I 1912. OONGRESSION AL REOORD--SENA TE. 4621 \ Also, petitions of the Remington Typewriter Oo. and John tine, Ill., prnying for the ennctment of legis1ation to pension Boyle & Co., of New York City, for a general parcel-post system; widow and minor children of any officer or enlisted man who to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. sened in the War with Spain or the Philippiue iusurrcction, Also, petition of the Brunswick-Balke Oollandcr Co., of New 'iYhich was referred to the Committee ou Pensions. York City, in opposition to prohibitory liquor laws in the Dis­ hfr. WORKS presented memorials of sundry citizens of Cali­ trict of Columbia; to tltc Committee on the District of Co­ fornia, remonstrating against a reduction of the'duty on sugar, lumbia. which were referred to the Committee on Finance. Also, petition of Frederick P. Seymour, of New York City, - He also presented a petition of members of the Native Daugh­ protesting against lcgislRti-0n to abolish 11rivilegcs that manu­ ters of the Golden West, praying for the enactment of legisla­ facturers have enjoyed in maintaining uniform retail prices on tion to provide for the protection and preservation of the Cala­ patented articles; to the Committee on Patents. Yeras or Mammoth Grove of Big· Trees, which was referred to By Mr. WILI~rs : Papers to accompnny House bill 23107. the Committee on Public Lands. granting an increase of pension to John C. Babbs, late corporal He also presented petitions of the congregations of the Con­ Company F, Thirty-first Ohio Infantry, Civil War; to the Com­ gress Heights Methodist Episcopal Church, the McKendree mittee on Im·alid Pensions. ii\lcthodist Episcopal Church, the l\Ietropolitan Presbyterian By Mr. WOODS of Iowa: Petition of citizens of Webster Church, the Church of the Covenant, the First Congregational City, Iowa, favoring passage of the Kenyon-Sheppard interstate Church, and of sundry citizens, all in the District of Columbia, liquor bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. praying for the enactment of legislation to diminish the number of saloons in the District and for more stringent regulation of those now in existence, which were referred to the Committee SENATE. on the District of Columbia. Mr. ASHURST presented ,the memorial of B. A. Fowler, of FRIDAY, April 1'2, 19113. Phoenix, Ariz., remonstrating against any reduction in the ap­ The Senate met at 2 o'clock p. m. propriation for the maintenance of the Forest Service, which Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. ·Pierce, D. D. was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. He also presented the petition of J. W. Stinson, of Tucson, Ariz., praying that an appropriation of $150,000 be made to be INDIAN MONEYS-PROCEEDS OF LABOR (H. DOC. NO. G9o). used in exploring for artesian water and for oil and gas in Pima The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ County, in that State, which was referred to the Committee on tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant .Appropriations. to law, a detailed. statement of expenditures of money carried on Mr. THORNTON. I present two telegrams in the nature of the books of the Intehor Department under " Indian moneys, petitions, which I ask to have read. proceeds of labor," during the fiscal year ended Jane 30, 1011, There being no objection, the telegrams were read and re­ which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ -ferred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce, as follows: mittee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. [Telegram.] MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. NEW ORLEANS, LA., April 8, 1.912. Hon. J. R. THORNTO:N', A message from the Ilouse of Representatives, by J. C. South, Member of Sena.te, Washington, D. 0.: its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the fol­ The members of Sunny South L-Odge, 211, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, earnestly request your influence and vote in support of Sen­ lowing bil1s, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate: ate bill 5382, workmen's compensation blll, as it vitally concerns the H. R. 12371. A..n act for the relief of Spencer Roberts, a mem­ men in railroad service 1n your State. ber of the Metropolitan police foree of the District of Columbia; W. Il. ROBERTS. H. R.140!).1, An act declaring the carrying concealed about the J. F. Bowru<. person any pistol, bowie knife, dirk or clasp lmife, or razor, [Telegram.] blackjack, dagger, sword cane, slung shot, brass or other metal NEW ORLEANS, LA., April 9, 1.912. knuckles in the District of Columbia a felony; and Senator TnORNTON, H. R. 22642. An act providing for the protection of the inter­ lVasMngton, D. 0.: ests of the United States in lands and waters comprising any Senate bill No. 5382, workmen's compensation, wm come up for your consideration, and, as president of Lodge No. G69i Brotherhood of RaU­ part of the Potomac River, the Anacostia River or Eastern road Trainmen, on behalf of the members, urgent y request your assist­ Branch, and Rock Creek and lands adjacent thereto. ance in the passage of the same. W. M. FITZGERALD. