Article 8 Critical and postcolonial perspectives on global education: THE CASE OF POLAND Magdalena uleta-Hulbo" University of Warsaw eywords: )lo*al education, 'o"tcolonial 'eda+o+,, -oland, "emi#'eri'/eral countr,, colonialit, - )lo*al education i" "/a'ed *, factor" of "u'ranational and local national nature. - )lo*al education need" reconce'tuali"ation to *e more inclusi0e and e.*race di0er"e e1'erience". - E1'lorin+ -oli"/ 2tri'le colonialit,3 /el'" to reco+ni"e t/e li.itation" of 4e"tern a''roac/e". Purpose: 5/i" 'a'er ai." to contri*ute to t/e academic de*ate on 'o"tcolonial 'er"'ective" on +lo*al education 'ro*lemati"in+ t/e conte1t of +lo*al education in -oland, a former Second 4orld countr, t/at doe" not fit to )lo*al Nort/#)lo*al Sout/ dic/oto.,. Approac%: 5/e article e1'lore" +lo*al education in -oland fro. a critical and 'o"t# colonial 'er"'ective. It e1amine" *ot/ "upra-national factor" "/a'in+ +lo*al education no6ada," (li7e mi+ration", co"mo'olitan turn, +ro6in+ ri+/t#6in+ 'o'uli"m, t/e culture of .ea"ure.ent) and "'ecific -oli"/ conte1t a" a countr, not onl, 2in#*et6een3, *ut 6it/ t/e e1'erience of 2tri'le colonialit,3. Findings: I ar+ue t/at ta7in+ into con"ideration t/i" co.'le1it, and multila,eredne"" of t/e -oli"/ "ituation, to+et/er 6it/ more +eneral, not countr,#"'ecific factor", can offer ne6 in"i+/t" and under"tandin+" of +lo*al education in -oland. It i" a nece""ar, "te' to SSE decoloni"e +lo*al education and ma7e it .ore inclusive. J 1 &NTROD(CT&ON Journal of Social Science I 6ill not e1a++erate "a,in+ t/at t/e recent decade /a" *een a time of +ro6in+ Education i.'ortance of +lo*al education 6/ic/ manife"t" in 8NES9O and Euro'ean 8nion 'olic, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2020) DOI 10.4119/!""e-3467 document" (A+enda 20$0, Su"taina*le Develo'ment )oal 4.&, DEA: 6it/in Euro'eAid), ''. 8-22 ado'tin+ national "trate+ie" of +lo*al education in "u*"e;uent countrie" or increa"in+ Corresponding author: =a+dalena >uleta#?ul*o!, @aculty of Education, 8ni0er"it, of War"a6, =o7oto6"7a 16/20, 00-561 War"a6, -oland, E#=ail: ..kuleta#/ul*o!Bu6.edu.'l 9ritical and 'o"tcolonial per"pective" 9 academic intere"t in +lo*al citiCen"/i' and +lo*al citiCen"/i' education ()oren D Eemini, 201&). Alon+ 6it/ t/e"e de0elo'.ent" and t/e 6ider 're"ence of +lo*al education, t/ere i" more and more critici"m, e"'eciall, t/i" informed *, critical and 'o"tcolonial t/eorie", of main"tream +lo*al education under"tandin+" for di"re+ardin+ local conte1t and i+norin+ t/e demand" of +lo*al education /etero+eneit,. Se0eral "c/olar" /ave 6arned us a*out t/e ri"7" and con"e;uence" of "tandardi"ation and /omo+eni"ation of +lo*al education (A*di, 2011F =annion, Bie"ta, -rie"tle,, D :o"", 2011F :e,nold", 201A). ?o6e0er, t/e"e critical voice" tend to focus on ne+lectin+ t/e 'er"'ective" of t/e )lo*al Sout/. )lo*al Nort/#)lo*al Sout/ dic/oto., /a" mono'oli"ed t/e attention of mo"t +lo*al education literature, o0erloo7in+ t/e co.'le1 and uno*viou" 'o"ition of 6/at used to *e called t/e Second 4orld (t/e former Soviet *loc< t/e Soviet 8nion and it" "atellite"). 5/i" 'a'er contri*ute" to t/e academic de*ate on 'o"tcolonial 'er"'ective" on +lo*al education 'ro*lemati"in+ t/e conte1t of +lo*al education in -oland – a countr, difficult to count a" t/e )lo*al Sout/ or t/e )lo*al Nort/. 5/e idea" of learnin+ for 6orld citiCen"/i' and +lo*al dimen"ion in education a''eared in -oli"/ 'eda+o+ical literature a" earl, a" at t/e *e+innin+ of t/e t6entiet/ centur, 6/en t/e -oli"/ educationali"t" related to t/e Ne6 Education =o0ement loo7ed at t/e 6a," to include to'ic" of international under"tandin+ and 6orld 'eace in education. S/ortl, after t/e Second 4orld 4ar, -oli"/ educational re"earc/er Go+dan Suc/odol"7i called for educatin+ citiCen" to *e re"'on"i*le *ot/ for t/e -oli"/ "tate and t/e +lo*ali"in+ 6orld and cultivatin+ a "en"e of 6orld communit, (Suc/odol"7i, 194&). ?o6e0er, e1ce't for "/a. 9ommuni"t internationali". i.'o"ed on 9entral and Ea"tern Euro'ean