1 Appendix A-1. Connecticut 305b Assessment Results for Rivers and Streams Connecticut 2020 305b Assessment Results RIVERS Appendix A-1 Waterbody Segment ID Waterbody Name Location Miles Aquatic Life Recreation Head of tide Route 1 crossing at CT/RI border, Stonington/Pawcatuck-Westerly RI, US along Pawcatuck River (Stonington/North CT/RI border to point where river leaves CT in Fully Not CT1000-00_01 Stonington)-01 North Stonington and enters RI. 5.38 Supporting Supporting Confluence Pawcatuck River (Little Narragansett Bay portion) just DS of Route 49 crossing, US to HW at unnamed pond outlet Unnamed tributary Pawcatuck River just US of Route 49 crossing, very close to Town Not Not CT1000-00_trib_01 1000-00 (Stonington)-01 border, Stonington. Statewide bacteria TMDL .18 Assessed Supporting Mouth at confluence Pawcatuck River, US to Lewis Pond OUTLET, just US of Boom Bridge Unnamed tributary to Pawcatuck River Road crossing, North Stonington. Statewide Not Not CT1000-01_01 1000-01 (North Stonington)-01 bacteria TMDL .14 Assessed Supporting Confluence Pawcatuck River, just DS Route 2/78 crossing, US to HW at unnamed pond 2 Unnamed tributary Pawcatuck River OUTLET just US of Elm Ridge Road crossing, Not Not CT1000-03_01 1000-03 (Stonington)-01 Stonington. .88 Assessed Supporting Confluence Pawcatuck River, US to HW, US Route 2/78 crossing and above Kelly Street and Unnamed tributary Pawcatuck River North Road access points, Stonington. Not Not CT1000-04_01 1000-04 (Stonington)-01 Statewide bacteria TMDL .72 Assessed Supporting Confluence Pawcatuck River, US to HW at Unnamed tributary Pawcatuck River unnamed pond OUTLET just US Arch Street Not Not CT1000-05_01 1000-05 (Stonington)-01 crossing, Stonington. Statewide bacteria TMDL .55 Assessed Supporting Confluence Green Fall River (North side and parallel to Route 216 (Clarks Falls Road)), US to Wyassup Lake OUTLET (just US Wyassup Road Fully CT1001-00_01 Wyassup Brook (North Stonington)-01 crossing), North Stonington. 5.27 Supporting Not Assessed Spalding Pond portion Wyassup brook, just DS Route 49 crossing, US to HW, adjacent Route 49 Pendleton Hill Brook (North at Wyassup Road intersection, North Fully Fully CT1001-02_01 Stonington)-01 Stonington. 5.13 Supporting Supporting Connecticut 2020 305b Assessment Results RIVERS Appendix A-1 Waterbody Segment ID Waterbody Name Location Miles Aquatic Life Recreation Rhode Island border (close to confluence Ashaway River, RI), US to confluence Wyassup Brook (just US Clarks Falls Road crossing), North Fully CT1002-00_01 Green Fall River (North Stonington)-01 Stonington. 1.47 Supporting Not Assessed Confluence Wyassup Brook (just US Clarks Falls Green Fall River (North Road crossing), North Stonington, US to Green Fully Fully CT1002-00_02 Stonington/Voluntown)-02 Fall Pond (Reservoir) OUTLET dam, Voluntown. 5.18 Supporting Supporting Confluence Pawcatuck River, US to Ripley Parks Pond OUTLET at Side Pond dam (just south of Fully Not CT1004-00_01 Shunock River (North Stonington)-01 Babcock Road), North Stonington Center. 4.37 Supporting Supporting Mouth at Confluence Shunock River just DS of Ryder Rd crossing (near Route 2), US to HW just DS of Legend Wood Rd (near Billings Lake), Fully CT1004-02_01 Yawbucs Brook (North Stonington)-01 North Stonington. 3.56 Supporting Not Assessed Bailey Pond INLET near Rhode Island border, DS 3 of Nipmuc Trail Road crossing (at town border), Voluntown, US to HW at outlet unnamed pond Insufficient CT1100-01_02 Carson Brook (Voluntown/Sterling)-02 just US Newport Road crossing, Sterling. 2.9 Information Not Assessed Head of tide, Alewife Cove (just DS Niles Hill Road (Route 213) crossing), US to HW (southeast Clark Lane and Chester Street Not Not CT2000-30_01 Fenger Brook (Waterford)-01 intersection), Waterford. 3.47 Supporting Supporting Wequetequock Cove (saltwater limit) DS Greenhaven Road crossing (parallel Route 1) Stonington, US (include Wequetequock Pond) Anguilla Brook (Stonington/N. to HW US Route 184 crossing, North Insufficient Fully CT2101-00_01 Stonington)-01 Stonington. 6.08 Information Supporting Mouth at Anguilla Brook (about 1 mile US of route I95 and DS of Miner Pentway Rd), US to Not Not CT2101-01_01 Wheeler Brook (Stonington)-01 HW US Route 184 crossing, Stonington. 2.8 Assessed Supporting Mouth at Wheeler Brook (about .7 mile DS of Unnamed Tributary Wheeler Brook Stony Brook Rd crossing), US to HW US Route Not Fully CT2101-02_01 (Stonington)-01 184 crossing, Stonington. 1.24 Assessed Supporting Connecticut 2020 305b Assessment Results RIVERS Appendix A-1 Waterbody Segment ID Waterbody Name Location Miles Aquatic Life Recreation Mouth at Wequeteqouck Cove just DS of Route 1 and 1A crossing, US to HW just US of Barnes Not Not CT2101-03_01 Donahue Brook (Stonington)-01 Rd crossing, Stonington. 