-THK r m STANDAMD SOUTOJSKN THE TIT U l NEWSPAPER Oally <u»4 SBMWTSBM . canter delivery, 13 •*•« weekly. Voi XLVL—No. 317; *tatSM-«*»iwr*K the Mrceta ••* at MWMtuiil. 6-eefttt.- IflJDl Mexico Frank's Lawyers Hear THEY SING AT OPERA TODAY Acceptance by Dictator onfession Witnesses Creates a Distinct Hope ".' i *.'.- ! . ^ • , DO That War May Be Averted Now Repudiate Stories DO • " •'- \ Attorneys Give Out State- All Latin-America and Great Powers of Europe ment in Which They De- Brought Pressure on Huetfta — Understood clare That They Believed Ragsdale and Barber Were That United States Will Insist on Huerta's Telling the Truth. Elimination. SHOW HOW AFFIDAVITS FOR FIRST OPERA ,Washington, April 27.—-Formal acceptance by the Huerta gov- WERE SECURED BY THEM Every Section .of Georgia ernment of the offer of Argentina, Brazil and Chile to use their good offices to bring about an amicable settlement of difficulty "If These Rumors Be True, and the Majority of South- ern States Represented in betwepii the United States and Mexico was cabled to Spanish Am- We Denounce the Perfidy bassador Riano here tonight by Portillo y Rojas, foreign minister of These Men With All t^ie the Audience. in the Huerta cabinet. Vehemence of Our Na- Serior Rojas' note was transmitted at once to the three South torjs," They Say in Can}. GREAT THRONG THRiLLED American diplomats, who began a conference which lasted far into BY MASSENET'S "MANON" the night discussing the next move in their peace plan. Secretary The report current in Atlanta yes- terday that Rev,1 C. B. Ragsdale, the of State Bryan having accepted the offer of good offices when minister 'who accuses Jim, Conley of having: confessed to Ma-ry Fhagan's Caruso, Farrar and Gilly tendered the TJruted States Saturday, the first step now is completed murder,, and that E. Ij- Barber, the, and the way paved for actual-negotiations looking to a peaceful clear- member of ttagsdale's flock, who cor- Were Given Ovation for roborated the pastor's story;, had repu- ing up. of the situation. diated their stories, and had branded Their Wonderful Work hi them as "frame-ups" last night, re~ "Neither Ambassador Riano nor the peace envoys would make suited in a sensational statement to Opera. , The Constitution from Frank's coun- public the test of the Huerta acceptance. It was said, however, that sel. * : ' , Senor Rojas replied briefly, accepting the offer and thanking the His attorneys also presented affida- TUESDAY MATIWBE. ' Vits from Dr. J. M, Fierce and JoKrw . "II Troyatore," opera in four acts, South American- plenipotentiaries and the Spanish ambassador for JE. "White, who had vouched to Fran-. / by Giuseppe Verdi. '. defense for the character of Ragsdale; THE CfAST.' ! . their good offices," with a reference to "the real spirit of solidarity .and similar affidavits from George B. I-eriora {sUprano), Johanna Gad-^ Knott. wha ha4 testified to the charac- between,peoples of a same race."_..__:....•......^^ --.:..- . - .. ski. ' ' " •: >'7\ "r'","•." v. v--'-^n^^ ter of Barber, . , Azucena (contralto), Margarets . : ^ ' Rumors were persistent on Monday NO CONDITIONS Ober. ••-,.. ' that there .would be startling develop- Inez (contralto), Marte MattflelS.' IN GOOD OFFICES. ments' in the Rags dale and Barber affi- Manrico (tenor), Riccardo Martin. davits, but Solicitor Dorsey absolutely Count di Juna (baritone). Pas- Top row Johanna Gadski No 'conditions are Imposed in an refused to discuss the matter, declar- quale Amato. offer of good offices, consequently the 1ns that all developments would be and Easquale Amato. Elottbm Fernando (basso), Giulio Rossi. 1 made public on Friday. When the Ruls (tenor). Angelo Bada. Ritcardo 'Martin". '' They Twill reply from Mexico City was not ex- card of Frank's lawyers was furnished Conductor—Richard Hageman, sing' in'^'Troyatcire" 'thjs^after- pected to deal with conditions. That The Constitution it was so late at night SIftTEWMinEE .stage will lie reached when the peace that it'was impossible to reach either By Sidney Ormond. noon. ^. , L „• „ Rev. Mr. Ragsdale or Mr. Barber for a Massenet's "Manori,**- most delicate makers formulate their plans and statement. and exquisite of operas, reeking of the Chairman PropbjS^S Another make known how they propose to use Frank's counsel's statement follows: picturesque; eighteenth century, redo- tte sood offlces which have been ac " Frank*** Lawyers* Statement; lent of'the pain and anguish which is Meeting to Change Rules " Editor Constitution: On Thursday/ ever the accompaniment of illicit love, eepted. It was suggested tonight that April -S3, 1914, there appeared at the was the magnet which, it almost seem- they probably would ask the Washing- office of Ix. 2. Bosser,- in the Grant in View of Many Candi- ed, drew all. Georgia and. a large part building-, two men who professed to ton and Mexico City governments to- of the southern states'to the Audito- " have important" information in refer- dates. morrow for statements as to what rium last night and ushered in the fifth ence to the Frank,trial. One of' these year of metropolitan grand opera in each would demand in the event for- represented himself to be a preacher . Br Jobn Corrtgan, Jr. mal mediation were undertaken, and and the other a former member of his Atlanta. Washington, April 27.