New Accessions Forthcoming Events Recent highlights include: Public Events Yolanda Sonnabend Archive [Donated by Depicting Ghosts: Joseph Sonnabend] Museums at Night Margaret Tyzack Archive 16th May 2013 [Donated by Marion Candido] Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory Archive Doors Open Day [Donated by the company] 14th September 2013 Winter 2012/3 Issue 29 Flora Robson letters [Donated by Richard Purver] MUSEUM’S ACCREDITATION Friends’ Events Shine Exhibition tinsel prints SUCCESS! [Donated by the artists] “The scheme is regarded as one of the Visit to Sands Films, most innovative and effective Susannah York Archive London [Donated by developments in the museum sector. It 17th June 2013 tbc Sasha & Orlando Wells] has led the way in raising museum standards” Trip to the Arts Council England THEATRE COLLECTION Theatre Collection MAILINGS Langford Store The Theatre Collection is delighted to 8th July 2013 announce it has been re-awarded Please note: if you have received Accredited Museum Status by Arts Council this newsletter by mail it means that your name and address are stored England. on the Theatre Collection mailing list. These details may be used by Please note that not all the For the Theatre Collection this is a great achievement. It has the Theatre Collection, and also details for these events are held Museum Status since 2001 but the awarding body, Arts more widely by the University of yet available. Please look out Bristol. Should you wish your details Council England, brought in new requirements and a different to be removed from the mailing list, for more details on our web- set of standards in 2011. Being a museum with high standards of please contact us. site, Facebook page and in collections care and which is open to all is at the heart of what we do, but providing the comprehensive documentation to The Director, University of Bristol Theatre Collection, prove this was no small feat. Department of Drama, Cantocks Close, Bristol BS8 1UP Tel: 0117 33 15086 Email: [email protected] This award is one of a number recently made to the Theatre Website: www.bristol.ac.uk/theatrecollection Collection from bodies such as the National Archives Cataloguing Grants Programme (see p.2), Renaissance Small 16 Grants Programme and Noel Coward Foundation. National Archives Grant chives (under their 2012 Na- Any questions …? Theatre Collection tional Cataloguing Grants Pro- Opening Hours gramme for Archives) to col- lections, such as ours, that represent some of the most The University of Bristol Theatre fundamental and fascinating Collection has been awarded archival holdings in Britain: the £22,371 by the National records of businesses, families, The Theatre Collection dealt Archives under the latest religious and arts organisations with 248 research enquiries Monday 12.00pm - 4 .45pm round of the National Cata- which are at the heart of un- from May 2012 to December Tuesday to Friday loguing Grants Programme for derstanding significant parts 2012. 9.30 am - 4.45 pm Archives. of our national story. Subjects of enquiries ranged The grant for the Centre We are closed at weekends Volunteers have already be- from general family history Stage: Backstage project will and on Bank Holidays and gun work on the mammoth enquiries and requests for im- enable 1,500 boxes of archi- University closure days. We task of repackaging the boxes ages of Donald Wolfit and val material from the Mander close for 2 weeks in early Sep- into archival envelopes prior Richard Burton to the Anzac & Mitchenson Collection tember for collections man- to the cataloguer taking up Coves Pierrot Troup and vari- (M&M) to be catalogued to agement and may very occa- post. ous live art artists and perform- file level and made available sionally close for other rea- ances. to the public. sons - please phone us on Refurbishment update 0117 33 15086 or check our We held a number of public M&M was donated, to the website for any forthcoming events, including our regular University's Theatre Collection closure dates. behind the scenes tours for in 2011, thus creating one of groups such as the Bristol Mu- the world's largest collections In order to make the most of seums and Galleries Group dedicated to British theatre your visit to the Theatre Col- and Bristol Old Vic Theatre history. lection, especially as our hold- School and we hosted an ‘In Conversation with Stephanie ings are split across two sites, it is advisable (but not essential) Cole’ event which was ex- The Theatre Collection fully to make an appointment with tremely popular. The Shine re-opened in October 2012 us, either by phone (0117 33 exhibition also generated sev- following refurbishment works. 