1.7 Assessed Supporting Quiambog Cove (parallel Cove Road), US to Palmer (Mystic) Reservoir dam OUTLET (just US Not Insufficient CT2102-00_01 Copps Brook (Stonington)-01 Jerry Brown Road crossing), Stonington. .77 Supporting Information Palmer (Deans/Mystic) Reservoir INLET (just DS Pequot Trail (Route 234) road crossing), Copps Brook (Stonington/North Stonington, US to HW (just US Mystic Road Not CT2102-00_02 Stonington)-02 (Route 201) crossing, North Stonington. 4.32 Supporting Not Assessed Confluence Copps Brook just US Quiambog Unnamed tributary Copps Brook Cove (parallel Cove Road), US to HW near Jerry Not CT2102-00-trib_01 (Stonington)-01 Brown Road, Stonington (intermittent). .66 Supporting Not Assessed Shewville Road crossong, US to Highlands 4 POTW discharge (DS Town Farm Road, parallel Insufficient Insufficient CT2103-00_02 Seth Williams Brook (Ledyard)-02 Shewville Road), Ledyard. .53 Information Information Highlands POTW (DS Town Farm Road crossing, parallel Shewville Road), US to HW (US Shewville Road crossing, south Route 214 Not CT2103-00_03 Seth Williams Brook (Ledyard)-03 intersection), Ledyard. 2.1 Supporting Not Assessed Head of Mystic River Estuary (confluence Haleys Brook, above Mystic River, DS Route 27 crossing), Stonington/Groton town line, US to area east of Shewville Road and Gallup Hill Whitford Brook Road intersection, river is Ledyard/Stonington Fully CT2104-00_01 (Ledyard/Stonongton)-01 town line. 1.63 Supporting Not Assessed Area east of Shewville Road and Gallup Hill Road intersection, river is Ledyard/Stonington town line, US to entrance "Lantern Hill" wellfield (west Lantern Hill Road, in marsh Whitford Brook (Ledyard/Stonington)- parallel Stony Pond), river is Not CT2104-00_02a 02a Ledyard/Stonington town line. .74 Supporting Not Assessed Connecticut 2020 305b Assessment Results RIVERS Appendix A-1 Waterbody Segment ID Waterbody Name Location Miles Aquatic Life Recreation Confluence Whitford Brook above Mystic River just DS River Road crossing, parallel to Main Street (Route 27), Groton, US to HW parallel Fox Hollow off Sable Drive (off Route 117), Fully CT2105-00_01 Haleys Brook (Groton/Ledyard)-01 Ledyard. 5.86 Supporting Not Assessed Buddington Pond INLET (above Groton Reservoir), just DS Route 184 (Gold Star highway) crossing, US to HW at YMCA Pond OUTLET (just US Gungywamp Rd crossing), Fully CT2107-05_01 Hempstead Brook (Groton)-01 Groton. 1.8 Supporting Not Assessed Saltwater limit Jordan Cove at Jordan Mill Pond Dam .18 miles DS Route 156 (Rope Ferry Road) crossing, US to US side Waterford Parkway (just Fully CT2201-00_01 Jordan Brook (Waterford)-01 US I95 crossing), Waterford. 2.52 Supporting Not Assessed US side Waterford Parkway (just US I95 5 crossing), US to HW 1.23 miles US (north) I395 crossing (parallel with Vauxhall Street), Fully CT2201-00_02 Jordan Brook (Waterford)-02 Waterford. 3.7 Supporting Not Assessed Mouth at Confluence Jordan Brook just DS of Ellen Ward Rd crossing (near Route 1), US Unnamed tributary to Jordan Brook parallel with Route 1 to HW just US of Fully CT2201-02_01 (Waterford)-01 Stoneheights Dr crossing, New London. 1.07 Supporting Not Assessed Confluence Niantic River (head of tide at Banning Cove inlet, just DS Route 1 crossing, south side I95, east exit 75), US to confluence Cranberry Meadow Brook (parallel Route 161), Not Not CT2202-00_01 Latimer Brook (East Lyme)-01 East Lyme. 4.23 Supporting Supporting Confluence Cranberry Meadow Brook (parallel Route 161), East Lyme, US to Beckwith Pond dam OUTLET (boundary drinking water Latimer Brook (East Lyme/Montville)- watershed, just US Route 85 crossing), Not CT2202-00_02 02 Montville. 3.43 Supporting Not Assessed Connecticut 2020 305b Assessment Results RIVERS Appendix A-1 Waterbody Segment ID Waterbody Name Location Miles Aquatic Life Recreation Confluence Latimer Brook, parallel Chesterfield Road (Route 161) at Ponderosa Park, US to confluence unnamed tributary just US Nehantic State Forest property boundary and parallel Cranberry Meadow Brook (East Lyme)- Walnut Hill Road, and 1 mile DS Grassy Hill Fully CT2202-08_01 01 Road, East Lyme. 2.05 Supporting Not Assessed Confluence Niantic River, parallel Oil Mill Road, Oil Mill Brook (East Lyme/Waterford)- river is Waterford/East Lyme town line, US to Fully Fully CT2203-00_01 01 I95 north bound crossing, Waterford. .26 Supporting Supporting I95 north bound crossing (includes under I95 both lanes), US to confluence Lakes Pond Brook, above I395 crossing, just US Way Hill Fully CT2203-00_02 Oil Mill Brook (Waterford)-02 Road crossing, Waterford. 1.73 Supporting Not Assessed Confluence Oil Mill Brook just DS I395 crossing, Fully CT2203-02_01 Willys Meadow Brook (Waterford)-01 US to HW unnamed pond, Waterford. 1.29 Supporting
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