r ^ CCXmiER-JOURNAL ^iday, July 20,1956 Primate Spurns Anglican Status Of Schools Rrd°Re^ferS ft60, Ctjina Views ^ In Germany Seen l Vknaa — (RNS) - Cardinal f %V#f utedTrT Press To Mind*zenty .has refused a "par­ don" offered by the Hungarian Hong jKong—CNC)~-0ne of $Q»g Kon#* main. «4ciilar gtfce a*ti}iojr «f the following article Is president of the Univer­ Communist government on con-.dailies called "shallow and one-sided" the statement by tht sity of Detroit. He Is now touring educational institutions In ficditioe no f thaArchbishot he renouncp of Esztergome his of-fvJ Anglican communisn Bishot Chinp oaf "IHons ggrow Kong. that the Christian Church West Germany U the invitation of the Federal Republic of and Primate of Hungary, the ^ v,gorous and there u no jm. THE CHANCERY of the Cath- Austrian Catholic press agency' ^,ment t0 ,„ m>a^, Germany. reported. olic Diocese of Hong Kong, act- 1% REV. CELESTIN <f. STELNEB, SJ. Commenting editorially on the^ fug in behahVof Bishop Lawrence Munich -— (NC) — The status of schools in Germany .. _. ..•• . „ ... oiatement by the Rt. Rev. Ron- Bianchi. also tonk »vwmMnn •« today is the greatest danger to the Faith in A nation wedged the Cardinal following his re- aire^Hall that there is religious £e steements by Blirrop Hall. cent transfer to the^ village of Smaaa ta ch,natj ^ ^on ™Referrin statementg specificalls y to ffchop between the battle Jiiws of Past and West. Felsoepeteny near Budapest from Kong standard said: Puespoeck St. Lazlo in southern Hall's remark that the Imprison­ 2^o Catholic schooSs, "or for' ' * — ~ ' "IT IS DIFFICULT to con­ ment of religious leader* has that matter no ctenomlnational or catholic theological faculty or Hungary. The Primate has been a living under severe restrictions ceive that'the Christian"Church been solely on political grounds,' private soKSois^ «r« jMsrrnitted In courses in religion are! t am con- since his release from prison in can grow vigorously and with­ the Catholic chancery said: Soviet Germ&nyr vlnced. under the false tmpres- July. 1955. out impediments unless one is "The apparent contradiction f»,« .»«-«„ —M .u_ r* _J. i prepared to accept the thesisarise s from the iopji.use_ejL£bit AH school* there are props- jion that mc only difference be- 8 41 ^aass ggajsrji *m i.ovj^_Mgoi . , ,, cathoite-^chooi-aftA-i^ S^^T^tle^e^ * ^^ OrdiniEflf this L te eeri to CouTAlma^v^nich^a^f Sul?ject to ^ re«ul*tlon »nd word means 'concerninf tht ogy, an* fcot place* to which pubijC *cnool is * aeries of daW «.„.?." K„7^L^1„ ^!!-' supervision of the axch-athelit. state or government.' Political youth receive* xa education. «» jn-religion. fiacated by the Budapest regime. EVEN IN FteEK Germany, prl- THERE IS ANOTHER factor a Dublin's New Mayor At Mass, Mr. Chou En-lai, and his godless prisoners are those who are con- . It ttated that Cardinal Minds- icolleagues. " damned for subversive action vate schools, white excellent in thousand times more Important Dublln=—(NC)'~Boh«rt Briscoe, first Jewish Lord Mayor of Dublin, la shown In the front pew, quality, have a relatively negh- religion classes. Izenty is permitted to move freely At a press conference after against the legitimate govern- than these extreme left, u he attended a memorial Mass here for members of the former Four Court* gar­ around the estate but is barred giMe enrollment; of students. Religion |» all-pervasive, It en- rison who kit their Uvea la Ireland's vght for freedom. At extreme right U former Premier from receiving^any visitors, with ST^ *£ ^ -Jg ^ ^^ ^ ft I visited m&py clemtottary as all cuxricular and co- ters tato Eamon de Vafera. the exception of his aged mother. v\-lfe. Bishop Hall said that the am offense to profess all tha w*S as more advanced schools In curricuiar structures. Catholic 0 r West Germany. Religion la school, 0f 811 sorts educate for imp"iisonment of religious lead- teachings of the Catholic Church, tatxght In all of the schools-, state- Ufef Ma y^gio,, ta an eaentj*! Cardinal Griffin ers in China was always a poll- then the state has, by its own a^oUeiis we® «independent, element of ufe ft is life itself. 1 Notr* Dome Educator tiqal issue, never a religious one. authority alone, turned religion ^!he JeHglon taught, however, y we understood all that a Better After Rest He called tha present situation,teto a poUtieal erirae . .