The catalog that everybody's been talking about is now available at your favorite K C dealer. You’ll find 80 pages of color photos, complete descriptions, and all the technical information you need. It's the complete collection of all of our exciting lines If your dealer doesn't have them in stock, ask him to you one from his distributor. But hurry, supply is limited and this is one catalog you don't want to be without. Exciting, innovative designs that put you in complete control. Every kit features Plura ready-made fuselages and ^ Siros wing panels. Robbe airplanes ^ andgliders SHIPS C j ^ ^ b u i l d up fast, look great. and outperform just about a n y t h i n g H a M L ^ else in the air. There's something for evenone. Yachts, scale tugs, sail boats, luggers, fire-fighting boats, and m ore... all designed with the emphasis on detail. W hichever Robbe boat you choose, you'll get a proven winner that steals the show every time. ACCESSORIES Look at our complete selection of accessories. High performance motors, special fittings, starters, quick chargers, propellers... everything you need. You'll even find an exciting line of sound effects generators for extra realism. R C manufacturer I much. So. don't delay, pick up your ROBBE MODEL SPORT. Princeton Meadows The Office Suite 2D.Plainsboro. NJ 08536 Artists. Plus $5.00 shipping ond hAndling his is one of o series of limited edition the Artist, and accompanied by a certificAte of 1 J collector prints to be produced from pointings Authenticity. Prints rolled And shipped in sturdy j by Artist Bob BenjAmin, most of which have first tube, UPS insured, reAdy for professionAl AppeAred publicly on the cover of MODEL mounting And frAming. BUILDER Magazine. Prints will be AllocAted bAsed on postmArked* Only 500 prints are AvAilable, each per­ dAte of order. Checks received After 500th print j sonAlly inspected, signed, And numbered by is sold will be returned uncAshed. To be filled In by PRINT ORDER FORM Send check to: MODEL BUILDER MAGAZINE MODEL BUILDER Attention: LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Box 10335. C O STA M ESA. CA 92627 PRINT NO. PLEASE SHIP ME A LIMITED EDITION LITHO PRINT OF ROBT. A. BENJAMIN'S I Please indicate in numerical PAINTING OF HAROLD KRIER'S GREAT LAKES SPECIAL. A CHECK OR MONEY \ order your preference for the ORDER FOR $50.00 PLUS $5.00 FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING IS ENCLOSED. i nex t limited edition print CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ADD 6% SALES TAX. (714 ) 645-8830 NAME STREET \ U j-3 C u b □ P-43 (Please print) i O Franklin Sport CITY, STATE, ZIP ! □ Waco YKS-7 □ Monocoupe Clip this coupon or make a copy ■I V d i M O D EL S' FEBRUARY 1984 BUILDER volume 14, number 145 621 West Nineteenth St., Box 10335, CostA MesA, CA 92627-0132 Phone: (714) 645-8830 STAFF TABLE OF CONTENTS EDIT OR/PUBLISHER Wm. C. Northrop, Jr. FEATURES GENERAL MANAGER AnitA Northrop W O R K B E N C H , Bill Northrop.............................................................................. 6 ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER DAwn Johnson DEAR J A K E ........................................................................................................... 6 PRODUCTION MANAGER O VER THE C O U N T E R ................................................................................... 7 Bill Forrey FAI W O R L D A E R O B A T IC C H A M P IO N S H IP S , Bill Northrop...............11 PRODUCTION ARTIST Howard Millman KITCHNER/WATERLOO SCALE RALLY, CliffTAcie............................... 18 DRAWINGS BY FUEL LINES, )oe KlAuse......................................................................................... 21 Al PAtterson ELECTRIC P O W E R , Mitch Poling...................................................................... 22 ACCOUNTING DEPT. MANAGER BIG BIRD S, Al AlmAn.............................................................................................24 MichAel Whitney SUBSCRIPTIONS H O W T O FLY PATTER N, Dick Hanson............................................................ 26 Jo Anne Glenn C H O PPER C H A T T E R , RAy Hostetler................................................................. 30 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ELOY'S BIG B IR D , P A R T T W O , EloyMarez ................................................ 32 Al AlmAn Eloy MArez PLUG SPARKS, lohnPond .................................................................................. 35 Jerry Dunlap Walt Mooney Bill Forrey Mitch Poling R /C S O A R IN G , BillForrey...................................................................................40 Bill HAnnAn John Pond ELECTRONICS CORNER, EloyMArez............................................................ 