , 124-125. 46 Eisner, T. 1964. Catnip: its raison d'être. Science 146 , 1318-1320. 36 Eisner, T., H.E. Eisner, J.J. Hurst, F.C. Kafatos, and J. Meinwald. 47 Eisner, T., J.J. Hurst, W.T. Keeton, and Y. Meinwald. 1965. Defense 1963. Cyanogenic glandular apparatus of a millipede. Science 139 , mechanisms of arthropods. XVI. Para-benzoquinones in the 1218-1220. secretion of spirostreptoid millipedes. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 58 , 247- 248. 37 Eisner, T. 1963. Supervivencia gracias a la defensa de los acidos. Ibérica 11 , 204-209. 47a Burnett, A.L. and T. Eisner. 1964. ANIMAL ADAPTATION. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York. vii + 136 pp. 38 Eisner, T. ,J.J. Hurst, and J. Meinwald. 1963. Defense mechanisms of arthropods. XI. The structure, function, and phenolic secretions of 48 Eisner, T. and H.E. Eisner. 1965. Mystery of a millipede. Nat. the glands of a chordeumoid millipede and a carabid beetle. History 74 , 30-37. Psyche 70 , 94-116. 49 Eisner, T. 1965. Defensive spray of a phasmid insect. Science 148 , 39 Eisner, T. 1960. MANUAL OF INSECT MORPHOLOGY by E. 966-968. Melville DuPorte (Reinhold Publishing Corp. 1959). Book review. Amer. Scientist 48 , 70A. 50 Eisner, T. 1965. Insect's scales are asset in defense. Nat. Hist. 74 , 26-31. 40 Hurst, J.J., J. Meinwald, and T. Eisner. 1964. Defense mechanisms of arthropods. XII. Glucose and hydrocarbons in the quinone- 51 Meinwald, J., J.E. Rogers, Jr., and T. Eisner 1964. Quinone containing secretion of Eleodes longicollis. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 57 , biosynthesis in arthropods. Abstract. Intl. Sympos. Chem. Nat. 44-46. Prod., Kyoto, Japan, pp. 138-139. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS NA = NOT AVAILABLE THOMAS EISNER PAGE - 4 52 Eisner, T.
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