Gc M. Li. 929.2 M3817ma 1681252 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION Gc ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 01328 8599 '""i-^jm^^ IMH.X M> MM' GENEALOGY OF THE SAMPSON umn ^mivi. 1 iiMlll.Kh HV vl.\ KKI" ' H X V \\ AK1> MAM'N . K.\>r liU.MNi i;kk. ma-^> Hl^INTKD \:\ ,\l.\ KKIx' II A ^ W \l; I ' M.\M>N 1681^13^ ( o:\rpi LEirs note. It is with iniiiLrled feelings of regret ;inii relief that th>' ediiipilei be- gins this last ehajiter of his work ;uid indites the jirefaee to ;i ecmpleted task: of regret that so much must necessarily be left undone and of relief at the approaching close of long and arduous labors. Failing health and other liuiitations however make it imperative that the data collected be put into permanent form in the printed book a> ra{i- idly as possible and the work given to the world in spite of its many im- perfections and omissions. Lack of space prevents the insertion of many interesting detail> and men famous in their day and generation and whose deeds are worthy of volumes are dismissed with but a few words, crowded otit by the right of their posterity or connections to at least a mention. this So far as is known, Aaron Mason (No. lOO. > was the first of Mason family to attempt to gather leconis of his race and his notes are prubably incUuled with tliose of his irrandson, Owen Mason late of Provi- dence, l{!i"de Island. These notes were not published but. ttirough the kindness of the member of the family into whose possession they i-ame. Amasa Mason Katon, K^.piire. of I'ro\idenie, was permitted to ha\c two copies made. Orie of these copies was presented to the Khode Islanil Historical >o- ciety and is now in its eolleciion at Providence, and the otlier was, by Mr. Katon, pre>erited ti> the compiler of tlie present ^^ork. This (•ollection of • lata has prrued exceedingly valuable from it.- records of early generati^ins of the family .tml w itlmut it much of the j. resent wmk luuld nut havi- b-en ;;.ithi:red. ii. GKNKAI iM^' i)|- rril- --AMr>--i'\ \i\-'i\ FAMilA Alicut ISrii'i, ilio IJfv. AliiiiT Mc'is-' |iiiiili^lir(l .1 Niilimi.- nf L;>-iicali>-_\ and also rollffti-(l sdiiic iiiati'iial j'di i cr'nf;<livL,'\ nt thf >aini'Si'ii .Mmshii family ii;it. .-sri fai as this cDiniiilir Icin.ws. it was imi liuiilislnd liy liiiu. ap- pearini;' iti an article r mtrilpiili'd loth. IJi ;,'-i-.t(i' nf thr N^'w I'.nglaiul His t(>ric-(M-iieali'.uit-al Sociity hy Ilr.n. Ira M. liartnn of \\'nn(sier, Massarhu- setls ami pulilislii'd ill .liily. l--i;i S,. far as tlu- ciiiajiil. r kiii)\\> iliis is the fir^t imMislu •! a' roiint ni" ilir Saiui'snn .Masi'ii as ,i w IkiIi . tlic iiirntinii^ in I'ackiis ami llaylie.^ liL-iii!,'' raili'i- of iii'li\ idual mh nil" is of tin- I'aiiiily In l^i'.s. 1)1-. I'liiiip Masiiii |iiilil:sli.Mi in ( .inni-i->\ ilir. Indiana a \iil- nine of essays wlddi iiiiludcs nrarl\ iiiiu ly [.aui s I'l' ut-ntali'L;!' al nmo iii witli a re-jirint of Mr I'.arton's aitirlr il.r i;(Lii.-«ti-i . ^^ About I I. tilt- ini-si'iil rinn]ii!i r i I'^aii hi- woik in an i-ii(ita\ n!' to ascertain the oriirin of liis own faniil_\ i-oiircrniiii; \\l:ii]! noiliii;n- a|i|)iartd to he known aside from a sonie\vn,ii donhifnl tradiiii n iliat it iprii;'iiiaiid in IJehobotli or Swansea. More tlian a hundred yeais iiad ijai'sed siie-.- hi.-- aiuestor- liaii nii^ grated from tlieir liome in -Massarliuselts and ila- work of re-lraiini; lin-n steps seemed an almost impossible task in tin- ai.>tni e "f known reeords. but (lersistent impiiry and refusal to be I'aiked by any oii>ia(!e at li n-ili pr^ d.ufed the desired end in j)0?iti\ i pi-oof of ids deseeiit fifini >anipson Mason, 111 the course of his iiniuirv rliancc brou'^ln liim intu covrcsiMHidcnrc with one whose name is famifiar lo i;( nealo;^ieal siudfiit.- ttuoiiL:b'Mit the whole nation. Miss Asenath ^^"iibfr Cole of \\an\)i. IMiodc I>lanii. and through her cjenerosity he was ]da' >d in possr>,-i( i, i fdata rt latinu toearl;. generations of tlie family which had invohed a \ ast anuiiuii I'f labor and included nearly one thousami of the (hsccmlaiits of Sampson Mason. This data Miss Cole copied from her "wn manuscri]'t and prescnteil to the compiler withoiu solieiiatir.u aiid withoiLt lio],r of reward, a-- a sim- ple act of LTenerosity and an nnassunnnc: display of ler ititcrest in the his- tory of this family. In 1^'.