43 Dick HAnson Fernando RAmos Mike HAzel DAn Rutherford M R C S K Y H A W K II IN R EVIEW , EloyMArez.................................................44 RAy Hostetler John Smith R /C B O A T S , Jerry Dunlap ....................................................................................46 Ken Johnson Bob Stalick Joe Klause C O N T R O L LINE, Mike HAzel............................................................................. 48 R /C CARS, DAn Rutherford.................................................................................. 52 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES H A N N A N ’S H A N G A R , Bill Hannan..................................................................54 Bill Northrop FREE FLIG H T, BobStalick......................................................................................56 Home Office, CostA MesA Al Novotnik F/F SCALE, FernAndo RAmos.................................................................................. 60 4 Beverly PI., NorwAlk, CT 06850 IN D O O R , Ken Johnson......................................................................................... 62 Bus. Phone (203) 847-7478 MODEL BUILDER (ISSN 0194 7079) is published monthly by RCMB INC., 621 CONSTRUCTION West 19lh St.. Box 10335. CostA MesA. CAliforniA 92627-0132. Phone (714) 645-8830. BITTY-BIPE, Jim “ Doc” Edwards .......................................................................................16 Subscriptions: S25.00 per yeAr. $47.00 for VOLTS WAGON, Woody W oodw Ard...........................................................................27 two years. Single copies $2.50. Subscriptions outside the US (except APO & FPO) $32.00 THE DIAM OND O.T., R o yW risto n ...........................................................................38 for one yeAr only. All pAyments must be in US lunds, drAwn on A US bAnk. PEANUT CRACKERJACK, WAlt Mooney ............................................................... 49 Copyright 1983 by RCMB INC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permis­ sion prohibited. COVER: Few things go together better thAn A beAutiful girl And A beAutiful glider. This month's cover is proof! MAy we introduce you to Cindy Fuller, of SAn RAfAel ChAnge of address notices must be received CAliforniA, And her Astro Flight Californian. The scenic locAtion is one of the North six weeks before dAte of issue thAt new BAy SoAring Society's flying fields somewhere in the NApA-SonomA wine country of address takes effect. Send old address with CAliforniA. new. old label preferred. Post Office will COVER INSET: The colorful flAgs of the vArious pArticipAting countries At the 1983 not forwArd copies unless you pay extrA W orld AerobAtic ChAmpionships wAve in PensAcolA, FloridA's wArm breezes as spectA­ postAge. DuplicAte issues cAnnot be sent. tors wAtch the precision flying of 70 of the world's best pAttern pilots. See pAge 11 for coverAge of the event. Color trAnspArencies by Ed Wood And Bill Northrop. Second class postAge pAid At Costa MesA. CAliforniA, And AdditionAl offices. MODEL BUILDER “HOT STUFF” & tmPIB ‘TT? MODELING’S ONLY ALL AMERICAN INSTANT GLUES BAR NONE! THAT’S RIGHT. FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE “ HOT STUFF,’* REVOLUTION, IN 1971, “ HOT STUFF’’ PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN TOTALLY AMERICAN. fafctäte Cäfr CONTINUES THIS p o l ic y w it h t h e introduction o f “ HOT TIPS’! OUR EXCLUSIVE NEW APPLICATOR TOP. f “HOT TIPS’’ DESIGNED BY MODELERS FOR MODELERS — EXCLUSIVE FEATURES— 1. FINEST TIP Gives you best control for each ApplicAtion 2. LONGEST SPOUT For those hArd-to-get-At jobs 3. EXCELLENT DRAINAGE Helps keep the clogs awAy 4. RETRACTING CAP One twist keeps cAp far AwAy from tip 5. DRIP GUARD Helps keep excess glue AwAy from fingers 6. BUILT-IN TUBING HOLDER FOR 12 YEARS Tubing supplied to use if you wish MODEL BUILDING’S (1 /2 oz. & 2 oz. only) STATE OF THE ART _ INSTANT GLUES HST-1 % OZ. HS-3 2.9S 3 OZ. 3.95 “ HOT SHOT" HS-1 % OZ. HS-4 ECONOMY 2.95 2 OZ 9.95 HST-2 V, OZ. HS-2 % OZ. 1.95 1.95 vono r*Bous -hot «tut*·- woato PAWO'ja SUPER ‘Τ’ “HOT STUFF” INSTANT QLUC FAMTASTJC FOA INDUSTRIAL STIISNOTM <0 lo * · « C O K O «0Μ0 HST "SUPER Γ HT-500 HOT TIPS” 89/bx AT YOUR DEALERS P.O. BOX 836, SIMI. CA 93062 · (805) 522-0062 KIT RC-54 $79.95 G0f] & t l · * ' COMPACT SPORT & PATTERN MODEL FOR .60 ENGINES Engine: .60 WingSpan: 58" Designed by CLAUDE McCULLOUGH Wing Area: 700 Sq. In. 5 IG Approx. Weight: 7-1/2 Lbs. For yeArs modelers hAve told us we should hAve A .60-sized KougAr. We've done this sug­ (Without retracts or tuned pipe) gestion one better, incorporAting the newer lines of our little KobrA with the greAt flying KIT FEATURES: cApAbilities of the KougAr. With A spectAculAr roll rAte, dAzzling verticAl climb And forgiv­ Pre-Cut FoAm Wing ing low speed hAndling performAnce, this sleek new model cAn mAke An AverAge SundAy HAndy Printed FuselAge Sides - Build flier look like an expert stunt chAmpion. Directly on the Wood Formed PlAstic FuselAge Top Jet Style
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