SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. MUSICAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. INSTRUMENTS—RADIO. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, brackets. 50c; 5 MOTOR CYCLE 1930 Harley-Davidson; WA8HINO MACHINE—*60.50 Apex floor I Cent!need.)___ WIDOW from V».. ha« *300 to tnvett ___(Continued.)_ light fixtures. S3; Urge crystal fixture. excellent condition. Chaa. R. Smith. First ample: guaranteed: bargain. $10.60. Proc- PIANOS—Practice a in house where she een make a pianos, few for" *25: Man TO INVEST $250, with services, in rooming $18: worth $50; can be aaen today. H. A. at.. Cabin John, Md.» er A Rldgely. 3524 14th n.w Col. 10000. »*»; one living. Write full particulars. Address apartment site *150. established burglar-alarm business take K Electric Co., 1005 New York art. n.w., C°" l3*3 You w Bog 468-D Star cface. MOTOR CYCLE and aide ear. 1929. Har- WASHERS AND 16-day axle, n Phone full charge; partnership bails Met. 2487. ______ Natl IRQNERS— Worth *m°r*** room- Near Future 853*._• ley-Davldson. good condition: cheap, cash, ill make*, large redaction* Procter A 1 in cash to Invest in I 11 rms 3 HAVE *1.500 ROOMING HOUSE—Downtown: in n.w. ELECTRIC FANS. a. e.. oacllatlng. ntw 642 Irving st. n.w. Phone Adams 0266. 1 ildgely 3624 14tb «t. n.w. Cel, 10000 rR0MBONE~Ktnf silver: Price. Ins house of 1ft rooms or more, gol(fbell7low* baths: ^ent. $76: income. $212; with owner only. condition: tennis rackets and kit. 108 oltch slide open center case: A-l condi- n.an section; wiU deal direct NEW HOOVER terms. Phone Po- WASHING MACHINE and wringer Cln- Ria 908, 1408 O st. will start for luth st t» easy tion: bargain. 138 s e • >1.200; terms. Address Box 455-D. Star making plans vacation—perhaps jj| tomac 0202. authoritative representative. lerella practically new; price $17.50. 13th st. office._ * TEST * del with rms ; rent. $75; wkly. or a ELEC. RANGE; L. A H.; 3 surface units; 31 Phone Emerson 4005. HOPS VIOLIN. $35; mandolin. *5; BOARDING HOUSE, near Supreme Court an to take a at the beach in __ pI'P $1,500; terms. Room cottage place side oven: a splendid buy for Phone rlctrola and recordt. bus.. $250; price Bldg.—15 roomi 5 baths: rent. *140. >25. bFFICE FURNITURE new. used desks WASHING MACHINE (Dinner type, trade- *10. Call 631 New on8 i4Q8 O st. n.w. Adems 2594. York ave. __ Good Income. Nicely furnished A real untains, for the entire season. These will chain mine cabinets Washington Salvage n. rebuilt. Originally sold for ¥105. x n.w._ 12 rooms; people ROOMING' HOU8E—Downtown. money-maker. Price. *2.260; termg. | ELECTRIC RANGE. Westlnghoua* auto- Co new location. 800 E n.w, Natl, 8268. lergaln at *.'10.50, 1328 New York ave iCNABE—Beautiful mahogany, cost $85o income $225 mo : monthly lease. $<o. Natl. 9054. he lookout for odd of used household fur- matic, same as new: perfect ami cheap. new: fine condition: _ pieces DESK WASHING Just tuned; Rooming * large roll-top 88. poree- MACHINES O. E 7-sheet size sacrifico $500 cash; other bargftns Lincoln 4188. 2320 Cheater. Anacoatla. In-ilned 9ii (1th purao; lor cash >75 cash. 315 Underwood st. n w • L at. S. WINFIELD, 908 10th N.W. for their Summer SFFICE refrigerator lbs. $5: large reg *60.50 *50 Ape*, Rouge Exchange. 1400 n.w._ which will be suitable place jjl ELECTRIC RANGE 3- aas stove. Adams reg. $50.50. for brand-new. House Westlnahouse. cookina S3. 3807._ S30.50; 1-yr. RADIO—Philco practically nev. 7-tube; CIRCLE—Rooming house (board- Waah Leadina Roommg Broker._* burner. full oven, tuatanlee. Elec 700 at. THOMAS one has some such good condition. $20; OIL BURNERS, used, also new burners: Ape* _Co Oth mils 14 rooms. 4 baths: nice AND LUNCHEONETTE in t not Almost every drop-side crib and reasonable._Cleveland ing': rent. $110: DELICATESSEN expensive. high chair. 3637 all slaes; from $100 up; Installation op- WATER COOLER. General Electric, for income: excellent condition; good furni- house section; fountain, booths, || Jemfier at. n.w. CHICKERING. mah.. baby grand, practi- apartment which he would like to bed tlonal: can arrange terms. 227 9th st. n.e. ■ent; rental can be applied on purchase cally new: fine tone ture; filled to capacity; fine class of peo- etc. Sacrifice. *1.700. sell—tables, chairs, good condition; rea- price. National Electrical Supply Co 1330 sonable for • must be sold at once: $2,500, can on business street do- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR—Make Prig- PIANO—Shaw upright, made by Stleft cash. Adams 041)1 for appt ple; Beauty shop good 'lew York ave. n.w. National 6800. arranae convenient terms to responsible ing business. has other in- ieces, almost anything. j| idaire; 8 cu. ft. box; slightly used; leaving Piano Co.; mah good condition; $45 good Owner • PIANO—Apt. grand mahogany, almost party; this place will easily par for itself, terests. town; muat eacrlfice. 