Assembly Meeting of 12 December 2019 Date: Thursday, 12 December 2019 Time: 10:00 – 15:00 Place: Steigenberger Wiltcher's Hotel, Avenue Louise 71, 1050 Brussels, Belgium MINUTES 1. Welcome, verification of attendance, quorum, voting rights. Approval of the agenda. The President welcomes the participants to the ENTSO-E Assembly meeting. He thanks the participants for coming to Brussels for the meeting and welcomes the new representatives attending the Assembly for the first time: Milica Deretic (CGES), Eva Shukleva (MEPSO), Lotta Medelius- Bredhe (SvK), Virgiliu Ivan (Transelectrica). The President informs the Assembly that an attendance list will be circulated to be signed, which will then be attached to the minutes. Decision • The quorum is verified since the Representatives in attendance hold 99,76% of the first part of the voting rights, and 99,65% of the second part of the voting rights of the Association. The attendance form is annexed to these minutes (Appendix 1). • The agenda is approved. 2. Report from the Board, Report from the Resources Committee The President gives the floor to the Chair of the Board for his reporting. The Chair of the Board presents the main issues on which the Board has worked since the last Assembly meeting and which are not covered elsewhere in the agenda. First, the Chair of the Board gives an update on recent developments in the TYNDP 2020 programme and process. He then provides an update on ENTSO- E governance, informing of the election of the Digital committee (Dc) CIO Members and of the Policy & Communication Group (PCG) Convenor. The Chair of the Resources committee reports on the 2019 Q3 forecast and on financial status of key project developments drawing the attention of Assembly members to the need to sign without delay the multilateral agreement on OPC and STA (the so-called RSC Services MLA). Decision • The Assembly takes note of the report from the Board, the Resources committee. 3. Strategic roadmap ‘Active2020+’ The President gives the floor to the Chair of the Board. The Chair of the Board refers to the webinar organised on 10 December for the Assembly members where he has made a detailed presentation of the Active 2020+ strategic roadmap. He then outlines the 18 foreseen measures that are grouped under three pillars: shaping our mission and identity, operational excellence and mission content. He presents the assignment of responsibilities and the implementation timeline. The Members welcome the Roadmap. They discuss the actions foreseen stressing the need to align with the new Green Deal so that TSOs play a key role in the transition as outlined in the Vision 2030 Paper delivered in November. 1 Decision The Assembly: • approves the strategic roadmap ‘Active2020+’ and the 18 related measures; • approves the assignment of responsibilities as well as the timeline for implementation; and • asks the Board to work on an implementation plan for each measure and to start the implementation right after the February 2020 Board meeting. 4. Balancing Platform entity and CCR proposal – update from the 19 November 2019 Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group meeting (ICMG) and next steps The President gives the floor to the Chair of the Market Committee and the LRG Chair, who gives an update on the recent discussions with ACER on the Balancing Platform entity and on the CCR decision. He describes the current Agency proposal to organize the functions of balancing platforms. He recalls the recent ENTSO-E paper analyzing ACER’s proposal by: -explaining why this proposal will strongly delay the implementation of the balancing platforms, generate additional costs; and - detailing the potential risk related to transfer of responsibility in the system security while the TSOs’ proposal is fully in line with the balancing guidelines. t The President gives the floor to the LRG Chair to clarify the legal background; she outlines the recent ruling of the General Court of Justice around the 2016 ACER decision defining the capacity calculation regions (CCRs). The members discuss the topics. Decision • The Assembly takes note of the reporting. 5. Network Code and Clean Energy Package (CEP) Implementation Programme (NCCIP) – status report, incl. list of CEP deliverables The President gives the floor to the ENTSO-E Managing Director of Operations who reports on the Network Code (NC) and Clean Energy Package (CEP) Implementation Programme (NCCIP). She explains that the Programme is coordinated under the ENTSO-E Committees/LRG and that the status is then reported to the Board. She informs that the Terms of Reference of the Programme are currently in consultation with the Committees/LRG and are expected to be approved at the next Board meeting. Decision • The Assembly takes note of the reporting. 