I6ers Win by Forfeiture Winning by default, Tor1- ranee Optimist IDrrs e dls- appointed In not flndii in op- ponent last Saturday veling to Redomlo to e Kedondo Beach Boys Felker'.s DIMets, In fightli the final game of for a tie for the first roui round of play in the 1 championship of the Industri group League', blew up no high In la Monday night's game that tl Green Streaks, Freak-Break pieces aic still falling. SIIAMIUH KS 1.0SK The DiMols cla.sliPd with C Normont's Minimi neks lost the lumhla and had to bPat t Wllmlnfdeiri Midget League fi­ Steelers to tip Goodycar's I-PCO Halt Scuttlers League Climb nals to the Hulking soltbullers, of six wins and ono loss, st»HeiH<had eight players In uniform! » {>, last week. Monnont's bat­ was a good gamp until dip 13 Just as the Scuttlers what looked as though it might Finally Les Oebhard, the- pc] tery: Douglas rinir <uicl Gerald Mpts tangled with a^flock ( r.ooele. amble to get cut of manager, went in at sec ilxes. In the sixth Inning tl near-cellar depths, along comes pery DJMe^s allowed six runs to crof Joe Rogers and the Long Beach ond. Buddy Griffith, regtila platr on six errors. Thei reen Streaks and pushes them second baseman, went to short AMATiWK went the ball game! Columbi another notch. lei scored again In the last Innin back Johnny Mungo came in from Fans who saw the National. field to take Iliiril, and Lynch i make tho final score, 7-0. Nlteballers defeat Santa Ana Columbia's win over the D last IVIda.v at relief pitcher went in at righ Goodyear the firb at the local park Mets gave went away with nothing but field. round championship and a boys. Whether or neit ,leie knew at the City Championship at th praise for the Tommce Bob Costa, classy little short that four of the Scnttleis "md of the second round. How favorite of ;ver, If they win the secon top, was the fans played in San IVelre. leagues ound they will be declared th he night by hitting three for on Sunday night, einly he league and b oui1, one of which was a two- vlnners of the un homer in the first inning. kneiws. mtltled to take home the Tor In the field of all this, the ance Herald Trophy for th did all right But In spite lext year. oo, making several plays tin Gicen Streaks slaughle-red R H rough t applause from th .smashed, and triumphed eive'i RACE? . Perhaps the tape in the unique .line score: CAN YOU IDENTIFY THIS years ago. Can you mme the race or the runners? For the !olumbia .. 000 000 1 '7 0 lands. the Scuttlers by the' terrific mar foreground will be a clew to this dramatic finish. Notice the story of this race and of the record that stood for more than 0-0 « Chicky Dillon and Nick Bodei >lker's .... 000 000 )th hit two for four. gin of, 1-0. runner at the extreme left in this race that set a record 12 a decade see "By The Staff". Batteries: Ludlker and Clay All other factors being on. West and Van Pelt. Yep, It really looked like <>e|eial, hail (be local Mleball- going places In the first game of the nlte the Scuttlers were ers their whole team on I lie EVERY FRIDAY ATHLETIC AWARDS iclflc Electric cinched the eel until they met Joe "The Fox" field they woulel have whipped BOYS ar spot and locked the door af Rogers and his I<ong Beach the Stre-uks. Green Streaks on Sunday nlte NIGHT, 8:30 By THE STAFF... er them by losing to the YM Next ho for th NHS BANQUET A team, 0-3. In the bench elty lo pluy off Scuttlers will be on June 15th GIVEN AT n game that was ruined out relays us the 12-yenr-olel The calibre of the two team's against Orange. WILMINGTON BOWL Seventy Nnrltonne High School IcUermen In three spring Last Saturday at the Compton how lust Tuesday night. lay definitely improved, the' League standings for the flint 909 MAHAR sports were honored lust night at the Boys Athletic Awards (SOOO-meter record was broken hy Cnrtlss Stone of the Shunaluin, ver, with the YMCA going ei When It came time for 10 games shows Anaheiirt lead I'littlcis to take the field, they (Juit North ol Aniheim banquet. Pa., A.C., It recalled to many the race In 1936 In which the long- orless and P.E. allowing only ing with 8 wins and one loss. Blvd. in Wilminaton) Scheduled guest speaker was U.C.L.A. track coach Klvln standing record wus set. ne. Whlttlcr and Anahelm have a Wilmington Bowl Now "Ducky" Drake. ,Iack Alien \vu« master of ceremonies. Joe Robledo, P.E., shortstop, rnined-out game to play to even Comfortably Heated It brings t« mlnel also one of the ninny feats of one of the arred at the plate with t the number of games played. ' Coach Wayne Sloss presented EIGHT 4-ROUND BOUTS varsity baseball awaids to the greatest runners of our time I,ouls /nmperinl. v three. Varrior Track, Randels, Billy Rose, Joe Rulz Ine score: R K E following: Jack Alien, Kyle and Charles Ueda. Here Is the setting! It Is the Compton relays erf May 12, Bowers, Danny Cisneros, Bob . .. 