ri>AB,T CnO D lAnO N • Ml af Angaat^ MM c . S. Weather atWnd ,'4-i 6,0 2 6 of 'lka Aodlt M r teaight and laturtey, cosier tealgkt amf allghtly wanner fiatiir- *ky---------- MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM ^ VOL.LVII.,^0.296 (OaeaMed Advertirtiaff • Phie Mj WI 1- r - ' 7 y .i::^:l CHESTER, CONN.; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1«, 198S (EIGHTEEN PAGES) i. PRICE THREE (2ENT8; Whei’e Sudetens and Czech Authorities Clashed DANAHER, BALDWIN CZECHS WILL ORDER SELECTED TO HEAD OF STORM REPUBUCAN TICKET HER 114 DESCENDANTS Omparatifely Yooiif Men — ATTEND “PIBST” PARTY ' <f TROOPS OF HENLEIN - Summerdals. Pa., Sept. 16.— Nomniate4. B y' Acclama- (AP)—With 114 desoendanta to I EXIRCED WIFE TO LIVE feU her. Mrs. Barbara Miller bad MON1H8 IN COAL lUN what abs aaid was her first birth- Regiimal Govenunent In tioo; Wcmian G?en Place FRENCH HEADS day party.—«t 108. —Bethlehem, Pa.V Sept. 16.— She was surprised at ”aU the (AP)—The Lehigh county court Sets 24-HmnrTim# First Time In Party’s Life. fuse” laat night when relaUvee granted Mrsr Florence Camp^ll,' and friends gathered for the cele- LUNCH GUESTS bration. j 37, 1^ divorce after ehe te^fied her husband, Samuel, 30, forced lim it For AO ResMenti To ‘ ' — ------------------------------4 » New Haven, Sept. 16.—(AP)—The her to live five months In a coal /^nneetlcut Republican convention OF U ^ ENVOY bin ventilated only by a coal Surrender Arms And Am- ^<^Ied op two comparatively young chute. She said she-slept on rags piled on a box. w xtn today to carry the party’s fight RECOVERY NOW No Indication Giyen Of Dia- -*1 mimition Secretly Storedi ^ito the next election, nominating -%y acclamation John A. Danaher for enssion, But Meeting At As Strike^, Sabotage And United States senator and Raymond NAHONSNEO), lE. Baldwin for governor. NO GUARANTEE Breaking with the past, the dele- Height Of The Enropean Bloodsbed Stall^ Region. gates gave a major spot on the PLAIF^SAYS ticket to a woman for the first time In history, naming Mra. Helen Lewis Crisis Creates Interest. , BULLETIN! of Stratford for secretary of state, Prague, Sept. BL— (AP) — With the only threat of a major Rejiabficaiis Dedicate Party The premier's office nmirnurnd fight dissipated by the last-minute Paris, Sept. 16—(AP)—Premier UURINGPARLEY .tonight that tha Sudeteu Ger- withdrawal of William J. Pape, man party hs4 been dtoaoH<B4 by Waterbury publiaber, from the race To Accomplisliinent Of Sti-Mt scene in Eger, Czecboslovakla, where Sudeten Germans and Czech police battled, resulting In Edouard Daladier and Foreign Min- ister Georges Bonnet went to the the Czeclipalovak gevenunent for the gubernatorial nomination, seve^ deat^, while Europe seethed with rumors of war. At the right Is police headquarterH, in front of Chamberlain Leavei Mnnich Pretlouely informed- eoureee the convention selected tta slate of which a serious clash occurred. Eger is regional headquarters for the Sudeten German party. American embaaay today aa lunch- •aid the goveranMit had dneld- eight nominees with hardly a ripple Task New Deal Has FaOei of discord. eon guests dt United States AnlbSs- «d on sappreMlon of the atom sador WUUara C. Bullitt Aftyr Momentons Confer- treopa of the Sudeten landir. Like the S9-year-oId Danaher and To Attain After 5 Years Kwmd HenMn, who hnd Sad V the 48-3rear-old Baldwin, both .law- Nothing waa issued to give any ' -yers, all of the. oandldates~- except into Germany (ram a warrant CORNELL TELLS indication of what they dlscuseed. ence With Reichsfdehrer for hla arrest en chargee of one were named by acclamation'! CHAMBERUIN ASSERTS treason. Each nomination brought noisy ova- New Haven. Sept. 16— (AP)— But the mere fact that^ey had come together at the height of un- tions. Here la the text of the platform As To Sudeten Demands. The delegates rallied to Baldwin, PAmYFREEDOM certainty over tee. European altua- Prague. Sept 16.—(AP)—Sources drafted by the Resolutions commit- tion created great Intetest close to tee. Csedhoalovak ‘ govern- , former House Leader in the legisla- tee for ratification by the Republic PARLEY SATISFACTORY ture. as their choice to oppose 76- Before going to the American ment said today It had approved u state convention meeting here Muntcl), SapL 16r-rlAP) — .Prime •year-old €kiv.' Wllbur"L. Cross after today; . £ embaaqr; Bonnet conferred with the ptelbhlhl^'ltejw for" dUnolutlon'of'. William J. Pape, Waterbury pub- BritUh ambaasador. Sir Eric Phipps. Mlnlater CQiamberlain of Orest Bri- The Republican party of Connec- tha storm troops of Sudeten Leader ' lisher had withdrawn as a candidate. HeAndHider Daladier waa reported to be plan- tain I4ft Munich for liondon by air- ticut; by Its delegates duly chosen Konrad Henlein, who had fled befpra ~ MeConanghy For Seeond Place Md assembled in convention, be- HOOK OPPOSES ning a week end flight to London to plane .at 13:48 p. m. today (6:48 a. A few minutes later, the conven- confer on tbs sudden Interruption of a government decUkm to arrest hint lieves that the outstanding need of Repobfican Keynoter Terms Folly Understaiid Wlmt m. e.a.t.), returning from bis mo- for treason. tion unanimously gave the nomina- the nation today la recovery—re- Brttiah Prime Mlnlater Neville mentoua conference with Relcha- 'tion for lieutenant governor to Pres. Chamberlain’a efforte to solve the feuhrer Hitler at Berchteagaden. At the aame time, tee regional covery In production, recovery in government of the province of Boi James L- McConaughy of Wesleyan emi^oyment, recovery of sound gov- Economic Liberty "Most Is In Mind Of Other, Re- SOUTH GAINING erlsU through personal talks with (The prime mlntater’s plane arriv- University. RSichofuehrer Hitler. ed at 2:50 p. m. (8:80 a. m., e,a.t.) hamla ordered a 34-hour time limit ernment finance, recovery of public In which all residente of 63 provin- Only once before in' Connecticut moraUty and, recovered confidence Unexpected 8boek at Cologne (or a brief halt.) history had a woman been placed In Importynt In Democratic fnses Snccess Comment. BYSIffiSlDlES (British Airways in London re- cial political dUtricte muat surran-" •'top spot on the slate of a major In the American way of. life. To Chamberlain’s decision to return der all arms and munitions thm ttose ends we dedicate the Rmub- ported the flight was resumed at party. That waa in 1920 when Mra. to London from Berchtesgaden af- 8:12 p. m. (9:12 a. m„ e<a.t.) after may have stored in eecret places, Fannie Dixon Welch waa the Demo- party. ’These objectives the And Indnstrial . State.” ter only one conference with Hitler These atepa came aa strtkea, aab. New Deal haa faltod to attain after London, 8ept. IS— (AP) Prime the paaaenfcm had taa and the cratic nominee for the same poat New England Conndl Head yesterday waa described )n aeml- plane mfuded.) ' oten and bloodshed stalked the five yaam flUed with broken prom- Minister Cham'berlain returned te^ which Mrs. Lewis now seeks. official circles as an unexpected At Munich an honor guard oif Sudeten region. Joseph E. Talbot of Naugatuck isee and wasteful eSperlmenSi. We New Haven, Sept. 16—.(AP)—A day Som one of the greatest peace shock.. Prerfiltr atlian Hodsa, hi' confer^ beueve that true Ubtraliam and the Black-abirtod German elite guards waa nopilaated unanimously for apbited batUc between WilUam mieelone In history—a man-to-man Says Intention Of Sdutb- 'The only hopeful sign they. could JwayMlznwn up at the airport and the ence with, the cabinet, was Sgld to " state,_________ treasurer._ , Pf'^rvatlon of ths^ Anterlcan Ideal Pape, Waterbury publiaber, and talk with "Adolf Hitler—aseertlng see was a (lerman announcement British colors were raised in Cham- have approved the prellmlhaiy atepa A few mlnutea later. State Sena-«Weiy. We he was satisfied "that each of us ern Leadership In Solving that a new 'interview 'between bcrlaln’a honor. — for dissolution of Henleln'a uniform- tor.Fred IL ZeRer of.Stwilngten ftaymbnd Baldwin of Stratford for fully understands what Is -In tee German Offldaia Fay Reepeote . ed corps Jenov^.as tee FraiwUliget placed on tbe ticket as the nominee 1*”” ^ P«opl<l by ah entrenched bum u- th>' CSohltebtleur RepubUcah 'guber- mind of tee other,” (Contianed oa Rage Tea.) General Franz Von Epp, governor Schutzdienat (Voluntary Protection for atate eomptroUer. erwy, violates ttie principle of .free natorial nomination loomed today But whether be achieved any suc- ^oblems Not Yet Clear. of Bavaria, and other German offl Service). • . as the delegatea met to select cess In efforts to talk Hitler out of cials were there to pay their res- Ron Into First Contest tee ^ * * ‘*. *“ ‘’" state ticket and. candidates for U. Decree Not Completed Fraacle A. Pallottl of Hartford ( * genuine de- going to war over Czechoslovakia pects to the British vlaltor. Informed sources said, however, waa choeen aa the nbmlnee for at- ^ he refused to say. Chamberlain arrived at (he Ober- that tee government had not com- torney general, and then the dele- V*?*"** ®*“ t»»U*»tlon To cheers' of "bravo” and ' "good Crawford Notch. N-.H., Sept. 16. ROOSEVETSLAP wiesenfeld airdrome by auotmoblle, (AP)—James W. Hook, president pleted its dioaolution decree. gate# ran Into tee first contest when old Neville”, the premier, tired from 50 minutes before taking off. He' The Bohemian government pro- two names were offered'for the nom-1. centralization of power hie quick air journey to Hitler’s of the New England Council, today had paused for a briqf sightseeing vided punishment of prUon terms Inatlon aa eongreesman-at-large, I chief «ecutlve. mountain retreat, said he now had opposed expansion In the south at -AROUSES SOUTH tour around Munich, capital of those of B., I.
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