MINISTRY DIRECTORY ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s grace. 1 Peter 4:10 ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH 440 E Briarcliff Rd, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Tel: (630) 739-5703 Email: stdominic@comcast.net https://www.stdominiccc.org Ministry Directory 2019 Introduction to Lay Ministry at St Dominic Catholic Church Welcome to the Ministry Directory of St Dominic Church in Bolingbrook. We welcome your interest and active involvement in the life of our church. As you already appreciate, ministry is not only the role of those ordained but is also intended for everyone else within the parish – the laity. We are all invited to be active participants according to our God given gifts (skills), our family and job commitments and time available. The Second Vatican Council, conducted during the 1960’s, clearly encouraged full involvement by all parishioners – old and young, men and women, single or married – in the spiritual and other dimensions of the local Church and surrounding community. Thus, the Council talked not only about helping with Mass and sacramental preparations, but also encouraged help in the faith formation (education), social action, administration and social aspects of the parish. This booklet is an aide to facilitate that involvement here at St Dominic. As you can see, this booklet lists (on the next page) six categories of ministries and a multitude of specific lay ministries under each. Many of you reading this introduction are already involved and we invite your continued investment – in the same ministries or in ones new to you which you feel God calling you to. If you are not yet participating or took time off for a while, we invite you to page through this booklet and consider volunteering for a ministry which fits your interests and skills. To further explore specific new opportunities, simply call or email the contact person for that ministry. Thank you for your participation in the life of our local church and may God bless all of your efforts to reach out and help. Deacon Bob Wallace 1 | P a g e Ministry Directory 2019 Contents Liturgical (Communal) Ministries (page 4 to 7) 1. Art & Environment o Altar Linens o Decorating o Font Maintenance 2. Liturgy o Altar Servers/Ministerio de Monaguillos o Sacristans o Ushers o Wedding Coordinators o Lectors o Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion . Ministro de Comunión . Minister at 6:30 o Petition Writers o Pastoral Care o Bereavement o Music Ministry or Choir . Bilingual Choir . Cantors . Coro de Adultos (Adult Choir) . Coro de Jóvenes . Coro de Niños . Resurrection Choir . Resident Accompanist/Instrumentalist . The Nine-Thirty Choir 3. Welcoming Ministry 2 | P a g e Ministry Directory 2019 Faith Formation & Education (page 8 to 10) 1. Faith Formation Ministries o Religious Education (RE) o Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) o Adult Faith Formation o Youth Ministry 2. Education at St. Dominic School 3. Pre-Baptism Ministry 4. Pre-Marriage Ministry Devotional Activities (page 11 to 12) 1. Circulo De Oracion 2. Eucharistic Adoration o Adoration Chapel o Nocturnal Adoration Society/Adoracion Nocturna o 24 Hours of the Passion of Chris 3. Rosary Group 4. Legion of Mary 5. Grupo Guadalupano Social / Service Ministries (page 13 to 14) 1. Community Gardens 2. Council of Catholic Women (CCW) 3. Knights of Columbus o Columbian Squires 4. Project Gabriel 5. St. Vincent de Paul 6. Southwest Suburban Immigration Project (SSIP and C.I.M.A.) 7. Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry Administrative (page 15) 1. Administration o Buildings & Grounds 2. Sunday Collection Counting St Dominic Councils (page 15) 1. Parish Finance Council 2. Pastoral Parish Council 3 | P a g e Ministry Directory 2019 Liturgical (Communal) Ministries (1) ART & ENVIRONMENT * Encompasses everything that is needed to "make ready the room for the supper". All the pieces that come together to make a church beautiful and prayerful place for each liturgy. Coordinator: Sue Steffens 630-421-0982 smsteffens@comcast.net *ALTAR LINENS - This ministry is responsible for the washing and ironing of small altar linens (Corporal, Purificator, Lavabo Towels, and Pall) used during mass and adoration. Training on the proper handling of these lines is provided. Your time investment would be 1 or 1.5 hours per week. There is a monthly rotation for this ministry. Volunteers are welcome to this ministry. Beryl Davin 309-310-4754 berylambrosedavin@yahoo.com *DECORATING - This group is responsible for all the decorating in our church. Decorations need to follow liturgical guidelines. Volunteers are welcome. Sue Steffens 630-421-0982 smsteffens@comcast.net *FONT MAINTENANCE - This ministry is responsible for the care and cleaning of the baptismal font. This includes the cleaning of the bottom, sides and exterior of the font and maintaining the proper water level. This position does require carrying 3-gallon buckets of water to the font. Your time investment would be approximately 45 minutes per week. Volunteers are welcome. Don Vesecky 630-739-9307 (2) LITURGICAL MINISTRY * Refers