602 B at. n.e. caah. 215 Underwood at. WHEEL CHAIR, adult size, like new. rea- neai; party *1.000- n.w._• * will sacrifice for cash. See of sickness. 1400 L busi- an advertisement in The under “Sale — Bo* 83-C. Star office. Lawson. * selling on account Grocery store. D. G. 8., doing good ough Star, ENCYCLOPEDIA Same as new. cost PIANO. Upricht. Shonlnger. studio model, •onxbje._Address American Storage. 3601 Oa are gt n.w.. Room ness: low rent. Price. *6.000. $50.50: fine set for a or In wonderful tone; bargain. 619 Maaa. are. MUST 204._ boy girl school; SACRIFICE POR *35 CASH, *200 PIANO—Apt. size, upright, perfect condf- NW.—Rooming aneous,” a clear of the article 816. 46 E st. n.w, COPELAND MASS AVE AND 10th Maurice giving description n.w____ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. tion. mahogany; owner will gacriflce for (boarding >. 13 rooms, neatly furnished, Stearman, 7ALL ADAMS 0340 • casn at to the should be successful PILES, vertteal steel, for but PIANO. Stein war. perfect condition ; rea- American Storage. 3801 Ga. ave.* well equipped: every room filled: nice In- Business Broker. ih sell, price, etc., you letters: ueeo, cash 1410 H Room Natl. 6602. In good condition, reasonable. Call Co- aonably priced. Phone Cleveland come: rent $125; h.-wh.: St.. 217. 8396._ $2.00(1 a lumbia good condition. $10; Electric or convenient terms to responsible party, ting purchaser. 1757.__ PIANO—Upright, Refrigerators. COAL, WOOD. FUEL OIL ns ROOMING HOUSE. 10th at R—12 room*. 2 chesta of drawers. 1 ehlfTerobe. 1 double CLEARANCE SALE owner taking larger house Room FIRST reasonable offer—Rest, equip., such 2 baihs: rent. *8u. Income quoted *250 ped with springs: cheap; On 10 we cord: Exchange. 1400 L st. n.w.. Rm. 204. as silver, china, stock pots; also new 8 extremely parlor April will move to our new ?.nA?kONED OAK, WOOD-(To" any House filled Price. suite, radiator lncloeure. delivery; stcred monthly. Always *1.600; cubic It. Westlnahouse Refrigerator. Max- single bed. 2134 ocatlon—at 131R 14th at n.w. All re- Brown. Ptotppt Guy L. terms. To inspect, call Natl. 0854. Penn, ave. n w Call Sunday. :onditioned refrigerators to be sold at Brinklow. Md. Ph. Ashton 30-E.11, : corner lo- well, Lincoln CAFETERIA—1901 E st. n.w 8434,_ (reatly reduced prices build- PIANO—Small mahogany finish, Come In and make finest white ash, cation opposite 2 Government office S. WINFIELD, 908 10th N.W. FIR PANEL. ’/.-Inch, 4.0x6 7.0X8.0, 6>/«c upright, lour selection. iromF,?AL~ mines P<,ntl5jl7»ma to newly 0, suitable for small apt perfect condition: Many models and sites— bln. $10.50 per ton Call ings third under construction Wash. Leading House aq. ft.; free delivery Elslnger Mill A is low as or Rooming Broker._* has the tonal of grand Will accept $35. day_ nlght _Georgla otiii7 furnished new equipment, high-class pat- umber Co.. Wisconsin 2400. quality ROOMING HOUSE. 6 rooms. $200. R. h.. Err Bwthesda,_Md. good radio on the Electrical Refrigeration Service Co SEASONED $35 per mo ; lease, great purchase and demon- DRY WOOD for sale, cufls ronage rent. cash. Room- CLASSIFIED FOAMITE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (two): atrate 2030 14th 61. N W. Sunday. 9 rent any 30* _Onen or price reasonable. Call l) rooms, *65; *600, *400 STAR time. Phone Lincoln 5069. °lrj* «sC-hM* shorten cerd. $3: 'a possibilities: ing house. 2.1 rooms. 2 b.. rent *220: S.1.600. practically new._Apply 3108 M st. n.w. *1,,: °ak to 11 a m. or 2 to _p.m._ PIANO, household goods of all kinds: call FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERED S°rd »nd pine _4 *1 200 cash. Roming home including Bthe FOR SALE CHEAP—Letters patent In mixed. Phone Greenwood 1680. in fast-growing s.e. sec- before 1 p.m and any evening after 6 Three-piece living room suite DRUG STORE, 9 rooms. 2 b all modern: *0.000. | machine. Metropolitan upholstered rare vending Maryland Courts North n.e., Apt. for $45. tion; restricted neighborhood: oppor- 1.000 cash, a month; buy the house | Covering and new inside material Sroperty. *85 Box hijutd j».m. Included, made like new in tunity for live wire answer. Address with Its ipcpme. finest tapestry _BOATS. Star office. FRIGIDAIRE—Cost $300. will sell for ST&. PIANO—Mahogany baby grand small size and frlezette Workmanship guaranteed. 440-D, ___ AU8TIN M. COOPER. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. boat, around $400. In ex^ _ 323 17th st. n.e Phone Lincoln 5314. La France Co 2509 I4th st.
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