6. CGM Programme update (five-year budget implication of the programme) The President gives the floor to the Secretary-General who provides an update on the CGM Programme. He gives an account on the recent Programme developments, including the Release 1.2, the positive testing outcome of the CGM Build Process showing the readiness of the central system, the status of the Physical Communication Network (PCN) and the release of the 2.0 version that 2 includes an extended security plan. He then reports on the financial aspects of the Programme in light of the ENTSO-E Budget 2020. He concludes by stressing the Programme commitment to the Programme Plan schedule and budget. Decision • The Assembly acknowledges the CGM Programme status update. 7. System Operation Regions - update on public consultation process including the outcome of the shadow opinion received from ACER and exchanges with EC The President gives the floor to the Chair of the System Operations Committee, who provides an update on the proposal for the definition of System Operation Regions (SOR) that is to be submitted for ACER approval in January 2020. The Chair of the System Operations Committee explains the main content of the proposal which is to specify the geographical scope of cooperative technical processes requiring coordination between TSOs. He outlines the main questions related to the proposal as discussed through public consultation and exchanges with ACER and the European Commission and confirms that all questions have been satisfactorily resolved. Decision • The Assembly takes note of the reporting, including the fact that the System Operation Regions proposal shall be submitted to SOC for approving its submission to ACER in January. 8. Ukrenergo’s inclusion in the Inter-TSOs Compensation (ITC) mechanism – for Assembly approval By letter of August 2019, Ukrenergo asked clarification of the criteria to participate in the Inter- Transmission system operator Compensation mechanism (ITC mechanism). The matter is discussed by Assembly members. Decision The Assembly: • takes note of the 3 August 2019 Ukrenergo’s letter asking to clarify the specific criteria to be met in order to participate in the inter-transmission system operator compensation (ITC) mechanism; and • recommends that the Board issues a letter to Ukrenergo based on the historical background of the existing agreements mentioned during the meeting. 9. Agenda of the forthcoming Assembly meetings The President presents recent developments and discussions concerning the possibility to improve the efficiency of the Association and gives the floor to the General Counsel for a presentation of the current Associations voting rules. Decision The Assembly: • takes note of the proposal to increase efficiency in the Association; and 3 • takes note that the proposal presented in the session file will be consulted the LRG and the Committee Chairs and then proposed to Assembly approval in March 2020. 10. Transfer of Membership reflecting the reorganisation of the Elia Group The President gives the floor to the Elia representative. The representative explains that in the context of an ongoing reorganisation, Elia’s Belgian regulated activities will be transferred to a new entity, Elia Transmission Belgium SA/NV. She asks that in line with the ENTSO-E Articles of Association, Elia’s Membership is transferred to the new entity, subject to approval by the Assembly. Decision The Assembly: • approves the transfer by Elia System Operator SA/NV (ESO) of its ENTSO-E membership to Elia Transmission Belgium SA/NV (ETB) as of 31 December 2019 or in case of a delay, immediately as of the moment when ETB is designated as a TSO by the competent Belgian authorities; and • asks Elia System Operator SA/NV (ESO) to immediately inform the Members of ENTSO-E via email to the Secretariat ([email protected]) in case of a delay in the Elia Transmission Belgium SA/NV (ETB) designation process. 11. AOB Assembly meetings’ locations 2020 The President informs the Assembly of the locations for the 2020 Assembly meetings. Decision • The Assembly takes note of the locations for the 2020 Assembly meetings. 12. Approval of Minutes The President thanks all attendees for participation and reminds that the next meeting will take place in Zagreb on 26 March 2020. Decision • The Assembly approves the minutes of its meeting of 12 December 2019 and allows their publication on the ENTSO-E website. Done in Brussels, on 12 December 2019. Laurent SCHMITT Hervé LAFFAYE Secretary-General President 4 Assembly Meeting of 12 December 2019 Date: 12 December 2019 Time: 10:00 - 15:00 Place: Steigenberger Wiltcher's Hotel, Avenue Louise 71, 1050 Brussels, Belgium LIST OF SIGNATURES President LAFF A YE Herve RTE Members & Substitutes 1. BIERMANN Dirk 50Hertz 2. KLEINEKORTE Klaus Amprion 3. KAPETANOVIC Tahir APG 4. BOKS Varis Augstsprieguma tikls 5. KOPYTKOV A Petra CEPS 6. DERETIC Milica CGES 7. MICHELS Alex CREOS 8. TRIAROS Christos Cyprus TSO 9. KLANCNIK Jurij ELES 10. PEETERS Chris Elia 11. DJUKIC Branislav EMS 12. EGEBO Thomas Energinet 13. STOYANOV Ivan ESO-EAD 14. RUUSUNENJukka Fingrid 15. MEDIMOREC Damjan HOPS 16. MANOUSAKIS Manos* IPTO 17.
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