countrie", +lo*al education did not develo' in -oland neit/er t/eoreticall, nor 'racticall, until t/e 1990", 6/en it 6a" i.'orted fro. 4e"tern Euro'ean countrie" *, -oli"/ non#+o0ernmental or+ani"ation" (more in >uleta#?ul*o!, 2020). In t/i" 'a'er I e1'lore +lo*al education in -oland "een t/rou+/ a critical and 'o"tcolonial len", 'a,in+ attention to *roader "ocio-cultural condition" "/a'in+ +lo*al education no6ada," and fac# tor" "'ecific to t/e conte1t of -oland a" a countr, dou*le Iin#*et6eenI, 6it/ a uni;ue e1'erience of Itri'le colonialit,3. Dra6in+ on t/e 6or7" of "c/olar" 6/o e1'lored t/e 'o""i*ilit, of a''lication of 'o"tcolonial t/eorie" to t/e -oli"/ condition (=a,*lin, -ie7ut, D Valentine, 201%F Jar,c7i, 2010F 201&), I ar+ue t/at ta7in+ into account t/i" co.'le1it, and multila,eredne"" of -oli"/ conte1t, to+et/er 6it/ more +eneral, not countr,#"'ecific factor", can offer ne6 in"i+/t" and under"tandin+" of +lo*al education in -oland, it" develo'ment", condition, and c/allen+e"F and it i" a nece""ar, "te' to ma7e +lo*al education more inclusive. ?o6e0er, it "/ould *e "tated at t/e ver, *e+innin+ t/at t/in7in+ -oland 'o"tcoloniall, ma, lead to a tra' and 'arado1e"< a" No6ic7a-FrancCa7 (201&) 6arn" us, conclu"ion" de'end on t/e re"earc/erK" initial 'er"'ective and 'oint of de'arture. Gein+ a6are of t/i", I focus on t/e i.'lication" of 'o"tcolonial readin+ for +lo*al education. Fir"t, I *riefl, di"cus" more +eneral '/eno.ena and 'roce""e" t/at /a0e i.'lication" for /o6 +lo*al education i" conce'tuali"ed and a''roac/ed. 5/e"e include a co"mo'olitan turn in t/e "ocial "cience", mi+ration", radicali"ation of attitude", increa"e in 1eno'/o*ia and "ecuriti"ation di"cour"eF recent '/enomena affectin+ education in t/e 6orld H t/e culture of accounta*ilit, and mea"urement a" 6ell a" "trivin+ for evidence#*a"ed education. I al"o outline t/eir con"e;uence" for +lo*al education. Second, I e1amine t/e -oli"/ conte1t of +lo*al education, focusin+ on -olandL" 'er"'ective a" a "emi#'eri'/eral countr, (a" a former aid reci'ient and no6 Official De0elo'.ent A""i"tance do# nor, a countr, 6it/out a colonial le+ac, 6/ic/ it"elf /a" an e1'erience of totalitarian o''re""ion) (Starna6"7i, 201A) and it" co.'le1 e1'erience of 2tri'le colonialit,3. 5o+et/er 6it/ a -oli"/ 'aternali"m and e1'an"ioni". to6ard" Ea"tern nei+/*our" datin+ *ac7 to t/e 1%th centur,, recent 'olitical c/an+e" related to t/e rule of La6 and Justice con"ervative turn and ri+/t#6in+ 'o'u- li"m, it create" "i+nificant c/allen+e" for +lo*al education. 9ritical and 'o"tcolonial per"pective" 10 5/ird, I outline "ome recommendation" for +lo*al education t/at ma, /el' it face t/e"e c/allen+e". I call for "uc/ a conce'tuali"ation of +lo*al education t/at 6ould e.*race di0er"e e1'erience" and local conte1t" and 6ould decoloni"e it. ) S(PRANAT&ONAL FACTORS &NFL(ENC&N* *LO+AL ED(CAT&ON NO,ADA-S 5/e "/a'e, "co'e, and content of +lo*al education H li7e an, ot/er education H /ave *een t/e "ub!ect of a variet, of determinant" and influence" (economic, "ocial, cultural, demo+ra'/ic, en# vironmental, etc.). One of t/e., ver, conduci0e to t/e develo'ment of +lo*al education, i" t/e co"mo'olitan turn in t/e "ocial "cience" (Strand, 2010). G, co"mo'olitan turn I mean t/e +ro6in+ intere"t in co"mo'olitani". and +lo*al citiCen"/i'F a 6idel, ac7no6led+ed vi"ion of mu- tual interde'endence on a +lo*al "caleF ri"in+ number" of t/e t/eorie" of +lo*al citiCen"/i' and co"mo'olitan democrac,. It i" related to emer+in+ call" for co".o'olitan vi"ion, e.+. 8lric/ Gec7 (Bec7 D )rande, 2010) called for a co"mo'olitan turn in "ociolo+,, "imilarl,, )erard Delant, (200() advocated a critical co"mo'olitani"m a" an alternative for nationali"m and +lo*ali"ation. 5/e co".o'olitan turn manife"t" in t/e 'o'ularit, of +lo*al education in man, countrie", it" /i+/ 'rofile 6it/in Euro'ean education 'olicie", it" 're"ence in t/e 8nited Nation" A+enda 20$0 and Sustaina*le Develo'ment )oal".
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