~:· I ,•I ,· • THE ISRAELITE PRESS--5 ,,---~-----..._.. .1928 ,1V~l!tlP1:1- iti12 CP1 ,lf:lb"~b THE ISRAELITE "RESS -· The Israelite Press New York' Jews Unite to honor Allenby To Name Jewish Scholar I clared "the eyes of the whole worl d Among those Present were----=- Sa, - • are upon Palestine." Replying, Mr. Reisin, Noah Priluzky and Dr Sb rnau_ ENGLISH SECTION l . To Russian Academy Luke atated jocularly that sometimes of Poland. Messages . of ~reet~~at The Only Newapaper -In Jewish In tho West Representative Gathering A'ttends the llberaUng of that country, Lord I Riga, (J.T.A.} --- Professor Abram he wished thet eyesPal Otti the worldIn hie were ad· lowekJwere received of New from York, Dr. Sh Cbn .,. Szit.'" I 101 H. E. WILDER, Managing Editor. R eccpllon to Conqueror of Al!,enby Bald: -IDeborln will be elected to- the Ru,. dressturned heess thanked o esthe ne.Jewish repre- and others. In which It wa,ololll e A.a Cb, -,1,\N 1:1?$1" IUl '"l~t:lj:,N1J11 il11 l i~ljli WINNIPE;G, FRIDAY OCTOBER 12, 1928. Jerusalem I had the honor of commanding sian Academy of Science in elecuoaa t ti With the fzed that YfddJsb • lnPha- -:"t:iit:m -.vw New York, (J.D.B.)-A represent• several JeWish battalions, and I also to be held here on October 10th. H e sentatives t. or coopera on 8the status of a IJYln1 s now enJ oy Jng ·niD j1!:l lllt,''~-'117,,N N~ P'"iJTY:"> bad, before these Jewish battalions will be named to the Chair ot Philo- governmen g, ClllturaJ lang. ative audlen~e of Jews In New York were raise~, many Jewish soldiers UD• sophy, it Is learned. ·J11 I'll ll'1J N 13,'J~tlP~ ltl5 0P1 'tit) uage. - 1 ·City was pre~ent to honor Viecount der my command. Judah Maccabeus _________ Mark Anniversary of ::>'t:i arr ,,t 5~1 il11' Jtv .:i. tN ;v,:.-v~, What does Lord Melchett aim at? .. ,o,~ 011, 1:tm< tllliD:n:eJ 7'l llN ,,~ Field Marehull Allenby at a· reception could not have fought bett•r than Yiddish as National Tongue 80,000 Jews Organized tendered to him Thuraday morning they did. Their courage and patriot• Jerusalem Leaders Give Pal tin '"~>Pt<~ 1JIJ5JI\\ ,p•vi•c, 5PlN' tl,1<1l iJ1i1<:1<, 1P1 II< ,illltl\llll ]'iND 1'1 at the Ambassador Hotel by tho Zion- ism to the cause for which they fought Sukkah' Reception To Luke . , es e Community t:ir~5 tiN t:ii,PKil1tU~ C'N t:lijil ·n,~pn, lat Organization of America. Zionists was distinguished; they realized it __ Czern~witz, (J. T.' A.) - The twen· .JerueaJem, (.J,T.A.)-Elghty thous. I It is difficult to understand, still more difficult to pass judg- and non-Zlont,ts, Reform, and ortho• was not only 'the· cause of Judaism Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)-A reception In !lath anlveraary of the firat Ylddlah and Jew, have registered as memb.,, .,, ,y, ,,~ ,.v,~ THP l'1ij:l l;l.'J O'M ment on the attitude Lord Melchett has now adopted -towards dox united to pay their respect, to but of Iiumanlty." honor ot Acting High commla,looer langoage conference hel~ here, at of the Kenesseth IaraaJ. the legatl,ed ll·P - ,5Nt,1~l tl'l l'~ 1V IN tllijl '1t:Ct::ii'N1l,'1 'n ,.v~11m tlNT ,,,N 1'N the Jewish Agency, if he is correctly reported in the interview the Conqueror of Jerusalem. Lord Allenby concluded by express• ·H. Luke was given Thursday night which Yiddish was prcclalmed as a organization of the fewlsh Community c. 51:1'-l 5•D INr.>lll\' CV1 tl•t> Jt1n i•t1 It< published in "The Day" of New York In opening the reception, Herman ing his a.ppreciatlon of the cordiality in the Sukka ot Joeeph Meyuchas,jnntlonal language of Ea.st European In Pa1estine, recognized Under th& -r,- ,,:i 1'N o~n 1::1"¥ ,v, PN t:l:lN'1li~m Bernstein, Chairman for Political Af- of the reception tendered to him by prealdaot ot the Jeruaalem. Kehlllah. J•"'1"• waa marked here, at a confer- regulation, of_ the Palestine commu. - \ Lord Melchett (formerly Sir Alfred Mond) was chairman faire of the Ztonlat Organization, ex• the Zionist OtganJzaUoo ot America, In his addrea,, -Mr. Meynchaa de• eoce of Jewish wrltera and publicist,. nltlea ordinance. / . l1Vtl5J/ J/l"'-l "~ 1lltll ti q•m IVllVl of the special commission appointed to undertake a thorough pressed to Lord Allenby the greetings A telegram ot greeting was sent to ,a~1tll/l c•t< Jl;Cn i•tt 1111 ,5!1\ltlP I'll survey of Palestine's economic possibilities and to make definite of the Zionist Organization of' Amer, Lord AlJenby by the ,Organization of ,1e,:i110 lrJ"D ,11,,, t::i,o u,~,r,n,,.l,v ,,r recommendations regarding the most adequate means and methods Jca and American Jewry, and said of JewJsh Legionnaires of Am.erJca. The 1;N .tlDNl!l5VIUl 1Ul"b rlNl N I'~ · 'for its rehabilitation as the Jewish National Homeland. The him: mea,age read: "We, the Jewish Leg, 1928; .. ?