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. 1031 PIERTY STREET. The VICE PRESIDENT presented a petition of the Central Mr. CURTIS presented petitions of sundry citizens of McCune Committee of the Independence Party of the Territory of Porto and St. Paul, in the State of Kansas, praying for the establish­ Rico, praying for the postponement .of all legislation relative to ment of a parcel-post system, which were referred to the Com­ the status of the people of that Territory, which was referred to mittee on Post Offices and Post Roads. the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. He also presented a memorial of Junction Grange, No. 239, He also presented petitions of the Presbyterian Woman's Patrons of Husbandry, of Michigan Valley, Kans., remonstrat­ Christian Temperance Union of the Althea A. Taft Church, of ing against the enactment of legislation to permit the coloring Mendon, Mass. ; of the congregations of the Baptist Church of of oleomargarine in imitation of butter, which was referred to Mendon, Mass., and the Christian Church of Bessemer, Ala.; the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. of members of the Farmers' Club of Wanington, Pa.; of the He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Herington, congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Mabel, Kans., remonstrating ag[linst the establishment of n. parcel-post Minn.; and of the Woman's Christian Temoerance Union of system, which was referred to the Committee on Post Offices Mabel, Minn., praying for the adoption of an amendment to the and Post Roads. Constitution to prohibit the manufacture, sale, and importation Mr. LODGEJ presented a -petition of members of the Massa­ of intoxicating liquors, which were referred to the Committee chusetts Veterinary Association, praying for the establishment on the Judiciary. of a veterinary corps in the Army, which was referred to the He also presented petitions of Washington Camps, No. 3, of Committee on Military Affairs. Philadelphia; No. 8, of Harrisburg; No. 111, of Roxbury; l\1r. CATRON presented a petition of sundry citizens of Union No. 177, of Scranton; No. 184; of Linglestown; No. 194, of Sun­ County, N. l\fex., praying for the adoption of certain amend­ bury; No. 201, of Gowen City; No. 202. of Brodheadsville; No. ments to the homestead 1aw, which was referred to the Com­ 239, of White Haven; No. 303, of Philadelphia ·; No. 316, of mittee on Public Lands. Klingerstown; No. 393, of Bloomingdale; No. 395, of Philadel­ Ile also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Melrose, phia.; No. 402, of York; No. 405, of Lemoyne; No. 427, of Moll­ N. l\Iex., remonstrating against any reduction of the duty on town; No. 4G7, of Lilly; No. 486, of Susquehanna; No. 498, of sugar, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. ren Argyl; No. 607, of Dallastown; No. 611, of Apollo; No. 625, Mr. CLAPP (for l\ir. LA FOLLETTE) presented a memorial of Aaronsburg; No. 620, of South Fork; No. 689, of Ilea.ding; of sundry citizens of Ileedsburg, Wis., remonstrating against No. 726, of Cashtown; No. 781, of BeallS"Ville; No. 804, of Bur­ the extension of the pa.reel-post system beyond its present limi­ gettstown; and No. 815, of Florence, of the Patriotic Order Sons tations, which was referred to the Committee on Post Offices {)f America, all in the State of Pennsylvania, praying for the en­ and Post Roads. actment of legislation to further restrict immigration, which Ile also (for l\fr. LA FOLLETTE:) presented a petition of the ' were ordered to lie on the table. · City Council of Green Bay, Wis., praying for the enactment of l\Ir. CULLOM presented a petition of Fred Bennitt Ca.mp, No. legislation providing for the coinage of 3-cent pieces, which was 8, Department of Illinois, United .Spanish War Veterans, of Pon- referred to the Committee on Finance. 4622 OONGRESSION AL RECORD- SEN ATE. APRIL 12, I He also (for l\fr. LA FOLLETTE) presented a petition of sundry retired list as a second lieutenant in the United States l\Iarino I citizens of Waukesha County, Wis., praying for the establish­ I .Corps; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. I ment of a parcel-post system, which was referred to the Com­ By Mr. DU PONT : J mittee on Post Offices and Post Roads. A bill ( S. G282) granting an increase of pension to Charles K. l\lr. BOURNE presented petitions of sundry citizens of Kla­ Conard (with accompanying papers) ; to the Committee on Pen­ rnatll Falls ancl Bellevue, in tlle State of Oregon, praying for sions.
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