Seagreen 1A: Onshore Transmission Works Environmental Impact Assessment Report Volume 2: Main Report March 2021 1A Seagreen 1A Onshore Transmission Infrastructure Environmental Impact Assessment Report Seagreen 1A Limited Volume 2 Main Report: Table of Contents Chapter 1 : Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Background 1.3 Purpose and Scope of the EIAR 1.4 Other Planning Documents 1.5 The Applicant 1.6 EIA Process 1.7 Copies of the EIAR Chapter 2 : Development Description 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Development Site 2.3 Project Description 2.4 Associated Development 2.5 Construction Activities 2.6 Operation Management and Maintenance 2.7 Decommissioning Chapter 3 : Site Alternatives and Design Evolution 3.2 Site Selection Considerations 3.3 Stage 1 - Identification of Site Options and Comprehensive Review 3.4 Stage 2 – Further Assessment of Site Options and Selection of Preferred Site 3.5 Conclusions Chapter 4 : Seascape, Landscape and Visual4.1 Introduction Volume 2: Main Report Table of Contents Ramboll Seagreen 1A Onshore Transmission Infrastructure Seagreen 1A Limited Environmental Impact Assessment Report 4.2 Scope of Assessment 4.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 4.4 Baseline Conditions 4.5 Assessment of Likely Effects 4.6 Mitigation 4.7 Assessment of Residual Effects 4.8 Summary Chapter 5 : Ecology and Nature Conservation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Scope of Assessment 5.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 5.4 Baseline Conditions 5.5 Assessment of Likely Effects 5.6 Mitigation 5.7 Assessment of Residual Effects 5.8 Summary Chapter 6 : Ornithology 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Scope of Assessment 6.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 6.4 Baseline Conditions 6.5 Assessment of Likely Effects 6.6 Mitigation 6.7 Assessment of Residual Effects 6.8 Summary Volume 2: Main Report Ramboll Table of Contents Seagreen 1A Onshore Transmission Infrastructure Environmental Impact Assessment Report Seagreen 1A Limited Chapter 7 : Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Scope of Assessment 7.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 7.4 Baseline Conditions 7.5 Assessment of Likely Effects 7.6 Mitigation 7.7 Assessment of Residual Effects 7.8 Summary Chapter 8 : Cultural Heritage and Archaeology 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Scope of Assessment 8.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 8.4 Assessment of Likely Effects 8.5 Mitigation 8.6 Assessment of Residual Effects 8.7 Summary Chapter 9 : Access, Traffic and Transport 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Scope of Assessment 9.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 9.4 Baseline Conditions 9.5 Assessment of Likely Effects 9.6 Mitigation 9.7 Assessment of Residual Effects Volume 2: Main Report Table of Contents Ramboll Seagreen 1A Onshore Transmission Infrastructure Seagreen 1A Limited Environmental Impact Assessment Report 9.8 Summary Chapter 10 : Noise and Vibration 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Scope of Assessment 10.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 10.4 Baseline Conditions 10.5 Assessment of Likely Effects 10.6 Mitigation 10.7 Assessment of Residual Effects 10.8 Summary Chapter 11 : Land Use, Socio-economics and Tourism 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Scope of Assessment 11.3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 11.4 Baseline Conditions 11.5 Assessment of Likely Effects 11.6 Mitigation 11.7 Assessment of Residual Effects 11.8 Summary Chapter 12 : Summary and Schedule of Mitigation 12.1 Introduction Volume 2: Main Report Ramboll Table of Contents Seagreen 1A Onshore Transmission Infrastructure Environmental Impact Assessment Report Seagreen 1A Limited Volume 2 Main Report Glossary and Abbreviations Term (in alphabetical order) Definition ‘A’ weighting The A-weighting is a correction term applied to the frequency range in order to mimic the sensitivity of the human ear to noise. dB Decibel measure of sound. dB(A) Decibel measure of sound weighted with the ‘A’ weighting. Decibel The decibel is the unit used to quantify sound pressure levels as well as sound intensity and power levels. In accordance with the logarithmic scale, an increase of 10 dB in sound pressure level is equivalent to an increase by a factor of 10 in the sound pressure level (measured in Pa). Subjectively, this increase would correspond to a doubling of the perceived loudness of the sound. Free-field Sound pressure level measured in open conditions with no reflective surface (except the ground) nearby Frequency The rate at which the pressure fluctuations occur determines the pitch or frequency of the sound. The frequency is expressed in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. Gross Value Added Measure of economic activity