to those who serve in the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical services. *ALTAR SERVERS//MINISTERIO de MONAGILLOS - This ministry assists the priests during Eucharistic liturgies. It is open to anyone who has made their first communion. Adults are welcome. Training is required before the can begin. This is an excellent ways to feel a part of our communal prayer. Assigned on rotation. Volunteers are welcome. Ron Spindel (Eng.) 630-269-7198 rlspindel@aol.com Mary Pasekel (Eng.) 630-728-2585 Mary.pasekel@yahoo.com Cecilia Vera (Sp.) 630-770-5151 Cecilia_lvc2@hotmail.com *SACRISTANS - This important ministry is responsible for setting up the items that are needed for each mass: chalice, cups, hosts, wine, books, etc. Your investment time would be only 20-30 minutes per week. Training is provided. Volunteers are welcome and cover a specific weekly mass time. Sue Steffens 630-421-0982 smsteffens@comcast.net 4 | P a g e Ministry Directory 2019 *USHERS are part of the church hospitality system. They serve God by serving the people. Assist in seating church members and visitors, collecting the offerings, see to it that an atmosphere of reverence and decorum is maintained before, during, and after the service, ensure safety and hand out or distribute bulletins. Ushers are assigned a specific mass and volunteer on other Mass occasions. Training is provided. Volunteers cover a specific weekly mass time. Ron Spindel (Eng.) 630-269-7198 rlspindel@aol.com *WEDDING COORDINATOR - This ministry ensures wedding ceremonies flow well and are sacred and joyous. Our main responsibility is to the church; however, there is significant contact with bridal couples, their families and service providers. The position requires attendance at rehearsals and weddings. Training and mentoring with the current coordinator is required. Susana Jimenez 630-303-1566 Sue Steffens 630-421-0982 smsteffens@comcast.net *LECTORS - These men and women proclaim the word of God at our liturgies. One must be confirmed, in good standing with the church and have completed training with the Coordinator of Lectors. Lectors are assigned on rotation. Stefanie Stephens (Eng.) 630-209-1998 rsss98@aol.com Rocío López (Sp.) 815-280-3688 José Luis Moreno (Sp.) 708-227-3825 Jmorenosr53@yahoo.com *EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE HOLY COMMUNION * These Eucharistic Ministers assist priests and deacons in distributing Communion during our weekday and weekend liturgies. To be eligible, one must be confirmed Catholic in good standing, at least school age, and have completed training with the Coordinator of the Extraordinary Ministers. Assigned on rotation Ron Spindel (Eng.) 630-269-7198 rlspindel@aol.com Herminia Mendiola (11:30a) 630-335-5444 mendiolaerminia@gmail.com Magali Abreu (1:30p) 630-946-7966 lemami09@hotmail.com José G. Rangel Gil (6:30p) 630-460-9388 joserangelgil@icloud.com 5 | P a g e Ministry Directory 2019 * PASTORAL CARE - This ministry utilizes the Extraordinary Ministers to bring communion to those who cannot attend Mass. They provide communion services to seniors at Meadowbrook Manor every Wednesday and at GreenLeaf Apartments every Saturday. This group also visits those who are ill in local hospitals, nursing homes in order to provide emotional and spiritual support to them and to their families. They also bring communion to the sick and home- bound every first Friday of the month. Volunteers needed. Please contact: Mary & Bob Fox (Greenleaf) 630-809-9429 Deacon Arturo Chacon (Heritage Woods) 815-302-5083 Rosemary Mattick (Meadowbrook Home) 224-703-1873 Martin Cervantes 630-854-9079 martinCervantes766@gmail.com * PETITION WRITERS - Volunteers author petitions for use at Weekend Masses. Petition content is authored to reinforce the Gospel themes and events within the Parish. Seasonal and Sunday petition resources and training are available. On a monthly rotation basis. Carol Krupka 630-738-5404 Carolkrupka316@aol.com * MUSIC MINISTRY * consists of the assembly, cantors, choirs, school children, presiders, deacons, instrumentalists - anyone who makes music in our worshipping community. Both English and Spanish Music Ministries support the gospel through song. As Music Ministers, our goal is to assist the assembly of believers in expressing and sharing their gift of faith. We nourish and strengthen the interior commitment of faith with joy and enthusiasm. This ministry adds to community worship and imparts a sense of unity to the congregation as it sets the tone for a particular celebration. Volunteers are welcome. Music Director: Rick Jeffrey *BILINGUAL CHOIR - combination of all choir rehearse and sing as needed for bilingual liturgies such as Holy Week. Rehearsals as needed Rick Jeffrey 630-615-9495 richardcjeffrey@yahoo.com *CANTORS - combination of all choirs rehearse and sing as needed for bilingual liturgies such as Holy Week. Rehearsals as needed Rick Jeffrey 630-615-9495 richardcjeffrey@yahoo.com *CORO DE ADULTOS (ADULT CHOIR) - Hispanic adults and children (high school age and older) play and sing at the 11:30 AM Spanish Mass on Sundays.
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