LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 11 July 27, 2014 Your Neighborhood — Your News® July 27—Aug. 2, 2014 Harry Potter CHEW for adults BY NOAH HUROWITZ Call it Harry Potter and the Goblet of Beer. A party for Harry Potter-lov- ing muggles is coming to the Bell ON House in Gowanus on Aug. 2. And unlike the books, this event is strictly for adults. “There is going to be a little more debauchery,” said PotterCon organizer Margaret Kaminski. The free event promises drink- ing and other activities restricted from the original target demo- graphic of the books, along with THIS trivia, a sorting ceremony, and an Instagram-based costume con- test. Kaminski started PotterCon Anchor hosts food trivia night last year as a small party with about 10 of her friends at Fred- BY MATTHEW PERLMAN the Bell House than you do from dy’s Bar in Park Slope. Her pals Get quizzed by a pro. all the people who watch NY1.” indulged her Harry Potter ob- NY1 anchor Pat Kiernan is Questions for the quiz will re- session, she said, telling her the coming to the Bell House in Gow- volve around food, but they are party could stand in as her birth- anus for an epic food trivia night not aimed at epicureans, Kiernan day party that year. But when on July 29. And the Canadian– said. Each query is connected to other acquaintances started grip- born Williamsburg resident said the world of music, movies, and ing that they hadn’t been invited, the event will be even more fun popular culture — all areas of ex- she realized the event had broader than his broadcast shows. pertise for the host. appeal. “A live audience gives you en- “You’re more likely to be asked “So many people who hadn’t ANCHORMAN: Williamsburg resident Pat Kiernan has cultivated a devoted ergy in a way a television audience what fl avor was the pie in the pie known about it saw pictures and following as an anchor on NY1 since 1997, but he doubles as an expert in just doesn’t,” Kiernan said. “You eating contest in ‘Stand by Me’ Continued on page 10 popular culture. Photo by Tim Hill get more back from 300 people at Continued on page 10 Ridge makes peace Hard time for Rebar owner BY MAX JAEGER lims walking to the Thayba BY NOAH HUROWITZ sought — moments after Brooklyn Supreme Court, Jewish and Muslim lead- Islamic Center on Coney Sorry didn’t cut it. he apologized for the fi rst as the New York Post re- ers came together on Tues- Island Avenue for evening On Monday a judge time. ported . day to denounce two week- prayers on July 18, say wit- sentenced the Dumbo bar “I completely failed the “I’ll spend my time in end harassment incidents nesses, and a similar inci- owner who bilked dozens of trust that was put in me by prison trying to become a targeting Bay Ridge Mus- dent occurred in the early couples out of more than $1 my family and friends and better man so when I come lims. morning hours of July 21 CNG / Matthew Perlman million in wedding money the city and state of New out, I can begin the long Passengers in a car bear- outside of the Islamic Soci- BAD DAY IN COURT: Jason to three years and four York and the borough of process of starting to repay ing Israeli fl ags, sirens, ety of Bay Ridge, according Stevens, owner of shuttered months to 10 years in prison Brooklyn and, most impor- the fi nancial and emotional and fl ashing lights hurled to police. Dumbo event space Rebar, for tax fraud — the exact tantly, my employees and debts that I incurred,” he Islamophobic slurs at Mus- Continued on page 8 leaves court. amount prosecutors had customers,” Stevens said in Continued on page 10 A CNG Publication Vol. 3 No. 30 UPDATED EVERY DAY AT BROOKLYNDAILY.COM 2 27, 2014 27, ULY , J EEKLY W ROOKLYN B ! ! !$ " ! ! ! $ # ! 3 J ULY Flag-rant violation 2014, B 27, Pranksters replace Star-Spangled banners ROOKLYN W on Brooklyn Bridge with bleached versions EEKLY BY MATTHEW PERLMAN gets. We will not surrender body’s art project,” he said. There will be no white our public safety to anyone, His boss said that the fl ag above our door. at any time.” Police Department is nev- Two bleached fl ags mys- The stealth artists re- ertheless taking the fl ags teriously took the place of sponsible apparently crept seriously. the American fl ags atop the up the cables on either side “This is a matter of con- Brooklyn Bridge’s two 276- of the bridge, blocking the cern despite the motive,” po- feet towers early on Tues- lights illuminating the fl ag lice chief Bill Bratton said. day morning. on the Brooklyn