SOCIAL MEDIA 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2018 ISSUE N: 91 Prime MiNister Mamuka Bakhtadze Paid a WorkiNg Visit to the People’s Republic of ChiNa 4-5.11.2018 SHANGHAI • Prime MiNister atteNded the opeNiNg ceremoNy of ChiNa INterNatioNal Import Expo hosted by PresideNt Xi JiNpiNg aNd visited the GeorgiaN PavilioN briNgiNg together more thaN 50 GeorgiaN compaNies. "DuriNg our meetiNg with PresideNt Xi JiNpiNg, we discussed deepeNiNg our ecoNomic relatioNs aNd Georgia's export poteNtial. We also participated iN aN expo eNabliNg teNs of GeorgiaN compaNies to showcase their products for local coNsumers," - Mamuka Bakhtadze uNderliNed. • Mamuka Bakhtadze also delivered a speech at CIIE paNel discussioN oN “Trade aNd INvestmeNt”. • WithiN the frames of the visit Prime MiNister held bilateral meetiNgs with the ChairmaN of the BaNk of ChiNa Group CheN SiqiNg aNd leadiNg ChiNese compaNies. As a result of the visit, agreemeNts were sigNed betweeN GeorgiaN aNd ChiNese compaNies. MORE The 5th Wardrop Georgia-UK Strategic Dialogue 8.11.2018 TBILISI • The MiNister of ForeigN Affairs of Georgia, David ZalkaliaNi aNd the UK MiNister of State for Europe aNd the Americas, Sir AlaN DuNcaN opeNed fifth pleNary sessioN of the Georgia-UK Wardrop Strategic Dialogue. • IN the frames of the Dialogue, workiNg groups focused oN 4 segmeNts to discuss political, security, defeNce, trade-ecoNomic issues aNd people-to-people coNtacts. • David ZalkaliaNi aNd Sir AlaN DuNcaN sigNed the MemoraNdum of UNderstaNdiNg oN Co-operatioN iN the Area of Cyber Security aNd the MemoraNdum of UNderstaNdiNg oN Co-operatioN betweeN the GeorgiaN NatioNal Library aNd the British Library. • Sir AlaN DuNcaN held bilateral meetiNg with Prime MiNister Mamuka Bakhtadze. DuriNg the meetiNg, special emphasis was placed oN the strategic relatioNs betweeN Great BritaiN aNd Georgia, the positive dyNamic iN bilateral trade aNd ecoNomic relatioNs, Georgia's EuropeaN aNd Euro-AtlaNtic iNtegratioN, the couNtry's oNgoiNg reforms aNd existiNg challeNges. MORE PresideNt Giorgi Margvelashvili Visited FraNce to Commemorate 100th ANNiversary of the ENd of the World War I 10.11.2018 PARIS • WithiN the frames of his visit, PresideNt Giorgi Margvelashvili aloNg with world leaders atteNded the eveNt markiNg the 100th ANNiversary of the eNd of the World War I. • As part of his visit, Giorgi Margvelashvili atteNded the opeNiNg of Paris Peace Forum. MORE The SeNate of IrelaNd has Adopted the ResolutioN/MotioN oN Support for the Territorial INtegrity of Georgia aNd its INtegratioN iNto the EuropeaN UNioN 7.11.2018 DUBLIN • The SeNate of IrelaNd uNaNimously adopted the ResolutioN/MotioN oN support for the territorial iNtegrity of Georgia aNd its iNtegratioN iNto the EuropeaN UNioN. AccordiNg to the resolutioN, IrelaNd recoNfirms its support for Georgia’s sovereigNty aNd territorial iNtegrity aNd for its EuropeaN iNtegratioN. • A separate paragraph iN the ResolutioN is devoted to Georgia’s EuropeaN aNd Euro-AtlaNtic iNtegratioN process. The SeNate, iN particular, welcomes Georgia’s substaNtial progress oN its EU iNtegratioN path, iNcludiNg successful implemeNtatioN of the AssociatioN AgreemeNt, aNd Notes that the abolishmeNt of the visa requiremeNts for the GeorgiaN citizeNs staNds out as aN importaNt milestoNe achieved oN the EU-Georgia cooperatioN ageNda. MORE Diplomat’s Day 2018 9.11.2018 TBILISI FOLLOW US ON: • MiNistry of ForeigN Affairs hosted the Diplomat’s Day 2018. The eveNt was atteNded by the Prime MiNister Mamuka Bakhtadze, CabiNet of MiNisters, /mfageorgia/ diplomatic corps, represeNtatives of Georgia’s executive aNd /MFAgovge legislative braNches aNd media. /DZalkaliani “I would like to coNgratulate each aNd every diplomat oN their /MFAGEO professioNal day aNd siNcerely thaNk them for their tireless daily work iN the service of our couNtry aNd its better future” - David ZalkaliaNi said. DEVELOPED BY: Strategic CommuNicatioNs DepartmeNt "We are fightiNg to overcome the challeNges faciNg our couNtry iN the curreNt turbuleNt MFA of Georgia eNviroNmeNt through GeorgiaN diplomatic service." - said Mamuka Bakhtadze. MORE stratcom@mfa.gov.ge.
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