ALL CHANGE OR MORE OF THE SAME? LIFE FOR THE PAUPERS OF LEWES AFTER THE POOR LAW AMENDMENT ACT OF 1834. Ann Holmes 2011 The reforming Whig Government of the early 1830s was determined to correct the inefficiencies and costs of the old Elizabethan Poor Law . It had become very expensive to provide support for the poor at a time when agricultural and industrial changes were revolutionizing traditional working patterns. The Napoleonic Wars and their aftermath had made jobs hard to find for a rapidly growing population. I have been looking at the implications for Lewes of the new legislation which was brought in to improve matters. Ultimately the poor of Lewes ended up in the workhouse you see above but that did not happen until the late 1860s. This article concentrates on what happened in the years before and immediately after 1834 The Sussex Advertiser of the 6th February 1837 reprinted this very early instalment of Oliver Twist from a London newspaper. The writer, Boz, was ,of course, Dickens. His novel, which was published in the following year, gives us his version of the effects of the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. Poor Oliver personified the awful fate of those who were unlucky enough to be driven into the workhouse in order to live. Did the Lewes poor suffer in this way? Melbourne and his Government were under huge pressure from rate payers to bring about change. They were also influenced by thinkers like Malthus, Ricardo and Bentham. It was argued at the time that the harsh rules listed below were intended to be in the interests of rich and poor. •No able-bodied person was to receive money or other help except in a workhouse. •Very harsh conditions in workhouses to discourage people from wanting to receive help. •Workhouses to be built in every parish, or if parishes were too small, in unions of parishes. •Ratepayers had to elect a Board of Guardians to supervise the workhouse, to collect the Poor Rate and to send reports to the Central Poor Law Commission. •A three man Central Poor Law Commission appointed by Government to be responsible for supervising the Amendment Act throughout the country. Title page of the 1834 Poor Law Act © Peter Higginbotham. The impression we may have from our reading of Dickens is that, despite the good intentions of at least some of the reformers, 1834 marked a watershed in the care of the poor and a change for the worse. To understand if this was so we need to look at what Lewes parishes provided before that year. In fact there were workhouses in Lewes before 1834, as there had been in some parts of the country since the seventeenth century and especially since 1723 when a law was passed giving parishes the option of refusing to give relief except in a workhouse. According to Houghton (A Look at Lewes. The High St. of Lewes 1998) Numbers 121 – 3 High St were the poorhouse of St Anne’s parish in 1735. If so, they were replaced at the end of the century by the Pesthouse buildings at the corner of what is now St Anne’s Crescent. Inoculation had reduced the danger from smallpox and therefore the need for an isolation hospital in Lewes by 1793 when the Pesthouse was let to a Mr. Kennard, “farmer of paupers”. In 1809 St. Anne’s parish overseers bought the property and continued to use it as a workhouse. The remains of St. Nicholas Hospital on Spital road, where the poor had found help centuries before, were still being used as alms houses through the early 1800s. Edwards 1799 Approximate position of known Lewes parish workhouses before 1834 St John’s Parish had a workhouse at the “Old Poorhouse” on Castle Banks. It was built in the 17th century after “The Lords of the Barony granted a parcel of land lately part of the Lord’s waste, called the Castle Banks, for the use of the poor.” John Rowe, quoted by Mrs Dudeney. It also housed paupers from the Castle Precincts which was outside the parish . All Saints Parish had a workhouse in School Hill until 1758 when it was moved to a new building on the west side of St. Nicholas Lane. At one time it was number 6 St. Nicholas Lane. Southover Parish had some cottages which were sold with the permission of the Poor Law Commissioners in 1836. Cliffe Parish shared a Pest House and probably later a workhouse with Malling. Horsfield ( in his history written