side at Video shows four or fi ve The banners waved over 3:30 am and the Manhattan people crossing the bridge the city for several hours side’s at 3:42 am, according as a group at around 3:10 until police scaled the ca- to police. am, plus a few more minutes bles of the iconic span and The culprits used alumi- later, according to Miller. removed them. One Brook- num baking pans to shroud “These people are of par- lyn pol said in no uncer- the lights, according to dep- ticular interest,” he said. tain terms that the borough uty commissioner of coun- Miller said the un-sanc- won’t back down to prank- ter-terrorism John Miller, tioned fl ags appeared to sters, no matter what their speaking at a press confer- have been bleached. intent. ence inside police head- Police will conduct tests “If fl ying a white fl ag quarters. to determine where the atop the Brooklyn Bridge Construction workers fl ags came from and how is someone’s idea of a joke, spotted the switcheroo at they were altered, he said. I’m not laughing,” Borough 5:30 am and alerted the city, Miller speculated that President Adams said. “The Miller said. the vandals may have climb- public safety of our city is The anti-terror honcho ing experience from work- of paramount importance, said he doesn’t think the ing construction and said particularly our landmarks gag had any connection to that there may have been “a GLORY GONE: Someone replaced the American fl ags that normally fl y from the towers of the city’s and bridges that are already politics. good deal of pre-operation most iconic span with plain white fl ags sometime before Tuesday morning. Photo by Elizabeth Graham known to be high-risk tar- “It may have been some- Continued on page 5 Boro President: $5,000 reward for white-flag ‘terrorist’ BY MATTHEW PERLMAN “The only thing or per- AND NATHAN TEMPEY son that should be surren- Borough President Ad- dering at this time is the ams, above, said that, far person responsible for the from being a harmless desecration of these fl ags,” prank, Tuesday’s Brooklyn- he said. Bridge-fl ag incident was an NYPD brass pooh- act of terrorism. poohed the notion of a ter- The Brooklyn pol held a ror connection. press conference early on The pranksters respon- Tuesday afternoon, a few sible could face charges of hours after police pulled criminal trespassing, reck- down the white fl ags that less endangerment — for briefl y replaced the stars endangering themselves and stripes atop the iconic — malicious mischief, and span’s two towers . Adams theft of city property — for offered a $5,000 reward that stealing the original fl ags he claimed would come out — NYPD deputy commis- NO SURRENDER: Borough of his own pocket for infor- sioner of counter-terrorism mation leading to the cap- President Adams called the John Miller said. ture of the person or people white-fl ag prank a “terrorist Overhead footage from responsible for the switch- act.” CNG / Noah Hurowitz the website EarthCam FLAG DOWN: Police fold a white fl ag that spent hours fl uttering over the Brooklyn Bridge on Tuesday eroo, and emphasized that shows the lights illuminat- morning after someone replaced the pair of Old Glories that normally fl y above the bridge. the stunt sowed fear in the well have been freaked ing the bridge fl ags going Photo by Elizabeth Graham hearts of Brooklynites. out by the surrender fl ags, dark at 3:42 am. “This was a terrorist though he did not speculate The bridge was consid- boasted in 2011 that secu- But a Department of Jus- All maintenance work- act,” Adams said. “Anytime about what political aims ered for a target of an actual rity measures, including tice press release indicates ers’ trips up the bridge’s you bring about terror, it’s a they may have been meant terror attack in 2002, when police cars at either end, that he also couldn’t lay his cables are supposed to be terrorist act.” to achieve. an American named Iyman security cameras trained hands on the necessary gas cleared with the police de- Adams explained that Adams encouraged the Faris researched cutting on its nooks and crannies, cutters and that the bridge’s partment’s intelligence di- motorists, pedestrians, and culprit or culprits to give its cables for Al Qaeda. For- and a police boat in the East design made such an at- vision, according to Kelly. cyclists on the bridge could themselves up. mer police chief Ray Kelly River, deterred Faris . tempt unlikely to topple it.
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