-1HE DAILY REttSTER, RED BANK-MIDOlETOWIf, N. J.: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1969 Monmouth College Faculty Seeks Pay Negotiations in meir C/ J - •*:... ing wit:.,h. thIU.e ^^i'nicadministratioi rationn arid ususing their membershimembi p the faculty. For affiliation — The new- delays answering the FAMCO department, who was named avenues of affiliation are be- in areas Jtf academic freedom alone, or with the backing of as a lever to push the ad- president; selected a 10- with NJEA, 51 per cent of ly-organized Faculty Associa- letter, there will be a surge ing explored. and justice; to promote high NJEA, or the right to retain ministration into immediate member executive commit- members must join that body, tion of Monmoutite College of activity to join the New The purpose of FAMCO, as standards of excellence in iwfirttaal right to negotiate. action. (FAMCO), will seek immedi- Jersey Education Associa- tee, and adopted a cosstttia- stated in its constitution, is ffte growtu and development fMEA)' as iriffivitols. l Replies were received from In rebuttal to a statement tion. tion. , ' "to represent the Monntouth of (lie college and fo Kecntafg Pished ately to negotiate 1970-71 fac- 102 f acuity members,, indicat- that non-lennre faculty mem- ulty contracts. A copy of the FAMCO Most of the dsseussioa in College faculty in the nego- cooperate with Jhe faculty or- nr. Joto Gilbert of the ing that W elected to go with bers are afraid to affiliate The faculty group at « letter to Dr. Van Note will the 2%-hour meeting in U»e tiation of terms and condi- ganizations of «*» colleges feaefrer edueatfo» depart- FAMCO as sole agent, Gl with any organization, it was- meeting last night agreed to be sent to the compensation Monmouth Shopping Center's tions of employment with the add make concerted action ment, urged all yWftVO were in favor of asking the said aft these actions are write to Dr. •William Van committee chairman of the civic auditorium centered en president and board of trus- possible in matters of com- members t» recruit remain- NJEA to assist and 15 wanted aimed at building security for Note, college president, seek- college's board of trustees. possible affiliation with tire tees, as authorized by the mon concern. ing faculty members for both them. It was emphasized ing a negotiating session. The Officers Elected NJEA or with its subsidiary, N.J. constitution, article 1, A matter of immediate con- mgtrmsftkm, to retain their individual right. thai no names of FAMCO approximately, 39 faculty The organization last night the Association of New Jer- paragraph 19." cern last night was the mem- FAMCO had sent -a ques- members have been printed. tionnaire to at members of At last night's meeting, members attending indicated elected its first slate pf offi- sey College and University It Is also aimed, the con- bership. total HJ FAMCC* of Other officers elected last the college faculty asking for there was strong emphasis on •Hjljr.'ieiief.liiat if Dr. Van cers, headed by Dr. Donald Professors (ANJCUP). stitution continues, to pre- 121 faculty members, or ap- night are: Pro'essor John Note refuses to negotiate, or Warncke of the mathematics Dr. Warncke said that all serve the rights of members proximately 55 per cent of opinions on FAMCO negotiat- individuals joining NJEA Illor vice president, Professor John Gilbert, recording sec- 1 retary, Professor Robert Rechnitz, corresponding sec- Sinatra Won't Come Here 'For Circus retary and Professor Jack 1 Richlin, treasurer. LOS ANGELES (AP) — the state of New Jersey or attorney telephoned the com- before the commission, which 1 Singer Frank Sinatra, sub- whether there is such a thing mission to ask the reason- for appearance woold result in They are all members of the executive committee, as poenaed by New Jersey inves- as organized crime." the subpoena. extensive publicity. tigators of organized crime, provided for in the constitu- "In short," he said, "I said yesterday he won't ap- "The commission's attorney "I have instructed my at- tion. could not and canned now un- torney that I would1 not vol- pear voluntarily because "I refused to give any informa- Others elected to the ex- derstand how or in what man- untarily appear before the am not willing to become part tion which could lead any ecutive committee were Pro- ner 1 could qualify as a wit- New Jersey State Commis- of any three-ring circus." reasonable person to believe fessors Ralph Lambert, Guy ness with respect to flte sflb- sion of Investigation. If the Sinatra, 53, said he would that the commission could OaJtesy- Vincent O'CoimeU, ject (he commission claims commission seeks to enforce answer "any and all appro- gain anything other than pub- Martin Ryan, and Robert it is investigating." my appearance! all proper priate questions" by 'deposi- licity by