~-13 .t~~t 7 1PlS~P~ lY C1 N t,,t,:i il'llllit«l 7,!:l t,NiJl7l :am Cll:ni'iND t''~ t:>'J lit 1'N •.w:u,,'1l'1ND -commission was created as a preliminary step for the formation "To the Jews of the world and es- lonnaires o.t: Anlerlca. who pBJ1t1clpatad , o•~ ill'!1'5'0 ,, 11:.11'! )l,'llKEl - C'Mill C'tl' 11:.1l - tol'N )lM / peclally to the Zionists working for in the Palestine campaign under your l~?)Jlt> ]t)Jlll/l 11K !)ll' 1!1511 5111 IV'-l · of the Jewish Agency, as agreed upon between Mr. Louis Marshall the rebnlldlng of the Holy Land, -Gen- great JeaderaJ1ip 1n the world War, ,J11NIJNP ·p,p ttN5J' 1'1N t:l'J i'epresenti.ng the non-Zionists, and Dr. Weizmann, representing eral Allenby has endeared himself tor do extend our heartiest welcome and· £)PC cr,l N e,,c £)0,l ,,,,,K cu;ac,,J,K oveu IP\ll/l tl1ll\\Clll''ll tl~ll Cl/ the Zionist Organization. _all time. The names of Lord Balfour salute your Lordship. At the same c•nN D'tt llN ll!r.>llll' cv, 1Nb l~P ·~ One must infer that Lord Melchett accepted the chairman- anil Lcrd Allenby are recorded In gold. : moment allow us to express through 111'-l ,iP'tl'll 1'1 !>Jill C)I rvn lb5Jm ll'lUl'it<b o•o 1'11 ,vn V'VN'-l1t1Dl'II> a~p of this connnission knowing that it was intended to lead. to en' letters 1n the history ot the Jewish you our dee'p sorrow and protest ,.,- ' . :\ ' ; . El''bl'HD ttl!J,,,H people, the veteran or history, whose against the" English government 1n : •P• D'IIH-'ll'J tllt, 'Ml:IM13 .!~Ul the formation of the Agency. Furthermore, Dr. Weizmann never dream and hope of centuries wore Palestine who allowed the deplorable , · ' . '1 11.D l::)~IS¥ll'JCl'1K DJ!IJ1' MCl~Dlll' . lll'l101C, il'lUl . ,llltl~N t:1•0 l1Ki1,,~,•r ~·•,e '£)'l1'~K~ · ~'llClll:IUP DJJ1i1111l 1K'. ·m:11PlllC11K' t:ICl1)iMD ill'~ltll!;'1t1i,p °lJ.'"D 1 failed to emphasize that the main function of the proposed Jewish realized through Great Britain', act Incident at the Walling Wall on the , ' ,l,V~ltl'\"1 1U1"5 Agency was to provide the means for rallying to the support of ot hifltorfc Justrce, as expressed Day of Ato1;1ment which wounded : $2,893,036.00 30 $5,26 $3,300,000.00 ·············'··.. 1922·~· .1mv N~Ittl'JN'-l 541 -_ Palestine those influential Jewish bodies which stood aloof through the Balfour Declaration and deeply the ·h~arts of world Jewry." e,,,,, 0,,,,,0 2,952,998.00 9 5,84 . 3,722,670.00 ... ,.............. 192l! - because they would not subscribe to the POLITICAL creed of made poslblue through the genius and 2,547,788.00 . 8 4.91 · , • 3,174,296.00 ·----"···'------· 1924 heroism of ·Field Marshall Alleoby." . the Zionist Organization. In other words, the function of the Lord Alleoby'a srevlces were con, 2,097,790.00 14 4.02 · 2,637,430.00 ···--··''---·"··· 1925 proposed Jewish Agency was purely financial or economic and _not traated with Emperor 'rltu, of Rome Corporal H, M. M'cCann ip2'0l'CK! _ip.1 -_· 1,750,058,00 9 3.73 ••. 2,449,186.00, --······:; ........ ,1926 at all politic. by Rev. Z. H. Maallanst<y, who said: Suspended, Major Warner --l,269~56,00 7 2.rs - -, _1;783,496,00 ........ ,.... ,.. '.. 1927 The commission• made its report, which was received, ex- "Two· thousand years. separe.te tho . iNe R,pO _, , ' · • ' . , ' I I Reports. To Governor Smith , - i115ri, 111•~•1:l liVl'I 1v~•11 1\11 lV'-llPlll'-l\M'"IUl"I Dl~U5 p•~v~•r1,11•1l~ amined and accepted by Louis Marshall, Dr. Weizmann and others, opening of the gata, of Jeruaalam . - . ·- ' . .it,:• CPVI .I'll 11V"D 11\1 tVllNlJIJ -l11!,1ND I'll .I C'"i1 iprz,,,,M K . ' . ' . by Titus, the Roman, and the opening Ro-prlmah"decl and Suapendlld lndet... I ' ! 1"~ in Lord Melchett's own home, near London; the members of the of the gate, by Lcrd Allenhy, the Brt• -~: i•,. lnltely I commission being his guests at the time, a few months ago, ttsher.
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