200 100 0 3 5 1 75c - $1.00 - $1.50 Coach Ronlus presented ten­ 1830 anel the BOOO-meter run with u field of many Olympic as­ MCA ...... 010 401 x 6 4 1 (ill ley, Earl Gregory, Shelby nis letters to Charles Dresser, laseball Letter TAX INCLUDED "Madison, Albert Murrieta, Dar pirants, Incluelliig- Znmperlnl anel u man named Norman Bright. Batteries: Bailey and Lalllch Ivan Keyes, Tom. Murflock, Keith i-ixey and Schwenk. mid Myers, Gilbert Olvera, Paul McGili, Donald Nicolal, Jackl Bright was the first man to show his liuck to the great J'"ttlt, Leslie Phillips and Char­ Final standing for tho first Pollock, Charles Schlldmoyer, distance, runner from Tiirranra High School and later gf U.S.C. omul were us follows: Dinners Named les Schildmeyer. Thorpe, Warren Thayer Edward He beat /amperlnl In tlm moo meter run ut the NC'AAi; meet Won Lost Avg, Jayvee baseball awards, pre­ and Manager Gene Waltzman. oodyear ...... i .857 With sports activity at El sented by Coach Walt Kuns,' Presentation of trophies was In Lincoln, Neb., in I»3i5. IMeti .......... 5 2 .714 amlno College practically at a went to Kenny Admire, Gilbert made to varsity baseball, tennis Both were fighting for a berth on the 1030 Olympic team tttlonal .................. 5 .711 and still as the end of the BuiTls, Freddie Cisneros, Charles track teams. ind class C sent uwuy a large flelel that night at lolumula ................. 4 .571 mester approaches, head coach Durham, Charles Garrison, Rich­ as the starter's gun .428 Boys Vice Principal George eco ....................... 3 mby Schimller announced (hi?, ard Graslnger, Clifford Living- Fults handled medal presenta­ Compton. It might have Ixten u match race- Ix'tween the two tarvey ...................... 3 .428 ston, Danny Phillips, Orrin Pol tion while Principal C. P. Lyon stars for all the attention the oilier runners were receiving MCA ................'........ 2 .285 eek the awarding of 12 letters lock, David Scales, Kenneth made special awards. from tho many funs who hot) gathered to watch these two E. .......................... 0 .000 baseball, and 19 for track. Trombly, Bob Wada, Ronald Those receiving baseball let- buttle the long grind. Had It been a match race the result* Stark, John Powelson, Robert ers were: Irwln Iji/.aniH, Foster, .limmie Tlmms and Man* entirely different, hut It would not have made might have keen bird base; Philllp Duller, agers Norman Jones, Clyde Bert- history us tho riK'e turned out to l>e. hardt and Bi-ent Wilson. SHAMROCKS, UN Interesting ETTIT HURLS lelder (Captain); Loren/on Coach Shcldon I/oughbeirough The crowd down the track from the starting line saw the Goniez, fielder; Daniel Kspin- made tho truck awards for A smoke from the stutters gun, and saw the runners start long zu, short stop; I-cKoy Groves, und C teams. FELKERS WIN before they heard the shot of the pistol that tokl them the race NO-HITTER IN leleler; I-ewln Hustings, first Varsity letters went to Jack Durrell Brlxoy, Shamrock was on. ase ;.lames Samuel Owen, Alien, Greg Blllor, Robert Dalig- C'ufe hurler, limited the liar- .lose Holgiiln, field- noy, Richard Drake, Bill Me'ng, lM.r Tire Distributors to 4 hits It was uneventful for the first few laps except that Bright OST 645 WIN atcher; Gary 1'hllllps, Joe Porice, Bob Friday night us the Irish de­ and /.amperlnl we're steadily pulling uwuy from the flelel. Bright Knock, pitcher; Scales, Jack Sonnichsen, Anely feated their foes, 1) to 4, while leading. So fur ahead were they, that the two great runners Paul I'ettlt, stttr NILS jun- Uclmrd lllll. pitcher; .1. K. Stlts, Jack Wldman, Felkers smeared Torriuice Nti- Spaan, Bill hud luppcel the field. or, hurled his first no-hit "ascy, seconel base; and Den- Jack Williams, Ed Yetman and Karcne, HI to 2, In the, other Kttme of the season for the Diiltsiimn, catcher. Leroy Young. hulf of the I. o in 11 u 1'urk Bright was still leading us the pair pulled Into the final receiving letters for Ahead of ximlta American Legion Sun- Those Bee track letters were pre?- league dquble-hcuder.
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