requiring me to at- Van Benthuysen. Sinatra was served with the tend its hearings;," Sinatra and lawful means will be util- tion or personal interview — The next meeting will be subpoena last June 25 while said. "While protesting that ized to determine whether or 'but that investigator^ would scheduled immediately upon he was aboard his yaeht, the they are not seeking publicity not, under the present circum- have to force him to appear receipt of Dr. Van Note's an- Roma, off Bahrs' .Landing in the commission has insisted stances, my appearance can before any hearing, open or swer to the FAMCO letter. closed. Highlands, N.J. He said his that I make an appearance be compelled. He explained that he is "tired of being considered an CHAMPIONING THE CAUSE — Congressman James J. Howard, D-N. J., is shown authority on organized crime" calling this a baseless impli- addressing the entire student body of Keansburg High School yesterday on the cation that he knows about tubjact of the Nov. 4, 18-year-old voting referendum. "I believe the generation the underworld. gap can start to become bridged now by saying we want you to act like adults A warrant was issued last •vary day of the year, including election day," the congressman told his audience. week for Sinatra's arrest af- (Register Staff Photo) ter he allegedly failed to an- swer the subpoena from the New Jersey State Investiga- tion Commission, probing or- ganized crime in Monmouth Howard Urges Keansburg County. The subpoena said Sinatra was being called to talk about organized crime in the entire state. It did not Youths to Work for the Vote elaborate. By ED WALSH counter - balance in the vot- will be watching for the out- In a prepared statement on KEANSBURG — Congress- ing," the Congressman stat- come because we have a the warrant — which is not man James J. Howard, D- ed. cross-section here of every- enforceable outside New Jer- N.J., who is championing the "Some say that New Jersey thing," he predicted. sey — Sinatra said: "Notwith- cause for the 18-year-old vote, will become an ultra - liberal , The congressman alleged standing the fact that I am was^enthusiasticaliy recedve'd state If the 18-year-old is al- that unrest among the young- of Italian descent,»I do not yesterday by 500 members of lowed to vote. Well, they have er generation cannot be point- have any knowledge of the ex- the high school student body. been voting in Georgia since ed at the teen-agers in par- tent or the manner in which' Mr. Howard, who has intro- 1941, and I wouldn't exactly ticular. organized crime functions in duced legislation calling for call that state under Gov. lowering of' the voting age in (Lester) Maddox liberal. the last two sessions of Con- "Another small argument FINEST AT FINAST — finasf Supermarkets opened a 25,000-square-foot modern market yesterday at Broad Sf. gress, called upon the stu- is that the teen-agers will and Maple Ave., Red Bank. Decorated in postal colors, the supermarket features 12 speed checkouts, including dents to "have faith in those abuse their vote. How do you County Births one express checkout; spacious aisles; check cashing booth; self-service meat department and a separate ser- over 30. There are a lot of us abuse ' a vote?" he ques- vice butcher shop for personalized service; liquor department; service delicatessen department; self-ser.';a who understand," he contin- tioned. BIVERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ued. "At least you know you "I don't go along with the Red Bank Heed (nee Marie Hastifi), 512 and service bakeries; fresh flower department, and cosmetics, drugs and frozen food departments. Finash has have this grandfather (refer- feelings that because a per- Mr. and Mrs. George Taymere Ave., Wanamassa, 500 supermarkets in 'at* eight-state Eastern area. Stanley Muller, meat merchandising manager, right, explains ring to himself) voting for son enters service he should Bruton (nee Mildred son, yesterday. one of store's features — the self-service meat counter — to Red Bank Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern. At left is the you." . .automatically vote but I do Blocker), 235 Raritan St., Mr. and' Mrs. John manager, Roger Vignes. (Register Staff Photo) Although enthusiastic in liis belieye if a person gives these Cliffwood, daughter, yester- O'Rourke (nee) Geraldine delivery and emphatic on the years of his life up-for his day. Murphy), 115 Juniping Brook. points he stressed, the con- country he should have a vote Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Road, Lincroft, daughter, yes- diaries Menge, 67, ,oi Hazlet Mrs. Estelle Courtney gressman was quick to report In electing the future policy terday. Mitchell (nee Mary Hurley), HAZLET — Charles Menge, resident of this area most of HAZLET - Mrs.
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