15086) or email (theatre- eral ‘spin-off’ events and talks. [email protected]). We Researchers were queuing up can then discuss your require- We had 725 visitors in the to get access to the collec- ments and retrieve any archi- reading room during the tions once again and could val material requested in time Photo: Andy Machals same period. have been forgiven for not for your arrival. noticing the huge changes We look forward to seeing you The grant is one of thirteen that had gone on. soon! made by the National Ar- 2 15 One From the Archive... One from the Archive... Changes any visitors will have How the Pictures noticed include a new lick of paint for the reading room, Learnt to Walk 1964, along with other build- and a slight change of layout ings in Park Row for the that means that there is princely sum of £53,500. It later space for a member of staff became home to the Drama to sit in the reading room as a Department. first point of call for any on-site visitors. Drama Dept Update A digital touch-table that The Theatre Collection cur- brings the experience of pre- rently has two third year un- cinema and early filmmaking Photograph of the Vandyck Building, 1912 dergraduates from the Drama back to cinema audiences (currently the Department of Drama) Dept doing their Independent and museum visitors has been Study placement with us. developed by researchers at This fascinating photograph the University of Bristol and shows the front of the Drama Warren and Ryan are under- UWE, working with Aerian Department, where the Thea- taking basic collection tasks However, the major changes Studios. tre Collection is located! to experience the type of have happened behind the The touch-table enables users work that is required in an ar- scenes, with new air condi- to learn about different tech- This image is dated 28th June chive/museum. tioning systems being installed nologies used to create mov- 1912, and was “taken on the in all our strong rooms. These ing images from the 1830s to occasion of the visit by their They are currently auditing the help us to conform to the best the early C20. Optical devices late Majesties King George V collections in one of our main standards for the storage of like the Zoetrope, the and Queen Mary to open the strong rooms at the Park Row archive and museum collec- Phenakistascope and the Ki- King Edward VII Memorial Infir- site, following the building tions. nora have been digitally rec- mary” (part of the Bristol Royal work last summer, to ensure reated, together with a rich Infirmary). that all our location informa- All this means that we are bet- variety of interchangeable tion is up to date. ter able to care for the imagery from prominent mu- The image shows a large num- collections that we are re- seum collections. ber of people who have Ryan will also be working on sponsible for. The touch-table was on dis- turned out to greet the King scanning items from the Live play at the Theatre Collection and Queen, seen driving past Art Archives, while Warren will earlier in the year before go- in their carriage. be helping with general ad- ing on loan to museums ministrative and data entry across Europe. We are hoping The Vandyck Building was tasks that are essential to the it may come back soon! originally home to the Van smooth running of the Theatre More information can be Dyck Printers and was ac- Collection. found at: http://www.bris.ac.uk/ quired by the University in news/2013/9129.html. 14 3 Live Art News Live Art News New Archives Donations INTO THE FUTURE: of performances, there are Margaret Tyzack The National Review of tapes of installations, discus- Archive sions and interviews with par- Live Art (1986-2010) Please note that to avoid ex- ticipating artists. Material relating to the life cessive duplication of mate- Video Archive Online and work of Margaret Tyzack rial, we are currently not ac- IS NOW LIVE! Digitising the Archive (OBE) (1931-2011) has been cepting theatre programmes To preserve the NRLA Video donated to the Theatre Col- until we have rationalised our Archive’s fragile formats be- lection by her sister. current holdings of over yond their limited lifespan, a 150,000 programmes. project funded by the Arts Tyzack spent a lifetime on and Humanities Research stage, television and in films, We are also no longer ac- Council (AHRC) Capturing the from training at RADA to her cepting routine donations of Past, Preserving the Future, last appearance on the Lon- books unless they are of par- enabled digitisation of the don stage in 2009. She is per- ticular importance or rele- footage up to 2006. A second haps most well remembered vance to our archival collec- AHRC-funded project, Into the for her roles in the Forsyth tions.
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