>7. these notes, with some sliicht additional ma- terial. Were published in Fast Ibaintree, .Massachusetts by the c<->in!iilcr of the present work and in a ]irefatMi\ note the pu! lisher nrgcfl upon the members of the family the desirability of trail eiin>: data of the family, pointing out the probability that \\itb -o much for a basis much nmre mi'.rht be irathered :mrl a reasonably eomjilete family •_'vncalotry pubii>hed. The publiiation of these I'relimina! y Notes brou_'ht the compiler into communication with Mi .Mna n |).nit..rtli II.Miire--. .Ii. of |!o>tf)n. Massa- I'husetts and Ix hi.- broad learning and ripe expiiienee the eompilei- owes more tlian can be expressed in words. The plan of arranireinent in this work follows that of Mr I loii^^es in )iis (Jeneaio-ic.il l.'ecirds of tiie liodsres Kamily in New Knirland and tie- pir.icraphs in thi.- pref.iie ha\in_' rela- tion to I'hronolo'^^'y. explanatifin of sj^ns etc. are an almo.-t literal transcript 111. (;knkai.im;v i>i tiik sa.mi'son mason i a.mji.v fr.'iii Mr. llotiire^ \\urk iiimii tin- lH.iiif>U'aii wliiili Mr. \Villi;>m •'• Hiil'' "l' >\\;nisi-;i, icsidiii^;- .^t-neratidn.- nf liis family, fric-nds aud iifi^'h has l>i-eii teiiam.^a i.y .-t\i'n dti.rndaiit.- i.f Saiiipsdii Mason, lias be.-n miwea- of ilii- iliildR'i) and later tlie conii.iliT to draw al will up ryiiiir ill l>i> kindness, and hn^ iH-rniiUcd knowlrdgi' of tin K-iioKraphy of oil his sturt- of iiifciiiiatinn and acnnalt- Swansea and thf nfij;lilioiin^' low ns. the compiler Tliroii'_^h the LTi'iii-roiis eiu-ourai^oiiiciu of these fri^lul^ ohstaeles, seemingly insnr lias been incited to lal'ot and to ov.-iioiir- the niountatile, as they arose. Notes and (,)uerie> seeni> Ill tills eonneetion the f.illciwin^u from .\vcry the sake apposite. "•''• No one would \Mitc a family history for years of pa- of niakinir dollars, f'-w m many: sneh an enterprise involves irritation caused tient uil, long (ontiiine<l drain upon the hank, aeeonnt, dusty libraries an.i l.v uiuinswered imiuirie-, the drudgery of (K King in more dusty town and Slate arclii\es, the weariness of railway travel, the of fatigues of graveyard investigation, with the possilile aecoinpaniment of the harinless snakes and more dangerous poison ivy, the indifference ' of many and the ivhnffs of an occasional Newrieh, - * after all the sale of this and more in the way of jiivesinu-nt. ihe author finds that cost of i)rintin- hooks i- so small ihai lli- product ofieii fail> to j.ay the and hinding." often feels 'I'he eonipilei work- in the face of all these matters and of feeling that he is work- the nee.l of eneoiua-^emeni . for the satisfaction disposition ing for jiosterity, at times fails in warmth and there is a keen less :n- to re-t from thankless labors and turn to work more practical if th.- lere.-ting. 'file comi>iler of thi> work desires to express his thanks to re thai: two tlu>usand correspondents who iiave so kindly assisted in gatiiering material for this iiook. In many cases this assistance has been personal rendered at the co>t of very ((insiderable lalor and >acrifice of eomfort. One cousin, well past the Scriptural limit of life, walked a long distance to obtain information which could be secured only through her personal s.^lieitationranotlier drove across the prairies a hundred miles on a similar errand and there have been many instances of like kind. have It is a matter fr.r keen regret that failures to answer inquiries of eaii-^Ml thi- omission of, probably, more than two thousand members the family, but the iiimo-t per.-ua-ion f.iiled to produce the desired resiill i:Xl-l..\NAI loNS. The differ-iit -eiieraiion> are denoicii by the exponent.- placed .Jtei the Christian nan.e>. Thii^: Sampson' Mason is Sampson Mason of the iv. GKNKAl.OGY OK TFFK SAMPSON MA-^oX FA.AflT.Y. first ,uc;iei;itiiin: l"rai:k" 1 [:ilo' ^Ma^np i.-, I^'raiik llalr Mason of tlif t.'iplitli j ti-eiU'raliim. Tlir iiaiiiHS air arraii,u>il and luimKc lul a'l-nrdiiig \n gt-iiL-ra- I linns ami in facli '^'ciii-ration ai-coidinL.'; tn jiiioiity of Mitli. i " Only tiii.>se cluldren of any oi;>' ;;(.nt ration ai( nninl't'i>d \\lio arc ear- j tlu-ii' ot vies foi'ttard.
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