Page 4 Thursday, November 20, 1997 The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood A WATCHUNG C OMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION POPCORN Starship Troopers: TheThe WestfieldWestfield LLeadereader Campy Carnage TheTheThe Official WestfieldWestfield Newspaper of the Town of Westfield andLL the Countyeadereader of Union By Michael S. Goldberger — Established 1890 — Member of the New Jersey Press Association • Member of the National Newspaper Association • One Popcorn, Poor • Two Popcorns, Fair • Three Popcorns, Good • Four Popcorns, Excellent Periodicals – Postage Paid at Westfield, New Jersey Egregious 2 & 1/2 popcorns threatening the Earth with extinction are When someone does not conform to “A citizen is one who makes preserva- the aforementioned insects, an outer space accepted patterns of thinking or behavior, THE TIMES tion of the human race his personal re- phylum of arachnid that would just as it is said that such a person “walks to the Official Newspaper of the Township of Scotch Plains and the Borough of Fanwood sponsibility.” soon chop off your legs as spit fiery gook beat of a different drummer.” However, — Established 1959 — So affirms the fascistic mantra of the in your face. And they do. Repetitively. nonconformity is not always valued highly Periodicals – Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, New Jersey combative future depicted in Starship Few career infantry folk have all four as you shall see. Troopers. limbs. Happily, this is also a future with The ancient Latin adjective for indi- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the offices of the newspapers at Combined with a raging spin of its own, space age prosthetic devices. vidualism was egregius, which combined P. O. Box 250, Westfield, New Jersey 07091 Director Paul Verhoeven’s delirious treat- The level of carnage depicted is an ex, “out” and grex, “flock” and literally ment of Robert Heinlein’s sci-fi novel uneasy, gory cross between cartoonish meant “apart from the herd.” The English, THE LEADER THE TIMES results in a campy send-up of Gung-Ho exaggeration and naturalistic nightmare. It noted for placing a high priority on confor- P.O. Box 250 P. O. Box 368 (1943) and just about every other film all leads up to the final confrontation with mity, assigned a very narrow definition to 50 Elm Street, Westfield, N.J. 07091 Scotch Plains, N.J. 07076 meant to mobilize minds during WW II. the big, fat, disgusting brain bug. Just their version of the word, i.e., egregious (908) 232-4407 • Fax: (908) 232-0473 (908) 232-4407 • Fax: (908) 232-0473 Guilty thrills abound. Never before has about the time when this charming fellow which means “outstandingly bad.” the genre been so thoroughly, so outra- E-mail: [email protected] is sucking the brains out of some poor Most of us crave acceptance and are geously, lampooned. Earthling’s skull, it becomes clear that too therefore gregarious, a word that shares PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Working from screenwriter Ed much time spent with the extravagantly the same root as egregious, but has the Neumeier’s sadistically giddy, occasion- violent Starship Troopers will drive you opposite meaning, i.e., “belonging to the Horace R. Corbin Gail S. Corbin ally visionary adaptation, director buggy. flock.” Despite the opinion of the English, PUBLISHER GENERAL MANAGER Verhoeven wreaks a curious melange of ***** marching to the sound of a different drum- high tech violence, naive patriotism and Starship Troopers, rated R, is a Tri- mer is not always “outstandingly bad.” Paul J. Peyton Suzette Stalker Joanna B. Marsh dimply idealism. Following the exploits Star Pictures and Touchstone Pictures Doing it your way might be pretty MANAGING EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR MARKETING DIRECTOR (from high school, through boot camp, to release directed by Paul Verhoeven and good, and if yours is a better way, you Karen M. Hinds the front) of a few quixotic youths hell- stars Casper Van Dien, Dina Meyer and have a chance to join the ranks of “The David B. Corbin bent on fighting for their planet, there is OFFICE MANAGER SPORTS Denise Richards. Running time: 129 min- Rich and Famous.” consistency only in the movie’s steady utes. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE bombardment of incongruous elements. It is a bedazzling, unsettling intrusion THE WESTFIELD LEADER & THE TIMES to be sure. And plenty funny when it’s NEWS FROM TRENTON One-year subscription in county $20 not being downright repulsive. Imagine 22nd Legislative District One-year subscription out-of-county $24 the special effects possibilities, about $50 One-year college (September to May) $16 million worth, out of a total budget of New Jersey Needs to Create $100 million. And how about a heartless enemy of giant, extraterrestrial insects? If Dept. of Children's Services that’s your beehive, you won’t be disap- pointed. By Assemblyman Richard H. Bagger Success of School Districts Celebrated But ultimately, this cinematic attempt to mix oil and water, while a challenging In a letter to John Adams, Thomas nant this year, the highest teen pregnancy exercise on the Dutch director’s part, fails Jefferson wrote that “a little rebellion, rate of any developed country in the During American Education Week to produce a cohesive entertainment. Of now and then, is a good thing, and as world. course, displaying your cinema savvy by This week, the Westfield and the Scotch Plains- The average Standard Assessment Test (SAT) necessary in the political world as storms While the high rate of teenage preg- ticking off the rapid-fire clichés provides nancy means trouble for many young some fun. And musing at the movie’s in the physical.” Fanwood school districts are observing American scores for both Westfield and Scotch Plains- We in New Jersey are more cautious people, the disappointing surge in drug Education Week. During November 16-22, we are Fanwood students were found to be higher than creative view of its circa-unspecified fu- ture is not without its diversions. about changing things than Jefferson was, use among our children is even more trou- reminded of the vital role a quality education plays in state and national averages, according to reports Epitomizing the new warrior genera- but we have been willing to make major, bling. Nearly half of high school seniors preparing today’s children for tomorrow’s chal- released by each of the districts. tion is Johnny Rico (Casper Van Dien). and in fact, revolutionary changes when say they have tried drugs by graduation circumstances warrant. day. Among 10th graders, LSD use is up lenges and opportunities. The average SAT scores attained by Westfield Inspired by his jingoistic civics teacher (Neil Patrick Harris) much the same way This year, for example, we are marking 62 percent, and marijuana use has doubled In both communities, the commitment to quality students in verbal and mathematics skills were 555 Lew Ayres’ character was stirred by Herr the 50th anniversary of our State Consti- among junior high school students. education is reflected in the success of the students. and 572, respectively. State averages were 497 Professor in All Quiet On the Western tution, rewritten, said Governor Alfred E. New Jersey has struggled with all of Their achievements are a testament to the many for verbal and 508 for mathematics. The national Front, Johnny signs up for the mobile Driscoll, because “New Jersey people, these problems. Programs stretching from infantry right after graduation. their lives and work have undergone the the Departments of Correction, Educa- teachers, administrators and other staff who strive averages were 505 for verbal and 511 for math- He wants to be a citizen, a member of effects of a civil war; of two world wars, tion, Health, Human Services, Law and each day to give the youngsters entrusted to their ematics. the elite voting class. Service confers that and of industrial and social revolutions Public Safety and Community Affairs all care a foundation on which to build solid and suc- On the SATs, the Class of 1997 at SPFHS status. Carmen (Denise Richards), his since our present constitution was adopted in some way try to help children navigate best gal and a fellow denizen of Buenos in 1844.” lives with too many shoals and too few cessful futures. achieved a verbal mean of 523 and a 537 math- Aires, has glory in her plans, too. With The “horse and buggy” constitution of safe harbors. It is also a tribute to the parents and other commu- ematics mean, for an average combined score of dreams of being a starship pilot, she joins 1844 was not adequate for a jet-age New The reality, though, is for all we have nity members who share their time, talents and 1060. By comparison, the state total average was Fleet. To Johnny’s chagrin, she could Jersey and so we wisely agreed to change done, we are losing ground. We must do very well let career goals interfere with her knowledge in support of a quality education system. 1005, and the national average was 1016, according as circumstances dictated we must. two things: First, we must do what we romantic relationship. In 1947, most Americans believed that already do, but do it better. This spirit of cooperation was showcased during the to a report issued by the district. Rounding out the love triangle that no change meant unalloyed progress and that Second, we must consider the recent Mini NetDay in Westfield, when more than Among members of WHS’s Class of 1998, five self-respecting war picture can be with- progress was our unique birthright. By Jeffersonian admonition to consider revo- out is Dina Meyer as Dizzy Flores, at- 50 volunteers banded together to help update the students are semi-finalists and 14 have received many measures, we have made great lutionary change with the times and cir- tractively tomboyish antithesis to Carmen.
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