that includes staff costs and profit LA90,T ‘A’ weighted statistical sound pressure level exceeded for 90% of a time period T. Used to represent the background sound level. LAeq,(working) ‘A’ weighted average sound pressure level over a defined working period. LAeq,T ‘A’ weighted average sound pressure level over the period T. LAr,Tr The acoustic measurement parameter representing the Rating Level. LwA ‘A’ weighted sound power level. Noise Noise is often defined as a sound or sounds, especially when it is unwanted, unpleasant or loud. Noise Barrier Purpose made solid obstacle introduced to reduce the noise level. Peak Particle Velocity Measurement of vibration in mms-1. Rating Level or rating level A sound pressure level measured in decibels inclusive of character, tonality and impulsivity / intermittency corrections. Sound Sound is produced by mechanical vibration of a surface, which sets up rapid pressure fluctuations in the surrounding air. Sound Power Level The sound energy emitted by an object measured in Watts (W) (decibel referenced to 10-12 W) Sound Pressure The Sound Pressure is the force (N) of sound on a surface area (m2) perpendicular to the direction of the sound. The SI-units for the Sound Pressure are Nm-2 or Pa (Pascal). Sound Pressure Level The human ear has an approximately logarithmic response to sound pressure over a very large dynamic range. The lowest audible sound pressure approximately 2 x 10-5 Pa (2 ten billionths of an atmosphere) and the highest is approximately 100 Pa. It is therefore convenient to express the sound pressure as a logarithmic decibel scale related to this lowest human audible sound. Specific Noise Level This is the equivalent continuous ‘A’ weighted sound pressure level at the assessment position due to due to a specific sound source. It is un-corrected for character, tonality or impulsivity / intermittency. Volume 2: Main Report Glossary and Abbreviations Ramboll Seagreen 1A Onshore Transmission Infastructure Seagreen 1A Limited Environmental Impact Assessment Report Abbreviation Expanded Term AIL Abnormal Indivisible Load BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BGS British Geological Survey BoCC Birds of Conservation Concern BTO British Trust for Ornithology CAR The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CIA Cumulative Impact Assessment CIEEM Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management CIfA Chartered Institute for Archaeologists COVID-19 Corona virus disease No.19 CTMP Construction Traffic Management Plan DIA Drainage Impact Assessment Dipl Diploma DMRB Design Manual for Road and Bridges DWQR Drinking Water Quality Regulator EcIA Ecological Impact Assessment ECoW Ecological Clerk of Work ECoW Environmental Clerk of Works EHO Environmental Health Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIAR Environmental Impact Assessment Report ELC East Lothian Council Eng Engineering EPS European Protected Species ES Environmental Statement GIS Geographic Information System GVA Gross Value Added GW Gigawatts GWDTE Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling HES Historic Environment Scotland HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle(s) HRA Habitats Regulations Appraisal IB Inventory Battlefield IEMA Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment IGDL Inventory Garden and Designed Landscape IOF Important Ornithological Feature Volume 2: Main Report Ramboll 1 – 2 Chapter 1: Introduction Seagreen 1A Onshore Transmission Infrastructure Environmental Impact Assessment Report Seagreen 1A Limited Abbreviation Expanded Term JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee LBAP Local Biodiversity Action Plan LDP Local Development Plan LGV(s) Light Goods Vehicle(s) LLP Limited Liability Partnership LNR Local Natura Reserve MCIEEM Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management MHWM Mean High Water Mark MHWS Mean High Water Spring MIOA Member of the Institute of Acoustics MLWM Mean Low Water Mark MLWS Mean Low Water Spring MNR Marine Nature Reserves NCR76 National Cycle Route 76 NNR National Nature Reserve NSA New Statistical Account of Scotland NSR Noise Sensitive Receptor OnTW Onshore Transmission Works OS Ordnance Survey OSA Old Statistical Account of Scotland PhD Doctor of Philosophy PMP Peat Management Plan PPG Pollution Prevention Guidelines PPP Planning Permission in Principle PPV Peak Particle Vibration pSPA Proposed Special Protection Area PWS Private Water Supplies RBMP River Basin Management Plan ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds SAC Special Area of Conservation SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency SGT Super Grid Transformer SI Site Investigation SINC Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SPA Special Protection Area SPP Scottish Planning Policy SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest
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