CONFERENCE EDITION MENA DEVELOPMENT REPORT Beyond Scarcity Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa Beyond Scarcity CONFERENCE EDITION MENA DEVELOPMENT REPORT Beyond Scarcity Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa Conference Edition The text of this conference edition is a work in progress for the forthcoming book, Beyond Scarcity: Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-1144-9. A PDF of the fi nal, full-length book, once published, will be available at https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/ and print copies can be ordered at http://Amazon.com. Please use the fi nal version of the book for citation, reproduc tion, and adaptation purposes. © 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The fi ndings, interpre- tations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily refl ect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, all of which are specifi cally reserved. Rights and Permissions This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo. 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Cover photo: Pier Giorgio Carloni/Shutterstock.com. Used with permission; further permission required for reuse. Cover design: Critical Stages, LLC Contents Foreword xiii Acknowledgments xvii Abbreviations xxi Executive Summary xxiii Introduction 1 Note 5 1 Water Security 7 Why Water Security Matters 7 The Region’s Water Challenge in Global Context 9 Elements of Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa 16 Notes 20 References 20 2 Profiling Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa 23 Managing Water Resources 23 Delivering Water Services 67 Mitigating Water-Related Risks 89 Notes 112 Bibliography 113 3 The Water Security Dividend 125 Challenges and Emerging Priorities 125 Pursuing Water Security during Protracted Crises 127 Transforming Water: Opportunities and Solutions for Water Security 129 Note 136 References 136 v vi Beyond Scarcity Appendix A 139 References 144 Boxes I.1 Ten Years on from Making the Most of Scarcity: How Is this Report Different from Previous World Bank Studies on Water in the Middle East and North Africa? 4 1.1 SDG Goal 6: Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All 18 2.1 Earth Observation for Agricultural Water Management 48 2.2 The Economics of Nonconventional Water: Trends in Desalination Costs 55 2.3 Will Advances in Membrane Technology Solve Water Scarcity? 55 2.4 Leveraging Private Sector with Public-Private Partnerships to Develop Nonconventional Water Supplies and Wastewater Treatment Plants 56 2.5 The Impacts of Brine Discharge on Marine Environments and Desalination Processes 57 2.6 Diversifying Water Supplies in the United Arab Emirates 63 2.7 What Does It Mean to Have Access to Water? 70 2.8 The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Situation in Refugee Camps and Host Communities 76 2.9 Gaza’s Alarming Water Situation 79 2.10 Gaza’s Alarming Water Situation 83 2.11 Is It Possible to Remove Subsidies? The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Energy Subsidy Reform 84 2.12 Smart Metering for Sustainable and Accountable Service Delivery: The Experience of the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority 88 2.13 Integrated Drought Management Systems in the Middle East and North Africa 95 2.14 Coping with Water-Related Disasters in Djibouti 97 2.15 Subsidies and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus 98 2.16 Solar-Based Groundwater Pumping for Irrigation 99 2.17 The Weaponization of Water 105 3.1 Water-Scarce Cities: A World Bank Initiative to Help Cities Move toward Integrated and Diversified Water Management Practices 130 3.2 Developing a Performance Management System for Middle East and North Africa Water Agencies 132 3.3 The World Bank Group’s Strategy for the Middle East and North Africa 133 Contents vii Figures ES.1 Share of GDP Produced and Population Living in Areas of High or Very High Water Stress in the Middle East and North Africa Compared to World Averages xxiv ES.2 Sustainability of Water Withdrawals by Source as a Percentage of Total Withdrawals, Selected Middle Eastern and North African Countries xxv ES.3 The Economic Impacts of Climate Change-Induced Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa by 2050 xxvi ES.4 Water Withdrawals by Source as a Percentage of Total Withdrawals in the Middle East and North Africa, by Country and Economy, 2010. xxx ES.5 Desalination Capacity by World Region, 2016 xxxi ES.6 Percent of Collected Wastewater that Is Untreated, Treated, and Reused in Irrigation, Middle East and North Africa xxxii ES.7 Percent of Wastewater that is Reused versus Percentage of Wastewater that Is Treated xxxiii ES.8 Economic Losses from Inadequate Water Supply and Sanitation, by Country and Economy, Middle East and North Africa, 2010 xxxv ES.9 Water Subsidies to Urban Water Utilities as a Percent of Regional GDP by Country Groups and World Regions xxxvi ES.10 Combined Water and Wastewater Bill per Cubic Meter, Selected Cities in the Middle East and North Africa (Green) and Other Regions (Blue), 2016 xxxvii ES.11 Future Drivers of Surface Water Stress in the Middle East and North Africa xxxix ES.12 Governance and Incentives to Seize Emerging Opportunities in Water Resources Management and Water Services Delivery and Mitigate Water-Related Risks in the Middle East and North Africa xlvii I.1 Main Global Risks for which the Middle East and North Africa Region Is Least Prepared 2 1.1 Water Stress and Year-to-Year Variability in Surface Water by World Region 10 viii Beyond Scarcity 1.2 Share of GDP Produced and Population Living in Areas of High or Very High Water Stress in the Middle East and North Africa Compared to World Averages 11 1.3 Desalination Capacity by World Region, 2016 14 1.4 Impact of Water-related Effects of Climate Change on GDP by World Region, 2050 16 2.1 Percentage of Population Exposed to High or Very High Surface Water Stress, by Country and Economy, Middle East and North Africa, 2010 25 2.2 Percentage of GDP Produced in Areas with High or Very High Water Stress in Middle Eastern and North African Countries and Economies, 2010 27 2.3 GDP Produced in Areas with High or Very High Surface Water Stress, by Country and Economy, Middle East and North Africa, 2010 28 2.4 Surface Water Year-to-Year Variability and Surface Water Stress, by Country and Economy, Middle East and North Africa 30 2.5 Percent of Population Exposed to High or Extremely High Levels of Groundwater Stress, Selected Middle Eastern and North African Countries and Economies, 2010 33 2.6 Percent GDP per Capita Produced in Areas of High or Extremely High Levels of Groundwater Stress, by Country, Middle East and North Africa, 2010 34 2.7 Water Withdrawals by Sector, by Country and Economy, Middle East and North Africa 40 2.8 Water Withdrawals by Source as a Percentage of Total Withdrawals, by Country and Economy, Middle East and North Africa, 2010 43 2.9 Total Water Productivity, Selected
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