- ©na is tfeedoininan* religion of the catholic school is, we must see! . # ^ ,r» •» i» *» • m t-ai in Red China "very similar" to ot the teachings of the Catholic London — fiNC) — His Emin­ ence Cardinal Bernard Griffin, that during the Protestant Refor- Church la that the Pope is the atPSS Stt^tS r^uKfSoS^nJe'Ainericaii Catholics Must Share Blame Archbishop of Westminster, mation in England'in the 16th spiritual head of all Catholic*. years old, was reported greatl'jy£ ^"century° . Hesald that at that If a state makes It a political these religion daises, but In ^ society. •»-%»• improved following two week's cnurccn"rcnn £or tne Enghsh people makes it impossible for a Cath- antimde the English Wanted a crime to admit this, then it Cincinnati — (NO — Catho­ er to average American opinion ter-group hostility" until the ox rest ordered by his physicians. -»•" over in the Continent the olic to be faithful of his conacJ' lics themselves must share uermans of Catholicism and Catholics truth about VS. Catholics is The Cardinal, who has suffered wanted a church for ence and to avoid what is in fact rg^l^^ some of thPooe blame forr thRelationse "less than some o f uWiths believe," Protestantsknown and accepted b y mil­ the German two severe heart attacks within people." a state-manufactured political *% adj. Many imffcftmtoi slfable -t Catholic university ^Fhe Catholie- sociologist «aid lions of non-Catholics Ameri­ he saw no solution to this "in­ cans. the past Jive yeans, has not yet to t*^DS note of the Angll- crime. *SlSfet^^ *etwe^ c n 1 Jte^e^laint*^*!?**f tm.me^ ^ knd opera. so" resumed Official engagements. * P *"*" observations, the "To make this point clear, It Hong Kong Standard said that is necessary to state that Catho- otologisDr. Joh0t sain J3.d Kanehere., head ot the tfr «o1|hi eorSiarteni; «ea«fc*r* of 7gut «_ tt,e .tudent newspaper ., "'• i "" J because of "his known record lies hold no political allegiance \ religlO; Iverslty of Notre Dame's sociology department, declared Pontiff Bids Iron Curtain of good work and his status as to the Pope as ruler ot the Vatl- that the "very «al problem in t one of the most respected church cam State. Their fealty to him Is IttP '^athoilr^PtutHtant-xelatic leaders in the Far East" Bishop entirely a spiritual one, owed to ||piw*WppftaW tim lacs? of commuhicatlon be­ tween the two religious groups. fCS Hall undoubtedly "bore witness the Holy Father u Vicar xdL . school*, .thtr* *»-•!» l»d^pe«<i.ilfPWf,il^^r M«ny — perhapa thpst — tu what lie-arnnoj^-^air-ina-asiirPhilippine^ s Pla-**•*n _ *nt tmivenstaes'pt all, . ?-•.•• _„-_i_- non-Catholics in the United what he believed to be true." o—— StaTeirlDn Kane said, simply THE STANDARD added: Embassy At Vatican man 'adnjinlstraltoh ««<»*»*«See**- aflfln**rSW«s.w.M«M™. w do not know the teaching* of (Continued from Page 1) had "labored with tireless energy to illuminate others with the "hi communist China today, the Catholic Church." He added (NO - Tb* long- faculty member* d tht anlvtt** Eiterfuxy tries), though not alwaya in the to remove by every possible light of Christ-" N , under its new approach to re- "perhaps Catholics have failed same way everywhere.'* , means the danger threafming "Do this," he said, "through, hffl°n. there is, to be sure, no to publicize them or translate Pracirciaiy all *f ih»m «|W Vaaias* - (N0 — frtw* Faul' "Pious associations and re- the children of the* Church." example, through constancy in more public desecratio..n o. f the Manilpossibla e after Congmsslonal . that ptthlifr tmhPwttltiii awe «t. Esttrhaty, who ^as aantancad to {hem into action.'' hindered In exercising their office the leadership of St. John Cap- swept over the early Church." llgious associations" he recalled, He noted that when a decisive your Christian life, after theian altary othe; nor morreligioe vulgan carn name^allbe called- approvalawaited . PhilippinIt wase announce embassdy bayt flretj» Mtisfartory »»tit «• indt' priaoB at *t trial at which HI* To bolster hit contention that or forced from thtlr Sees and istran. Pope Calllxtua in thanks-: o- I truly free because of its outward Raul Manglapus, Under Secre- vjdoal and society ntfdc SUM -coti- Eminence Joseph Cardinal Minds- laik of communication between *'ha\e been dissolved and shat- givinChristiag instituten victord yth ewa Feasa wot ofn the at. manneIf ^1„r or«*l»*f the Christian- /*«...s -of old Ing; no more stoning of churches the Vatican will be set up soon jalleteredd. oanr exiled thde shepherdCatholic dioceses eithers Belgradgiving Institutee on Juldy th 22e ,Feas 1456t, oundet ther l when the wave of persecution observance... But neithes alone.r Christianit" y nor tary of Foreign Affairs. *leariwid - * aenty, ftrlmal* ot Hungary, wa», "I sincerely believe," Dr. Kane of the Oriental Rite have like- Transfiguration of Our Lord, to'ilOiy ratfl#r U06S Unless the Church is free not The present Congress passed ' T!»« larger inad^rsitts* h*\e fivtrt 1u*e unprisonmenU ii «- only to praise God, but also "to a budget of $33330 for the titab- kotist '"prottatantK ana Catholic ported to have been released, ae-< ,„ be the conscience of the state Hshment of an ambimdor's poet 4- — rthei>is|1ca^jac«asi>fc-lrr-4W^ te wort Ta«^nrhererH-Cal , Pope and men." to help those In dan- at the Holy See.
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