—(Special.)— It was, many claimed, the largest flock. "William J. Harris, chairman of -the that upon the nature of the responses These two men were unknown to opening night audience which has.heard state democratic executive committee, l.to this request would depend the^ pro- each of us. Neither of us had ever grand opera In Atlanta; ,whicb ia jtn- other -way of saying1 that it was the If You Went to Grady has written to all the members ot the > posals next to be submitted. seen or heard of them before. •committee suggesting ' another meet- largest opening night audience that Unofficial advices from Mexico City I* Z. Rosser acted in taking: the affi- ing to take further action in view of ever heard grand opera anywhere, for davits of these men. He put them to the larg-e number of candidates in the already had ma,de it virtually certain Atlanta holds the world's record for Don't-imaginei that Grady's inefficiency "can never affect you the test of the most thorough cross-' Deputy Sheriff G. W. Smith, race for governor and senator. that General Huerta would accept the examination of which he was capable. grand .opera attendance.,. personally 'because .you can pay for. treatment- in a private Hospital. When the committee meets, if Mr. There, was .-no effort to lead them, to All Georgia Here. : on Rival*"Political Ticket, otter of the peace envoys, but the add to or color their story. On the As one stood in the lobby arid watch- Tomorrow should you be injured so that> you-were not ^recognized, Harris Is atili in the race for gov- formal announcement tonight tended contrary, they were given clearly to ernor, as. he expects to- be, he will ed the crowd file in, he found himself or-could not speak, you would land at .the: Grady hospital and'be- Is Critically Wounded by to.further relieve the slackening ten- understand that Frank's counsel want- bowing to people from all parts of the tender nisi resignation as member and ed only the truth, and 'in taking their sion 'of the crisis.. The news was state—people he had not seen in years. come the victim of conditions worse than' .Charles Dickens ever W. G/Dunehoo. will not take part In its proceedings. affidavits we were seeking nothing be- The .possibility .of the governor and, given to»President Wilson, who ex- yond just ,ir*xat they -knew and knew There were folk from Savananh, described. There are thousands of people in Atlanta just as good accurately. from Athens,- frorii Macon. from Au- senator tying /named in the next state presse(i himself as greatly pleased, as you who can ,never hope to escape these conditions should Rome, Ga.t , April-- 27.—(Special.)—As convention instead of by the people f. - - . ' The affidavits were prepared In their gusta, from Valdosta, from Carter,s- something that I though he would make no further presence, almost their very words be- the result: o£ a personal 'encounter due at the ballot box Is 1 ville, from Gainesville, from Rome— emergency'arise while theyV exist. - - ing taken by a competent and honest to political differences. Sheriff W. G. Mr. Harris believes the committee comment. from every city and town and .cross- stenographer. After the affidavits had Ceilings are falling, floors • are worn 'out,"foundations are sink- Dunehoo, of'Floyd county, tonight shot should seriously consider. Heretofore White house officials let if be known roads in the state. Well dressed, pros- been typewritten they were carefully through the intestines Deputy Sheriff when there have ' been only two or ' read to each of the witnesses and perous people, all of them—people to ing, meals are being, cooked in quarters in. which, hog food would G: W. Smith, who is at a local hospital that they, were earnestly desirous of three candidates the, situation was dif- sworn to before a disinterested notary whom opera is -no longer a novelty, but, in a critical condition. Dunehoo was aiding the South American 'diplomats ; not be prepared on many Georgia farms. Halls, aisles and. porches ferent from that presented by the public. '. from a cultural standpoint; a necessity, Immediately taken' into -custody by present contest' In which there are Did .Wot Drevm of Wrowf. are all crowded with occupied'cots.-White'nurses sleep ten-in a Coroner John Miller, and.
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