in the 1820s) says a workhouse was built by subscription in 1795 “at the base of the hill, behind the Thatched House Inn”. This pub was at number 37 South St and was there from at least 1803 to 1938. There are modern houses there now, set back from the road, next to a building which is still labelled “The Old Union master’s”. (It was to this workhouse that the victims of the Lewes Avalanche were brought in December 1836.) There were probably alms houses elsewhere in the town. The Old Union Master’s House, 41 South Street. The Workhouse was set back to the left of this building behind The Thatched House Inn It was certainly the case that poor people were also being helped in their own homes in Lewes before 1834. Every session of the St Ann’s vestry was largely concerned with such requests for help. The meetings were held alternately, at least from 1801 when they began to keep minutes, at Pelham's Arms and the Sign of the Running Horse (at 21 Western Rd. which used to be the Post Office) or by the 1820s in the Black Horse. On the 31st March 1807 it was decided that no more than 5/- was to be “expended of Parish Money for Liquor and 2/6d for use of a room.” So even then they were worried about costs. There was concern for the morality of the poor too: on the 1st February 1802 it was decided List of men, women, boys and girls in “That Willm Huggett and wife now living apart be ST JOHNS Poorhouse 11/6/19 from not allow'd any more Releife from the parish they parish document (PAR 412/37/12) come to live togeather as man and wife ought to MEN WOMEN do”. The records of other parishes survive too and we can find the names of many of those who were Thomas Hare 76 Jane Hare 70 helped in them. For example, one document James Pettitt 75 Mary Ade 83 listing those paupers in St. John’s workhouse in Thomas West 73 Ann Pettitt 53 June 1819, and another listing those receiving John Grover 47 Eliz. Conner 49 permanent relief outside the Poor House in March Eliz. Cooter 48 1826 are to be found in the record office. BOYS Mary Baker 42 The legal costs to the parishes of establishing who had a right to help were large, and so was the John Merricks 16 Mary Diplock 25 provision of rent money, food and clothing. St Thos Nye 13 Anne’s Poor Rate book which was kept from 1745 Wm Waller 13 GIRLS proves rates in Lewes were going up fast. The Henry Soper 13 Maria Baker 15 main rate payers, the Shelleys and the owners of Wm Waller 11 Frances Baker 12 Ashcomb and Houndean farms were paying 2/- in John Hare otherwise Williams 8 Frances Conner 11 the pound in the mid-18th century and 4/- by the 1820s when the Poor rate was also being collected George Walker 8 Elizabeth Phillips 3 far more often. The Sussex Advertiser reported in John Waller 8 September of 1833 that the Poor rate returns to Thomas Baker 8 Parliament showed that Sussex was second only to Henry Steer 5 Middlesex in expenditure on the poor out of 40 Henry Phillips 8 months counties. So it is likely that many people in Lewes would have been in favour of the new legislation. List of Paupers receiving permanent Relief out of the Poor House from March 25th 1826 (PAR 412/37/18) Paupers names No. in Money weekly Flour weekly Annual Rents family s. d. Gals. £ s. Alderton, Thomas 9 1 1/2 6 0 Breach, Widow 1 3 6 Breach, Edward 2 6 0 It is interesting to note that, Blaber, Richard 1 3 6 Blaber, Richard, Jun. 7 2 7 0 according to this parish Bonner, Widow 1 2 6 document, most of those Brown, William 6 1 0 2 Bates, James 5 1 receiving help from St John’s Chandler, Edward 9 2 4 0 Clark. Thomas 3 4 0 1 parish were the elderly or the Chapman, Charles 7 7 0 young but many at the time did Camfield’s Child 1 2 0 Card, Widow 1 2 0 not see it that way as can be seen Dunton, Widow 6 6 0 2 Fowle, Susannah 1 3 6 by the next slide. Fowle, Humphrey’s girl 1 2 0 Goldsmith, Widow 1 3 0 Gates, Widow 1 3 0 Hurst, Widow 6 5 0 2 Herriott, James 6 1 5 17 Hubbard, William 2 2 6 1 Hoather, Thomas 9 4 Knight, Mrs 1 1 0 Luck’s child 1 2 0 Lewry, Stephen 7 2 Morris, William 2 4 0 Newnham, Ann 2 4 0 Pettett, Widow 1 2 0 Parks, Widow 3 2 Phillips, Thomas 8 2 6 4 Powell, Peter 8 3 Short’s child 1 3 0 Tompsett’s child 1 3 0 Towner’s child 1 2 0 Taylor’s child 1 2 0 Walker’s child 1 2 6 124 Thomas Davies R.
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